freiberufler Softwareentwicklung (Java / Backend) auf

Softwareentwicklung (Java / Backend)

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  • 61440 Oberursel (Taunus)
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  • 30.11.2024


Ich besitze 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung (Java Fullstack mit Schwerpunkt Backend).
Meine Spezialitäten sind
- Refactoring / Modernisierung von Legacy Systemen
- Java Performance Analyse / Profiling und Optimierung

Auszug Referenzen (8)

"Herr N. hat uns im Projekt mit seiner tiefen Airline Erfahrung und seinem breiten Skill-Profil herausragend unterstützt."
Performance Task Force
Wolfgang Reuthner

1/2018 – 3/2020


• Identify and support to solve functional and non-functional problems issues in the functional area “Flight Offer Management” and “Merchandizing”
• Analyze processes, code, application behavior to support remediation
• Identifying hotspots / bottlenecks in the Software with Java profiling tools and come up with suggestions to improve them (e.g. review / redesign approach of processing ATPCO data)
• Defect analysis of functional problems, mainly in the Amadeus and ATPCO area
• Design new or enhance existing processes within the solution of the software provider in such a way that non-functional requirements can be met
• Track progress of identified problems and report to management
• Align / coordinate several involved parties: Software Provider, Testing, Delivery Manage-ment, Solution Design Governance, Solution Design Configuration, Project Management

Technology & Tools used
• Postman, SoapUI
• VisualVM Profiler
• Java 8, JPA, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Spring Batch
• MySQL, MongoDB

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mongodb, Mysql, J2EE, Spring Framework, Representational State Transfer (REST)

"Kompetent und zuverlässig!"
Senior Java Developer NDC API
Falko Benkert

1/2017 – 6/2017


• Implement module for importing, retrieving and calculating ATPCO PFC (Passenger Facility Charge) in Java.
• Integration of the PFC Module into the NDC API
• Implement RBD logic for feeder flights
• Implement functionality for cancellation of flights

Technology & Tools used
• Java 8, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Junit, Lombok
• MySQL, MongoDB
• Git, Jenkins, Maven

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mongodb, Mysql, Apache Maven, J2EE, Junit, Spring Framework, Hibernate (Framework)

"Herr N. hat uns im Projekt mit seiner tiefen Airline Erfahrung und seinem breiten Skill-Profil herausragend unterstützt."
Solution Design for Next Generation Sales Platform
Wolfgang Reuthner

1/2016 – 12/2017


• Responsible for creating functional and technical specification for the pogram (successor of,, booking platform) in the offer management area in close collaboration with the software vendor (Datalex)
• Track the life cycle of a wide range of offer management features (design, development, test)
• Example for functional areas: Flight Offers, Merchandizing/Ancillary Offers, Shopping, Pricing, Precomputation, Dynamic Bundling
• Assist the developers in using API and data formats in a proper way such as Amadeus Webservices, ATPCO Data Applications
• Testing / Accepting delivered functionality on service level (REST API)

Technology & Tools used
• Postman, SoapUI
• VisualVM Profiler
• Java 8, JPA, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Spring Batch
• MySQL, MongoDB

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mongodb, Mysql, J2EE, Spring Framework, Representational State Transfer (REST)

"Tolle Zusammenarbeit in einem Projekt für unseren Kunden „Hurtigruten“. H. N. hat die Anforderungen rasch verstanden und perfekt umgesetzt."
Migration of PolarGlobal client interface from Amadeus ApiV2 XML to Amadeus Webs
Adrian Matt

6/2015 – 10/2015


• Migrating a .NET Amadeus ApiV2 client to Amadeus Webservices
• Instruct and support developers to implement the solution

Technology & Tools used
• C# .NET

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

.Net, C#

"Mit seinen fundierten Fachkenntnissen trug Herr N. maßgeblich zum Erfolg des Projekts bei. Die Zusammenarbeit aus unserer Sicht war vorbildlich."
Migration of backend from HP AxsRes to Amadeus Altea
Falko Benkert

