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SAP PLM Consultant

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  • 5657D Eindhoven
  • Europa
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  • 22.04.2023


I am a senior SAP Business and Application Consultant in the area of Product Data Management (PDM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).


  • SAP ABAP6 J.
  • SAP Product Lifecycle Management9 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

SAP PLM Consultant
McLaren, Woking
8/2014 – 1/2015 (6 Monate)

8/2014 – 1/2015


Currently, McLaren Automotive uses a legacy system MAXIM which has an online asynchronous interface with VPM/CATIA (Virtual Product Modeling). The current MAXIM2VPM-interface must be replaced with a new interface: SAP-VPM/CATIA. Product- and Assembly-Structures based on iPPE-Structures must be replicated online in VPM/CATIA.

Design and implementation of a new SAP-VPM/CATIA Interface application:
• Design of the software architecture, based on ABAP Objects,
• Create technical specifications including unit test specifications,
• Implement new SAP2VPM Interface core functions using ABAP Objects (ABAP-Interfaces, Class-Hierarchies, etc.),
• Implement connection to SAP-PI using ABAP-Proxies,
• Design and implement exception handling (Class-Exceptions),
• Design and implement application logging,
• Design/implement/integrate new Webdynpro Components,
• Implement Enhancements in standard PLM7.02 Webdynpro,
• Execute technical/unit tests,
• Execute functional tests,
• Support offshore development team in India.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP ABAP, Web Dynpro, SAP Beratung (allg.), SAP Product Lifecycle Management, Software Architecture

SAP PLM Consultant
Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen
3/2014 – 10/2014 (8 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

3/2014 – 10/2014


Carl Zeiss AG implemented an Engineering Change Management (ECM) process based on the Engineering Record/Process Layer in SAP PLM7.02 (running on SAP ECC6.0 with Enhancement Package 6). End users are accessing SAP PLM7.02 functions through NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) 4.0. Furthermore Carl Zeiss has also implemented SAP Embedded Search (SES) using the SAP-TREX search-engine.
SAP PLM Application Consultant, ABAP Consultant
Support, test and enhance the rollout of the new ECM process to other lines of business. Investigate and implement performance improvement measures.

Activities included:
• Development of enhanced PLM7.02 ECM-Process functionality,
• Create functional- and technical specifications,
• Failure analysis and solution proposals,
• Implement solutions (Customizing, ABAP OO),
• Execute technical- and functional tests,
• Design/implement performance improvement measures (report to delete table entries),
• Roll-out support,
• End-user support.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP ABAP, SAP Rollout, SAP BC-CUS (Customizing), SAP Product Lifecycle Management

SAP PLM Consultant
DB Systel, Frankfurt am Main
3/2013 – 8/2014 (1 Jahr, 6 Monate)

3/2013 – 8/2014


DB Systel GmbH developed for Deutsche Bahn the WeDoiT System/process. The main objective of the WeDoiT is to maintain (historical) vehicle-configuration and -documentation. The WeDoiT System/process then allows the user to retrieve actual or historical configuration-information including valid documents. WeDoiT is based on SAP-iPPE Structures, where the different vehicle types and configurations (e.g. the high-speed ICE train) are modeled in various iPPE Product Variant Structure (PVS) models.
SAP PLM/iPPE Consultant, ABAP Consultant
During the period I had three assignments:

1. Investigate/improve PDN WeDoiT System/process performance.
After two years of operation, the WeDoiT System suffers from a decreased performance.
2. Development/implementation of a new search for documents stored in the WeDoiT system.
3. Development/implementation of the DPC (DokumentenPrüfCenter).
The DPC is a documents inspection process, where documentation from the supplier is submitted to a quality inspection process. The quality inspection process is controlled/monitored by a customer specific DPC-dashboard program supported by customer workflow processes.
Activities included:
WeDoiT System/process performance
• Investigation of WeDoiT system performance,
• Provided solutions in restructuring the iPPE-Structures and adjustments of dependent processes,
• Preparation and ABAP-programming of the iPPE-restructuring programs,
• Adjust iPPE-customizing and adjust supporting customer programs.
Document search:
• Develop the programming- and technical test specifications for the Extended Document Search (Erweiterte Suchhilfe),
• Performed the technical tests and made the necessary adjustments in the report program (ABAP, ALV-screens).
• Create functional- and programming-specifications for the DPC (DokumentenPrüfCenter),
• Development of new BOR (Business Object Repository) objects including the required ABAP programming,
• Modeling and implementation of the customer workflows using SAP Business Workflow,
• Execute technical- and functional tests,
• Support offshore development team in India.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP ABAP, SAP WF, SAP BC-CUS (Customizing), SAP Beratung (allg.), SAP Product Lifecycle Management

SAP PLM Consultant
Siemens, Duisburg
9/2008 – 2/2013 (4 Jahre, 6 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

