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Senior Software Engineer

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  • 03.02.2025


Senior Software Developer und Software Architekt im embedded Bereich mit Hardware knowhow
*Embedded systems auf Linux und Microcontrollers
*Treibers und Kommunikationsprotokolle
*Distribuierte Systeme mit Echtzeit Anforderungen
*C/C++, Java, Ada


  • Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung22 J.
  • Embedded Systems22 J.
  • Softwareentwicklung (allg.)

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior Software Entwickler
Vzug, Baar
7/2017 – 1/2019 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

7/2017 – 1/2019


Software development for consumer electronics, mainly Tumbler/Dehumidifier applications. Application-SW and Firmware development in C/C++.

*Interpreting physical “drying” requirements and providing algorithms. Implementing SW-application functionality to provide different drying-behavior. Application and Firmware development for sensors/relays/motors/compressor etc.
*Providing simulation support through a simulation engine built on C++/Tcl under Linux. This platform is able to mimic GUI behavior and dynamic physical properties of the tumbler. Automatic regression tests are written in Tcl and executed on a Jenkins Build server.

Technology: C/C++, Git, TDD, Scrum, Cortex4/ARM MCU, Tcl-scripting for simulator.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung

Senior Software Engineer
Swisstronics, Cicor group, Bronschhofen
3/2016 – 6/2017 (1 Jahr, 4 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

3/2016 – 6/2017


Development of a realtime application to control a disinfection and sterilization system for medical devices. The system consisted of 2x2 Arm equipped microcontroller boards (bsp from Thoradex) where the master controller was monitored by a supervisor controller. The master running the Ångström Linux distribution and the supervisor running a small real time kernel from Arm. User interface was based on Qt and webserver. My main contribution was the development of a simulation platform for the system. A digital and analog relay switching matrix was used for simulating sensors and actuators. This platform enabled simulation of the full SW-platform including GUI. Automatic testing was implemented through QTest (similar to C/J-Unit). Integration testing was enabled through the sentinel Framework which I adapted to work with Qt. This made it possible to setup complex test scenarios simply by recording GUI-interaction with the instrument webserver.
* Implementation of parts of the controller application
* New implementation of CAN driver and message handling based on the QT-statemachine framework.
* Development of a testbench based on the QTest framework and an Agilent relay switch matrix module and various other signal sources, emulating both HW-inputs/outputs and the 4 controllers.

Technology: C/C++11, QT, Embedded Linux, CAN, Testing platform, SVN, TDD, Scrum, Rational Rose, Sentinel, Polarion

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Linux, Scrum, C++, Qt (Software), CAN-Bus (controller area network)

Senior Software Engineer
Roche Diagnostics - BGE, Zug
1/2014 – 3/2016 (2 Jahre, 3 Monate)
Life Sciences

1/2014 – 3/2016


Analysis, design and implementation of instrument software for diagnostics middleware
Error-handling, proprietary low-level comm., hardware-abstraction layering

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Linux, Embedded Systems, Rtlinux, Scrum, C++, Git, Requirement Analyse, Embedded Software

Senior Software Engineer
Roche Diagnostics - GPS, Zug
1/2012 – 12/2013 (2 Jahre)
Life Sciences

1/2012 – 12/2013


Design and implementation off new platform components for the real time framework.
Refactoring and optimization of existing platform components.
Requirements engineering.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Linux, Embedded Systems, Rtlinux, Scrum, Git, C++, Requirement Analyse, Embedded Software

Senior Software Engineer
Stratxx Near Space Technology, Obwalden
1/2011 – 1/2012 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/2011 – 1/2012


Implemented application and protocol handling for a “thunderstorm “-detection antenna system, capable of detecting electrical disturbance such as lightning.