10/2014 – 12/2015


• Migration of complete Flight Booking / Ticketing Functionality from the Swiss Airlines internal reservation system to Amadeus Webservices during the migration transition of Swiss Airlines to Amadeus Altea.
• Functionalities covered: Availability, Pricing, manual TST creation, Ticketing, Ancillary Services, TSM creation, MCO issuance, EMD issuance, Group Bookings, etc.
• Responsible for identification and implementation of the proper Amadeus services for each of the HP implementations.
• Creating mapping documentations (HP AxsRes <-> Amadeus) as guideline for other developers most of the relevant services.
• Adapting IBE business logic to cover functional and technical differences between the old and the new reservation system.

Technology & Tools used
• SoapUI
• Java 8, JavaScript, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Spring-WS, Junit, Mockito, XMLUnit, JAXB
• Oracle / SQL
• SVN, Jenkins, Maven
• Apache Tomcat

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle-Anwendungen, Apache Tomcat, J2EE, Junit, Spring Framework

"Herr N. hat alle Aufgaben zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit erledigt."
Flight Express UI Migration for Sabre Travel Network
Stephanie Stoehr

4/2014 – 10/2014


Frontend Technology Migration to modern UI Framework

Technology & Tools used
• Java 8, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Junit
• Javascript ,HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap
• SVN, Ivy, Jenkins
• Apache Tomcat

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

J2EE, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, Jquery

"Herr N. hat alle Aufgaben zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit erledigt."
Definition and Implementation of supplier-neutral back-office and mid-office API
Stephanie Stoehr

4/2014 – 10/2014


• definition and implementation of a supplier-neutral back-office and mid-office API
• Direct Connect integration (Navitaire, FareLogix)

Technology & Tools used
• XMLSpy
• Java 8, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Junit
• SVN, Ivy, Jenkins

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

J2EE, XSD (XML Schema Definition)

"Herr N. hat alle Aufgaben zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit erledigt."
Lead Developer (Festanstellung)
Stephanie Stoehr

3/2001 – 3/2014


InteRes GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
Lead Developer, 03 / 2001 – 03 / 2014

Technology & Tools used
• SoapUI, Postman
• Java EE, JavaScript, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Spring-WS, Junit, HTTPUnit, Selenium, Mockito, XMLBeans, JAXB
• Apache Velocity, Commons, Axis and others
• Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, Hibernate, JPA, JDBC
• SVN, Git, Jenkins, Maven, Ivy
• Tomcat
• HTML / CSS / JQuery
• Eclipse, IntelliJ
• Visual VM Profiler
• Regular Expressions
• RMI / Corba
• Object Oriented Development
• Service Oriented Architecture
• Design Patterns / Clean Code
• Jira, Confluence


ARD ( Accounting Record Document → supplier-neutral back-office and mid-office API) for Lufthansa City Center/ ta.ts, 06 / 2013 – 03 / 2014

• definition and implementation of a supplier-neutral back-office and mid-office API
• Direct Connect integration (Navitaire, FareLogix)

GDS Comparison Study for Sabre Holdings / Fried & Partner, 10 / 2012 – 02 / 2013

• Gathered and discussed requirements with Sabre and the consultant.
• Created the specification, led and instructed team member to implement a robotic tool for generating pricing, book-ability, and performance data of all 3 major GDS used for a GDS Comparison Study (created by a 3rd party consultant).

Flight Express web service API for Sabre Travel Network, 01 / 2012 – 03 / 2014

• Gathered and discussed requirements with Sabre and Sabre´s customer.
• Led and instructed team members to design and implement the API.

GDS vs. Direct Connect (Farelogix) Comparison Study on feasibility, functionality, and other aspects for Lufthansa, 01 / 2011 – 12 / 2011

• Extensive evaluation / comparison of Farelogix vs. Amadeus in terms of offered API services and processes.
• Defined, implemented, executed, evaluated and documented UAT tests in both systems to make sure customer requirements are met for each of the offered functionalities in the areas of Availability, Pricing, Reservation,Ticketing, Refund, Exchange, Ancillary Services and others.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with web service API for Thomas Cook AG, 03 / 2010 – 12 / 2010

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Led and instructed team member to implement business requirements.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements.
• Advised the customer about product and GDS topics.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support for technical issues and questions.

