Produktentwicklung/-management, Qualitäts-/EHS-/Prozessmanagement, Projektleitung, After-Sales Service
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- 19.09.2018
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
5/2016 – 7/2016
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDurchführung von Risk Assessments (Risikobeurteilungen) in Bezug auf Umwelt, Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit (EHS) in Büros und Verkaufsgeschäften. Beratung der Kunden in allen EHS-Fragen.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenArbeitsplatzgestaltung, Büroplanung, Einrichtung / Ausstattung, RAMS („Zuverlässigkeit, Verfügbarkeit, Instandhaltbarkeit, Sicherheit“), Arbeitsgestaltung, ISO 14001 (Umweltmanagement), Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Sicherheitsmanagement, OHSAS 18001, Sicherheitssysteme, Sicherheitstechnik, Sicherheitskonzept, Sigeko, Sicherheits Certifikat Contraktoren (SCC), Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, Brandbekämpfungssysteme, Brandmeldeanlagen, Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit (FASi), Umweltmanagement, Umweltmanagementsysteme, Umwelt-Audit, Sicherheit Verwaltung
11/2011 – 1/2014
• Obtaining customer feedback through direct contact (also by traveling) with brand & sales managers, retailers and after-sales service worldwide; initiating and monitoring product improvement projects
• Definition and implementation of the global customer feedback and product improvement process
• Definition and implementation of quality-related processes within the SAP roll-out project
• Line managing a small staff team including staff recruitment and assessment
• Providing quality management training to 150 international marketing and sales colleagues
8D Report, Sap Qm, Workflows, Service-lifecycle-management (SLM), Teamcenter (Siemens PLM Software), Feinmechanik, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Management (allg.), Prozessmanagement, Personalwesen (allg.), Personalentwicklung, Recruiting, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Auditor, Kundendienst, Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Dienstleistung (allg.), Forschung & Entwicklung
6/2008 – 10/2011
• Responsible for the “Da Vinci” and “Portuguese” watch families
• Definition of product strategy and positioning within the IWC product portfolio and the competitive environment
• Initiating new product development by establishing the product specifications, cost targets and project schedules
• Managing all product development projects related to the “Da Vinci” and “Portuguese” families by leading and coordinating a multidisciplinary project team (industrial design, R&D, procurement, industrialization, production planning, production, test laboratory, marketing/communications, sales)
• Ensuring the supply chain for market launch and serial production quantities; providing product training
Lifecycle Management, Product Information Management, Teamcenter (Siemens PLM Software), Feinmechanik, Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (PPS), Finite-Elemente-Methoden, Technisches Testmanagement / Testkoordination, Fehlermöglichkeits- und Einfluss-Analyse (FMEA / FMECA), Solid Edge, CAD (computer-aided design), Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Management (allg.), Prozessmanagement, Fehlermöglichkeits- und -einflussanalyse (FMEA), Marketing, Produktmanagement, Kommunikation (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Industrielles Design, Design (allg.), Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Beschaffungsmanagement, Supply-Chain-Management (SCM), Lieferantenmanagement (allg.), Lieferantenbewertung, Lieferantenanalyse, Forschung & Entwicklung
6/2005 – 5/2008
• Globally responsible for all research and development processes within the company’s power service sector, in particular product development and innovation processes
• Implementing new/improved processes globally, together with their supporting workflow databases
• Delivering appropriately devised training (in English, German, French and Spanish) to facilitate these roll-outs
• Conducting detailed audits to ascertain the eventual impact and value of the new processes
Projects include:
• Global implementation of the innovation process – now productively adopted worldwide – plus the supervision of an associated master’s thesis and presentation of papers at international scientific conferences on R&D/Innovation Management
• Successful development and implementation of the power service sector’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Strategy and its corresponding processes
• The development of a global knowledge management process and IT system in conjunction with the implementation of an Expert Development Program for the sector’s 17,000 employees
Workflows, Kraftwerksbau, Biokraftstoffe, Kraftwerkstechnik, Lifecycle Management, Product Information Management, Anlagen-Engineering, Strömungsmaschinenbau / Turbomaschine, Maschinenbau, Kraftwerksanlagenbau, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Management (allg.), Prozessmanagement, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Auditor, Kommunikation (allg.), Konfliktlösung, Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Dienstleistung (allg.), Forschung & Entwicklung
12/2002 – 5/2005
• Responsible for generating target setting, monitoring and business process improvements within a power plant service unit covering engineering, logistics, sales and project management (100 employees)
• Leading, motivating, and delegating work to a small staff team, and developing their skills
• Process design, implementation and training internally as well as conducting audits internally, on supplier sites and on power plant construction sites; preparation of external audits
• Managing and refining Quality, Environment, Health and Safety issues in all parts of the organization
• Organizing and facilitating staff meetings and workshops as an integral part of ongoing improvement projects
• Preparing a detailed annual quality report and management review in addition to regular reporting
Projects include:
• A Six Sigma Black Belt project to reduce the duration of a power plant overhaul inspection by 20–25%, resulting in savings of 500,000 euros. Project management of the three very successful pilot inspection outages executed on a power plant in Malaysia.
