Managementberater, Analyst, Researcher (früher Roland Berger)
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- 90‐120€/Stunde
- 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne
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- 23.06.2014
Doktorant an der IE Business School im Bereich Personalwesen und Organisationspsychologie.
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2012 – 6/2014
TätigkeitsbeschreibungFreelance research, market analysis and advisory on numerous acquisitions and projects. Projects mainly in restructuring and Engineered High Tech Products
8/2010 – 12/2011
Staffed in the Research / Knowledge team of a major strategy consulting firm
Projects mainly in Financial Services, Chemical and Engineered High Tech Products, Consumer Goods and Pharma
Tasks and specializations:
• Comprehensive primary and secondary research (including interviews) /analysis on markets, trends and companies
• Development of strategic issues and creating documents for presentations, proposals, studies and reports to partners and clients
• Recruitment of new analysts (entire process including interviews) and development of interview guidelines and own case study for candidate assessment
• Training and onboarding of new consultants - mentoring and coaching of an intern
• International knowledge cooperation, with best practice presentations at workshops at German HQ and at other local offices (e.g. Singapore office)
Noteworthy projects and acquisitions:
• Internal: Working on developing and implementing new training plan for consultants and performance evaluation system in Knowledge group – later presented as best practice at global HQ
• Developed a user friendly benchmarking tool (advanced Excel model) for efficient and in-depth analysis of various financial institutions’ key performance indicators
• Designing a new pricing strategy for a leading asset management company
• Developing a product strategy for innovative insurance products in Europe
• Company and market trend
9/2009 – 4/2010
Teamed with a McKinsey and Company subsidiary to identify performance and improvement opportunities of more than 75 leading European financial institutions
• Supporting client meetings and result presentations with senior executives including travelling in Europe
• Creating presentations designed to pitch or review the strengths and weaknesses of a top 4 UK retail bank. Managing database and analysis of peer groups consisting of more than 50 European banks
• Contributing to interpretation of results, action planning and implementation support with project managers
• Conducting extensive quantitative analysis and research on key performance indicators of a European multinational bank across eight key markets
• Analyzing and reviewing best practices on a full array of banks’ implementation strategies and publishing written thought leadership materials
Madrid (Spanien)
Oxford (UK)
Über mich
Durch mein Doktorat habe ich ein vertieftes Wissen im strategischen HR sammeln können. Besonders in den Bereichen: HR Transformation, Change Management, Leadership und Talent Management. Weiterhin besitze ich fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in Statistik, insbesondere im Structural Equation Modelling, Mplus und SPSS.
Ich habe mehrere Jahre Erfahrung in der strategischen Beratung bei Roland Berger Strategy Consultant, sowie Finalta McKinsey and Company in London sammeln können. Speziell in den Bereichen Financial Services (Retail Banking, Insurance und Wealth Management), sowie Industries habe ich an mehreren Projekten mitgearbeitet.
Funktional biete ich gerne meine Analyse und Research Dienste im Bereich Strategie, HR und Change Management, sowie Due Diligence an. Folgende Dienstleistungen biete ich gerne flexible an:
• Internet and online database research
• Company / Competitor Profiles
• Market Profiles / Fact Sheets
• Executive Profiles
• Pressclippings / Newsletters
• Continuous Monitoring of key players and markets
Durch meine Erfahrung in der Strategie-Beratung kann ich schnell relevante Informationen in “Consulting” relevantes Präsentationen erarbeiten.
Ich unterstützte und begleitete insbesondere folgende Projekte und Akquisitionen:
• Erstellung einer neuen Pricing-Strategie für einen führenden Vermögensverwalter
• Due Diligence eines Software Service Dienstleisters
• Marktanalyse im Luftfahrt Dienstleistungsbereich
• Produktstrategie für innovative Versicherungsprodukte in Europa
• Unternehmens- und Trendanalyse für einen hochspezialisierten Baumaschinenhersteller
• Konsolidierungsstrategie Europa für einen High-Tech Material Hersteller
Weitere Kenntnisse
- Strategie Beratung
- Finanical Services und Insurance
- Excel (sehr gut)
- Power Point (sehr gut)
- Spss und Mplus (Statistik Programm)
- Factiva
- Thomson One Bank / Thomson Research
- Talent and Diversity Management (Promotion)
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Gut)
- Spanisch (Gut)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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