GDS comparison study for Sabre Travel Network, 10 / 2009 – 01 / 2010

• Created the specification, designed and implemented a robotic tool for generating pricing, book-ability, and performance data of all 3 major GDS used for a GDS comparison study.
• Analyzed generated data and created statistical evaluation.

Customized agency booking front end (similar to Flight Express) for Thomas Cook AG,
08 / 2009 – 11 / 2010

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Led and instructed team member to implement business requirements.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements.
• Advised the customer about product and GDS topics.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support for technical issues and questions.

Product “Multi-GDS Terminal”, 01 / 2009 – 07 / 2009

• Designed and implemented mapping module for mapping cryptic GDS host commands to Java API calls with a regular expression grammar. As a result InteRes was the first company to offer a solution for using Amadeus (or any other GDS) cryptic host commands for searching / booking / pricing / displaying and mixing Sabre / Galileo / Amadeus / Direct Connect content in one integrated Amadeus host screen display.

Midoco mid office adapter for Product Mercado Server, 06 / 2008 – 12 / 2008

• Designed and implemented the connectivity and data conversion layers to transfer PNR data to the mid office host.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with Java API for Lufthansa-Systems (NetLine, Crew Management System), 11 / 2007 – 11 / 2009

• Took over responsibility for the project.
• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Led and instructed team member to implement business requirements.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with Java API for Lufthansa-Systems (MyIDTravel, Staff Travel Management System), 10 / 2007 – 03 / 2014

• Technical responsibility from the beginning.
• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements.
• Currently providing 2nd / 3rd level support.

Flight Express GUI for Sabre Travel Network, 06 / 2004 – 06 / 2005 and 07 / 2006 – 03 / 2014

• Led and instructed team members to implement business requirements and other tasks of the application life cycle.
• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for numerous business requirements (e.g. Segment Select Pricing).
• QA-Tested bugfixes, enhancements, and new features.
• Prepared and delivered deployments.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Analyzed and solved complex technical issues (e.g. identified and removed root cause for slow SWS response times causing major application outages with the team).
• Analyzed and solved complex functional issues (e.g. analyzed fare rules and routings in the consolidator database to find out why certain fares did not apply).
• Assisted product management to create reports by extracting data from the database which was not available via the application itself (e.g. built SQL query to list agencies using more than one consolidator).
• Primary point of contact to Sabre for all product related issues including strategic planning, marketing, customer acquisition, product management, product support, operational issues, and complex technical problems. - new generation Dynamic Packaging solution for LTur, 10 / 2005 – 01 / 2007

• Designed and implemented RMI API for searching and booking Dynamic Packaging products (Flight/Hotel/Car).
• Led and instructed team members to implement business requirements, back end modules and other tasks of the application life cycle.
• Implemented and/or integrated various modules in the Business-Layer (e.g. Flight/Hotel/Car/Package calculation, Business Rules Engine, etc.) and Data-Layer
(DB schemata, OR Mapping).

STADAF Host Adapter for Product Mercado Server*, 06 / 2004 – 03 / 2014

• Designed and implemented the software solution for loading, searching, pricing (including Class-Mix, Stop-Over and Open-Jaw) and booking EMEA-based consolidator database fares.
• Currently advising the team as an expert.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with Java API for
Conet (DaGama, Business Travel Management System), 01 / 2004 – 06 / 2005

• Designed and implemented the software solution for business requirements related to Flight / Hotel / Car content in Amadeus ApiV2 and Sabre SDS.
• Advised the customer about product and GDS topics.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Took over technical responsibility for the project.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with XML API for LTur, 12 / 2003 – 12 / 2007

• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Implemented enhancements and bug fixes.
• Analyzed and solved complex technical issues (e.g. fixing connection leaks, memory leaks, and deadlocks).
• Analyzed and solved complex functional issues (e.g. finding out why certain fares did not apply).
• Introduced cost and time saving solutions (reducing Amadeus GDS scans by implementing an availability cache).
• Took over technical responsibility for the project.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with Java API for OTA, 03 / 2003 – 08 / 2006

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Implemented enhancements and bug fixes.
• Took over technical responsibility for the project. – Dynamic Packaging solution for LTur, 01 / 2003 – 07 / 2006

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Designed and implemented front end (in HTML) and back end (in Java) functionality.
• Analyzed and solved complex technical issues (e.g. find and engage the root cause for long
• running database queries).
• Took over technical responsibility for the project.

