  • auf Anfrage
  • 4500 Solothurn
  • Europa
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  • 07.03.2023


Contract / Controller / Project Manager / Pharma-, Chemical, Power-, Oil- & Gas- Projects
Process- & Mechanical Engineer
Background: Contracts, Commercial, Controlling, Supply Chain, Claims, Operations, Project Execution, Business Development,

Auszug Referenzen (1)

"Herr G. war ein stets zuverlässiger Vertragspartner mit dem der Austausch immer angenehm war."
Sebastion Geiss

5/2022 – 2/2023


Lead Buyer CAPEX Procurement for Green & Brown Field plants (DACH) for approx.. 100 Mio€ p.a.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen



  • Contract Management
  • Controlling
  • Enterprise project management (EPM)
  • Lead buying2 J.
  • Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement1 J.
  • SCM
  • Vertragsmanagement2 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

EXYTE Deutschland GmbH, Leoben, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Solothurn
5/2022 – 2/2023 (10 Monate)
Life Sciences

5/2022 – 2/2023


Lead Buyer CAPEX Procurement for Green & Brown Field plants (DACH) for approx.. 100 Mio€ p.a.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Air Liquide Deutschland GmbH, Solothurn / Düsseldorf
4/2021 – 6/2022 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
Air Liquidation

4/2021 – 6/2022


Lead Buyer CAPEX Procurement for O2, H2, N2 – Plants (Middle Europe and Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Turkey) for approx.. 100 Mio€ p.a.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Direkter Einkauf

6/2020 – 3/2021 (10 Monate)

6/2020 – 3/2021


Lead Buyer CAPEX realization green field of 2 pharmaceutical production facilities, approx. 200 million USD budget responsibility

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement

Document Management / Contract Management
2/2019 – 9/2019 (8 Monate)
Life Sciences

2/2019 – 9/2019


found in reference description 19
Documents Manager CSL Site Lengnau Switzerland
JACOBS CH for CSL Behring CH 19.07.2019- .....
Tasks & Responsibilities:
• Establishment of a approx.. 1 billion € Pharmaceutical Plant for the manufacture of recombinant coagulating factors, among other products Lengnau Switzerland Interims
• Complete Documentation of whole site activities till mechanical completion and pre-commissioning
Commercial & Contract Manager Lengnau Switzerland
JACOBS CH for CSL Behring CH 15.02.2019-18.07.2019
Tasks & Responsibilities:
• Establishment of a approx.. 1 billion € Pharmaceutical Plant for the manufacture of recombinant coagulating factors, among other products Lengnau Switzerland Interims
• Project Execution for all Electrical and Instrumentation contractors , contracts approx.. 50-.100 Mio €

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement

Contract Manager
Vopak Dupeg Terminal Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg
5/2018 – 12/2018 (8 Monate)
Öl- und Gasindustrie

5/2018 – 12/2018


Aufgabestellung von Herrn [...] [...] als externer Contract Manager und Contractor
Herr Fevzi [...] [...], ist bei Vopak Dupeg Terminal Hamburg GmbH seit 07.Mai 2018 als Projekt Einkäufer und Contract Management über die Firma STAR Group Germany GmbH als selbstständiger externer Contractor für ein ca. 15 Millionen Euro Einkaufsvolumen Projekt bestellt. Sein Projekt fing in 2018 an und sollte spätestens Ende 2020 abgeschlossen sein.
Es handelt sich um einen Öllager am Hamburgerhafen auf dem Gelände des Unternehmens, wo viele Anlagen aus altersbedingten Gründen modernisiert werden. Es sind Gewerke wie zum Beispiel: Bauwesen, Rohrleitungsbau, Stahlbau, Fördertechnik (Eisenbahn), Verladetechnik (Eisenbahn und Seehafen), EMSR, Tankanlagen, Pumpen, Hauptkomponenten der Anlagenbau zu modernisieren. Herr [...], berichtet zu der Leiterin des Einkaufs und projektspezifisch dem Projektleiter des o.e. Projektes, sowie dem technischen Leiter des Standortes.
Er Ko-ordiniert kaufmännisch, juristisch, terminlich und Nachtragsmanagement bezügliche Anliegen mit Kollegen der o.e. Gewerken. Hierzu kommen einkaufsrelevante Anliegen der Sicherheit-Gesundheit hinzu. Er schreibt die Gewerke gemäß technischen Unterlagen der Engineering aus, führt die Klärungsgespräche- und Verhandlungen durch, sorgt dafür dass, von ihm erstellten Kaufentscheidungsunterlagen von der Unternehmensleitung genehmigt werden. Und er erteilt im Namen des Auftraggebers an Auftragnehmer die Aufträge. Es werden bei höheren Beträge auch Auftragstexte (Vereinbarungen) generiert. In der Realisierungsphase laufen das ganze Nachtragsmanagement für o.e. Projekt über Herrn [...]. Er trägt die Verantwortung der Budgeteinhaltung.
Herr [...] beschäftigt sich parallel für das operative Geschäft mit anderen Einkaufsanliegen aller Art. Dazu gehört auch Ko-Ordination der Vergaben gemäß Rahmenvereinbarungen mit dem globalen strategischen Einkauf in Rotterdam in Abstimmung.
Diese Formulierung seiner Aufgabenstellung erstellt der Besteller auf Wunsch von Auftragnehmer von Herrn [...] zur Referenzzwecken. Wir sind mit seiner Leistungen vollumfänglich zufrieden.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Carpus + Partner AG, Leverkusen
8/2017 – 7/2018 (1 Jahr)
Life Sciences