Airship power distribution system for power monitoring and battery management system. Application handles a 1600 Volt feed which is transformed into intermediary feeds for payloads and dc-dc converters. Drivers and algorithms for cooling, battery dis/charging, and payload switching etc.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Echtzeit-Betriebssysteme, Firmware, C++, Subversion, Raumfahrttechnik, Canopen, Embedded Software

Senior Software Engineer
Ericsson Packet Core, Schweden, Göteborg
3/2010 – 1/2011 (11 Monate)

3/2010 – 1/2011


Porting Juniper based platform to Redback (Linux)

Pcap-monitoring of internal IP-IP data

Protocol implementation (GRE, IP-IP, GTP-L2TP)

Syslog implementation on Redback

Implemented configuration parser compatible with command language (CLI) of Juniper.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Linux (Kernel), C++, Embedded Software

Senior Software Engineer
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications, Schweden, Lund
1/2009 – 3/2010 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

1/2009 – 3/2010


Touch-panel and LCD-display device drivers for Sony Ericsson's firs android based device Sony X10.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Linux, Embedded Systems, Linux (Kernel), Android, Git, C++, Embedded Software

Senior Software Engineer
Ericsson Mobile Platforms, Schweden, Lund
5/2006 – 1/2009 (2 Jahre, 9 Monate)

5/2006 – 1/2009


Specification of new high-level IMS API (JSR281) on J2ME, released, reviewed, and approved by the Java Community Process, JCP.

Reference implementation of JSR281 integrated into Suns Wireless Toolkit (SW development kit).

Full-blown commercial JSR281 implementation on Ericsson’s R13 platform.

In addition to this I led the work of producing a Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) for the JSR281 API. The TCK, is basically a large test suite, packaged into a test-harness together with a couple of network simulator applications which any implementor of JSR281 has to pass in order to be JSR281 compliant. Sort of a compliance tool. My work consisted of implementing the test harness framework and network simulators and supervising a group of 10 testers delivering around 1200 tests cases.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Linux, Embedded Systems, Test Automation, C++, Java ME (Java Platform, Micro Edition), SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), Requirement Analyse, Embedded Software

Senior Software Entwickler
Siemens Building Technologies, SBT, Zug
8/2004 – 5/2006 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

8/2004 – 5/2006


Linux device drivers for I2C and several other proprietary communication mechanisms.

Linux device drivers for E2prom, LED-control and fire central keyboard and LCD.

Wrote a Data link bridge application (PowerPC) which translates UDP/multicasting data to I2C data.

Implemented I2C multimaster drivers for HC12.

Designed and implemented a prototype for a protocol converter of Multicast/I2C on a Motorola HC12.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Linux, Embedded Systems, Computerprogrammierung, Firmware, C++, Embedded Software, Building automation and control networks (BACnet)

Senior Software Engineer
Credit Suisse First Boston, FOA, Zürich
1/2001 – 7/2004 (3 Jahre, 7 Monate)

1/2001 – 7/2004


Developed spreadsheet gateway which basically is a mechanism for providing one or several Java-clients/GUI access to underlying data in a spreadsheet residing on a remote machine, thus enabling remote viewing of another trader’s spreadsheet. The spreadsheet engine was developed in-house: C/C++/Unix/TCP/IP.

Developed and extended functionality to performance monitoring and fault-checking tool in order to monitor availability of trade-servers/price-servers/order-outers etc.: GUI work/Java/XML/JUnit/Jemmy.

Introduced use of multicast protocol for all of our server-feeds using TIBCO’s API. Making it possible to run servers efficiently from a safe remote location: C++/Java, Unix/NT, TIBCO.

Developed simulation trading-strategies used by testers to test the trading applications providing trading primitives (order-traffic) for testing trading environment: C++ and Java (Swing), Unix/NT.

Added performance monitoring functionality to our new trading screen application, timing of data throughput, identifying slow links and changes in bottlenecks after redesigns: Java-coding/XML

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Spotfire, Oracle Database, Sybase, Solaris, Microsoft Windows (allg.), Extreme Programming, XML, C++, Junit, Linux Entwicklung, Java-Frameworks, Java SE, TCP / IP

Senior Software Engineer
TietoEnator Embedded Tech, Schweden, Göteborg
5/1997 – 1/2001 (3 Jahre, 9 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

5/1997 – 1/2001


Volvo Cars, Transmission department, Gothenburg/Sweden: Took part in developing a physical model and designed application SW for controlling and adapting pressure and shift quality for automatic transmissions. Was object leader on this project. C/C++, UML, StarTeam, uTPK real-time OS, CAN-communication, I2C, EEProm-drivers etc., Microcontroller was Hitachi SH7055.