No-frills host adapters (screen scraping) for Product Mercado Server*, 09/ 2002 – 01 / 2003

• Implemented screen scraping algorithms for availability, pricing and booking no-frill carriers without redirecting the user to the no-frills website. As a result Mercado Server was one of the first booking engines with fully integrated no-frills content.

Customized agency booking tool for Fritidsresor (TUI Sweden), 07 / 2001 – 11 / 2003

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements in both the front end (HTML) and back end (Java).
• Took over technical responsibility for the project.

Customized agency booking tool for OTA Brightsun UK, 05 / 2001 – 01 / 2004

• Designed and implemented code for new business requirements in both the front end (HTML) and back end (Java).

Customized agency booking tool for TUI Deutschland, 04 / 2001 – 11 / 2002

• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements in both the front end (HTML) and back end (Java).

Host adapters for Mercado Server, 03 / 2001 – 03 / 2014

• Designed and implemented host adapters for the following CRS / GDS:
Sabre SDS, Sabre Web Services, Amadeus ApiV2, Galileo Web Services, Navitaire Openskies, Pegasus.
• Led and advised team members on implementing host adapters for the following CRS / GDS:
Amadeus Web Services, Sabre XGate2, Navitaire Newskies, Farelogix, Octopus, Sunnycars, Holiday Cars, Sixt.

Product Mercado Server, 03 / 2001 – 03 / 2014

• Designed and implemented various modules of a Multi-GDS Travel Transaction Platform, e.g.: concurrent air/hotel/car shopping in multiple CRS/GDS, availability caching, tax caching, PNR persistence, CRS/GDS Proxy, CRS/GDS session management, airline configurations (interlining, E-Ticketing, Direct Access vs. Neutral Access)
• Designed and implemented CRS abstraction layer (CRS/GDS-neutral domain model / API)
• Advised team members on implementing new functionality, fixing bugs and getting used to the product.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Datenbankentwicklung, Java (allg.), Web Services


  • Backend
  • Cloud Computing4 J.
  • Docker
  • GDS / SABRE / Amadeus / ATPCO
  • Genesys Cloud
  • Java (allg.)13 J.
  • Java Performance Analyse und Optimierung
  • JavaScript5 J.
  • Kubernetes
  • MQL 4 / 5
  • Postgresql4 J.
  • React (JavaScript library)4 J.
  • Representational State Transfer (REST)9 J.
  • Spring Framework5 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Full Stack Developer Ehrenamtlich / Volunteer /, Remote
6/2020 – offen (4 Jahre, 10 Monate)
Non Profit

6/2020 – offen


Full-Stack (React, Golang) contribution to the development of a victim database against violation of human rights, disappearances, detentions.

Voluntary Full-Stack contribution to the development of a victim database for violation of human rights, disappearances, detentions.

• Develop new frontend functionality
• Bugfixing
• Deploy backend / frontend in the cloud

-Hyperlink entfernt-

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Postgresql, Cloud Computing, JavaScript, React (JavaScript library), Representational State Transfer (REST)

Performance Task Force
Lufthansa Group, Frankfurt
1/2018 – 3/2020 (2 Jahre, 3 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/2018 – 3/2020