8/2017 – 7/2018


Vertrags-Manager Pharma

Carpus + Partner AG / Bayer AG Contract Manager Pharmacythical Plants, blood-clotting medication plant green field in Leverkusen, Volume >. 150 Mio€ / Owners Engineer Contract Volume > 26 Mio €

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management, Compliance management, Projektmanagement, Personalwesen (allg.), Corporate Finance, Supply-Chain-Management (SCM)

Commercial & Contract Manager
JACOBS Projects GmbH / OLIN Bluechip Company, Stade
4/2017 – 8/2017 (5 Monate)

4/2017 – 8/2017


Commercial & Contract Manager
JACOBS Projects GmbH,
Contract and Commercial Lead for an Epoxy Plant Extension Project (1,6M) for the OLIN in Stade Germany
On Time all contracts are signed / agreed and executed

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

Contract Manager
Voith Engineering Services GmbH, Antwerpen
9/2016 – 4/2017 (8 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

9/2016 – 4/2017


TOTAL Refinery in Antwerpen has purchased further naighborhood areal with ethylene tanks and crackers. These are to modernize.

VOITH now VELTEC has the task to re-engineer an ethylene tank for 95% purified ethylene storage, which means design temp -107°C (cryo). Whole pipes has been demolished and renewed for this lower temperature as before by lower purification grade of ethylene 60% --> 95%)

I was the contract manager for this initial 4,35 M€ contract and an increase of 49% I bargained with TOTAL successfully, so that we charged total approx. 7M€.

I was responsible for
- End Customer related all commercial issues
- Site Coordination with all suppliers and end customer
- Construction time savings
- All sub supplier related commercial issues
- Controlling
- Claims
- HSE related commercial issues

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Management (allg.), Fusionen und Übernahmen, Vertragsmanagement, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Controlling

Supply chain Manager
E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH, Essen
7/2015 – 1/2016 (7 Monate)
Kraftwerkesbau Supply chain Management Procurement to Pay

7/2015 – 1/2016


Einkauf von Bauleistungen im konventionellen und nuklearen Kraftwerksbereich.....

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Kraftwerksbau, Management (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Einkauf (allg.), Supply-Chain-Management (SCM)

Supply Chain Manager
Linde Engineering AG, München
8/2014 – 11/2014 (4 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

8/2014 – 11/2014


Tasks & Responsibilities:

Contact person for project managers, suppliers
Project Buyer Baytown EXXON ethylene cracker
Electrical-, electronic- , equipment and sensors, controls, registers, instrumentation & control engineering, instruments, valves, fittings and pipes
Baytown EXXON is one of the major global ethylene manufacturing plants of the world

Procurement volume of > 10 M€ successfully executed

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP Supply Chain Management, Sap Srm, Mess-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik (MSR- / EMSR-Technik), Supply-Chain-Management (SCM)

Supply Chain Manager
Westinghouse Electric Germany GmbH, Mannheim
7/2013 – 4/2014 (10 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

7/2013 – 4/2014


found in reference description 1

Westinghouse Electric GmbH, which offers plant operators a wide range of products and services in the business units Nuclear Services, Nuclear Automation, Nuclear Fuel and Nuclear Power Plants

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Contact person for project managers, vendors, sales team and customers at all levels
Development and implementation of disciplinary short- and long-term supply chain plans
Strategic alignment of procurement processes involving all stakeholders such as banks and suppliers
Purchase of all types of components for the operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants and waste treatment facilities
Contracts and project execution of legal matters covered by confidentiality agreements
Management of internal and external teams in different compositions and positions