Workflows, Kraftwerksbau, Baustelleneinrichtung, Kraftwerkstechnik, Lifecycle Management, Bauleitung / Baustellenleitung, Anlagen-Engineering, Strömungsmaschinenbau / Turbomaschine, Maschinenbau, Kraftwerksanlagenbau, ISO 14001 (Umweltmanagement), Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Sicherheitsmanagement, OHSAS 18001, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Technischer Vertrieb, Prozessmanagement, Umweltmanagement, Personalentwicklung, Recruiting, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), DIN EN ISO 14001, Auditor, DIN EN ISO 9001, Produktmanagement, Vertrieb (allg.), Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Dienstleistung (allg.), Einkauf (allg.), Logistik (Allg.), Supply-Chain-Management (SCM), Forschung & Entwicklung, Gesundheitsmanagement, Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
3/2001 – 11/2002
• Responsible for quality management within a power plant engineering unit (> 300 employees in France and Switzerland)
• Driving continuous improvement in all procedures, work instructions and templates, and ensuring their proper accessibility via the company intranet
• Delivering quality management training to 440 staff members in English, German and French
• Global harmonization of the engineering processes with the French, Italian, British, Malaysian and American engineering units
• Line managing a small staff team and involved in staff recruitment and assessment
• Conducting internal process audits, and preparing the annual quality report and management review
Projects include:
• A Six Sigma Black Belt project leading a multidisciplinary team to improve the content quality and timeliness of Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), leading to savings of over 400,000 euros
Workflows, Kraftwerksbau, Kraftwerkstechnik, Lifecycle Management, Product Information Management, Anlagen-Engineering, Strömungsmaschinenbau / Turbomaschine, Maschinenbau, Kraftwerksanlagenbau, ISO 14001 (Umweltmanagement), Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Sicherheitsmanagement, OHSAS 18001, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Prozessmanagement, Umweltmanagement, Personalwesen (allg.), Personalentwicklung, Recruiting, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), DIN EN ISO 14001, Auditor, DIN EN ISO 9001, Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Forschung & Entwicklung, Gesundheitsmanagement, Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
4/2000 – 12/2001
• Editor-in-chief of the internal Global Engineering newsletter; using confident language skills to communicate quality management and processes to a diverse workforce
• Project manager for the design, development and successful implementation of a new capacity planning tool
• Project manager of a cooperation with the University of St Gallen on knowledge management
• Assessor and role player within Leadership Development Centers
Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Workflows, Kraftwerksbau, Kraftwerkstechnik, Lifecycle Management, Product Information Management, Strömungsmaschinenbau / Turbomaschine, Maschinenbau, Kraftwerksanlagenbau, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Prozessmanagement, Personalwesen (allg.), Personaleinsatz, Personalentwicklung, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Kommunikation (allg.), Interne Kommunikation, Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Mediation, Forschung & Entwicklung
3/1999 – 7/1999
TätigkeitsbeschreibungResearching and constructing a detailed business plan for the firm’s new product development and manufacturing venture (master's thesis)
Eingesetzte QualifikationenProduktionstechnik (allg.), Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Vertrieb (allg.), Finanzierung, Recht (allg.), Dienstleistung (allg.), Forschung & Entwicklung
6/1997 – 9/1997
