freiberufler Senior SAP Developer ABAP auf

Senior SAP Developer ABAP

  • auf Anfrage
  • Zürich
  • Umkreis (bis 200 km)
  • de  |  en
  • 29.08.2015


Erfahrung im Design und Entwicklung komplexer Lösungen basierend auf SAP ABAP (IV/OO). 19 Jahre Erfahrung in fast allen Branchen. Spezialisiert auf technisch anspruchsvolle Aufgaben im Schnittstellen-, SOA- und Web-Umfeld.


  • SAP ABAP20 J.
  • SAP Business Connector

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

ABAP Entwickler, Basis Berater: Programmierung, Installation und Upgrades von SA
Über 40 Kunden in der Schweiz und Süddeutschland, Zürich und ca. 300km Umkreis
1/1995 – 8/2015 (20 Jahre, 8 Monate)
Banking, Healthcare, Telecom, Media, Industry, Finance, Pharma, Universities

1/1995 – 8/2015


hospINDEX Replication Server – NetWeaver based swiss drug high performance database/library
ABAP based virtual HTTP webserver with dynamic content handling
Document management system according customer requirements
BI Infopackage management and loader control cockpit
BI universal calculation engine
BI Integration and GUI between BCS/BPS, OO approach for an integration of BPS into BCS consolidation monitor, Customer Task Framework for SEM-BCS, XML based status tracking with integration to Lotus Notes
BI Automatic generation of Word Documents from BW reports, UAC Assignment Control wrapper class
BC HTML/XML high-speed generators for W3C compliant direct web publishing based on ABAP
BC Selfconfigurating system interfaces
BC RSS Feed Generator
BC Error-tolerant HTML/XML scanner and parser
CA Implementation of string related algorithms (complex pattern matching engines, levensthein, fuzzy logic, RPN VM, Dijkstra’s "shunting yard" algorithm, AES cryptographic algorithms implementation, Yubikey Secure Store and Management System, JavaScript SAP VM programming
CA Time Stamp conversion routines and interval computation classes
CA Web based server monitoring tool for large system landscapes, Web based configurable System Log CA collector/viewer for complex system landscapes
CA Web based online help desk portal, generic FTP client class
FI Financial statements and cost center reporting
FI customer, G/L and vendor analysis, XML based master and transactional data interface
FI Generators for graphical, hierarchical lists, complex time based obligo reports, Cost Center oriented FI Signature Database

Complex management information systems (including data from FI, CO, PS, MM, CA) with BI integration
MM inventory controlling, generic Materials toolbox

PS and SM cost, obligo and revenue analysis

BC MicroTMS (user friendly transportation utility), MicroWebInterface (CGI based ABAP http server)
Consolidation auxiliary databases (FI, EC-CS)
Migration tools for MM, SD, CO and FI
EC-CS MIS and language translation tools
EC-CS Version Generation Tool
IS-H hospINDEX Interface
PI HCM Adaptor Engine for Patient/Case Data Deployment Swiss CoverCard Integration
IS-H Extended dynamic Case/Patient monitor, Standard Case Monitor extensions, Tarmed Service re-referencing services,
IS-H Error tolerant Tarmed XML Service Interface (ALIS)
CA Universal ABAP Excel/Service Master Data Converter/Interface
IS-H ALIS Service Data Interface: XML Preprocessor Engine
PI Web based Patient and Case Data Post Delivery Services
PI Complex Interfaces for synchronization and replication of materials and drugs e-mediat Compendium and Brevier Viewers

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Maxdb, SAP ABAP, SAP BC-DWB, SAP Basis Administration (BC), SAP Entwicklung, SAP Beratung (allg.)


Member IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, ACM Member


Eidg. Dipl. Elektroingenieur HTL

Über mich

Sehr flexibel, innovativ und zuverlässig. Ich liefere qualitativ herausstehende Arbeiten, welche dauerhaft und Release-fest im Einsatz sind. Ich entwickle/erweitere Kundensysteme mit langjähriger Erfahrung!

Fähig und bereit Teams zu unterstützen. Ich schätze den direkten Kundenkontakt.

Weitere Kenntnisse

OS: Unix (AIX, Linux), Windows Server NT, 2k, 2k3, 2008, 2012 Oracle, MaxDB

Programming Languages: Abap/4, Abap Objects, JavaScript, C, CSS, (X/D/B)HTML, XML, SAP ST, Fortran, Pascal, Modula-2, Forth, RPN Languages, etc.

Others: XSL, I8N, HTTP, calendarical and astronomical computations, RDF/RSS, Apache, vCard, OpenID, Yubikey, GeoIP, Google Maps API, etc.

Webservices (Providers and Consumers based on ABAP Proxies incl. PI and specially designed ICF HTTP handlers). RFC, DOI (complex Excel and Word integration), SapGui Controls including UAC assignment control, colour picker, calendar and complex ALV grid programming, ICF, ICM, WAS, ITS, IGS, unicode (codepage handling and conversion), BCS (Business Communication Services, e.g. high speed E-Mail delivery), etc.
2.x to 7.4 NetWeaver
Installation, administration, tuning, troubleshooting, analysis
ABAP Workbench (reports, BSP design and development, list reporting, object oriented and dialog programming)
Internet enabling technologies, i.e. ICF/ICM, SapHttp, SapFtp, SOA, etc. SAPscript, SAPforms, PDF generation, direct binary stream printing, migration tools, workflow, LIS, LSMW, complex E-Mail generation

Module insight knowlege: IS-H, FI, CO, EC-CS, PS, ECC, TR, MM, SEM-BCS, BPS

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
Umkreis (bis 200 km)
  • Schweiz
30 Jahre (seit 01/1995)


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