Requirements Management, Business Analyst
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- 24.03.2025
Auszug Referenzen (21)
10/2022 – 8/2023
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProduce consolidated completion status with details for the E1.2 Program, with bottleneck risk profiling.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Business Analysis, Compliance management, DOM (Document Object Model), Iso 26262, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Release-Management, Sicherheitsmanagement
3/2022 – 10/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungJAMA requirements management consultant, for improvement of systems engineering practices. (Part-time project)
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Requirement Analyse, Sicherheitsmanagement, Systems Engineering
2/2022 – 10/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungRelease cascade status accounting and completion level for Vehicle Functional Safety (homologation), release of regulatory/normative FuSa documents (15,000+).
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, ISO/IEC 15504, Compliance management, Continuous Delivery, Iso 26262, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Lifecycle Management, Release-Management
2/2022 – 4/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungBusiness Architect, for improvement of IBM-ELM engineering life-cycle management practices
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Lifecycle Management, Produktmanagement, Release-Management, Systems Engineering
2/2021 – 12/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProject requirements engineering and management for TCMS (Train Control Management System) in MOVIA Metro project for Agra-Kanpur, Delhi RRTS and Singapore LTA in a global program team. Support for validation and ISAC . Agile systems engineering for safety critical systems. Product Family management, variants.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Change-Request-Management, Compliance management, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Lifecycle Management, Prozessvalidierung, Requirement Analyse, Teamcenter (Siemens PLM Software), Variantenmanagement
"As stated."
3/2020 – 2/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProject requirements engineering and management for TCMS (Train Control Management System) in MOVIA Metro project for Singapore LTA in a global program team. Support for validation and assessment. Agile systems engineering for safety critical systems. Product Family management, variants. Validation. ISAC Assessment.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Change-Request-Management, Eisenbahnbau, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Requirement Analyse, Software Architecture
5/2019 – 12/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProject bids for large rail infrastructure, signalling and traffic management projects, and getting these organised in information management terms, and to be evaluated for matching with product portfolio and service solutions.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenBeschaffungsmanagement, Projekteinkauf, Informationslogistik, Kontraktlogistik, Projekt-Dokumentation, Qualitätsdokumentation, Dokumentenmanagement, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Technische Dokumentation
11/2018 – 4/2019
Bombardier RAIL, Berlin, Germany
Requirements Manager for high-speed train bid projects.
• ERA (TSI) and NNTR requirements, systemwide allocation and triage
• Dynamically drive forward the Requirements Process, and contract coverage • Provide engineering and management KPIs, mission progress and risk position
• Organise workshops and sessions for issue arbitration
Projektmanagement (IT), Compliance management, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Projektmanagement - Konzeption / Vorgehensmodell, Projektmanagement - Office, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
2/2018 – 6/2018
Introduce and establish Capability Management to drive from Strategy to Actionable items, for a global IoT and digitalization solution.
• Capability based analysis and transformation of business objectives into actionable and deliverable items
• Defining Capability Development, and Service Integration (managed services) framework for business and IT operations around the IoT/Digitalisation solution
• Defining Transition phase from program into operations, and for achieving Operational Readiness
• Cloud, Azure, ERP, PLM, CRM, IoT, industrial sensors, digital twin
Software Architecture, Serviceorientierte Architektur, System Architektur, Internet of Things (IoT), IT-Strategieberatung, Prozessmanagement, Business Analysis, eBusiness-Strategie, Kooperationen, Performance Management, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
5/2017 – 1/2018
Bombardier RAIL, Berlin, Germany
Advisory for Bombardier Rail Transportation Germany/France/UK to setup collaboration environment for partners and suppliers in region’s largest project with London Underground.
• End-to-end data exchange
• Application services and support
• Change and configuration management
• Integrity assurance
• Security
• Legal
• Service Specification, Solution Validation/Verification against capabilities and associated use cases, End-User Acceptance Testing
System Architektur, Change Management, Compliance management, Projekt-Konfigurationsmanagement, Business Analysis, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
2/2017 – 12/2017
TätigkeitsbeschreibungBusiness analyst assisting in transforming document based tender management, into using central repository for specifications, and production of tenders, and evaluations of them. Considers the nationwide ground transport infrastructure, and its project tenders and associated acquisition management.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenInformationsdesign, Projekteinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf, Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Angebotsmanagement, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
11/2015 – 2/2017
• Business and partnership development, bids and tenders for solutions in defense acquisition management. E.g. for ground based air-defense, fighter fleet.
