Systems Engineer
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- 55‐70€/Stunde
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- 07.10.2016
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
7/2014 – 10/2015
TätigkeitsbeschreibungData und Storage Management im z/OS Umfeld.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenZ/Os, Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), Tape Libraries, Systemadministration (allg.), Storage, Großrechner
3/2001 – 7/2014
Storage Management im SAN-Bereich (Open Systems, Windows) der installierten EMC Produkte (Storage und Switche)
Hyperswap replacement by Autoswap at HVB/Unicredit Group (Banking,Germany/Italy)
SRDF/S and Timefinder Implementation at HVB/Unicredit Group (Banking,Germany/Italy)
3-Site SRDF Automation (STAR) at Allianz Versicherung (Insurance, Germany)
4-Site SRDF Automation (STAR) at Deutsche Bundesbank/Banca d'Italia (Banking, Federal Banks of Germany and Italy)
SRDF/A Implementation at HVB (Unicredit Group, Germany/Italy)
SRDF/A Implementation at Deutsche Rente (German Social Security)
SRDF/S Implementation at REHAU (Automotive, Germany)
SRDF/S and Timefinder Implementation at INTER Versicherung (Insurance, Germany)
SRDF/S and Timefinder Implementation at Oberfinanzdirektion Koblenz (Tax Services,Germany)
SRDF/Autoswap and Consistency Group Implementation at LOB (Automotive, Germany)
SRDF based Data Center Migration from Germany to Italy at HVB/Unicreditgroup
Host Based Data Migration from HDS to EMC DMX with FDRPAS at Kreditwerk (Banking, Germany)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at AKBank (Banking, Turkey)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at DSK Bank(Banking, Bulgaria)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at HVB/Unicredit (Banking, Germay)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Porsche (Automotive,Germany)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Credit Suisse (Banking, Switzerland)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Endress & Hauser (Manufacturing, Germany
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at T-Systems (Service Provider, Germany)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at TAP Airlines (Transportation, (Portugal)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Russian Railways (Transportation, Russia)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Gobierno Vasco (Public Services)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at AEAT (Department of Commerce, Spain)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at CVS (Pharmacy Retail, USA)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at HSBC (Banking, Switzerland)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Banco Santander(Banking, Spain)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at SAMA (Banking, Saudi Arabia)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation and Tape Migration at King Abdu Aziz University (Education, Saudi
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Reserve Bank (Banking, South Africa)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Autostrade (Transportation, Italy)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Banco Santander(Banking, Spain)
Tape-on-Disk Implementation at Gobierno Vazco (Government, Spain)
Various customer workshops and trainings in DR/BC and Tape-on-Disk
Six months Storage Management (SMS) at LBBW (Banking, Germany)
Systemmigration, Storage, SAN / NAS, SMS, Schulung / Training (IT)
3/1999 – 5/2001
Implementierung von IBM Infoman (Tivoli) und Tivoli Information Center
Tivoli-Support, Systembetreuung MVS Tivoli Produkte
9/1998 – 2/1999
TätigkeitsbeschreibungInstallation und Überprüfung der z/OS Storage Management Software auf Y2000- Kompatibilität
10/1996 – 11/1997
TätigkeitsbeschreibungImplementierung von Candle Automations- und Monitoring-Software (Omegamon, Omegaview, AF/Operator) im MVS-Bereich
München, Mainz, Essen, Herrenberg
Über mich
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Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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