Project Manager
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- 04.09.2015
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2015 – 6/2015
FATCA Program Office - Implementierung von FATCA auf der globalen Ebene
Ziel: Zentrale Koordination von FATCA Implementierung auf der divisionalen Ebene
Rolle: Direkter Support vom Program Manger
Budget: 5 500 000 CHF (2015) und 21 000 000 CHF (2014)
Meine Aufgaben:
• Einführung von Programm Office Standard-Tools und Prozessen
• Ausarbeiten von Anfragen der amerikanischen Finanzbehörde
• Koordination der FATCA - Arbeitspakete von: Business, IT-Operation und Finanzen
• Entwicklung und Einführung neuer Reporting-Struktur für BAU
• Vorbereiten und Moderieren der STC Meetings und Monitoring von Ausführung der STC-Aufgaben.
FATCA Program Office – Implementation of FATCA regulation globally in all 3 main divisions within Credit Suisse
Goal: Complete final activities of FATCA Program Office. Ensure implementation of BAU Governance Structure and ensure documented handover to the new FATCA BAU organization
Role: Program Manager Direct Support
Budget: CHF 5 500 k (2015)
CHF 21 000 k (2014)
- Ensure execution of Project Management Standards
o Roadmap design for the final stage of program activities
o Ensure continuity of status updates on divisional level (bi-weekly reporting)
o Monitor risk activities on the program level and coordinate risk management actions
o Prepare STC Meeting closing FATCA Program activities
o Monitoring budget spending and preparing annual updates on financials
o Design reporting for the future BAU FATCA activities
o Design governance of FATCA activities within Legal and Compliance department to ensure continuity of FATCA legal support after expiration of FATCA Program Mandate
o Active management of handover activities: challenging open issues during weekly calls with divisional project leads, FATCA Risk Officer and FATCA Desk lead. Ensure follow up activities with topic owners
o Ad hoc work on selected FATCA topics, e.g. investigation on how efficient is the current closing processes of FATCA non-compliant accounts
- Provide updates on Monitor`s requests with regards to FATCA activities of the bank
o Collect data from local divisions and other stakeholders
o Prepare first draft of the final document
o Participate in Review rounds with the sponsor to create final version of the official respond to the monitor
Reporting, It-Governance, Management (allg.), Risikomanagement, Sponsoring, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Indesign, Finanzen (allg.), Meldewesen (Bank)
7/2014 – 12/2014
Project Julianus – Implementation of a standard contract for 3 parties
Goal: Provide product delivery a standard contract framework covering all products and services offered by Avaloq. Ensure successful implementation of the standard framework among main stakeholders: Sales, Marketing and Legal.
Role: Project Lead and Change Manager Lead
Budget: CHF 500 k
My activities:
- Run smoothly project governance to ensure timely project delivery
o Organize and lead project team meetings; prepare and lead STC updates
o Manage requirements of primary sponsors, CEO, and other relevant stakeholders (employees and department heads)
o Ensure and coordinate smooth cooperation between departments involved (Legal, Marketing, Sales and Production). Being first point of contact in case of issue solving and managing additional expectations (beyond the project scope) of senior management
o Plan and monitor budget activities
- Create new processes (e.g. design change request process) to ensure contract maintenance and monitor adjustments of other related processes by the process owners
- Change Manager activities:
o Design Communication and Training Plan (water –fall; 3 step traing)
o Prepare sponsor`s communication to increase awareness of the project goal among stakeholders involved
o Prepare training for the Sales Department. Design training concept and provide first draft to the specialists from Marketing and Legal. Provide strong content support to Legal. Coordinate review rounds of the final product with Sales other stakeholders.
o Prepare, run and actively participate in providing training to the CEO jointly with Heads of Marketing and Legal
o Prepare and run follow up trainings jointly with Heads of Legal and Marketing
Projektmanagement (IT), Schulung / Training (IT), Change Management, Management (allg.), Projektmanagement, Sponsoring, Kommunikation (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Indesign
4/2014 – 6/2014
Due Diligence due to M&A activities of Avlaoq
Goal: 1/ BIG DUE DILLIGENCE: Coordinate smooth operation of Due Dilligence activities to ensure its timely completion and delivery of due diligence document of the acquired party.
2/ SMALL DUE DILLIGENCE: Design and provide document on financial and operational analysis of Avaloq activities for the period of last 5 consecutive years. Main document for Due Diligence negotiations with the acquired party, also used as an official shareholder update for the year 2013 and as one of the main financial documentation of Avlaoq during major discussions with potential investors.