SQL, Lifecycle Management, Product Information Management, Maschinenbau, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Forschung & Entwicklung
10/1996 – 2/1997
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDiplomarbeit "Dynamisches Knicken von Setzbolzen"
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSimulink, Maschinenbau, Finite-Elemente-Methoden, Technisches Testdesign, CAD (computer-aided design), Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Forschung & Entwicklung
2/1996 – 3/1996
Finite Elemente Methode FEM
Leichtindustrie, Automobildesign, Maschinenbau, Finite-Elemente-Methoden, Pro/ENGINEER, CAD (computer-aided design), Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Forschung & Entwicklung, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
7/1995 – 10/1995
Finite Elemente Methode (FEM)
dynamische Simulation von Stössen
Maschinenbau, Finite-Elemente-Methoden, Technisches Testing, CAD (computer-aided design), Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Forschung & Entwicklung
10/1993 – 7/1996
Luftfahrtmechanik, Maschinenbau, Finite-Elemente-Methoden, Pro/ENGINEER, CAD (computer-aided design), CADAM (computer augmented drafting and manufacturing), CATIA, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Forschung & Entwicklung
8/1992 – 9/1992
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAutomobildesign, Fertigungstechnik (allg.), Schweißtechnik / Schweißen (allg.), Dreherei, Computerized numerical control (CNC), Produktionstechnik (allg.)
Uni Lausanne
London, Ontario
ETH Zürich
Über mich
– Interim-Management von Projekten (z.B. Produktentwicklungsprojekten) oder Organisationseinheiten
– Prozessverbesserungsprojekte
– Schulungen, Training, Seminare in meinen Fachgebieten (auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch)
– Audits (interne Prozessaudits, Sicherheitsaudits, Lieferantenaudits, Baustellenaudits, Fabrikaudits)
– Workshop-Organisation und -Moderation
– Coaching
Bisherige Schlüsselpositionen:
– Department Manager After-Sales Quality
– Senior Product Manager
– R&D Processes and Intellectual Property Manager
– Quality and Process Improvement Manager
– “Der Schutzbereich von Patenten”, mit F. Dolder, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Cologne, 1. Auflage 1998, 2. Auflage 2004, 3. Auflage 2010
– “Improving the Performance of a Multinational, Intranet-based Idea Management System”, mit P. Gomez de Ayala, C. Kobe, S. Hess, 8th International Continuous Innovation Network Conference, Gothenburg, 2007
– “Achieving Effective Innovation Through Collaboration in a Global R&D Organisation: ALSTOM Power Service’s PowerInnovation Process”, mit G. Tovstiga, S. Hess, R&D Management Conference, Bremen, 2007
– “Übungen in Maschinenkonstruktion”, AMIV-Verlag, Zurich, 1994
Weitere Kenntnisse
– Produktentwicklung, Produktmanagement
– Prozessverbesserung, Six Sigma, Qualitäts-, Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsmanagement
– After-Sales Service, Customer Service
– Projektmanagement
– Gewerbliche Schutzrechte (Intellectual Property Rights IPR)
– Innovations- und Ideenmanagement
– Wissensmanagement
– 5.7 Jahre in der Luxus-Uhrenindustrie (IWC Schaffhausen)
– 8 Jahre in der Kraftwerksindustrie (ALSTOM Power)
– Automobilindustrie (BMW, Audi)
– Befestigungstechnikindustrie (Hilti)
– Bekleidungsindustrie (F. design)
– Öl- und Gasindustrie (Global Energy Co.)
– Diplom-Maschineningenieur ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Schweiz)
– M.Sc. in International Management (Université de Lausanne, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales HEC, Schweiz)
– Six Sigma Black Belt (ALSTOM)
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Fließend)
- Spanisch (Gut)
- Griechisch (Gut)
- Italienisch (Gut)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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