Consultant Regulatory Affairs Management + Drug Safety Information Management
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- 27.02.2025
3 m Regulatory Affairs Medical Devices (Junior Manager)
2 y Drug Safety Information Management (Signal Management)
on site/remote
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
4/2023 – offen
Complex variations (Quality + Safety), worksharing, renewals, PASS protocol and PSUR submissions
- Submission Management
- Change Control Management
- Labeling: Adaptation of EU product information texts (M 131)
- Updated CTD Modules 1, 2 and 3 documentation
- Database maintenance /Document management
- Application for CPPs and other administrative documents
- Budgeting and initiating payments
- Interface function (CMOs, QM, QC, QA, Supply Chain)
Countries: EEA: DE, ES, IT, FR, PT, NL + China +Switzerland
Budgetierung, Change-Request-Management, Change Management, Compliance management, Dokumentenmanagement, Interim Management, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Software Asset Management, Pharmazie, Lifecycle Management, Produktmanagement, Projektdurchführung, Workflows, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
12/2021 – 12/2022
- Generic German new applications + maintenance/LCM of existing MAs
- Preparation for product launches (launch relevant change notifications)
- Labeling: Creation and adaptation of German product information texts (M 131)
- Labeling: Originator text updates
- Administrative, CMC and Safety variations
- Submission planning and database maintenance
- Change Control Management
- Close cooperation with sales partners/ CMOs and Specialist departments (CMC, Artwork, Supply Chain, Quality Assurance, Reg. Operations/Publishing)
Change-Request-Management, Change Management, Compliance management, Interim Management, Software Asset Management, Pharmazie, Lifecycle Management, Produktmanagement, Projektdurchführung, Workflows, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
11/2021 – 11/2021
- Preparation of regulatory expert reports on the business development/diligence process
- Dossier audit
Medizinforschung, Medizin, Business Development, Change Management, Compliance management, Dokumentenmanagement, Interim Management, Klinische Forschung, Software Asset Management, Pharmazie, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
4/2021 – 3/2022
- Document Management
- Submissionmanagement + Tracking of regulatory activities (variations, renewals, responses, PSUR/PBRER, CCDS/CCSI updates)
- creation/update of CTD Module 1 documentation
- tight collaboration with mit Senior Managers, Affiliates, Distributors and Special departments (CMC, Labelling, Reg. Operations, Publishing)
Countries: entire EEA + Switzerland + UK
Dokumentenmanagement, Interim Management, Pharmazie, Lifecycle Management, Workflows, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
11/2019 – 12/2020
EU Regulatory Strategy Lead
Regulatory Affairs Magement EU MAs (MRP/DCP/CP), MAs in Israel, Palestine and Balkan countries
Consulting in RA Strategy +LCM, planning, submission, implementation and follow up
Interim Management, Software Asset Management, Pharmazie, Lifecycle Management, Produktmanagement, Projektdurchführung, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
10/2019 – 6/2021
Regulatory Affairs Consultant for German Marketing Authorizations +
Drug Safety Information Management Consultant / Deputy RPPV (Stufenplanbeauftragter)
Medical/Drug Safety Information Management:
- PV signal management / signal detection and analysis
- Evaluation of side effects and safety signals + follow-up process
- PV database maintenance and data entry in ARISg
- Retrieve adverse event cases from EudraVigilance
- MedDRA coding of side effects
- Literature screening/monitoring of scientific journals
- Monthly reconciliation of side effect cases
Regulatory Affairs:
- Submission of variations/responses, renewals and product line extensions for MAs registered in Germany
- Labeling: Adaptation/harmonization of German product information texts based on CCSI/CCDS updates
- Creation/update of the CTD Module 1 documentation
- Submission management (CESP and PharmNet.Bund)
- CMC compliance
- Close cooperation with headquarters, product management, QPPV, global labeling, Rote Liste and Lauer Taxe
Medizin, Pharmazie, Compliance management, Interim Management, Software Asset Management, Lifecycle Management, Produktmanagement, Projektdurchführung, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
3/2018 – 8/2019
Worldwide Regulatory Affairs Management of one product (contrast agent, different stengths and presentations).