Role: Project Lead
Budget: CHF 1000 k
- Big Due Diligence; my activities :
o Coordinate design of DD questionnaire. Set up and participate in review discussions on DD questioner with an acquired party
o Set up DD Plan for all work streams involved
o Coordinate DD activities of all work streams. Set up daily and weekly reporting update for the management on progress of DD activities
o Run weekly update meetings with all work streams
o Escalate issues to the management in case of potential risk of delivery failure
o Provide training to the work streams on documentation data base used for the purpose of documentation exchange and documentation storage. Quality Assurance of the final DD documentation
o Project Budget monitoring activities
o Review of the final DD – assessment provided by work streams. Delivery of a final DD document to the management
- Small Due Diligence my activities:
o Collect and analyze financial and operational data of Avaloq (last 5 consecutive years)
o Create document visualizing financial and operational data analysis (“Shareholder Value Update “). Provide commentary on financial analysis linked to the corporate strategy of Avaloq
o Prepare and lead review rounds with the CFO and CEO on the “Shareholder Value Update” document
o Quality Assurance of the final version of “Shareholder Value Update” document.
o Prepare and participate in a Due Diligence meeting with the acquired party.
Main goal of this meeting: analysis of “Shareholder Value Update” document and successful completion of the DD activities. Goal was achieved.
Reporting, Projektmanagement (IT), Schulung / Training (IT), Schreiben von Dokumentation, Management (allg.), Fusionen und Übernahmen, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Indesign, Finanzanalyse, Investition / Desinvestition
10/2013 – 3/2014
FATCA Implementierung, Project Mgmt. (Genf, Kunde: Globale Privatbank)
Rolle:Projekt Manager
Budget: 2 000 000 CHF
Meine Aufgaben:
• FATCA GAP Analyse
• Gestaltung der Arbeitspakete für Dokumentationsreviews der Privatkunden
• Einführung der Dokumentationsreview Methodologie und Quality Assurance
• Projekt – Teamleiter und Trainer zum Thema FATCA
FATCA Implementation Project – Wealth Mgmt. (Genève, one of the top five players in banking)
Goal: Project was targeted at implementing FATCA requirements of KYC reviews in a global bank (Genève).
Role: Project Lead
Budget: CHF 2000k
My activities:
- Work package definition and prioritization that followed the overall FATCA GAP assessment done for the client
- Definition of scope, deliverables and detailed planning for the work package “individual clients` review”
- Design, set up and communicate the case review methodology to the project stakehloders
- Team Lead, resource responsibility for 3 employees on the team
- Ensuring continues education of project team members - providing trainings to the new joiners on the team
- Monitoring process design and set up for the purpose of quality assurance
- Coordinate delivery of all initial submissions to FINMA utilizing the Quality Assurance process;
- Provide weekly updates during STC meetings on KYC reviews
- Prepare and provide reporting/statistics on ad hoc request of the client and bi-weekly on a regular basis
Reporting, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Management (allg.), Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
4/2013 – 9/2013
Post-Merger Integration, Change Mgmt., (Zürich, Kunde: globale Privatbank)
Rolle: Projekt Leiter
Budget: 1500 000 CHF
Meine Aufgaben:
• Projekt – Teamleitung von 3 Mitarbeitern
• Verantwortung für effiziente Banken - Integration
• Gestaltung vom Projekt -Plan, -Governance und -Prozessen
• Management von Stakeholdern / inhaltliche Unterstützung von Finanz und Prozess Workstreams
• Vorbereiten von Projektaudit Dokumentation und Begleitung der Audit - Prozesse
Post-merger Integration -Wealth Mgmt. (Zürich, one of the top five players in banking)
Goal: Project was targeted at integrating an entity into the client`s structure both: legally and operationally.
Role: Project Lead
Budget: CHF 1500 k
My activities:
- Secure smooth and quick integration process while coordinating activities around
o Concluding legal merger
o Completing operational integration
- Adjustment of project governance to meet changing external circumstances
- Provide the required client support to ensure smooth change management process
- Content – Support of HR, Finance, Process and Compliance work-streams
- Project plan design and set up, internal process redesign (adjustment and implementation)
- Business Case adjustments and project budget monitoring
- Overall Stakeholder Mgmt. (preparation and participation in PM- and Steering Committee-Meetings)
- Team Lead, resource responsibility for 3 headcounts on a team
- Quality assurance of project methodology tools to meet internal and external audit requirements
Projektmanagement (IT), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Change Management, Management (allg.), Fusionen und Übernahmen, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Auditor, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Finanzen (allg.)
