Einkauf Interim Manager | Technischer Einkäufer | Strategischer Einkäufer | Commodity Manager
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- 14.03.2025
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"Herr W. hat mit seiner zielstrebigen Herangehensweise in seiner Tätigkeit und mit hohem Engagement viele tolle Ergebnisse erzielt."
1/2010 – 12/2012
TätigkeitsbeschreibungHead of Purchasing / Sourcing with 7 subordinates and budget responsibility for direct / indirect spend, reporting of relevant KPI’s to the Managing Director; responsible for IKA subsidiaries in China / India for Procurement of direct spend including recruitment of new employees. Setting up a supply base for mechanical parts from the sketch; driving of cost reduction and value engineering activities from existing suppliers; Supplier visits and audits including know how passing of new and existing suppliers in terms of manufacturing capacity for the whole IKA group; leadership in driving functional Teams across continents, cultures and time zones.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenEinkauf (allg.), Einkaufsorganisation, Einkaufsstrategie, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Indirekter Einkauf, Konzerneinkauf, Projekteinkauf, Serieneinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
7/2019 – offen
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDefine and execute sourcing and supply strategies for mechanical parts and components, supplier development from the prototype up to the serial production; price or contract negotiations with the supplier; escalation management for overdue deliveries; leading Market Research and Analysis as well developing global sourcing potentials based on customers requirements; supplier visits and audits of new and existing suppliers including development;
Eingesetzte QualifikationenEinkauf (allg.), Einkaufsorganisation, Einkaufsstrategie, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Projekteinkauf, Serieneinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf
10/2016 – 6/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungHead of Strategic Sourcing with staffs and budgetary responsibilities for direct and indirect expenditures; defining and executing of the sourcing and supply strategies for different types of commodities especially for mechanical parts and components; reporting of relevant KPI’s to the Head of Global Supply Chain Management; Strategic Supplier Management and driving of cost optimization and value engineering activities together with R&D for mechanical parts; price or contract negotiations with the supplier; escalation management for overdue deliveries, supplier visits and audits of new and existing suppliers which were mainly in Europe located.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenEinkauf (allg.), Einkaufsorganisation, Einkaufsstrategie, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Serieneinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf
1/2015 – 9/2016
TätigkeitsbeschreibungHead of Strategic Purchasing with 7 subordinates and budgetary structuring responsibility for total direct spend of CHF 45 million; leadership in driving an intercultural Team and reporting of relevant KPI’s to the COO, strategic Supplier Management, driving of cost reduction activities; developing and implementing of sourcing and supply strategies for different types of commodities e.g. mechanical parts and components, electrical components, plastics etc.; supplier visits, price or contract negotiations and audits of new and existing manufacturers; carry out Market Research and develop global sourcing potentials.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenDirekter Einkauf, Einkauf (allg.), Einkaufsstrategie, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Serieneinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf
3/2013 – 12/2014
TätigkeitsbeschreibungResponsible for various commodities (mechanical, plastics, electrical) with a total spend of USD 37 million – suppliers were located around the world; price or contract negotiations with the suppliers; escalation management for overdue deliveries; defining and executing the sourcing and supply strategy for different commodities; reporting of relevant KPI’s to the Team leader of Global Sourcing; strategic Supplier Management in driving cost reduction activities.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenEinkauf (allg.), Einkaufsstrategie, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Projekteinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf
1/2010 – 12/2012
TätigkeitsbeschreibungHead of Purchasing / Sourcing with 7 subordinates and budget responsibility for direct / indirect spend, reporting of relevant KPI’s to the Managing Director; responsible for IKA subsidiaries in China / India for Procurement of direct spend including recruitment of new employees. Setting up a supply base for mechanical parts from the sketch; driving of cost reduction and value engineering activities from existing suppliers; Supplier visits and audits including know how passing of new and existing suppliers in terms of manufacturing capacity for the whole IKA group; leadership in driving functional Teams across continents, cultures and time zones.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenEinkauf (allg.), Einkaufsorganisation, Einkaufsstrategie, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Indirekter Einkauf, Konzerneinkauf, Projekteinkauf, Serieneinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf
1/2008 – 12/2009
TätigkeitsbeschreibungHead of Purchasing / Sourcing with subordinates and budget responsibility for direct / indirect spend; reporting of relevant KPI’s to the Corporate Director Sourcing; driving cost reduction (design to cost) activities with R&D in collaboration with the suppliers; supplier rating and analyzing the existing suppliers by price, service, punctuality and quality; developing global sourcing potentials for mechanical parts / electrical components to leverage the synergistic effects for the entire IKA group.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenEinkauf (allg.), Einkaufsorganisation, Einkaufsstrategie, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Projekteinkauf, Serieneinkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Technischer Einkauf, Outsourcing
1/2004 – 12/2007
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPlanning of production processes, development of human and material resources; monitoring the production processes and adjusting if necessary, to comply with the specified deadlines given from the customer, outsourcing of mechanical parts to third parties due to lacks of capacity; creation of pre-/ post-calculations for machinery and equipment; team Member to set up the Procurement department at the subsidiary in China which was about 50% of the working time. (including recruitment and trainings for new employees)
Eingesetzte QualifikationenDirekter Einkauf, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Outsourcing, Manufacturing Resources Planning
3/1996 – 12/2003
TätigkeitsbeschreibungManufacturing metal high precision parts and components according to the drawings
Eingesetzte QualifikationenWerkzeugbau / Werkzeugmaschinenbau
9/1992 – 2/1996
TätigkeitsbeschreibungLearning from scratch for 3.5 years different metal machining operations such as turning, milling, grinding etc. Read – understand and develop technical drawings, CNC programming
Eingesetzte QualifikationenWerkzeugbau / Werkzeugmaschinenbau
Freiburg im Breisgau
Freiburg im Breisgau
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- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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