High customer and supplier satisfaction
Improving the market position through cooperation with the marketing
Successful Introduction of Supply chain management savings through process optimization
Orientation of the milestones on the technical and commercial criteria
Reduction of cost of decommissioning by construction of a waste container hall
Creation of a team structure and improving the quality of leadership
Increased efficiency in dealing with SAP

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Energietechnik, Blockheizkraftwerk (BHKW), Kerntechnik / Atomenergie, Anlagen-Engineering, Kunststoffverfahrenstechnik, Abfalltechnik / Müllentsorgung / Abfallbeseitigung, Business Development, Marktforschung / -analyse, Vertrieb (allg.), Supply-Chain-Management (SCM)

Sales Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Engineering
agnion Technologies GmbH, Hettenshausen
4/2012 – 4/2013 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

4/2012 – 4/2013


Provider of innovative, decentralized bioenergy plants / combined cycle power plants: 250 households district heating / 750 households renewable electricity

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Customer care executive management on board level
Management of medium and large size projects
Cost estimation and controlling
Overall responsibility purchasing, selling, processing for drying plants


Systematic customer development through structured account plans and highly qualified consulting interviews
Implementation of customer-specific requirements
Customer acquisition in Switzerland
Cooperation with Paul Scherer Institute PSI-X BDU Project in cooperation with the Aargau Switzerland Electricity
Successful market introduction and sale of cogeneration plants / wood chip gasification units in a new renewable technology for electricity generation and heat
Support for the establishment of civil society corparations for decentralized renewable energy – generation plants

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Erneuerbare Energie, Blockheizkraftwerk (BHKW), Business Development, Marktforschung / -analyse, Produktmanagement, Vertrieb (allg.), Vorverkauf, Account Management, Vertriebsingenieur, Anlegerbeziehungen, Supply-Chain-Management (SCM)

Portfolio Manager
SIEMENS AG, Nürnberg
11/2011 – 4/2012 (6 Monate)

11/2011 – 4/2012


Air-, sea-, land-, ports and train stations, airports sorting, logistics, transportation systems and automation

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Product portfolio analysis within Siemens, for technologies and products, which could be improved to Cash-Cows, in order to increase the rentability and to generate new business fields by customer

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Maschinenbau, Business Development, Outsourcing, Marktforschung / -analyse, Logistik (Allg.), Supply-Chain-Management (SCM)

Lead Processes, Business Developer, Sales Consultant, Operations Manager
[...] Consultants, Zürich
12/2008 – 10/2011 (2 Jahre, 11 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

12/2008 – 10/2011


Interims / Freelancer

Some chosen projects:

Process and Logistics Manager for "Deep Thermal Energy Power Generation Project" of DTE Engineering AG in Weinfelden

Development of the world's first> 1GW deep heat power plant

Processing production support for a mono- and multifilament synthetic yarn plant (PA, PET, PEEK, PVF, PEN, ...) mono- and multifilament synthetic yarn EXTRUSION

FIEDLER Ofenbau KG Sales of lime kilns, cement, lime, gypsum-processing plants

Turnkey lime kiln systems and process engineering

Material Handling Unit, (Sales Success 17M€ turnover) to UAE for a new Lime Plant

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Erneuerbare Energie, Blockheizkraftwerk (BHKW), Maschinenbau, Kunststoffverfahrenstechnik, Business Development, Marktforschung / -analyse, Vertrieb (allg.), Anlegerbeziehungen, Supply-Chain-Management (SCM), Produktionsplan

Factory Sales Engineer, Sales Manager, Business Developer, Product Manager
CCI AG, IMI AG, Winterthur
7/2006 – 10/2008 (2 Jahre, 4 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

7/2006 – 10/2008


Worldwide Sales Manager for:

Nuclear valves,
Reactor cooling water filtration systems
Spent-Fuel Storage Racks

Sales areas:
US, EU, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China / Sales success > 40 M€

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Check / judging the technical specification of the customer
Development of technical solutions in collaboration with the internal engineering departments
Feasibility studies
Offer preparation (technical / commercial)
Advising customers on site
Presentation of the Offers
Contract and price negotiations
Transfer of won contracts to project management
Monitoring of project implementation
Customer contact for clarification of commercial / technical questions

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT), Blockheizkraftwerk (BHKW), Kerntechnik / Atomenergie, Technischer Vertrieb, Business Development, Outsourcing, Marktforschung / -analyse, Vertrieb (allg.), Kontraktlogistik

Project – Process Engineer
UHDE Inventa - Fischer AG, Domat-Ems
3/2004 – 6/2006 (2 Jahre, 4 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

3/2004 – 6/2006


UHDE Inventa - Fischer is an engineering company that constructs and engineers the plants for production and processing of polymers for more than 50 years. There are hundreds of industrial facilities under operation on every continent.