• Focus in Strategic Acquisition Management thru Capability Management.
• Break-through deals in key focus areas (Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish Defense Forces).
Strategischer Einkauf, System Architektur, Systems Engineering, Compliance management, Business Analysis, Business Development, Fusionen und Übernahmen, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
6/2011 – 6/2015
IBM CoE for Finnish Defense Command: advisory in solutions for defense capability management and their association to drive acquisitions, including for ERP/PLM integration.
Processes, methods and IBM based solutions for supporting Capability Management of national defence and its evolution through joint defence system of systems (SoS), as per NAF (Nato architecture framework), DoD JCA (joint capability areas). Cobit.
Strategischer Einkauf, Beschaffungslogistik, Informationslogistik, Kontraktlogistik, Logistikplanung, Enterprise Resource Planning, SAP R/3, Service Management, System Architektur, IT-Strategieberatung, Solution Architektur, Enterprise project management (EPM), Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Marktstrategien umweltgerechte Produkte, Zielgruppenstrategie, Product-lifecycle-cost-management (PLCM)
2/2010 – 11/2015
BOMBARDIER Transportation, Germany, France, Sweden.
Associated Principal Consultant for IBM
As part of IBM Rational Competence Center for Bombardier IS/IT, leveraging IBM DOORS for contracts and requirements driven compliance and systems engineering processes, homologation / authorisation, verification / validation, QA, release/change management.
Formulation of commercial and business proposals, develop and act on service proposals, participate outsourcing and related sourcing / procurement engagements.
Example: End-to-end re-alignment of compliance and contract driven systems engineering processes and tools (e.g. DOORS) for safety critical software projects at Rail Control Signalling. EN50128/126 safety and security processes.
System Architektur, Change Management, Compliance management, Change-Request-Management, Projekt-Konfigurationsmanagement, Business Analysis, Auslaufmanagement, Service-Level-Management (SLA), Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
2/2009 – 5/2009
TätigkeitsbeschreibungAdvice Market Operations Business Analysis team, on enterprise wide co-ordination forums for change and requirements management (DOORS), development roadmapping and planning (with ambition set for ISO9000 and CMMi). IBM reporting and publishing solution for documentation management.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSoftware Version Control, Projekt-Dokumentation, Qualitätsdokumentation, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
6/2008 – 9/2008
CTO office
Procurement/acquisition and roll-out planning, definition of RFI/RFP/RFQs for acquisition of a corporate wide engineering management solution. System engineering process review and improvement proposals / presentations at CMMi4.
Einkaufsstrategie, Business Analysis, Produktmanagement, Requirements Management, Product Information Management, Lifecycle Management, Organisation der Produktentwicklung, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung
9/2006 – 1/2009
Technical marketing, product and portfolio management
Total solutions (processes, methods, tools, DOORS) for:
• End-to-end product management, road-mapping
• Feature enrichment, customer intimacy
• Product renewal process (end-to-end product management and R&D processes)
• Streamline mega-operator RFQ/RFP/Compliance response cycle and reporting
Workflows, Compliance management, Prozessmanagement, Business Analysis, Marktstrategien umweltgerechte Produkte, Produktmanagement, Requirements Management, Product Information Management, Lifecycle Management
9/2003 – 10/2006
Program preparation department
Acquisition processes and requirements management (DOORS) in systems engineering and programmatic control of ECSS based projects in satellite systems and applications for remote sensing and environmental monitoring applications. 7 program projects, 3-6 suppliers in each. Supplier process and reporting to EU-wide council.
Projektmanagement (IT), Workflows, Compliance management, Prozessmanagement, Business Analysis, Datenmanagement, Raumfahrttechnik, Requirements Management
2/2002 – 3/2003
Director of Engineering
R&D director for Atex, re-establishing R&D capabilities and delivery capacity for a large print media project (The Wall Street Journal). Multi-location development. Successful transformation and program delivery. Introduction of comprehensive set of processes, methods and tools for R&D, to CMMi 2. Programmatic and 3-tier architectural planning and analysis for at the time largest .NET/C# system.
