Stress Engineer
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- 21109 Hamburg
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- 09.12.2013
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2013 – 6/2013
Project Title: “A350-900 wing upper cover composites interfaces analysis’’
• Stress check and static analysis of the composite wing upper cover leading and trailing edge interfaces.
• Extraction of loads from detailed FE model.
• Preparation of input files for Filled Hole Analysis in ISAMI.
• Post-processing of results to get reserve factors.
• Mitigations for critical reserve factors.
• Nastran/Patran, ISAMI, MS-office macro, Unix.
4/2012 – 11/2012
Project Title: “Sizing and Optimization of A350 XWB 900 MSN-17 Section 16-18’’
• Optimization analysis of cut-outs in lower shell rear part of fuselage.
• Linear static and buckling analysis of detailed FE model.
• Analytical calculations using HSB methods.
• Calculation of buckling and edge impact reserve factors to ensure strength and stability of composite structure.
• Hypermesh, OptiStruct, Radioss, Nastran/Patran.
Über mich
Area of expertise Include:
• FEM/FEA for Composite structure, Hand calculation methods
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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