freiberufler Project Team Lead / Senior Software developer auf

Project Team Lead / Senior Software developer

zuletzt online vor wenigen Tagen
  • 80‐91€/Stunde
  • 85399 Hallbergmoos
  • auf Anfrage
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  • 24.01.2025


Sehr gute Kenntnisse in C #, ASP.NET, CORE,VB.NET, WCF, WPF, WSDL, UDDI, XML, SOAP-Dienste, UML, SharePoint2010, Crystal Reports, CITRIX, SVN, EA, LINQ, SQL, ORACLE, Networking (TCP, UDP, HTTP), SOA, OOPS, JavaScript and Data Migration


  • .Net1 J.
  • .NET CORE3
  • Angular 9
  • C#1 J.
  • Corporate Design2 J.
  • FHIR
  • JavaScript
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT)
  • Software Architecture

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Dev Principle / IT Support Manager (Festanstellung)
ASE Global, Germany, Frankfort
9/2022 – offen (2 Jahre, 7 Monate)

9/2022 – offen


Project Name: DBS, GMS/VMS, JLR, RAPID, Metis

Used Software: VS2022, C#, .Net Core 6, Kafka, Azure (App Services, Logic App, Functions, VM, SQL DB, APIM, AD, PS), EF Core, CSS, MSSQL, Hi-Charts, Angular 14.0 etc. Operational software’s like Jira, TFS, Confluence, figma, UML EA etc.

Job Description: Managing a team of 17 Dev engineers for 6 products, ensuring delivery on defined time line, Technically guiding the team and removing their blockers including Code review, solving clients tokens as per client SLA, Interacting with client to understand the requirements, managing biweekly sprints, Resource Management, coordinating with QA for software quality which includes workflow test plans, regression testing and automated testing, making the road map to live with team, periodic deployments, document maintenance etc. Built and maintained effective client relationships and by constant deliveries and support

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Corporate Design

Senior Backend developer
MunichRE, Munich
9/2021 – 8/2022 (1 Jahr)

9/2021 – 8/2022


Project Name: Risk Evaluation system

Used Software: VS2022, C#, .Net Core 6, Service Fabric, Azure (App Services, Logic App, Functions, VM, SQL DB, APIM, AD, PS), EF Core, CSS, MSSQL, TFS, OAuth, Auth2.0 Swash buckle, JIRA, Xamarin, JavaScript,Node JS, Unit Testing, Fluent Validation etc.

Job Description: Created a risk system for Network and Hardware. Created Asset risk calculation, Blacklist risk calculation, Vulnerabilities, DegreeofThreat, DegreeOfVulnerability, ProbabilityofOccurence, Threats and display a brief report to the client about their IT system. The system we created is mainly event-based based which collects various networking data and hardware assets by various events, summarize and calculate the risk level to alert the IT systems.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Produktdesign, Webdesign, Risikomanagement

Project Manager /Dev Lead
Periscope Technologies, India, Chennai
6/2019 – 12/2022 (3 Jahre, 7 Monate)

6/2019 – 12/2022


Used Software: VS2019, C#, .Net Core 3.1, Service Fabric, Azure (App Services, Logic App, Functions, VM, SQL DB, APIM, AD, PS), EF Core, TypeScript, ASP.NET, Angular9, CSS, MSSQL, TFS, OAuth, Auth2.0 Swash buckle, JIRA, Xamarin, JavaScript, Unit Testing, Fluent Validation etc.

Job Description: Different Interface solution with Patients and Health practitioners starting from Appointment(Individual) booking, EHR evaluation workflow(Clinical), Insurance workflow(Financial), DICOM(Diagnostic) Services through various web APIs creation and Management using FHIR HL7 standards for health platforms like Athena, Cerner, Sunrise, EPIC and creating End User application(Mobile). Maintaining data from different Integrations systems in US and European regions.

Revenue based pay per API Usage and also our products as solutions. Maintaining centralized data servers which collects all information from different Integration systems like (CIS,CDR etc.) as background services so that performance of applications are high. Flexibility in using difference standards like DSTU2,DSTU3,FHIR with code like SNOMED,ICD 10, Ionic codes etc.

Started with mobile app also in Xamarin. Tool with dynamic conversion of medical object to FHIR standards. Implementation API services for Database actions. Grouped under microservice architecture and published through Service Fabric.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Medizinische Messtechnik

Senior Full Stack Developer
Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH (BMW), München
4/2018 – 3/2019 (1 Jahr)

4/2018 – 3/2019


Used Software: .NET Core,C#, ASP.Net, VS2017, TFS, MySQL, MVC 5, HTML 5, CSS,
DevExpress, AJAX, JIRA, GIT, Angular JS 7.0, Java Script.

Description of Job: Database Migration from Existing MySQL and SQL for existing applications. Creating new Data-analyzing web application that calculates the correct revenues on time based in connecting JIRA issue tracking system API and producing financial analysis reports to the higher level. grading the existing client Main application from .Net MVC5 to .Net Core, Angular JS 7 with new independent service architecture, EF code first approach.

