Consultant Quality, Environment and Sustainability
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- 01.01.2025
Implementation of integrated management systems (Quality, Environmental and Organizational Health and Safety).
Sustainable coffee evaluation.
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
12/2021 – offen
Development of group-wide sustainability strategy for a consortium in Spain dedicated to the commercialization of animal fats and residual vegetable oils.
Monitoring of sustainability standards and bench-marking against current best practices.
Implementation of supplier evaluation program.
Research of sustainability trends and competitor analysis.
Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM)
4/2014 – 12/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungLead Auditor für das Integrity Assessment Program von ISCC System GmbH: Evaluierung der Leistung der Auditoren und Zertifizierungsstellen bei ISCC zertifizierten Betriebsstätten.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAuditor
4/2014 – 8/2014
Consultancy for voluntary certification to the RED Directive under international scheme ISCC for sustainable biomass production.
Implementation of traceability system, elaboration of mass balance system and related documentation.
Assessment of conformity and compliance (certification audit) and development of action plans to solve non-conformities.
Technisches Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA
5/2011 – 2/2014
• Participated in worldwide certification audits for sustainable biomass production according to the German Ordinance BioSt-NachV and Biokraft-NachV and Directive RED 2009/28/EU.
• Developed a market analysis of biomass production in the Latin American region.
• Quality management system representative, responsible for the maintenance and continuous improvement of the system, internal audits, management evaluation.
Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Bioenergie, Installation / Montage / Wartung (allg.), Management (allg.), Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Auditor, Marktforschung / -analyse, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
11/2006 – 10/2007
Implementierung eines integrierten Managementsystems (Qualität, Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutz und Sicherheit) in einem Bauunternehmen.
Tätigkeit als Interner Auditor für das Managementsystem nach ISO 9001:2000 und ISO 14001:2004.
Durchführung von Schulungen zur Einführung und Umsetzung der ISO 14001:2004 und OHSAS 18001:1999.
Ermittlung und Bewertung der Umwelt- und Gesundheitsgefahren, Ermittlung und Bewertung der Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Anforderungen, Entwicklung der Unternehmenspolitik und –ziele.
ISO 14001 (Umweltmanagement)
TU Berlin
Über mich
I have collaborated with a certification body in Germany as an auditor; I evaluated sustainable biomass production systems according to the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EG (RED), widely related with energy, quality and environmental management systems. I have performed certification audits in 16 different countries.
I am working at the time as an independent consultant in the area of management systems (Sustainability, Quality, Environment and Organizational Health). The main focus of my activities is the management to implement such systems within different types of companies. Currently, for example I have developed a couple of projects according to sustainability and organic farming standards. Amongst my tasks were the establishment of the scope, objectives and goals as well as technical aspects of systems to be certified, evaluation of environmental, social or safety impacts; a risk assessment, creation and review of system related procedures and documents, establishment of quality objectives and monitoring indicators, elaboration and evaluation of action plans to solve non-conformities; management assessment, carrying out of internal audits, research for funding and financial support, etc.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Interner Auditor
ISCC Auditor
4C Auditor
Persönliche Daten
- Spanisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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