Webmethods Senior Consultant
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 2 Referenzen
- 80€/Stunde
- 2855 Corroios
- Europa
- pt | en | es | de | fr
- 07.01.2019
Auszug Referenzen (1)
"e is great person to work with, and I especially highlight (apart from his technical competences) his commitment and sense of responsibility."
12/2011 – 8/2013
Full lifecycle design and development of EAI and SOA solutions in the main Mobile Operator in Portugal (Vodafone) using webMethods Product Suite 6.x/7.x/8.x:
- Flow / Java Services / Web Services: Vodafone Applications integration;
- BPM / Process Design: In charge for the development of Bundles (TV+Data+Voice) EAI project with the responsibility to change FTTH processes to include the Bundle concept. Participation in projects related to GSM and ADSL technologies;
- B2B: EDI gateway, using the Trading Networks for doing business electronically with some Vodafone customers;
- Order Management;
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
6/2017 – offen
Integration architect working for the SOA program and responsible for the Software AG BPM implementation across different projects.
This role includes:
- Definition of development & design guidelines for BPM developers and functional analysts; o Definition of guidelines & methods for functional process modeling;
- Definition of BPM reference architecture (platform architecture, service layering, etc);
- Automation of BPM deployments;
- Definition of deployment and configuration guidelines for BPM developments;
3/2017 – 6/2017
Design and development of integration solutions between Legacy systems and Outsystems Applications handling the Vopak Core Business processes.
This role includes:
- Integration of finance applications with Oracle Cloud;
- Design and development of an Automated Testing framework – Jenkins + SoapUI; - Development of adapters for legacy and Outsystems applications;
8/2013 – offen
IBB Project: Distributed backbone for end-to-end integration between applications handling the core business processes of DHL Global Forwarding using webMethods Product Suite 8.2, MQ (IBM) and JMS;
Responsibility of several Legacy Applications EDI with DHL SAP with aim to accommodate new functional requisites of the authority and finance areas for countries such as Australia, Netherlands and Switzerland;
12/2011 – 8/2013
Full lifecycle design and development of EAI and SOA solutions in the main Mobile Operator in Portugal (Vodafone) using webMethods Product Suite 6.x/7.x/8.x:
- Flow / Java Services / Web Services: Vodafone Applications integration;
- BPM / Process Design: In charge for the development of Bundles (TV+Data+Voice) EAI project with the responsibility to change FTTH processes to include the Bundle concept. Participation in projects related to GSM and ADSL technologies;
- B2B: EDI gateway, using the Trading Networks for doing business electronically with some Vodafone customers;
- Order Management;
9/2010 – 12/2011
Enterprise Application Integration consultant for the Portuguese National Authority of Medicines and Health Products (INFARMED) using the webMethods (7.1 & 7.2) platform:
- Flow services: Integration of INFARMED systems;
- CAF: Development of an innovative solution with the purpose of creating a Help Online System which would be used by every local webMethods Web Application (made using CAF). This resulted in my Master Thesis which was appreciated and is still being used by multiple companies there;
- My webMethods Server: Configurations and installation/assembly of Help Online system in the server. Configuration of different users and permissions to access the system;
- PL/SQL: Development of Stored Procedures;
- Integration Server: Configurations, Pooling notifications, Retry systems, connections, etc.
Universidade de Lisboa
Universidade de Lisboa
Weitere Kenntnisse
With a special focus on the webMethods platform, I have been working mainly as a Designer and Developer in the implementation of several Enterprise Application Integrations (EAI). My knowledge has grown by working across different industry sectors and dealing with companies containing some of the largest and most complex enterprise environments.
My strengths:
• Extensive experience with SAG products such as the webMethods Product Suite (6.x to 9.x);
• Working experience in large integration landscapes, expertise in SOA Implementation, Microservices and driven by the bests Integration architecture patterns;
• Interaction with different stakeholders and suppliers to ensure effective plans, design and deliveries.
• Experience of working within a fast-paced and Continuous Integration environment;
Technical Skills:
• SoftwareAG Products: Webmethods Integration server, MyWebmethods Server (MWS), Broker, Universal Messaging, Centrasite, Mediator, Enterprise Gateway, BPM, Tradding Networks (TN), Terracota, Presto/Mashzone, Apama, CAF;
• Development: EAI solutions, ESB frameworks, Java, JMS, JNDI, (s)FTP, XML, JSON, XSLT, Canonical Data Models (CDM), MQ Adapters, JDBC Adapters, SOAP, REST, C#, C++;
• Web: Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS;
• Database: SQL, PL/SQL, CouchDB;
• Ongoing Self-Learning: Docker;
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Portugiesisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Spanisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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