Volvo Cars, Electronic Systems. Designing a system for active damping control of chassis. C,UML,uTPK-OS,ClearCase,CAN-comm

Ericsson Microwave, Gothenburg Sweden: System programming on miniature base stations, micro base stations, for the Japanese PDC mobile net. Low-level programming on communication boards (TRX). Software drivers for E2PROM-reconfiguration. Flash-memory drives etc.

Ericsson Radio Systems: Developed software within “network signaling”-layer for GPRS-base station. C++/UML/Rational Rose RealTime.

Ericsson Microwave, Gothenburg/Sweden: Implemented a complete system HW/SW for temperature compensation used for calibration of antenna elements (designed low-level monitor and small real-time OS in C). Intel 8031/C/Assembler.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Echtzeit-Betriebssysteme, UML, Rational Rose, Firmware, C++, Simulink, CAN-Bus (controller area network), Embedded Software

Senior Software Engineer
SAAB Space AB, Schweden, Göteborg
4/1994 – 4/1997 (3 Jahre, 1 Monat)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

4/1994 – 4/1997


Worked with flight software for the central data management system (CDMU) used for handling/routing of telemetry and telecommands onboard satellites (2 missions: Meteosat and Sirus II). Was part in designing a preemptive real-time OS in Ada. Also wrote embedded application software for controlling onboard scientific instrumentation and communication hardware. Worked as objectleader and designer.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Echtzeit-Betriebssysteme, Solaris, C++, Ada, Assemblersprache, Embedded Software

Software Engineer
Ericsson Infocom AB, Schweden, Karlstad
5/1992 – 4/1994 (2 Jahre)

5/1992 – 4/1994


Involved in designing/implementing a Unix-based distributed control system for maintaining and supervising a fabric of high-speed (SDH) cross-communication switches (SDXC). This work included TCP/IP communication and extensive Unix IPC (inter process comm.) between several software components, which collected alarm and control-information from the switches. My work also included firmware development used for transmitting data from the high-speed communication (2.155Mb/s) boards where the actual cross-connection switching occurred.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Systems, Echtzeit-Betriebssysteme, Solaris, Software engineering / -technik, C++, TCP / IP, Embedded Software

Software Engineer
Space Physics Research Lab - (SPRL) Ann Arbor, USA, Ann Arbor
1/1990 – 5/1992 (2 Jahre, 5 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/1990 – 5/1992


Developed a ground support system from scratch used in 3 different NASA “missions”. This system consisted of a scientific instrument (mass spectrometer) interfaced via a VME-bus to an embedded

system running the Vrtx real-time OS and an application. The embedded application then communicated via TCP/IP to a UNIX host which visualized the data in a GUI (X11/Motif). The application running on the UNIX host ran a number of processes used to monitor the data from the instrument (to avoid overheating etc) and also to send commands and synchronize the telemetry from the instrument. After calibration of the instrument, in the lab, the instrument was put in a satellite and the VME-bus was substituted for a spacecraft onboard-bus, which then was controlled by the same UNIX host-application from ground when the satellite was launched.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Echtzeit-Betriebssysteme, Solaris, Motif, Firmware, C++, Assemblersprache, TCP / IP, Embedded Software


Chalmers University of Technology
Master of Science in Engeering Physics
Gothenburg, Schweden

Über mich

Senior Developer with extensive Industrial experience: Medical devices, Telecom, Space Industry, Automotive & Mobile technology.
Curious and Innovative. Enjoys Problem Solving. Excellent communication skills and a good team player.
German Fluent, English Fluent, Swedish Mothertongue

Weitere Kenntnisse

C/C++, Java,
Embedded Systems: "Bare metal systems" bis Realtime OS systeme/RTOS,
Linux/embedded Linux,
Realtime Lösungen
Firmware and Middleware Entwicklung
Kommunikation und Protokoll Implementierung
Scrum/TDD Development.
Wide range experience.

Persönliche Daten

  • Schwedisch (Muttersprache)
  • Deutsch (Fließend)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
35 Jahre und 2 Monate (seit 01/1990)
5 Jahre


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