Scheduler services to run in the background to update JIRA token services and revenue databases. Scheduler Application using Day Pilot calendar and allocation of resources

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

.Net, Backend, C#, ASP.NET

App Developer
Netpointer (Argentina), St Paulo
2/2018 – 3/2018 (2 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

2/2018 – 3/2018


Job Description: Migrating the Classic ASP CRM application, bug fixing and updating to ASP.NET with new RDBMS

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Relationale Datenbanken, Systemmigration, ASP.NET

Software Developer
Allianz Insurance, München
10/2017 – 1/2018 (4 Monate)

10/2017 – 1/2018


Used Software: C#, ASP.Net, VS2015, TFS, SQL 2008, MVC 5, HTML 5, CSS,
DevExpress AJAX.

Description of Job: Creating RCU(Remote zentrum Unterstutzung) web application from scratch, assisting the Insurance call takers with caller data verification, problem analyzing, problem finding , problem solving, email sending and finally reporting

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

.Net, C#, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML5, SQL, Team Foundation Server

Senior Developer
PST GmbH, Freising, Freising
6/2016 – 12/2018 (2 Jahre, 7 Monate)

6/2016 – 12/2018


Project Name: Mobile Reporting Client

Description: VB.NET, ASP.NET, MVC 5, DevExpress, SQL 2014, HTML 5, WCF Services, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, .NET Framework 4.5, Visual Studio 2015 and Team Foundation Server
Transferring an existing Reporting Client to a web client and as well for the mobile client also using a WCF service as an interface for the data layer. The reporting client Includes the interactive graphical display of vector maps, Sparkline, ribbons and multiple dash boards etc.
Note: The financial reporting web client is an replication of window client and has been completed successfully, now it is used by customers and now it is continuous enhancement phase based on customization.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Webdesign, Mobile Application Development, Vbscript, Microsoft Visual Studio

Senior IT Consultant
Munich Re, München
8/2015 – 6/2017 (1 Jahr, 11 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

8/2015 – 6/2017


Used analysis tools: Visual Studio Performance tools, Dynatrace, Load Runner, Unit Testing, SPLUNK, Wire Shark, Fiddler, Network analyzer, Load Runner for
SAP applications, web Truclient

Description of Job: Analyzing the performance issues for SAP, Dot Net applications, and web applications using Load Runner and Truclient with different IOs distributed globally. Analyzing the root cause of performance in network, database, application, operating system, etc.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SAP R/3, .Net Framework (Microsoft)



Über mich

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

• Dev Principle / IT Support Manager
• Project Lead
• Team Lead
• Senior Full Stack developer
• Software Developer

In addition to my 14 years of experience, a role that feeds my challenging quest in development/management and enhances my skills constantly thereby leading to mutual development between the employer and employee.

Ich bin froh, mich als PROJECT (TEAM) LEAD / SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER vorstellen. Nachdem die Erfahrung in der .NET-Entwicklung seit 13Jahren, stieß ich auf einer meiner gewünschten und interessante Arbeit, die ich in sie rein und die ich wirklich wollen. Hier habe ich mit meinem Lebenslauf, Referenzschreiben und Zertifikate für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit angebracht.
In meinem letzten sechs Jahren habe ich verschiedene Jobs vor allem mit Schwerpunkt auf Fähigkeiten C #, WPF, WCF, SQL, ASP.NET, VB.NET, SharePoint2010, Web Services, UML, CITRIX, LINQ, Crystal Reports, Oracle, MVC, SOA, SOAP, SQL, mit Verwendung von agilen und SCRUM Methodik und Test Driven Development und allgemeine Fähigkeiten der Entscheidungsfindung, schnelle Lösung, Teamarbeit, Veranstaltungsbedarf, bevor das Ziel und Kunden unterstützen gemacht.
Es wäre großartig, um Kontakt mit Ihnen weiter über meine Bewerbung und Vorstellungsgespräch zu diskutieren. Ich glaube fest daran, dass ich bald von Ihnen zu hören, weil ich für die Job (Anforderungen) und die Job für mich würdig sein.
Bitte rufen Sie an oder schicken Sie mir eine Email bei weiteren Fragen oder Anforderungen.

Weitere Kenntnisse

 Strong Knowledge in C#,.NET Core 6.0(Web and Window packages) Cloud services(Azure and AWS), Event streaming services (Rabbit MQ, Kafka), Containers( Docker and Kubernates), Source Control (Git,TFS,SVN), Operation softwares (Jira, Confluence, concerto, figma, EA, UML etc), Frontend Tech ( JavaScript, Angular, React, Hi-Charts, Dev-express, Telerik),Report (SQL reports and Crystal Reports) , Networking (TCP, UDP, HTTP), Database (SQL, My Sql), RDMS (ADO, EF), Medical Standard HL7(FHIR, DSTU2,DSTU3) and Codes(ICD,LIONIC etc.)
 Strong in building Client relation ships with their respect by timeline deliveries and exceptional judgement and postiveness.
 Addressing all client enquires as agreed in SLA
 Strong conceptual knowledge of Objected Oriented programming, web programming and internet technologies.
 Excellent academic record, exceptional mathematical aptitude, complex problem-solving skills, ability to forecast risks and recommend solutions at early phase, drive to exceed expectations with sound technical skills and communicating skills
 Languages Known: English, German and Tamil

Persönliche Daten

  • Tamil (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Gut)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
15 Jahre und 10 Monate (seit 05/2009)
4 Jahre


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