Executive Coach und Trainer
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- 03.09.2021
Es wird in Lösungen gedacht und diese erarbeitet!
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
5/2019 – 11/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungUnternehmensanalyse und Konzepterstellung zur Unterstützung des internationalen Mergers (PMI). Ebenfalls Prozessbegleitung als Coach und einhergehende Workshops.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenOrganisationsentwicklung
5/2013 – 5/2014
TätigkeitsbeschreibungLeadership Development.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenFührungstraining
1/2013 – 7/2013
TätigkeitsbeschreibungLeadership Development auf der Basis von Einzelcoachings.
7/2012 – 7/2013
January 8, 2013
Re: Reference for [...] [...], Business Coach and Trainer
During the 2012 business year, we used Ms. [...] [...] as a Teambuilding trainer and coach for the Production Operation in Boshoku Automotive, Saalburg- Ebersdorf, Germany.
She was tasked with training and coaching a wide diverse group of personnel in the Plant including the Management Team, the Supervisors and key salaried personnel, as well as the Works Council for the Plant Operation. The task was to assist in developing and coaching communication skills with and between these groups in order to improve the overall communication and assist in setting the groundwork for building a better, more functional team for the future of the business.
Ms. [...] and her Team did an admirable job of training this group in different communication styles; understanding and developing skills on how to work together as a more effective team; and coaching them to improve their own styles of communication to better improve overall performance.
Ms. [...] worked with approximately 45-50 people during these training sessions and I received very positive comments from the people being trained and coached. She developed a good relationship with the team and established a trust factor that is key in making this type of training a success.
Ms. [...] aided in the process of defining and articulating a clear vision for the plant supporting my strategic planning process.
I was very satisfied with the results overall and plan on continuing to use Ms. [...] in additional “re-fresher” courses over the course of 2013.
Randal A. Dreher
Boshoku Automotive
Plant Manager – Ebersdorf Germany
1/2006 – 12/2010
Einzelcoaching, Teamcoaching, Trainings, Internationale Workshops für Führungskräfte, Betreuung auf Messen.
Bitte weiteres den Artikeln entnehmen.
University of the West of England, Bristol
Über mich
Ich fordere jeden dazu persönlich auf, sich auf Ungewohntes und Neues einzulassen, um seine Ziele und die seiner Organisation zu erreichen.
Erfolg ist das Ergebnis von Offenheit, Flexibilität, Disziplin, Durchhaltevermögen und hoher Lernbereitschaft!
Ich stehe für das Positive, das halb-volle Glas und "Geht nicht, gibt's nicht!
Weitere Kenntnisse
Master of Art in Coaching and Mentoring Practice
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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