Staff: 60. Boston, New Jersey, Oulu Finland, Helsinki Finland, Darmstadt Germany, Copenhagen Denmark, Oxford UK. Budget: 30 MUSD
Software Architecture, Software engineering / -technik, System Architektur, Organisationsentwicklung, Leistungsbewertung, Requirements Management, Organisation der Produktentwicklung
11/1998 – 2/2002
Aug 2000 - Jan 2002 Sweden, Germany
Ericsson and Vodafone (Germany): Product and systems management for 3GPP mobile network and applications frameworks. Multi-billion bids and tenders. Assessments of contract coverage.
Nov 1998 – Aug 2000. Sweden, USA
• At Ericsson, member of CEO tasked Product and Business Management transformation teams at business unit for North-American markets, management of mobile network systems portfolio.
• Large and complex bids and proposals. Change of mobile network business model to software enabled capacity license. Portfolio renewal.
• Corporate tool owner for DOORS, Requirements Management Framework at Ericsson
Planung / Kontrolle Auslandsaktivitäten, Systems Engineering, Netzwerkarchitektur, OSI (Open Systems Interconnection Model), Projektplanung / -vorbereitung, Business Analysis, Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Produktmanagement, Requirements Management
11/1996 – 11/1998
• Technical product manager at Ericsson for 3rd party products and technology sourcing, business partners at their Business Unit for Americas.
• Development of PrePaid business and roll-out, growing from 0 to 800 MUSD business.
• Corporate tool owner for DOORS, Requirements Management Framework at Ericsson
Planung / Kontrolle Auslandsaktivitäten, System Architektur, Systems Engineering, Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Marktstrategien umweltgerechte Produkte, Produktmanagement, Requirements Management
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
8/2023 – offen
Bahnsystem, Lokomotiven. Rail systems, Locomotives.
Requirements Management for Product Family and Release Management, support for authorisation/homologation.
Requirements Management, Change-Request-Management, Compliance management, Reporting, Requirement Analyse
10/2022 – 8/2023
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProduce consolidated completion status with details for the E1.2 Program, with bottleneck risk profiling.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Business Analysis, Compliance management, DOM (Document Object Model), Iso 26262, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Release-Management, Sicherheitsmanagement
3/2022 – 10/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungJAMA requirements management consultant, for improvement of systems engineering practices. (Part-time project)
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Requirement Analyse, Sicherheitsmanagement, Systems Engineering
2/2022 – 10/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungRelease cascade status accounting and completion level for Vehicle Functional Safety (homologation), release of regulatory/normative FuSa documents (15,000+).
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, ISO/IEC 15504, Compliance management, Continuous Delivery, Iso 26262, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Lifecycle Management, Release-Management
2/2022 – 4/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungBusiness Architect, for improvement of IBM-ELM engineering life-cycle management practices
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Lifecycle Management, Produktmanagement, Release-Management, Systems Engineering
2/2021 – 12/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProject requirements engineering and management for TCMS (Train Control Management System) in MOVIA Metro project for Agra-Kanpur, Delhi RRTS and Singapore LTA in a global program team. Support for validation and ISAC . Agile systems engineering for safety critical systems. Product Family management, variants.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Change-Request-Management, Compliance management, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Lifecycle Management, Prozessvalidierung, Requirement Analyse, Teamcenter (Siemens PLM Software), Variantenmanagement
3/2020 – 2/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProject requirements engineering and management for TCMS (Train Control Management System) in MOVIA Metro project for Singapore LTA in a global program team. Support for validation and assessment. Agile systems engineering for safety critical systems. Product Family management, variants. Validation. ISAC Assessment.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRequirements Management, Change-Request-Management, Eisenbahnbau, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Requirement Analyse, Software Architecture
5/2019 – 12/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProject bids for large rail infrastructure, signalling and traffic management projects, and getting these organised in information management terms, and to be evaluated for matching with product portfolio and service solutions.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenBeschaffungsmanagement, Projekteinkauf, Informationslogistik, Kontraktlogistik, Projekt-Dokumentation, Qualitätsdokumentation, Dokumentenmanagement, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Technische Dokumentation
11/2018 – 4/2019
Bombardier RAIL, Berlin, Germany
Requirements Manager for high-speed train bid projects.