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Generation and editing of Process Flow Charts
Mass and energy balances
P&ID schemes
Equipment lists for process plants for polymer production
Containers, equipment, heat exchangers and pumps layouts
Process calculations with ChemCAD
Sales Support sales technical matters
Development support for overall plant design and installation plans
Commissioning of a PET plant in China
Training of customer personnel
Experimentation with the PET finisher


Material procurement because of process EXPERIENCE
World's 2nd largest polyester plant of manufacture AZ planned within a 6 engineers team and taken into operation in China

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Prozessoptimierung, Inbetriebnahme (allg.), Technische Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Anlagen-Engineering, Sondermaschinenbau, Kunststoffverfahrenstechnik, Vorverkauf, Projekteinkauf

Inside Sales Manager & Project Executer, Project-Manager
ALSTOM Schweiz AG, Baden
2/2001 – 11/2003 (2 Jahre, 10 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

2/2001 – 11/2003


Gasturbines & Combined Cycle Power Plants

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Technical assessment of existing offers
Evaluation of the commercial implications
Optimization of site specifications
Preparation of project specifications
Subcontractors requests
Technical assessment of vendor quotations
Monitoring of Drafting
Technical and timely project monitoring suppliers decrease
Preparation of offers turnkey gas turbine power plants

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Technisches Projektmanagement, Technische Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Anlagen-Engineering, Strömungsmaschinenbau / Turbomaschine, Vertrieb (allg.), Vorverkauf, Indirekter Vertrieb

Expansion Manager
real,- AS (METRO AG), Istanbul
9/1998 – 5/2001 (2 Jahre, 9 Monate)

9/1998 – 5/2001


Realization of retail stores, retail / contract realization

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Land / Site development for new retail spaces
Technical realization of retail stores in Turkey,
Land acquisition, construction and commissioning
Building permits
Center Management & tenant services
Monitoring of the General Construction Companies

Initial in Gemini - Area Group, Germany in Hennef and after internal agreement between the both companies later transfer to the real, - AS Istanbul, Turkey


Extensive collection of all interesting locations in the metropolitan areas
Realization of 6 retail locations 

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Immobilienservice, Einkauf (allg.), Strategischer Einkauf, Lead buying, Konzerneinkauf, Einkaufsverhandlungen, Beschaffungsmanagement, Einzelhandel

Production Manager
LB Profile GmbH, Herbstein
9/1993 – 10/1997 (4 Jahre, 2 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

9/1993 – 10/1997


Profile Extrusion, PVC Profiles

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Management of an extrusion plant for the production of PVC industry profiles
Manufacturing planning for different product groups
HR-, raw materials-, Semi-finished goods-, tool design- management
Generation of the factories weekly production plans
Coordination of the production schedule with sales, dispatch and logistics
New Tools & Production Utilities
Adaptation of the raw material inventory
Head of Production with HR responsibility of 4 shifts x 6 = Total employees 25 employees
Maintenance and operation of extrusion equipment, refrigeration systems, dry-blend & dye mixing equipment, tools (tools) raw materials & Stock


Increasing the production capacity from 500 tons per year p.a. to approximately 3,500 tons per year p.a.
With the same number of production lines and for the same number of employees within 8 months
Minimizing tool change times
Reduction of scrap production at approximately 30% to 11%
Successful implementation of a process data base (Access database)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Microsoft Access, Produktionstechnik (allg.), Manufacturing Execution Systems, Maschinendatenerfassung (MDE), Materialbedarfsplanung (MRP), Produktionsoptimierung, Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (PPS), Kunststoffverfahrenstechnik, Kunststoffextrusion, Abfalltechnik / Müllentsorgung / Abfallbeseitigung, Recycling / Abfallverwertung, Business Analysis, Business Development, Personalwesen (allg.), Personaleinsatz, Personalbetreuung, Einstufung und Unterstützung (Outplacement), Personalentwicklung, Vertrieb (allg.), Account Management

Sales Agent Turkey
Dorstener Maschinenfabrik AG, Istanbul
11/1991 – 8/1993 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

