Senior Frontend Engineer, Senior UXUI
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- 1 Referenz
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- 10963 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
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- 11.02.2025
Auszug Referenzen (1)
"Die Zusammenarbeit war fachlich wie auch im Team hervorragend. Sein technisches Know-how ist state of the art und war für das Projekt sehr wertvoll."
6/2022 – 9/2024
Reengineering of the eHealthportal for digital identification cards in the context of the Gematik project. Keygoals are high-performance, off-loading performance from the Backend to the frontend, compliance with the WCAG 2.2 and optimized SEO for every page.
- For the customer facing portal the first task was to find the best architecture for the task. We decided for next.js, as it allows fine-tuned delivery of server or client react components, offers many caching strategies for frontend and backend, thus reducing load from the backend. We could also deliver static content, that was server-generated and deliver so a very fast customer experience while surfing the portal.
- For the administration frontend we used vite.js with react-admin. The journey was visually edited in the admin frontend with react-json-schemaform. The customer journey was developed as a lib, so the portal and the admin interface can use the lib to display the journey.
Mysql, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Identitätsmanagement, Sicherheit von Webanwendungen, Bildverarbeitung, Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Scrum, Nginx, Apache Maven, Front End, Jira, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, Json, JavaScript-Frameworks, React (JavaScript library), Web Analytics, Web Entwicklung, Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Kapazitätsplanung, Docker, Git, Kubernetes, Node.Js, Openshift, Typescript
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
11/2024 – 12/2024
- Unify 3 different chat-bots under one monorepo
- Develop a configurable library, that can be used by many chat-bots
- Allow theme customization and plugins
Senior Frontend, Tech - FE 100%
react.js, Typescript, Lerna, azure
Typescript, Microsoft Azure, React (JavaScript library)
2/2024 – 2/2025
UXUI and Branding
- Branding, personas, a style guide and brand guide
- Design system with figma
- Fully responsive with WCAG conformity
Tech - UXUI 100%
figma, Adobe CC
Headless storefront with Shopify FE & BE
- Development of a headless storefront with remix, react.js and hydrogen
- Overcome API request-limits to Shopify BE with caching and SSR to minimize pageloadtime
- Headless CMS integration
Lead Frontend Architect
Tech - FE 70% BE 30%
react.js, remix, Hydrogen, GraphQL, Apollo, kubernetes with helm and OpenShift, DevOps CI/CD, gitlab, WCAG
Graphql, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Shopify (allg.), Shopify App-Entwicklung, Shopify Designentwicklung, Shopify Marketing, Shopify Shop-Setup, Git, Typescript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Kubernetes, Openshift, React (JavaScript library), Webdesigner, Responsive Webdesign, Webdesign
6/2022 – 9/2024
Reengineering of the eHealthportal for digital identification cards in the context of the Gematik project. Keygoals are high-performance, off-loading performance from the Backend to the frontend, compliance with the WCAG 2.2 and optimized SEO for every page.
- For the customer facing portal the first task was to find the best architecture for the task. We decided for next.js, as it allows fine-tuned delivery of server or client react components, offers many caching strategies for frontend and backend, thus reducing load from the backend. We could also deliver static content, that was server-generated and deliver so a very fast customer experience while surfing the portal.
- For the administration frontend we used vite.js with react-admin. The journey was visually edited in the admin frontend with react-json-schemaform. The customer journey was developed as a lib, so the portal and the admin interface can use the lib to display the journey.
Mysql, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Identitätsmanagement, Sicherheit von Webanwendungen, Bildverarbeitung, Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Scrum, Nginx, Apache Maven, Front End, Jira, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, Json, JavaScript-Frameworks, React (JavaScript library), Web Analytics, Web Entwicklung, Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Kapazitätsplanung, Docker, Git, Kubernetes, Node.Js, Openshift, Typescript
9/2021 – 5/2022
- Redesign of the sensor metrics architecture with a scalable module approach
- Optimize output packets in terms of file size, byte-level parameterization to minimize network traffic
- TDD with test coverage of 100%
Senior Frontend
Tech - FE 100%
Javascript, Webstorm, jest, playright
Agile Methodologie, Code-Review, Confluence, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Extreme Programming, Front End, Git, JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jira, Json, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Node.Js, Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Software Quality, Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Test Automation, Testdesign (IT), Testen, Verbrauchsforschung, Web Analytics, Web Entwicklung
7/2021 – 9/2021
- Handheld PWA for logistics based on React for mobile Android-based scanning devices.