• ERA (TSI) and NNTR requirements, systemwide allocation and triage
• Dynamically drive forward the Requirements Process, and contract coverage • Provide engineering and management KPIs, mission progress and risk position
• Organise workshops and sessions for issue arbitration
Projektmanagement (IT), Compliance management, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Projektmanagement - Konzeption / Vorgehensmodell, Projektmanagement - Office, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
2/2018 – 6/2018
Introduce and establish Capability Management to drive from Strategy to Actionable items, for a global IoT and digitalization solution.
• Capability based analysis and transformation of business objectives into actionable and deliverable items
• Defining Capability Development, and Service Integration (managed services) framework for business and IT operations around the IoT/Digitalisation solution
• Defining Transition phase from program into operations, and for achieving Operational Readiness
• Cloud, Azure, ERP, PLM, CRM, IoT, industrial sensors, digital twin
Software Architecture, Serviceorientierte Architektur, System Architektur, Internet of Things (IoT), IT-Strategieberatung, Prozessmanagement, Business Analysis, eBusiness-Strategie, Kooperationen, Performance Management, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
5/2017 – 1/2018
Bombardier RAIL, Berlin, Germany
Advisory for Bombardier Rail Transportation Germany/France/UK to setup collaboration environment for partners and suppliers in region’s largest project with London Underground.
• End-to-end data exchange
• Application services and support
• Change and configuration management
• Integrity assurance
• Security
• Legal
• Service Specification, Solution Validation/Verification against capabilities and associated use cases, End-User Acceptance Testing
System Architektur, Change Management, Compliance management, Projekt-Konfigurationsmanagement, Business Analysis, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
2/2017 – 12/2017
TätigkeitsbeschreibungBusiness analyst assisting in transforming document based tender management, into using central repository for specifications, and production of tenders, and evaluations of them. Considers the nationwide ground transport infrastructure, and its project tenders and associated acquisition management.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenInformationsdesign, Projekteinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf, Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Angebotsmanagement, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
11/2015 – 2/2017
• Business and partnership development, bids and tenders for solutions in defense acquisition management. E.g. for ground based air-defense, fighter fleet.
• Focus in Strategic Acquisition Management thru Capability Management.
• Break-through deals in key focus areas (Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish Defense Forces).
Strategischer Einkauf, System Architektur, Systems Engineering, Compliance management, Business Analysis, Business Development, Fusionen und Übernahmen, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
6/2011 – 6/2015
IBM CoE for Finnish Defense Command: advisory in solutions for defense capability management and their association to drive acquisitions, including for ERP/PLM integration.
Processes, methods and IBM based solutions for supporting Capability Management of national defence and its evolution through joint defence system of systems (SoS), as per NAF (Nato architecture framework), DoD JCA (joint capability areas). Cobit.
Strategischer Einkauf, Beschaffungslogistik, Informationslogistik, Kontraktlogistik, Logistikplanung, Enterprise Resource Planning, SAP R/3, Service Management, System Architektur, IT-Strategieberatung, Solution Architektur, Enterprise project management (EPM), Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Marktstrategien umweltgerechte Produkte, Zielgruppenstrategie, Product-lifecycle-cost-management (PLCM)
2/2010 – 11/2015
BOMBARDIER Transportation, Germany, France, Sweden.
Associated Principal Consultant for IBM
As part of IBM Rational Competence Center for Bombardier IS/IT, leveraging IBM DOORS for contracts and requirements driven compliance and systems engineering processes, homologation / authorisation, verification / validation, QA, release/change management.
Formulation of commercial and business proposals, develop and act on service proposals, participate outsourcing and related sourcing / procurement engagements.
Example: End-to-end re-alignment of compliance and contract driven systems engineering processes and tools (e.g. DOORS) for safety critical software projects at Rail Control Signalling. EN50128/126 safety and security processes.
System Architektur, Change Management, Compliance management, Change-Request-Management, Projekt-Konfigurationsmanagement, Business Analysis, Auslaufmanagement, Service-Level-Management (SLA), Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
2/2009 – 5/2009
TätigkeitsbeschreibungAdvice Market Operations Business Analysis team, on enterprise wide co-ordination forums for change and requirements management (DOORS), development roadmapping and planning (with ambition set for ISO9000 and CMMi). IBM reporting and publishing solution for documentation management.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSoftware Version Control, Projekt-Dokumentation, Qualitätsdokumentation, Requirements Management, Anforderungsspezifikationen
6/2008 – 9/2008
CTO office
Procurement/acquisition and roll-out planning, definition of RFI/RFP/RFQs for acquisition of a corporate wide engineering management solution. System engineering process review and improvement proposals / presentations at CMMi4.