9/2008 – 2/2013


In 2006 Siemens Energy Oil&Gas started the ATLAS-project. The main objective of the ATLAS-project is to harmonize existing business processes in the different locations of the Siemens Energy Oil&Gas division. Also, the ATLAS SAP-Template was developed in order to implement/support the harmonized business processes.
I joined the ATLAS-project in September 2008 during the roll-out preparation phase for Finspang (Sweden).
The ATLAS SAP-system went live in October 2009 in Finspang (Sweden). The locations Görlitz and Nürnberg (both in Germany) went live in May 2011. The locations Duisburg (DE)/Hengelo (NL)/Erlangen (DE) went live in October 2102, and finally, the last site Brno (Czech Republic) went live in February 2013.
SAP PLM Application Consultant, ABAP Consultant, SAP PLM Support Consultant
Advise the SAP PLM business team on feasibility of proposed business solutions and implement these solutions.
Actively support the ATLAS-maintenance/support group in solving incidents after the initial go-live of the ATLAS-system.
SAP PLM Application Consultant:
• Advise the SAP PLM (and related) business team on feasibility of proposed business solutions,
• Prepare functional specifications, technical/programming specifications, customization specifications and test specifications,
• Customizing and customizing tests,
• Perform functional/technical tests for the RICEFW objects (Reports, Interfaces, Customizing, Enhancements, Forms and Workflows),
• ABAP programming including ABAP OO (ABAP Objects),
• Workflow modeling and workflow programming,
• Preparing training and knowledge-transfer material,
• Conduct ‘train-the-trainer’ knowledge-transfer sessions,
• Prepare data migration/conversion specifications (using also LSMW) in the area of PLM master data (Material Master, Documents, BOM, ECM, etc.),
• Conduct communications with global outsourcing.

SAP PLM Application Support Consultant:
• Actively support the ATLAS-maintenance/support group in solving incidents,
• Problem analysis/solving, debugging and ABAP programming including ABAP OO (ABAP Objects), ALV-screens, SAP Dynpro, Smartforms, BAdI, Enhancement Framework, IDoc Interface/ALE, etc.,
• SAP Workflow modeling and workflow programming,
• End-user support.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Idoc, SAP ALE, SAP ABAP, SAP Template, SAP Rollout, SAP WF, SAP BC-CUS (Customizing), SAP Beratung (allg.), SAP Product Lifecycle Management, IT-Support (allg.), Systemmigration

SAP PLM Consultant
Philips Healthcare, Best
2/2005 – 3/2008 (3 Jahre, 2 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

2/2005 – 3/2008


Analyze the business processes, define and prepare the business cases / scenarios including Blue Print composition. Preparation of functional specifications, customization specifications and conducting tests. In some cases also specifications for data migration/conversion had to be prepared. Also, preparation of the implementation/roll-out plans including the preparation and actual end-user training.
Actively support the IBS-SAP-maintenance group in solving Incidents and Problem Reports and realizing and implementing Change Requests in the area of SAP PLM.
1. Supporting the pilot of Agile-PDM and the interface from Agile to SAP (2007, 2008),
2. Implementing, including Bill-of-Material migration, a new documents-on-BOM concept (2007, 2008),
3. Implementation and roll-out of SAP Easy-DMS (Document Management) (2007, 2008),
4. Prepare and perform a quick scan Blue Print for the roll-out of current SAP kernel functionality to the location of Philips Medical Systems in Haifa (Israël) (2007),
5. Define, design and implement new Product Safety & Approbation functionality in products (Material Master) (2007),
6. Migration/conversion of the material/Bill-of-Material/Product Configuration into the new One XRay Factory Best (OXB) in SAP (2007); the project comprised also a redefinition of the product configurations in SAP (Variant Configuration),
7. Define (blueprint), design and implement new SAP-iPPE (GEN/PVS) functionality for supporting the design/engineering process (2006, 2007),
8. Redefine and implement a new SAP Document Management user authorization concept (2006),
9. Testing and support in the area of SAP Variant Configuration (including SIEBEL) during the implementation of a new release of SAP R/3 (from SAP Enterprise 4.7 to SAP ECC 5.0) (2006),
10. Define (blueprint), design and implement an Electronic Signaturing process of SAP DMS documents using SAP-Workflow and Web-application (2006),
11. Replacement, including material master data migration, of the central components database legacy system (MPDLight) into SAP PLM (2005).

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP ECC, SAP R/3, Testen, SAP Rollout, SAP WF, SAP Berechtigung / User Verwaltung, SAP Beratung (allg.), SAP Product Lifecycle Management, Systemmigration

Weitere Kenntnisse

• Senior Business Consultant and Business Process Analyst in the area of PDM/PLM
• Senior SAP Application Consultant in the area of SAP PLM Life-Cycle Data Management
• Strong understanding of Product-Development and Product-Engineering processes
• Knowledge of industry-standard PDM/PLM-software solutions
• Strong and independent personality with a positive, flexible and professional attitude

Persönliche Daten

  • Niederländisch (Muttersprache)
  • Deutsch (Fließend)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
43 Jahre und 10 Monate (seit 04/1981)
5 Jahre


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