Native English speaker with experience as editor
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- 8004 Zürich
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- 14.03.2014
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
11/2013 – 11/2013
• Collected pricing and CPI data to produce reports about the cost of living and daily subsistence allowance in Norway, weeks ahead of deadline, for the International Civil Servant Commission.
• Interviewed staff and management members to determine actual cost of living.
8/2012 – 12/2013
• Developed layout designs and graphics, drafted press releases and copyedited English publications related to the project Toward a Science of Music Performance.
• Developed communication strategies and edited web contents for the transArts Center for Applied Transdisciplinary Research for the Performing Arts (www.transarts-center.ch).
• Managed and edited web contents for Cortona Week event (www.cortona.ethz.ch).
• Identified, interviewed and drafted articles of transdiciplinary scientists and researchers.
8/2011 – 11/2011
• Collected pricing and CPI data to produce reports about the cost of living and daily subsistence allowance in Norway, weeks ahead of deadline, for the International Civil Servant Commission.
• Interviewed staff and management members to determine actual cost of living.
10/2010 – 6/2011
• Copyedited, designed and disseminated EITI publications and official documents.
• Produced and edited contents for print and online publications, including press releases.
• Updated and managed EITI’s website and intranet.
• Managed EITI conference and board meetings, including visa and travel arrangements.
1/2010 – 10/2010
• Coordinated logistics, budgeted economic funds and facilitated visa/resident permit applications.
• Created interactive programs to assist new international students transition into life in Norway.
• Updated and maintained the International Relations and Student Information’s homepages.
9/2009 – 11/2009
• Edited UNRISD web content, drafted and disseminated press releases and news articles.
• Assisted in the development of local strategies to link research outcomes with other UN organizations and international institutions.
• Moderated online community and enhanced UNRISD social media presence in close collaboration with the Publication & Dissemination team.
7/2006 – 5/2007
• Edited articles written by graduate students and assisted in laboratory projects for the Personal Chemical & Exposure Program.
• Publicized project progressions and facilitated grant proposals to increase financial support.
• Provided on- and off-field research support to assess and communicate levels of harmful pesticide exposure in migrant workers.
1/2006 – 6/2006
• Reported public events and photographed relevant pictures.
• Provided backup editorial assistance designing and editing the features and news sections.
5/2005 – 8/2005
• Edited training manual for content and design.
• Networked with Lifeline’s donors, and connected clients, board members & benefactors.
• Provided spiritual support for trauma and cancer patients at the Houston Medical Center.
9/2004 – 11/2004
• Designed magazine layout and wrote articles related to primary education in the US.
• Edited articles for grammar and content.
Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, USA and
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Gut)
- Französisch (Gut)
- Indonesisch (Fließend)
- Norwegisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Schweiz
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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