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- 22.10.2013
Since June 1993 accredited by the European Institutions
Since my graduation I have been working as a simultaneous/consecutive interpreter and translator - European Commission, the Council, European Parliament, Council of Europe, Europol, ....
Since my graduation I have been working as a simultaneous/consecutive interpreter and translator - European Commission, the Council, European Parliament, Council of Europe, Europol, ....
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
free lancer
EU Institutionen, Ministerien, verschiedene privat, Bratislava, Brussel
(46 Jahre, 1 Monat)
1/1979 – offen
Tätigkeitsbeschreibungdolmetschen, übersetzen
Über mich
Translating and Interpreting Experience
Since my graduation I have been working as a simultaneous/consecutive interpreter and translator (high level state visits, conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses, press conferences, business negotiations/various branches of political and social life, defence, law, approximation of law, technology, science, culture, education, social affairs, industry, ecology, management, finance, EU legislation, etc). In 1998, I received the Literárny Fond Best Technical Translation Award for the Slovak translation of Programme CONSENSUS – the most important EU instruments in the area of social protection.
European Commission, the Council, European Parliament, Council of Europe, Europol, NATO, Slovak Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, the President of the SR, Parliament of the SR, the Office of the Government of the SR, various embassies, American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, Slovak Chamber of Commerce, Inštitút pre verejné otázky, EIPA, UNHCR, OECD, Združenie sudcov Slovenska, Slovak Ombudsman, European Ombudsman, COSAC, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, etc.
Membership in Professional Organisations
Slovenská asociácia prekladateľov a tlmočníkov (Slovak Association of Translators and Interpreters - http://sapt.sk/).
Since my graduation I have been working as a simultaneous/consecutive interpreter and translator (high level state visits, conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses, press conferences, business negotiations/various branches of political and social life, defence, law, approximation of law, technology, science, culture, education, social affairs, industry, ecology, management, finance, EU legislation, etc). In 1998, I received the Literárny Fond Best Technical Translation Award for the Slovak translation of Programme CONSENSUS – the most important EU instruments in the area of social protection.
European Commission, the Council, European Parliament, Council of Europe, Europol, NATO, Slovak Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, the President of the SR, Parliament of the SR, the Office of the Government of the SR, various embassies, American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, Slovak Chamber of Commerce, Inštitút pre verejné otázky, EIPA, UNHCR, OECD, Združenie sudcov Slovenska, Slovak Ombudsman, European Ombudsman, COSAC, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, etc.
Membership in Professional Organisations
Slovenská asociácia prekladateľov a tlmočníkov (Slovak Association of Translators and Interpreters - http://sapt.sk/).
Weitere Kenntnisse
April 2013 Law course: Civil and Contract Liability; Criminal Law & Procedure
2010 - 2012 Dutch language intense courses at the university of Leuven and Gent
August 2008 two-week English retour interpreter training course, University of Leeds
November 1997 participation in a TAIEX Office/Common Interpretation Service organised consecutive interpreting training programme
June 1993 accredited by the European Commission - Common Conference and Interpretation Service
1982 PhDr in English, Univerzita J.A.Komenského Bratislava (Comenius University)
1977 1 term study stay at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages named after Maurice Thorez
1974 - 1979 university study at Univerzita J.A.Komenského Bratislava (Comenius University), Bratislava, English – Russian, interpreting translating
Technical Skills
PC skills, CAT skills (Wordfast, MemoC)
April 2013 Law course: Civil and Contract Liability; Criminal Law & Procedure
2010 - 2012 Dutch language intense courses at the university of Leuven and Gent
August 2008 two-week English retour interpreter training course, University of Leeds
November 1997 participation in a TAIEX Office/Common Interpretation Service organised consecutive interpreting training programme
June 1993 accredited by the European Commission - Common Conference and Interpretation Service
1982 PhDr in English, Univerzita J.A.Komenského Bratislava (Comenius University)
1977 1 term study stay at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages named after Maurice Thorez
1974 - 1979 university study at Univerzita J.A.Komenského Bratislava (Comenius University), Bratislava, English – Russian, interpreting translating
Technical Skills
PC skills, CAT skills (Wordfast, MemoC)
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Niederländisch (Gut)
- Slowakisch (Muttersprache)
auf Anfrage
45 Jahre und 4 Monate
(seit 09/1979)
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