APAC, Canada, CIS, EU, LATAM, MENA, OZEANIA, USA (over 80 countries)
Planning, coordination and execution of post approval acticities (variations + renewals)
New Registrations + Line Extensions
Temporary Authorizations
Preparation of regulatory statements for global projects and submissions
Providing supporting information and documentation for marketing, pharmacovigilance and GMP inspections
Database maintenance and publishing
Interface function
Pharmazie, Change-Request-Management, Change Management, Compliance management, Interim Management, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Software Asset Management, Lifecycle Management, Produktmanagement, Projektdurchführung, Workflows, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
11/2017 – 2/2018
Regulatory Affairs Management of Generic Products of 35 Active Substances
- Expert advice on submission strategies
- Planning, coordination and implementation of RA projects
- Management of post-approval activities
- Ensuring regulatory compliance (dossier and product information)
- Initiation of RMS (Reference Member State) changes
- Close collaboration with execution managers, regulatory maintenance centers (CMC team), stakeholders and specialist departments, contact with authorities
Projektdurchführung, Lifecycle Management, Software Asset Management, Regulatory Affairs
6/2017 – 9/2017
Product Group: Medicinal Teas
- CMC Life Cycle Management (national DACH)
• CMC related variations regarding Active Substances and Finished Products (e.g. changes in analytical procedures)
• Preparation of documentation for CH (Swissmedic) requirements (e.g. manufacturer information, conformity declarations etc.)
• Preparation of documentation for renewals
- Updating of CTD documentation (M2+M3)
- eSubmissions via CESP (Common European Submission Portal)
- Preparation of registration documents for export projects
- GAP-analysis - GAP-analysis (comparison of specifications and analytical procedures with Ph. Eur. monographs)
DACH region: Entire
CIS: Russia
MEA: Iran
APAC: Malaysia
Naturheilkunde, Pharmazie, Compliance management, Interim Management, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Software Asset Management, Projektdurchführung, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
2/2016 – 4/2017
Product Groups: Nonionic X-ray contrast media, contrast media for magnetic resonance imaging
- Expert advice and regulatory support for questions with CMC content for Finished Products and Active Substances
- Transfer of Marketing Authorisations (national MAs, CP, DCP, MRP) to a new MAH
- Preparation, fee calculation, submission and tracking of variations (national, CP, DCP, MRP) and
responses to deficiency letters to:
a) CMC related changes
b) Administrative changes
c) Labelling related changes
d) Drug Safety related changes
- eSubmissions
- CTD Update
- Preparation documents with CMC content for new registration applications
- Support for submissions of PSURs / PBRERs for a Centralized Procedure
- Submission of Responses to PRAC questions regarding an Article 20 Referral procedure
close collaboration with QC and Global RA in U.S. Headquarter, publishing and labelling team and local RA contacts in EU.
EEA: Entire
EU-ROW: Switzerland
CIS + CEFTA countries: Russia, Ukraine; Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia
MEA: Botswana, Namibia, Turkey, South Africa
USA + Canada
Pharmazie, Budgetierung, Change Management, Compliance management, Dokumentenmanagement, Interim Management, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Software Asset Management, Lifecycle Management, Projektdurchführung, Workflows, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
11/2015 – 12/2015
Product Groups:
Chemotherapeutic agent: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (Rx); Immunosuppressant: Monoclonal Antibody (Rx)
Tasks: GAP-Analyses
CMC document review and GAP-analysis GAP between GMP/technical documents and regulatory CTD dossier M3
Compliance management, Good Manufacturing Practices, Interim Management, Software Asset Management, Pharmazie, Projektdurchführung, Regulatory Affairs, Technische Dokumentation, Unternehmensberatung
8/2015 – 10/2015
Product Groups: Thyrostatic substance (Rx)
Preparation for Tech-Transfers
Pharmazie, Change Management, Compliance management, Interim Management, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Software Asset Management, Lifecycle Management, Projektdurchführung, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
2/2015 – 8/2015
Product Groups: Antiseptics (OTC) and Opioids (Rx)
- CMC Life Cycle Management (global-national Emerging Markets and MRP)
- Preparation and submission of complex CMC variations
- CTD update
- Change Control Management
- Close collaboration with local RA contacts, technical writer, strategy team, manufacturer, quality assurance and regulatory operations & publishing team
EEA: Entire
EU-ROW: Switzerland
APAC: China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
MEA: Bahrain, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Uganda, United Arab Emirates
Pharmazie, Change-Request-Management, Change Management, Compliance management, Dokumentenmanagement, Interim Management, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Software Asset Management, Lifecycle Management, Workflows, Regulatory Affairs, Unternehmensberatung
7/2012 – 12/2013
Product Groups:
ACE-Inhibitors (Rx); Iron-combined preparations (OTC)
EEA: Entire
EU-ROW: Switzerland, Turkey
CIS: Ukraine, Russia
ROW: Algeria, China, Jordan, Korea, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Venezuela, United Arab Emirates
- CMC-relevant collaboration in national drug approval in China and Spain
- CTD-update after admission
- CMC Life-Cycle-Management (Variations, Renewals)
- Variation-classification, preparation of variation-declarations, compilation of the documents to be submitted, scheduling and filing of documents, processing of additional demands and deficiency letters, follow-up and closure of proceedings
- Change Control Management (regular attendance in change control board)
- GAP- analysis of module 3 dossier
- Administration of renewal procedures in line with CMDh-Guideline
- Updating of product information according to CCDS review
- Execution of a global product recall (member of recall execution team)
- Preparation of xEVMPD-relevant data
- SOP-Review
- Development of an approach for a regulatory strategy regarding product expansion in EU and ROW
- Supportive work for inquiries regarding PSUR and U.S. PADER
- Supportive work for Annual Product Quality Review (PQR)
- Review of Annual Stability Batch Programs
- Cross-product-implementation of PSMF
- Internal workshops and product presentations
- Shadowing-process
- Close collaboration with locally based regulatory affairs managers, manufacturer, quality assurance, supply chain, pharmacovigilance, regulatory operations & publishing team and medical advisor
Pharmazie, Business Development, Change Management, Compliance management, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Software Asset Management, Lifecycle Management, Produktmanagement, Workflows, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Regulatory Affairs, Schulung / Coaching (allg.)