• Identify and support to solve functional and non-functional problems issues in the functional area “Flight Offer Management” and “Merchandizing”
• Analyze processes, code, application behavior to support remediation
• Identifying hotspots / bottlenecks in the Software with Java profiling tools and come up with suggestions to improve them (e.g. review / redesign approach of processing ATPCO data)
• Defect analysis of functional problems, mainly in the Amadeus and ATPCO area
• Design new or enhance existing processes within the solution of the software provider in such a way that non-functional requirements can be met
• Track progress of identified problems and report to management
• Align / coordinate several involved parties: Software Provider, Testing, Delivery Manage-ment, Solution Design Governance, Solution Design Configuration, Project Management

Technology & Tools used
• Postman, SoapUI
• VisualVM Profiler
• Java 8, JPA, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Spring Batch
• MySQL, MongoDB

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mongodb, Mysql, J2EE, Spring Framework, Representational State Transfer (REST)

Senior Java Developer NDC API
InteRes GmbH, Darmstadt
1/2017 – 6/2017 (6 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

1/2017 – 6/2017


• Implement module for importing, retrieving and calculating ATPCO PFC (Passenger Facility Charge) in Java.
• Integration of the PFC Module into the NDC API
• Implement RBD logic for feeder flights
• Implement functionality for cancellation of flights

Technology & Tools used
• Java 8, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Junit, Lombok
• MySQL, MongoDB
• Git, Jenkins, Maven

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mongodb, Mysql, Apache Maven, J2EE, Junit, Spring Framework, Hibernate (Framework)

Solution Design for Next Generation Sales Platform
Lufthansa Group, Frankfurt
1/2016 – 12/2017 (2 Jahre)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/2016 – 12/2017


• Responsible for creating functional and technical specification for the pogram (successor of,, booking platform) in the offer management area in close collaboration with the software vendor (Datalex)
• Track the life cycle of a wide range of offer management features (design, development, test)
• Example for functional areas: Flight Offers, Merchandizing/Ancillary Offers, Shopping, Pricing, Precomputation, Dynamic Bundling
• Assist the developers in using API and data formats in a proper way such as Amadeus Webservices, ATPCO Data Applications
• Testing / Accepting delivered functionality on service level (REST API)

Technology & Tools used
• Postman, SoapUI
• VisualVM Profiler
• Java 8, JPA, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Spring Batch
• MySQL, MongoDB

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mongodb, Mysql, J2EE, Spring Framework, Representational State Transfer (REST)

FlightExpress API Integration into Sabre Red Workspace for Sabre Travel Network
Sabre Corporation, Remote
8/2015 – 12/2015 (5 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

8/2015 – 12/2015


• Consulting Sabre Architects to integrate FlightExpress API into Sabre Red Workspace to migrate Flightcenter USA from FlightExpress UI to Sabre Red
• Develop missing services in FlightExpress API

Technology & Tools used
• SoapUI
• Java 8, JavaScript, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Spring-WS, Junit, Mockito, XMLBeans
• Oracle / SQL
• SVN, Jenkins, Maven
• Apache Tomcat

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle-Anwendungen, Apache Tomcat, Apache Maven, J2EE, Spring Framework, Jquery, Web Services, XSD (XML Schema Definition)

Migration of PolarGlobal client interface from Amadeus ApiV2 XML to Amadeus Webs
Moore & Stephens / TravelBrain, Remote
6/2015 – 10/2015 (5 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

6/2015 – 10/2015


• Migrating a .NET Amadeus ApiV2 client to Amadeus Webservices
• Instruct and support developers to implement the solution

Technology & Tools used
• C# .NET

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

.Net, C#

Migration of backend from HP AxsRes to Amadeus Altea
Swiss Airlines, Remote
10/2014 – 12/2015 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

10/2014 – 12/2015


• Migration of complete Flight Booking / Ticketing Functionality from the Swiss Airlines internal reservation system to Amadeus Webservices during the migration transition of Swiss Airlines to Amadeus Altea.
• Functionalities covered: Availability, Pricing, manual TST creation, Ticketing, Ancillary Services, TSM creation, MCO issuance, EMD issuance, Group Bookings, etc.
• Responsible for identification and implementation of the proper Amadeus services for each of the HP implementations.
• Creating mapping documentations (HP AxsRes <-> Amadeus) as guideline for other developers most of the relevant services.
• Adapting IBE business logic to cover functional and technical differences between the old and the new reservation system.