- Lay the foundation for a new team and develop the first application while introducing agile leadership and development management.
Lead Frontend
Tech - FE/App 70% BE 30%
gitlab, CICD, react, styled components, functional react, webpack, strict typescript, Cypress, Docker, cloud, gradle
Agile Methodologie, Android, Android Entwicklung, Cloud (allg.), CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Distributionslogistik, Docker, E-Commerce, Git, Handel, Internet of Things (IoT), JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jira, Json, Lagerlogistik, Lagerverwaltung, Lean Prozesse, Mobile Application Development, React (JavaScript library), React Native, Scrum, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), Typescript, Web Entwicklung, Xamarin.Android
4/2021 – 6/2021
- Responsive WCAG compliant redesign of the core container services product
- Component library/style guide in figma
- Documentation of the new design system
- Establishment of agile processes, i.e. review, handover, definition of readiness
Senior UXUI
Tech - UXUI 100%
figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, JIRA
Adobe After Effects, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite (CS), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Design Thinking, Figma, Informationsdesign, Interaction Design, Interactive design, Jira, Prototyping, Prozessmanagement, Responsive Webdesign, Screen Design, Scrum, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Webdesign
10/2020 – 4/2021
react-native iOS and Android App / Green Field
- UIUX research and design
- Optimize app-size with high usage of native libraries
- Multiple themes for osnatel, EWE and other subsidiaries.
- One repo for multiple builds
- CI CD with Azure and App-center for testing, deployment, roll-out and development
osnatel and EWE self-service portal / Green Field
- Developing a new version of the self-service portal for Osnatel (an EWE subsidiary) and introducing this new portal at EWE with a different branding
Senior Frontend Engineer
Tech - FE 90% UXUI 10%
react, react-native, azure, appcenter, OAuth2, SAML2, AWS Cognito, github, tailwind, functional components, redux, redux-toolkit, OAuth2, SAML2, AWS Cognito, UXUI Research
Agile Methodologie, Android, Android Entwicklung, Apache Maven, Apache Tomcat, Confluence, Figma, Front End, Git, HTML, HTML5, iOS, JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jira, Json, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Microsoft Azure, Mobile Application Development, React (JavaScript library), React Native, Responsive Webdesign, Typescript, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web Entwicklung, Webdesign, Xamarin, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin Plattform
12/2019 – 10/2020
- Establish processes in the company, design thinking and optimize handovers between product, UXUI and coding
- Develop new architecture for the core product and implement new features
- Develop a new scalable UXUI, design and branding of the core product with research, design system and brand guide
Lead Frontend, Frontend Architect / Green Field
Tech - 70% FE 30% BE
vue.js, vuex, apollo, GraphQL, BEMIT, SASS, webpack, azure, typescript, cypress
Lead UXUI, Branding / Green Field
Tech - 100% UXUI
figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, JIRA, UX Research & Analysis
Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite (CS), Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Datenanalyse, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), E-Commerce, Energiemarkt, Figma, Git, Graphql, HTML, HTML5, Informationsdesign, Interaction Design, Interactive design, Internet of Things (IoT), JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jira, Json, Lean Prozesse, Lean Startup, Microsoft Azure, Nutzerforschung, Postgresql, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektplanung / -vorbereitung, Prototyping, Prozessoptimierung, Requirement Analyse, Responsive Webdesign, Screen Design, Scrum, Sketch, Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), Three.Js, Typescript, Usability Testing, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Vue.Js, Web Entwicklung, Webdesign, WebGL (Web Graphics Library)
1/2019 – 11/2019
General / Green Field
- Lead FE development of the credit card banking portal, changing the architecture with Angular
- Redesign the portal as Lead UXUI and build up a team
Lead Frontend, Tech - FE 80% BE 20%
JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, CICD, Angular, SASS, webpack, Typescript, Cypress, Docker, Bootstrap, WCAG 2
Lead UXUI, Tech - UXUI 100%
sketch, Adobe CC, inVision, WCAG 2
Adobe Creative Cloud, Agile Methodologie, Angular, AngularJS, Confluence, Docker, Figma, Fremdsprachenkorrespondent, Git, HTML, HTML5, Interaction Design, JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Nutzerforschung, Online-Banking, Prototyping, Responsive Webdesign, Screen Design, Scrum, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), Typescript, Usability Testing, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Webdesign
7/2018 – 2/2019
- Building a future DB startup for a bike disposition software
- Leverage reactive frontend and backends with websocket communication in realtime and complex data viz with maps, leaflet and webgl
- Shared component library between webapp and reactnative apps
- Branded mobile delivery apps for drivers
Lead UXUI, Tech - UXUI 100%
sketch, Adobe CC, Flinto, Mockplus, Overflow, inVision
Lead Frontend ,Tech - 100% FE
vue.js, vertex.js, SASS, BEMIT, HTML5, intelliJ, git, AWS, circleci mapbox, leaflet, WebGL, rxJS.
Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite (CS), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Figma, Front End, Funktionale Programmierung, Git, HTML, HTML5, Informationsdesign, Interaction Design, Interactive design, JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jira, Json, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Lean Prozesse, Lean Startup, Node.Js, Nutzerforschung, Postgresql, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement - Konzeption / Vorgehensmodell, Projektmanagement (IT), Prototyping, Prozessmanagement, Prozessoptimierung, React (JavaScript library), React Native, Reactive Programming, Responsive Webdesign, Screen Design, Scrum, Sketch, Speditionslogistik, Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), Three.Js, Usability Testing, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Vue.Js, Web Entwicklung, Webdesign, WebGL (Web Graphics Library), Workflows
4/2018 – 7/2018
- Develop the customer portal in angular
- Define UX flow and User journey, optimize user experience for flow
- Establish design thinking and user centered design
- OAuth and security concepts for FE Architecture
Lead Frontend, Lead UXUI, Tech and Tasks - FE 50% UXUI 50%
Angular with Redux, Bitbucket, Bamboo, build pipelines, brand style guide, UX flows, UI style guide,, Flinto, Sketch, Mockplus, InVision, Scrum process refinement
Adobe Creative Suite (CS), Agile Methodologie, Angular, AngularJS, Confluence, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Design Thinking, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Digitale Transformation, Digitalisierung, Figma, Front End, Git, HTML, HTML5, Informationsdesign, Interaction Design, Interactive design, It-Beratung, JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jira, Json, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Lean Startup, Mobile Application Development, Nutzerforschung, Prototyping, Prozessoptimierung, Responsive Webdesign, Screen Design, Sicherheit von Webanwendungen, Sketch, Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), Typescript, Usability Testing, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web Entwicklung, Webdesign, Workflows
4/2017 – 4/2018
- Develop a service portal for VW FS customer to order additional services for their products
- Redesign the global customer journeys for several products for 5 brands and 25 markets with a brandable and dynamic journey
Senior Frontend, Tech
Angular SPA, Confluence, Buildpipelines, AWS, AWS Lambdas, Docker, custom CSS library for Audi brand based on Atomic Design pattern, node.js microservice development with express.js, Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, HTML, CSS, Design Thinking implementation and process definition for developer sprint and product/UX UI sprint
Lead UXUI (8 UXUI‘ler Departmentsize 100 people), Tech
Sketch, Mockplus, Invision, Adobe CC, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS
Adobe Analytics, Adobe Creative Suite (CS), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Agile Methodologie, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Angular, AngularJS, Balsamiq, Cloud (allg.), Confluence, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Docker, Extreme Programming, Figma, Front End, Funktionale Programmierung, Git, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, HTML, HTML5, Informationsdesign, Interaction Design, Interactive design, JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jira, Json, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Mobile Application Development, Node.Js, Nutzerforschung, Proof of Concept (POC), Prototyping, Prozessoptimierung, React (JavaScript library), Reactive Programming, Responsive Webdesign, Screen Design, Scrum, Selenium, Sketch, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), Typescript, Usability Testing, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web Analytics, Web Entwicklung, Webdesign, Workflows
9/2016 – 5/2017
- Frontendcomponent development, Management
- Frontend development, components, architecture, design of the new website for listing used vehicles with a focus on responsiveness and accessibility
Senior Frontend, Tech
Kanban, JIRA, Jenkins, Maven, git, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Webdesign, UX, SOY Templates, ES6, Kanban, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Webdesign, react.js, redux
Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), DevOps, Extreme Programming, Figma, Git, HTML, HTML5, Interaction Design, JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jira, Jquery, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Mobile Application Development, Node.Js, Prototyping, React (JavaScript library), Scrum, SQL, Typescript, Web Entwicklung
5/2016 – 9/2016
- Develop the final components for the go live of the new n24 Welt webpage
Tech - 60% FE 40% BE
Scrum, JIRA,Typescript, HTML, CSS, Sass, Scala, Scala Play
Agile Methodologie, Confluence, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Front End, Funktionale Programmierung, Git, HTML, HTML5, Java (allg.), JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jenkins, Jira, Json, Node.Js, React (JavaScript library), Reactive Programming, Responsive Webdesign, Scala, Scrum, Selenium, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), Typescript, Web Entwicklung
4/2014 – 4/2016
- Frontend component development, CICD, Management
- Visual Design, UX Design, Concepts, Prototyping, Frontenddevelopment, - Slidercomponent, Blog with new CMS
- UXUI Redesign of the start page
- Development of the new start page with big data and elastic search
- Development of the new wishlist
Senior Frontend, Tech
Scrum, JIRA, Confluence, Jenkins, Maven, git, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Webdesign, Accessability Design, UX, WCAG, Scrumban, react.js, redux, Webcomponents, Radical Agility, gulp, Karma, Mocha, backbone.js, Mustache, Handlebars, KAnban
Senior UXUI, Tech
Sketch, Adobe CC
Adobe Photoshop, Agile Methodologie, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Apache Maven, Betriebssysteme, Cloud (allg.), Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Design Thinking, DevOps, Docker, Front End, Funktionale Programmierung, Git, HTML5, Interaction Design, Java (allg.), JavaScript, JavaScript-Frameworks, Jenkins, Jira, Jquery, Json, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Mariadb, Mobile Application Development, Mongodb, Nginx, Node.Js, Nutzerforschung, Postgresql, Prototyping, React (JavaScript library), Reactive Programming, Scala, Scrum, Sketch, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), Typescript, Usability Testing, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web Entwicklung
7/2011 – 1/2012
- Development of a new UXUI for the global webpage of RaySafe.
- Integrate a CMS for easy content management.
Senior UXUI, Senior Fullstack, Tech
Conception, Screendesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, UXUI, Webdevelopment, Research, CMS integration, PHP, JS, HTML5, responsive webdesign, WCAG, Typo3
Adobe Creative Suite (CS), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML5, JavaScript, Responsive Webdesign, Screen Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)
Über mich
In parallel I am working as a designer with a strong emphasis in user experience and user interface design, research and analysis.
Combining these skills enables me to push products to be more successful with technical efficient solutions and strategies that are result driven.
Weitere Kenntnisse
UXUI, Sketch, Axure, Figma, UX research, heuristic evaluation, prototyping, wireframing, user stories, research, WCAG 2.2, corporate design, branding & marketing
next.js, remix, astro,
vue.js, react.js, angular, solid,
redux, vert.x, react-json-schemaforms, react-admin,
vite.js, webpack, node.js, bun, denode,
Javascript, Typescript
Magento 2 headless, Shopify headless, hydrogen
payload cms, prismic, contentful, storyblok, Adobe Experience Manager & Analytics
CSS, SASS, tailwind, SEO, HTML5, PWA, SEO, schema.org, WCAG
Responsive Webdesign, PWA
react-native, nativescript, webapps for Android, iOS, SPA, PWA, flutter, dart, go
Graphql, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB, NoSQL, IndexDB, Replication, Liquibase
node, express, go lang, PHP, REST, SOAP, vert.x, websockets
DevOps CI/CD
AWS, azure, Google Cloud, Circle CI, gitlab, git,
CI/CD, Container, Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Swarm, Helm, Openshift, terraform,
Linux Shell, Linux Administration,
nginx, Apache, caddy, Loadbalancing & Clustering
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
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