Senior Technology Director | Business & Data analyst
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- 21.03.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
6/2015 – offen
TätigkeitsbeschreibungFulfilled multiple engagement with a global banking and financial services company with a network spanning 50 markets in 17 countries, worked in both Italy and Germany on regulatory compliance, change and transformation engagements, and engaged with senior level stakeholders.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenMeldewesen (Bank), Risikomanagement (Finan.), Datenanalyse, Projektmanagement (IT), Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Prozessoptimierung, Business Analysis
11/2014 – offen
Formally engaged on multiple occasions with this leading provider of services relating to ICT, Operations, instrumental in seamless design, development and lifecycle delivery of transformation and change lifecycles to support business requirements.
Managed €multi-million portfolio of projects to deliver technical solutions and improvements for an upgrade credit risk management and regulatory reporting system spanning 15 European countries, directed multi-cultural virtual teams.
Meldewesen (Bank), Risikomanagement (Finan.), Datenanalyse, Projektmanagement (IT), Change Management, Transformation Management, Business Analysis
4/2010 – 11/2011
TätigkeitsbeschreibungUndertook assignment as Solution Architect in global information technology services provider, worked on major transformation programme and led elicitation of requirements and solution architecture for consolidation of group financial risk management systems and processes.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRisikomanagement (Finan.), Datenanalyse, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Software Architecture, Software engineering / -technik, Business Analysis
11/2009 – 9/2010
TätigkeitsbeschreibungJoined mobile telecommunications company to drive solution design and delivery for Vodafone’s innovation lab, as part of strategic requirement to explore new business opportunities relating to utilisation of data generated by wireless network, responsible for architecture of analytics service.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenData Science, Predictive Analytics, Software Architecture, Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
10/2006 – 10/2009
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDuring this period, designed, developed and implemented software solutions for this French mobile handset company as part of its launch of IPTV service, and provided on-site customer support across datacentre, telecom fixed, WAN, backbone architectures, broadband and triple play services environments, analysed issues, proposed solutions and led disaster recovery.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSoftwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.)
Henley on Thames
Über mich
Eine leistungsstarke Kombination aus technologischem und wirtschaftlichem Know-how ermöglicht es mir, Unternehmen fundierte und effektive Lösungen anzubieten. Ich verwende einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz und schneidern IT-Systeme, die Leistung und Kundenerfahrung optimieren und dabei bemerkenswert kostengünstig sind.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Italienisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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