Technology & Tools used
• SoapUI
• Java 8, JavaScript, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Spring-WS, Junit, Mockito, XMLUnit, JAXB
• Oracle / SQL
• SVN, Jenkins, Maven
• Apache Tomcat

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle-Anwendungen, Apache Tomcat, J2EE, Junit, Spring Framework

Flight Express UI Migration for Sabre Travel Network
InteRes GmbH, Darmstadt
4/2014 – 10/2014 (7 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

4/2014 – 10/2014


Frontend Technology Migration to modern UI Framework

Technology & Tools used
• Java 8, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Junit
• Javascript ,HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap
• SVN, Ivy, Jenkins
• Apache Tomcat

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

J2EE, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, Jquery

Definition and Implementation of supplier-neutral back-office and mid-office API
InteRes GmbH, Darmstadt
4/2014 – 10/2014 (7 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

4/2014 – 10/2014


• definition and implementation of a supplier-neutral back-office and mid-office API
• Direct Connect integration (Navitaire, FareLogix)

Technology & Tools used
• XMLSpy
• Java 8, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Junit
• SVN, Ivy, Jenkins

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

J2EE, XSD (XML Schema Definition)

Lead Developer (Festanstellung)
InteRes GmbH, Darmstadt
3/2001 – 3/2014 (13 Jahre, 1 Monat)

3/2001 – 3/2014


InteRes GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
Lead Developer, 03 / 2001 – 03 / 2014

Technology & Tools used
• SoapUI, Postman
• Java EE, JavaScript, Spring, Lombok, Guava, Spring-WS, Junit, HTTPUnit, Selenium, Mockito, XMLBeans, JAXB
• Apache Velocity, Commons, Axis and others
• Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, Hibernate, JPA, JDBC
• SVN, Git, Jenkins, Maven, Ivy
• Tomcat
• HTML / CSS / JQuery
• Eclipse, IntelliJ
• Visual VM Profiler
• Regular Expressions
• RMI / Corba
• Object Oriented Development
• Service Oriented Architecture
• Design Patterns / Clean Code
• Jira, Confluence


ARD ( Accounting Record Document → supplier-neutral back-office and mid-office API) for Lufthansa City Center/ ta.ts, 06 / 2013 – 03 / 2014

• definition and implementation of a supplier-neutral back-office and mid-office API
• Direct Connect integration (Navitaire, FareLogix)

GDS Comparison Study for Sabre Holdings / Fried & Partner, 10 / 2012 – 02 / 2013

• Gathered and discussed requirements with Sabre and the consultant.
• Created the specification, led and instructed team member to implement a robotic tool for generating pricing, book-ability, and performance data of all 3 major GDS used for a GDS Comparison Study (created by a 3rd party consultant).

Flight Express web service API for Sabre Travel Network, 01 / 2012 – 03 / 2014

• Gathered and discussed requirements with Sabre and Sabre´s customer.
• Led and instructed team members to design and implement the API.

GDS vs. Direct Connect (Farelogix) Comparison Study on feasibility, functionality, and other aspects for Lufthansa, 01 / 2011 – 12 / 2011

• Extensive evaluation / comparison of Farelogix vs. Amadeus in terms of offered API services and processes.
• Defined, implemented, executed, evaluated and documented UAT tests in both systems to make sure customer requirements are met for each of the offered functionalities in the areas of Availability, Pricing, Reservation,Ticketing, Refund, Exchange, Ancillary Services and others.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with web service API for Thomas Cook AG, 03 / 2010 – 12 / 2010

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Led and instructed team member to implement business requirements.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements.
• Advised the customer about product and GDS topics.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support for technical issues and questions.

GDS comparison study for Sabre Travel Network, 10 / 2009 – 01 / 2010

• Created the specification, designed and implemented a robotic tool for generating pricing, book-ability, and performance data of all 3 major GDS used for a GDS comparison study.
• Analyzed generated data and created statistical evaluation.

