freiberufler Erfahrene Systems Ingenieur mit Software Entwicklung Erfahrung auf

Erfahrene Systems Ingenieur mit Software Entwicklung Erfahrung

  • auf Anfrage
  • 34000 Acıbadem Istanbul
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  • 14.11.2014


Ich bin sehr erfahrene systems ingenieur mit software entwicklung erfahrung.
Linux,perl,php,nginx,apache,haproxy,varnish,ffmpeg,wowza,mysql,oracle application server, java, puppet,cacti,hadoop, dns, ftp, vmware, tomcat, sql, bash, und viel mehr...


  • Apache HTTP Server20 J.
  • Apache Tomcat19 J.
  • C15 J.
  • KiXtart13 J.
  • Linux Entwicklung20 J.
  • Mysql13 J.
  • Nginx13 J.
  • Perl22 J.
  • Perl Package Manager (PPM)13 J.
  • Scripting18 J.
  • Software engineering / -technik
  • Squid13 J.
  • Systems Engineering
  • Systemverfügbarkeit13 J.
  • Vmware ESX Server13 J.
  • Wordpress13 J.
  • Xpath13 J.
  • XSLT (XSL Transformation)15 J.
  • YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified)15 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior Systems Ingenieur
Ciner Media Holding, Istanbul
11/2011 – offen (13 Jahre, 5 Monate)

11/2011 – offen


Systems Engineering linux(CentOS, RedHat, etc.), MySQL, php, php-fpm, nginx, apache, squid, java,
Systems Engineering haproxy, varnish, CentOS Cluster, MySQL MMM
MySQL clustering, replications, etc.
hadoop, nginx pagespeed, advertpro, sphinx, elasticsearch, monit, apache jmeter, CMS tools
Systems Engineering : Red Hat Spacewalk, puppet, cobbler, kickstart profiles, etc.
Scripting : perl, php, bash, script based web crawling and parsing, full regular expression handling
Audio & Video Processing tools : ffmpeg
In all of the above technologies, complicated configuration handling.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mysql, KiXtart, YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified), Perl Package Manager (PPM), Nginx, Squid, Apache Tomcat, Apache HTTP Server, Perl, Linux Entwicklung, Wordpress, C, Systemverfügbarkeit, Scripting, Vmware ESX Server, XSLT (XSL Transformation), Xpath

Senior Systems Ingenieur
Audatex Systems GmbH, Zurich
9/2004 – 8/2009 (5 Jahre)

9/2004 – 8/2009


Development and deployment of j2ee applications
Installation and maintenance of development, integration, acceptance and production environments
Systems Engineering on Oracle Application Server 10g
Oracle Database Engineer
Created infrastructure for capacity planning and web performance tests
Worked on web performance tuning and profiling of j2ee applications
Created infrastructure for customer billing(xml, perl, oracle)
Worked on installation and configuration of almost all industry standard products(e.g. proftp, apache, etc.)
Extensive linux, perl, bash scripting for systems engineering

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Release-Management, Testen, Testdesign (IT), Oracle Application Server (OC4J), Samba, Apache Tomcat, Apache HTTP Server, Perl, Linux Entwicklung, XML, Canonical XML, Bash Shell, J2EE, Java (allg.), Systemadministration (allg.), Scripting

Systems Ingenieur
Innopark AG, Winthertur
11/2002 – 5/2004 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)
Soziale Einrichtungen

11/2002 – 5/2004


Writing web application VIP
System Engineering

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Apache Tomcat, Apache HTTP Server, Perl, J2EE

Software Designer
724 Solutions, Inc., Lenzburg
9/2000 – 8/2002 (2 Jahre)

9/2000 – 8/2002


Developed Delphi based GUI for configuration management
Developed tcl/tk based software configuration utilities
Developed Tomcat Gateway and Voice Adapter components (Corba ORB)
Created sample products of Cutting Edge Internet Application Server for customers
Developed java based GUI for Extreme Mobility Suite
Extensive experience on many internet and wireless technologies and protocols

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Data Mining, Oracle Database, Java Database Connectivity, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified), Installshield, Software Design, Software Architecture, Perl, Linux Entwicklung, Visual C++, Tool Command Language, XML, C, C++, Java (allg.), VoiceXML (Voice Extensible Markup Language), Web Services, XSLT (XSL Transformation), XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), XSD (XML Schema Definition), Oracle Portal, Javaserver Pages, JavaScript


Linux Professional Institute


Bosphorus Universitaet
Systems und Kontrol Ingenieur MSc.
Bosphorus Universitaet
Elektrotechnic BSc.

Über mich

Ich bin eine der sehr qualifizierte mitarbeiter mit sehr viele erfahrung in Linux und skripting umfeld. Ich habe auch Entwicklung erfahrung aber schwerpunkt als System Ingenieur.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Delphi
Scripting Languages: strong perl, bash, javascript, tcl/tk, sql, php, VUGen
Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL
Servers: Oracle Application Server 10g, Apache, IIS, tomcat, websphere,
Platforms: Red Hat, CentOs, Suse, Ubuntu, Windows
Others: VMWare, XML, LoadRunner, Oracle, Linux and Mysql Clustering, replication, cacti, munin, nagios,
Audio & Video Processing: ffmpeg
I have been exposed to many other tools while working with these technologies

Skills Summary
C, C++, java, Delphi, C#,Pascal, pl/sql perl, bash, nfs, samba, javascript, ajax,tcl,sql, oracle, mysql,mssql, Berkeley DB, IBM WebSphere, OAS 10g, oracle 9i, 10g, ksh, regexps, Java framework,s idl, assembler, MS Visual Studio, unix, ant, multithreading, JMeter, ldap, toad, tora, proftp, jprofiler, ffmpeg, open source tools, cocoon, tomcat, iis, apache, RedHat EL, SLES, VMWare, xml, network protocols,etc.
As a hard working and experienced IT professional, I have had an experience with almost all technologies within IT domain.

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Fließend)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Türkisch (Muttersprache)
auf Anfrage
  • Schweiz
28 Jahre und 9 Monate (seit 06/1996)
5 Jahre


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