Business- und Marketing
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- 46023 Valencia
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- 11.02.2013
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
12/2012 – offen
TätigkeitsbeschreibungCollaboration with some innovative companies to open new markets and channels.
7/2008 – 10/2012
Business and Marketing Director. E-Health solutions and products. Head of marketing and business department, board of directors, defining and developing marketing plan, product management, strategy, business, alliances and sales of the company (globally). Also controlling and management of the department, budget, targets and resources. Member of Movilforum of Telefonica and Low Power RF network of Texas Instruments.
Member of Continua Health Alliance, ZigBee Alliance and IEEE standardisation bodies. Patents and trade marks.
New business - partnership program in Spain, Germany, France, USA, Brazil, Colombia, Turkey, GCC
Sales 2011: 1,2 MEUR; Employees: 35; As Marketing Director, leading a group of 6 people.
10/2005 – 7/2008
Marketing and Standardization Manager. Delegate at IEEE P1901 (BPL PHY and MAC) and ETSI PLT international meetings, involved in strategy decisions of the company, coordinating activities between R&D and marketing departments. Collaboration and presence in other international forums such as HGI (Home Gateway Initiative), DLNA, ITU-T and European projects.
UPA (Universal Power line Association) Vice-President focused on Marketing, Certification and Standardization of products (high data rate for multimedia transmission - powerline communications)
Being part of Spanish National Expert delegation at CISPR I and CENELEC (205A and 210 committee).
Sales 2007: 16 MEUR; Employees: 140; As Manager, coordinating and leading teams of 2-3 people
5/2000 – 9/2005
(November 2004 – September 2005) Siemens marketing - standardization manager at OMA (open mobile alliance), ARCH and REQ group, IMS delegate, coordination with R&D. Negotiations and agreements with operators, telecom technology companies and content multimedia providers.
(December 2003 – October 2004) Project leader for Lorry road user charge (LRUC) project implementation in United Kingdom. Large bid tender, within a group of 100 people from several companies (Siemens PLC). Consultant for application of GPS / GPRS technology for tolling and positioning. Process model definition and design using SEM, defining tasks, test steps and targets. Use cases definition.
(May 2000 – December 2003) Standardization Testing Engineer, writing protocols and standards for UMTS.3G terminals. Participation at international forums such as ETSI, GSMA, GCF, NVIOT
Siemens permanent delegate in more than 50 international meetings. Development and writing of signalling tests for mobile phone prototypes for inclusion in the technical specifications.
Valencia, Spanien
Granada, Spanien
Weitere Kenntnisse
Branchen und Technologie:
• Software, Firmware und Hardware
• Gesundheit, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), Halbleiter, Telekommunikation, IT.
• 3G, UMTS, WiFi, Bluetooth, Java, .NET, ZigBee, RFID, SQL.
• Europa: Spanien, Deutschland, Österreich, Turkei
• Amerika: USA, Mexiko, Brasilien, Chile, Kolumbien, Peru
• Mittlerer Osten: Golfstaaten
• Definition eines Plans zur Internationalisierung
o Für den Export fertige Produkte (Positionerung, Pricing, …)
o Kundenprofile
o Value chain und Prozessdefinition B2B und B2C
o Ziele (Länder, Quantität und Qualität)
o Durchführungsplan und Budgetplan
o Check points für die Strategien
• State of the art der Produkte in den verschieden Regionen und SWOT
o Identifikation, Beobachtung und Analyse der Konkurrenten und deren Aktivitäten
• Präsenz in Industrievereinigungen, Standardisireungs- und Technologieforen
• Promotion (Pressemitteilungen, Events, Messen, Webauftritt, Broschüren, Präsentationen, …)
• Marketing 2.0: SEO, SEM, Blogs, Diskussionsforen, Socialnetworks, …
• Kontakt mit Wirtschaftsverbänden (ICEX, IVEX, FENIN, …)
• Aufnahme und Pflege der Business Leads und Key Account Management Funktion
• Teilnahme bei Preisausschreibungen und Auszeichungen
• Geschäftreisen, Teilnahme an Handelsdelegationen und Besuche von Kunden und Partnern
• Vertrieb
• Software- Entwickler
• Integrators und Dienstleister
• Master Business Administration – MBA
• Dipl. Ing. Elektrotechnik und Ing. Machinenbau
- Muttersprache: Spanisch
- Fliessen: Englisch, Deutsch
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Spanisch (Muttersprache)
- Europäische Union
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