Customized agency booking front end (similar to Flight Express) for Thomas Cook AG,
08 / 2009 – 11 / 2010

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Led and instructed team member to implement business requirements.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements.
• Advised the customer about product and GDS topics.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support for technical issues and questions.

Product “Multi-GDS Terminal”, 01 / 2009 – 07 / 2009

• Designed and implemented mapping module for mapping cryptic GDS host commands to Java API calls with a regular expression grammar. As a result InteRes was the first company to offer a solution for using Amadeus (or any other GDS) cryptic host commands for searching / booking / pricing / displaying and mixing Sabre / Galileo / Amadeus / Direct Connect content in one integrated Amadeus host screen display.

Midoco mid office adapter for Product Mercado Server, 06 / 2008 – 12 / 2008

• Designed and implemented the connectivity and data conversion layers to transfer PNR data to the mid office host.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with Java API for Lufthansa-Systems (NetLine, Crew Management System), 11 / 2007 – 11 / 2009

• Took over responsibility for the project.
• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Led and instructed team member to implement business requirements.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with Java API for Lufthansa-Systems (MyIDTravel, Staff Travel Management System), 10 / 2007 – 03 / 2014

• Technical responsibility from the beginning.
• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements.
• Currently providing 2nd / 3rd level support.

Flight Express GUI for Sabre Travel Network, 06 / 2004 – 06 / 2005 and 07 / 2006 – 03 / 2014

• Led and instructed team members to implement business requirements and other tasks of the application life cycle.
• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for numerous business requirements (e.g. Segment Select Pricing).
• QA-Tested bugfixes, enhancements, and new features.
• Prepared and delivered deployments.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Analyzed and solved complex technical issues (e.g. identified and removed root cause for slow SWS response times causing major application outages with the team).
• Analyzed and solved complex functional issues (e.g. analyzed fare rules and routings in the consolidator database to find out why certain fares did not apply).
• Assisted product management to create reports by extracting data from the database which was not available via the application itself (e.g. built SQL query to list agencies using more than one consolidator).
• Primary point of contact to Sabre for all product related issues including strategic planning, marketing, customer acquisition, product management, product support, operational issues, and complex technical problems. - new generation Dynamic Packaging solution for LTur, 10 / 2005 – 01 / 2007

• Designed and implemented RMI API for searching and booking Dynamic Packaging products (Flight/Hotel/Car).
• Led and instructed team members to implement business requirements, back end modules and other tasks of the application life cycle.
• Implemented and/or integrated various modules in the Business-Layer (e.g. Flight/Hotel/Car/Package calculation, Business Rules Engine, etc.) and Data-Layer
(DB schemata, OR Mapping).

STADAF Host Adapter for Product Mercado Server*, 06 / 2004 – 03 / 2014

• Designed and implemented the software solution for loading, searching, pricing (including Class-Mix, Stop-Over and Open-Jaw) and booking EMEA-based consolidator database fares.
• Currently advising the team as an expert.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with Java API for
Conet (DaGama, Business Travel Management System), 01 / 2004 – 06 / 2005

• Designed and implemented the software solution for business requirements related to Flight / Hotel / Car content in Amadeus ApiV2 and Sabre SDS.
• Advised the customer about product and GDS topics.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Took over technical responsibility for the project.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with XML API for LTur, 12 / 2003 – 12 / 2007

• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Implemented enhancements and bug fixes.
• Analyzed and solved complex technical issues (e.g. fixing connection leaks, memory leaks, and deadlocks).
• Analyzed and solved complex functional issues (e.g. finding out why certain fares did not apply).
• Introduced cost and time saving solutions (reducing Amadeus GDS scans by implementing an availability cache).
• Took over technical responsibility for the project.

Customized Travel Transaction Platform (Mercado Server) with Java API for OTA, 03 / 2003 – 08 / 2006

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Implemented enhancements and bug fixes.
• Took over technical responsibility for the project. – Dynamic Packaging solution for LTur, 01 / 2003 – 07 / 2006

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Provided 2nd / 3rd level support.
• Designed and implemented front end (in HTML) and back end (in Java) functionality.
• Analyzed and solved complex technical issues (e.g. find and engage the root cause for long
• running database queries).
• Took over technical responsibility for the project.