Einkaufsstrategie, Business Analysis, Produktmanagement, Requirements Management, Product Information Management, Lifecycle Management, Organisation der Produktentwicklung, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung
9/2006 – 1/2009
Technical marketing, product and portfolio management
Total solutions (processes, methods, tools, DOORS) for:
• End-to-end product management, road-mapping
• Feature enrichment, customer intimacy
• Product renewal process (end-to-end product management and R&D processes)
• Streamline mega-operator RFQ/RFP/Compliance response cycle and reporting
Workflows, Compliance management, Prozessmanagement, Business Analysis, Marktstrategien umweltgerechte Produkte, Produktmanagement, Requirements Management, Product Information Management, Lifecycle Management
9/2003 – 10/2006
Program preparation department
Acquisition processes and requirements management (DOORS) in systems engineering and programmatic control of ECSS based projects in satellite systems and applications for remote sensing and environmental monitoring applications. 7 program projects, 3-6 suppliers in each. Supplier process and reporting to EU-wide council.
Projektmanagement (IT), Workflows, Compliance management, Prozessmanagement, Business Analysis, Datenmanagement, Raumfahrttechnik, Requirements Management
2/2002 – 3/2003
Director of Engineering
R&D director for Atex, re-establishing R&D capabilities and delivery capacity for a large print media project (The Wall Street Journal). Multi-location development. Successful transformation and program delivery. Introduction of comprehensive set of processes, methods and tools for R&D, to CMMi 2. Programmatic and 3-tier architectural planning and analysis for at the time largest .NET/C# system.
Staff: 60. Boston, New Jersey, Oulu Finland, Helsinki Finland, Darmstadt Germany, Copenhagen Denmark, Oxford UK. Budget: 30 MUSD
Software Architecture, Software engineering / -technik, System Architektur, Organisationsentwicklung, Leistungsbewertung, Requirements Management, Organisation der Produktentwicklung
11/1998 – 2/2002
Aug 2000 - Jan 2002 Sweden, Germany
Ericsson and Vodafone (Germany): Product and systems management for 3GPP mobile network and applications frameworks. Multi-billion bids and tenders. Assessments of contract coverage.
Nov 1998 – Aug 2000. Sweden, USA
• At Ericsson, member of CEO tasked Product and Business Management transformation teams at business unit for North-American markets, management of mobile network systems portfolio.
• Large and complex bids and proposals. Change of mobile network business model to software enabled capacity license. Portfolio renewal.
• Corporate tool owner for DOORS, Requirements Management Framework at Ericsson
Planung / Kontrolle Auslandsaktivitäten, Systems Engineering, Netzwerkarchitektur, OSI (Open Systems Interconnection Model), Projektplanung / -vorbereitung, Business Analysis, Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Produktmanagement, Requirements Management
11/1996 – 11/1998
• Technical product manager at Ericsson for 3rd party products and technology sourcing, business partners at their Business Unit for Americas.
• Development of PrePaid business and roll-out, growing from 0 to 800 MUSD business.
• Corporate tool owner for DOORS, Requirements Management Framework at Ericsson
Planung / Kontrolle Auslandsaktivitäten, System Architektur, Systems Engineering, Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Marktstrategien umweltgerechte Produkte, Produktmanagement, Requirements Management
Espoo, Finland
Espoo, Finland
Über mich
Systems Engineering Management
Partnerships, Contracts, Acquisition Management
Requirements Management
Business Analysis and Operational Development
Product and Portfolio Management
Business Development
Weitere Kenntnisse
IBM DOORS+DXL (1996 - current), DEx (Syntell), DNG, DWA, RQM, RTC, RELM, RPE, eXchange, atego, Rhapsody, Mitovia CAMP, Sopheon Accolade, SVGC, QPR, Visio, Magic Draw, Visual Paradigm, Enterprise Architect, Aris Express, LabView, Mercury/HP Quality Center, CVS, Subversion, VSTS, Modern Requirement
Persönliche Daten
- Finnisch (Muttersprache)
- Schwedisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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