10/2012 – 3/2013
Solvency II Implementierung, Projekt Mgmt. (München, Kunde: Globaler Versicherer)
Rolle: Projekt Leiter
Budget: 1500 000 CHF
• Projekt - Teamleitung von 5-6 Mitarbeitern
• Einführung von Projekt Management Framework (Tools und Prozesse)
• Gestaltung vom Projekt – Plan, Koordination vom Plan-Monitoring
• Einführung von Quality Assurance Prozessen bei Zusammenarbeit mit der deutschen Finanzbehörde
• Einführung von Plan view Applikationen beim Projekt – Scope Reporting
• Einführung effizienter Kommunikationsprozesse mit lokalen Business Units
Solvency II Project, Pillar II and III (München, one of the top three global players in insurance industry)
Goal: Process and methodology set up to ensure implementation of regulatory requirements for Solvency II
Role: Project Lead
Budget: CHF 1500 k
My activities
- Redesign and adjust the project governance structure meeting new project needs;
- Maintenance and execution of project management standards and processes for the purpose of:
o Project status reporting
o Risk and issue identification, monitoring and escalation
o Cost management and reporting
- Coordinate the quality review of deliverables including those to the regulator
- Ensure alignment of PII and PIII project activities via active presence in all major project meetings;
- Design and implement closing process for BaFin reporting purposes;
- Set up a communication process for local business units to ensure that group model requirements for Solvency II are met;
- Plan and monitor project budget
- Develop and implement SII implementation roadmap followed by detailed project plans for Pillar II and Pillar III work streams;
- Design and implement project reporting based on Planview applications, e.g. developing scope and finance tracking reports;
- Establish, maintain and execute a formal and evidenced Quality Assurance process for all deliverables of EY to the Client ;
- Coordinate delivery of all initial submissions to the regulator utilizing the Quality Assurance process; Design and continues improvement / automatization of the documentation delivery process upon request to the regulator
- Team Lead responsibility, running a team of 5 employees;
Reporting, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Management (allg.), Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Kommunikation (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Finanzen (allg.), Versicherungen (allg.)
10/2011 – 7/2012
TOM Implementierung, Change Mgmt. (Lichtenstein, Kunde: Int. Lebensversicherer),
Projekt Mitglied
Budget von CHF 1 500 000
Meine Aufgaben:
• Umgestaltung vom TOM von zwei Tochtergesellschaften. Ziel: Kostensenkung
• Entwicklung vom Business Case für Wachstumsstrategie in neuen Märkten Europas und Durchführung von Risiko-/Potentialanalyse
• Gestaltung neuer Pojekt - Governancestruktur / Stakeholder Mgmt. (CEO )
TOM Target Operating Model (Liechtenstein, one of top 5 insurance companies on the Swiss market, life insurance)
Budget:CHF 1 500 k
Role: Project Member
Goal: Development of Target Operating Model for restructured subsidiaries and elaboration of growth strategy for a client in life insurance business
My activities: - Participate in redesigning of operational excellence model gained at achieving economy of scales from: production volume increase, knowledge transfer and cost-savings, etc.
- Participate in development and continues adjustment of business case for new markets. This includes estimation on the following: product volumes, required investments & product interest margin
- Status quo-analysis and recommendation on opportunities/risks deriving from entering new markets and broadening the product portfolio offer on the existing markets
Hardware-Design, Projektmanagement (IT), Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Management (allg.), Projektmanagement, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Investition / Desinvestition, Versicherungen (allg.), Forschung & Entwicklung
Über mich
Ich bin seit über 8 Jahren in der Finanzbrache tätig (Banken, Versicherung und IT-Finanzunternehmen). Ich habe überwiegend in dem deutschsprachigem Raum gearbeitet: Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich. Ich habe meine Kunden und meine Arbeitgeber erfolgreich bei Ausarbeitung und Durchführung folgender Themengebiete unterstützt:
- TOM (Target Operating Model);
- Finanzprozess-Design und Implementierung;
- Projekt und Change Management;
- Solvency II und FATCA;
- Business Entwicklung / Wachstumsstrategien.
Als Projekt / Programm Manager habe ich Teams von 6 FTEs mit Budget von bis zu 1.5 Mio. USD geleitet. Ich habe mit/bei solchen Unternehmen wie: Zurich FS, Allianz, Baloise, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Avaloq, Bearing Point und Ernst & Young (EY) gearbeitet.
I have 8 years of professional experience in financial industry (insurance and banking) working in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. During that period I have provided added value to my employers as well as to my clients in the following areas:
- TOM;
- Process Design and Implementation;
- Project Management and Change Management;
- Solvency II; FATCA; Automatic Exchange of Information;
- Digital Banking
- Business Development / Growth driven Strategy.
I progressed from a role of a PMO member to a Project Manager running teams of 5-6 consultants and I took responsibility for projects with a budget of 1.5 mill USD.
Companies I worked for as an employee or as a client: Zurich FS, Allianz, Baloise, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Avaloq, Bearing Point and Ernst & Young (EY).
Weitere Kenntnisse
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (enrolled for Black Belt in Sept. 2015
Prosci (Change Management Certification)
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Russisch (Fließend)
- Polnisch (Fließend)
- Spanisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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