No-frills host adapters (screen scraping) for Product Mercado Server*, 09/ 2002 – 01 / 2003

• Implemented screen scraping algorithms for availability, pricing and booking no-frill carriers without redirecting the user to the no-frills website. As a result Mercado Server was one of the first booking engines with fully integrated no-frills content.

Customized agency booking tool for Fritidsresor (TUI Sweden), 07 / 2001 – 11 / 2003

• Gathered and discussed requirements with the customer.
• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements in both the front end (HTML) and back end (Java).
• Took over technical responsibility for the project.

Customized agency booking tool for OTA Brightsun UK, 05 / 2001 – 01 / 2004

• Designed and implemented code for new business requirements in both the front end (HTML) and back end (Java).

Customized agency booking tool for TUI Deutschland, 04 / 2001 – 11 / 2002

• Designed and implemented the software solution for new business requirements in both the front end (HTML) and back end (Java).

Host adapters for Mercado Server, 03 / 2001 – 03 / 2014

• Designed and implemented host adapters for the following CRS / GDS:
Sabre SDS, Sabre Web Services, Amadeus ApiV2, Galileo Web Services, Navitaire Openskies, Pegasus.
• Led and advised team members on implementing host adapters for the following CRS / GDS:
Amadeus Web Services, Sabre XGate2, Navitaire Newskies, Farelogix, Octopus, Sunnycars, Holiday Cars, Sixt.

Product Mercado Server, 03 / 2001 – 03 / 2014

• Designed and implemented various modules of a Multi-GDS Travel Transaction Platform, e.g.: concurrent air/hotel/car shopping in multiple CRS/GDS, availability caching, tax caching, PNR persistence, CRS/GDS Proxy, CRS/GDS session management, airline configurations (interlining, E-Ticketing, Direct Access vs. Neutral Access)
• Designed and implemented CRS abstraction layer (CRS/GDS-neutral domain model / API)
• Advised team members on implementing new functionality, fixing bugs and getting used to the product.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Datenbankentwicklung, Java (allg.), Web Services

Weitere Kenntnisse

- Java
- Javascript
- Visual Basic
- C#
- C++
- ABAP/4
- MQL4 / MQL5 (FX Trading)

Frameworks / Libraries:
- Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Batch
- Apache Velocity, Commons, Axis
- Lombok
- AngularJS
- React
- JQuery
- Hibernate
- XMLBeans
- Junit
- Mockito
- HttpUnit

- Oracle
- Postgresql

- XMLSpy
- SoapUI
- Postman
- Eclipse
- Ant, Gradle, Ivy, Maven
- SVN, Git
- Jenkins
- Profiling Tools (Visual VM)

- Webservices (JAX-WS, JAX-RS)
- Regular Expressions
- Docker , Kubernetes
- Corba

Branchenwissen (Touristik)
Prozesse und Markt:
- Prozesse im Geschäftsreise- und Freizeitreisebereich
- Prozesse im Consolidator- und Veranstalter-Geschäft
- GDS, Direct Connect, Lowcost, Charter
- Tarifierung, IATA Kategorien, Verfügbarkeit, Pricing, Buchung, Umbuchung, Ticketing
- Dynamic Packaging
- Marktanalyse / GDS, Direct Connect Vergleichsstudie

CRS / GDS / Formate:
- Sabre (SWS, Sabre Host Commands)
- Amadeus (Apiv2, Webservices, Masterpricer, Flexpricer, FareXpert, Digital API, DES, RefX, Amadeus Host Commands)
- Galileo (XML Select, GWS, Universal API, Galileo Host Commands)
- Navitaire (Newskies)
- FareLogix (FLX API)
- Blank / TOMA
- diverse Schnittstellen von Hotel und Mietwagen Brokern

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
24 Jahre und 1 Monat (seit 02/2001)
5 Jahre


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