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Multimedia Professional

  • 20€/Stunde
  • 2920 Charlotenlund
  • Europa
  • hi  |  en  |  sv
  • 16.11.2013


I have Master of Science degree in Telecommunications, with specialization in low bitrate video coding, and Scalable Video Streaming.

I have skills and experience in video encoding, decoding, and streaming.


Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Research assistant
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona
5/2012 – 7/2012 (3 Monate)

5/2012 – 7/2012


Responsible to set up a demonstrator for Scalable Video Streaming over radio channels. The tasks included generating scalable video streams using H264/SVC, setting up client server environment and transmission of streams using the Radio Base Station CMU 200.

The Test bed employed consists of a media server (flumotion) hosted on a Linux machine, Radio Base Station, and a client area network. Raw sequences generated at variable spatial resolution (nHD to CIF) and frame rates are encoded using H264/SVC using JSVM encoder.

The media server is hosted over HTTP and the client connects to the server over http requests. The code of transmission is WCDMA and the Base Station is configured to use Application Test Environment (ATE) to test packet-based receiver.

The errors were introduced by lowering the downlink-signal power to the threshold in the CMU interface. The client machine has GUI run over JAVA, that initiates the requests to the server.

The aim was to estimate the freezes, impact of jitter-buffer in the video player occurring due to the errors in transmission (TCP). The test cases were defined with the variables as buffer size of the player, video content transmitted (variable resolution and frame rates as a result of SVC), and the downlink signal power. The simulations were performed numerous times to calculate the mean and standard deviation.

An instrumented video client (mplayer), to print out the logs when the video frame is decoded has been used to calculate the initial buffer delay when the video was requested. TCP handshake was captured using tcpdump files with wireshark and the time stamps were used for delay calculations.


Master degree


Master of Science in Telecommunications

Über mich

I have a keen interest to work within the areas: Video coding and streaming. I am graduated as Master of Science in Electrical Engineering with emphasis on Telecommunications at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), in Sweden. After my post-graduation, I had worked as research assistant at my university to set up a demonstrator for Scalable Video Streaming in IP over Radio environment. I have worked as a trainee in IT Administration department at Tyntec Gmbh, in Germany until August 2013.

During my internship, I have been working with first level support to the users, and providing hardware and windows application support. I have been working on Linux administration, ubuntu and Debian distributions of OS, which brings value in working with various OS. I have knowledge in configuring IP telephone and VoIP. I have good knowledge on shell, SSH, editors like nano, vi, which is useful for defining and editing the configuration files for open source software. I believe that the experience in user support and administration adds value for the activities in the installation, commissioning, and integration activities.

The work at BTH was an extension of my Maser thesis that involved setting up a Video on Demand server through IP over Radio environment, which can be accessed remotely through a compatible video client. This work is performed over Radio Base Station (R&S CMU200) and Huawei modem. This work involved building H264/SVC (Scalable Video Coding) streams, configuring video streaming client-server environment, software installations (Huawei modem drivers), Linux configurations, and jitter buffer analysis for video player (Mplayer). I was responsible for generating Scalable Video Streams (H264/SVC) using JSVM software and hosting the bit-streams on the streaming server (Flumotion). I have contributed for GUI in JAVA that interacts with the shell script that automates the requests. Hands-on experience in using transmission protocol (TCP handshake) has been obtained. The knowledge obtained in IP, and wireless communications brings value for the research and integration tasks.

I have used Eclipse IDE for developing an application, which sends the list of files in a repository tree from client to the server over a local host. I have knowledge of programming in Data structures in C, for client server connections over the local host.

I have worked with NET::SNMP API using PERL where I have got experience in using MySQL and php to store the MIB attributes to monitor the performance of UPS (system uptime, battery status, alarm condition etc.). I have worked with JSVM tools for bit stream extraction, and Scalable Video Coding.

Besides the technical aspects, I have given several presentations, attended workshops for technical training in IT administration and IT service management. Working with the teams during my studies and at projects has excelled my ability as a team player. Active roles in research methodology course and in Master thesis improved my leadership skills. My research work has been presented for the 2nd European Teletraffic Seminar 2013. I am a social person, like to co-ordinate, exchange ideas and thoughts, and learn new things.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Good knowledge on C/C++ programming
Socket programming using C/Java
C programming in Linux, gcc compiler
Good knowledge on Packet Inspection using WIRESHARK
Hands-on experience on LAN configurations
Good knowledge on network management and monitoring using SNMP
Good knowledge on DNS, DHCP,TFTP
Basic knowledge on Network security (IP Tables, Firewall)
Hands-on experience on TCP/IP protocol suite
Hands-on-experience using OpenLDAP
Certification in OTRS Ticket Administration
Certification in OTRS IT Service Management
Good knowledge on MySQL with phpMyAdmin
Hands-on experience in working with Radio Base Station (R&S CMU 200)
Hands-on experience on WCDMA signalling
Hand-on experience on JSVM encoder, FFMPEG encoder
Good knowledge on data analysis skills using Matlab

Persönliche Daten

  • Hindi (Muttersprache)
  • Schwedisch (Gut)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Europäische Union
12 Jahre und 9 Monate (seit 06/2012)


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