11/1991 – 8/1993



Gearboxes & Drives for heavy industry

such as for

power plants and
mineral processing plants


Selling complex products abroad as an independent agent in Turkey

Heavy-duty industrial gears

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Development, Marktforschung / -analyse, Vertrieb (allg.), Marktkommunikation

Sales Agent Turkey
Venti Oelde GmbH, Istanbul
11/1991 – 8/1993 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

11/1991 – 8/1993


Sales activities for heavy industrial hot air fans up to 650 ° C /

Target industries:

power plants,
cement plants,
mineral processing equipment

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Development, Marktforschung / -analyse, Vertrieb (allg.), Direktvertrieb

Project Manager, Technical Sales Manager
CTP Schroll+Dück GmbH, Chemisch-Thermische Prozess, München
9/1989 – 10/1991 (2 Jahre, 2 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

9/1989 – 10/1991


CTP + Dück Schroll GmbH was providing chemical engineering services and plant construction for renewable recovery and decontamination systems of process gases, liquids and solids

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Introduction and lead of the CAD department
Sales / negotiations / contract awards for plants and procurement of components and services
Sales and project execution of 2 x fluorine, chloride contend solvent recovery facilities (Ab-, Ad-, Desorption, Rectification) and 4 bulk hordes - dryer,
Project management for soil-air and groundwater remediation systems

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Technische Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Pro/ENGINEER, Kunststoffverfahrenstechnik, Abfalltechnik / Müllentsorgung / Abfallbeseitigung, Recycling / Abfallverwertung, Business Development, Personaleinsatz, Personalbetreuung, Personalentwicklung, Marktforschung / -analyse, Vertrieb (allg.), Einkauf (allg.), Lieferantenmanagement (allg.)

Process Engineer
O&K Orenstein & Koppel AG, Ennigerloh
2/1989 – 4/1989 (3 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

2/1989 – 4/1989


O & K Orenstein & Koppel AG supplied for the mineral, stone and earthworks fields industrial plants such as for crushing, milling, dust filtration, cyclones in lime kilns and cement, lime, gypsum as well remediation systems, treatment plants

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Management of development and operation of prototype systems
Sales Support
Development of air cyclones for the separation and chemical, thermal conversion of dusts
Development and testing of a pin mill (fine milling)
Customer Support

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Inbetriebnahme (allg.), Anlagen-Engineering, Maschinenbau, Kundendienst, Forschung & Entwicklung, Angewandte Forschung


IPMA Certificate - Level D
SSC 18


Maschinenbau Verfahrenstechnik TU Dipl.-Ing.

Über mich

Reference Technologies
- Pharmaceutical, chemical, power plants
- Semi Conductors, Battery Plants
- Gas & Oil (Storage + Transport of gas and liquid)
- Electrical, instrumentation and control technology, automation system and their components, valves, fittings, Drives and Fittings
- Oil- & Gas
- Nuclear Power- , Combined Power Plants
- Waste Treatment Nuclear/Conventional/Municipal)
- Biomass Gasification Plants
- Process Components for Plants
- Steam and Condensate Valves for Power Plants
- Gas turbines and Compressors
- Geothermal Power Plants
- Gas Washing for Combustion
- Filtration of Liquids & Gases
- Gas-, Liquid-, Solid Transport & Conveying
- Kilns (Industrial Minerals / Mining)
- Crashing & Milling (Industrial Minerals / Mining)
- Profile Extrusion & Injection Molding
- Polyester Plants
- Mono-, Multifilament Plastic Yarns Production
- Cement-Lime-Gypsum (OP & Engineering
EPCM Engineering Procurement Construction & Management (Commercial & Legal all related issues)

Weitere Kenntnisse

- Extensive experience in international purchasing contract management and sales
- Good knowledge of International vendor markets, contracting, legal, codes
- Success in reduction of product costs through improved supplier integration and savings in purchasing
- A industrial trained Process Engineer with extra ordinary sales success
- Operating successfully for more than 20 years in the engineering, construction business
These successes I would like to repeat in your company too. I bring with me extensive experience in international purchasing, sales, process engineering and from production. In addition to the international purchasing I possess well knowledge of the supplier markets and known vendors. I reduce product costs through better integration of suppliers. Also, I generate callable savings in purchasing.
Core Competences in Management
- Contract Management
- Supply Chain
- Sales
- Business Development
- Project Execution
- Engineering
- Conceptual Engineering
- Legal and Contracting
- Project Coordination
- Product Management
- Production
- Global Expertise, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Middle East, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Muttersprache)
  • Türkisch (Muttersprache)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
36 Jahre und 11 Monate (seit 02/1988)
20 Jahre


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