3/2009 – 7/2012
Product Groups:
Phytopharmaceuticals, homeopathic medicinal products and traditional herbal medicinal products, vitamins, minerals, healing waters
- Scientific administration of European MA procedures (MRP, DCP, RUP), variations, renewals and variations in line with §29 AMG
- Coordination of referral-procedures in line with Art. 31 der Dir. 2001/837EC
- Scientific validation of national applications for marketing authorization
- Content-related processing and plausibility check of the fulfillment of the conditions for renewal in line with § 31 AMG and reregistration in line with § 105 AMG
- Professional support for the project assistance (two project officers)
- Correspondence between pharmaceutical entrepreneur and assessors for CTD-modules 3, 4 and 5
- EU-wide correspondence with competent authorities for medicinal products
- Processing and answering to requests
- Review of SOP’s
- Preparation of the monthly statistics
Special Project:
- Scientific coordination, management and maintenance of a knowledge-management-project based on a content-management-systems (WIKI)
Change Management, Compliance management, HTML, Kommunikation (allg.), Software Asset Management, Pharmazie, Lifecycle Management, Projektdurchführung, Projektmanagement, Workflows, Recht (allg.), Regulatory Affairs, Wissensmanagement
10/2008 – 12/2008
- Management of special permissions in line with §3(2) BtMG for medically-supervised self-treatment with medicinal cannabis
- Evaluation of applicant’s documents ( medical reports etc.)
- Management of special permissions for clinical trials on narcotics
UNCLASSIFIED, Klinische Forschung, Medizin, Pharmazie, Projektdurchführung, Projektmanagement
4/2002 – 12/2004
Tätigkeitsbeschreibung- Employer Services
Eingesetzte QualifikationenArbeitsrecht, Arbeitslosengeld, Arbeitsvermittlung, Finanzen (allg.), Kommunikation (allg.), Fusionen und Übernahmen, Personalwesen (allg.), Workflows, Schulung / Coaching (allg.)
2/2000 – 6/2001
- Planning and performance of human gene cloning (ion channels, G protein-coupled receptors etc.) from c-DNA library
- Construction and evaluation of eucaryotic constitutive and inducible expression systems
- Generating of recombinant cell lines with different transfection methods
- Clone pool analysis
- Pharmakological characterisation of cell lines using the reporter genes luciferase and aequorin
- High Througput Screening
- Vector construction and data evaluation with DNA-Anaysis-Software
Angewandte Forschung, Biologie, Forschung & Entwicklung, Grundlagenforschung, Medizinforschung, Naturwissenschaft
Concept Heidelberg /GMP Navigator
Häußermann Narcotics consulting
PTS Training Service
TÜV Rheinland Academy in collaboration with the Ulm University of Technology
Universität zu Köln
Über mich
Excellent team working and cross-cultural communication skills.
Pragmatic and creative problem solving capabilities.
In April 2024, I completed my training to become Manager Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices international at the TÜV Rheinland Academy (in collaboration with the Technical University of Ulm) and am now also looking for junior manager projects in the RA Medical Devices area.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Regulatory Affairs Management worldwide
Drug Regulatory Affairs: Senior Manager
Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs: Junior Manager/Entry Level
Drug Safety Information Management (Signal Management): Junior Manager
Licensing Requirements / Strategy
New Drug Application / Post Approval Activities (PAM, Labelling, Safety, Quality)
Submission Management /Administrative Tasks / Databases
QMS / Technical Documentation
MDR / ISO 13485 / ISO 14971 /
Betäubungsmittel Verantwortlicher
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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