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Senior Projektmanager und FIDIC Adjudicator

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  • 05.06.2024


Das Bauen ist meine Leidenschaft. Während meiner langjährigen Berufserfahrung habe ich verantwortlich verschiedenste Infrastrukturprojekte im In- und Ausland realisiert. Seit 2019 bin ich FIDIC Adjudikator (gelistet beim VBI).


  • Bauoberleitung
  • Gleisbau
  • Ingenieurwissenschaft12 J.
  • Nachtragsmanagement
  • Straßenbau und Versorgung

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

[...], Weltweit
3/2020 – offen (4 Jahre, 11 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

3/2020 – offen


-Hyperlink entfernt-

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Niederlassungsleitung (Festanstellung)
igr GmbH, Rhein-Main Gebiet
12/2017 – 7/2021 (3 Jahre, 8 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

12/2017 – 7/2021


Aufbau und Leitung einer Niederlassung im Rhein-Main Gebiet

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Teamleiter im Bereich Bauleitung/Bauoberleitung (Festanstellung)
Habermehl & Follmann Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Rhein-Main-Neckar Gebiet
1/2014 – 11/2017 (3 Jahre, 11 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

1/2014 – 11/2017


Teamleiter im Bereich Bauleitung/Bauoberleitung, Akquise, Angebotsbearbeitung, Vergabemanagement, LV-Erstellung

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Abteilungsleiter im Bereich Bauleitung/Bauoberleitung
KUG Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG, Ludwigshafen am Rhei, Rhein-Neckar Gebiet
8/2012 – 12/2013 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

8/2012 – 12/2013


Abteilungsleiter im Bereich Bauleitung/Bauoberleitung, Akquise, Angebotsbearbeitung, Vergabemanagement, LV-Erstellung

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Contractors Representative
Water Supply and Sanitation Projects Implementatio, Orhei, Republic of Moldova
12/2011 – 8/2012 (9 Monate)
Öffentliche Verwaltung

12/2011 – 8/2012


Construction of a Wastewater Treatment Plant for Orhei town, Republic of Moldova:
The works includes the construction of a WWTP based on Constructed Wetland technology (CW) located on right bank of Raut River at to 1.5 km of the Orhei town (5 ha land extension according French system). The plant has been designed to treat a peak flow of 4,400 m³/d with an organic load of 2,000 kg BOD5/day. The Plant is composed by a pre-treatment unit, followed by an equalization tank (1,400 m³) equipped by flow-jet aerators and mixers, interconnected with a Constructed Wetland (CW) of about 5 ha gross area extension.

I act as Contractors Representative for the CTW project and my competence is to negotiate with the beneficiaries, suppliers and sub-contractors, to supervise the activities and to control costs, and to organize and supervise internal activities. Additionally I am engaged in cost calculation, accounting.

Senior Project Manager
Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) under th, Dambovita county
1/2010 – 1/2011 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
Öffentliche Verwaltung

1/2010 – 1/2011


Construction of new landfills Aninoasa (with sorting and composting unit) and Titu; Closure and rehabilitation of existing landfills and other dumping sites, Romania (FIDIC Red Book): Construction of a new landfill in Aninoasa with sorting plant, composting plant and waste-water-treatment plant, construction of a new landfill in Titu, closure of 4 existing landfills in the Dambovita county and several rural dumpsites.

I acted as senior project manager for the above mentioned project and here my competence was to negotiate with the beneficiaries, suppliers and sub-contractors, to supervise the activities and to control costs, and to organize and supervise internal activities. Additionally I was engaged acquisition activity.

Contractors Representative
River Administration of the lower Danube (AFDJ), Tulcea
1/2009 – 12/2009 (1 Jahr)
Öffentliche Verwaltung

1/2009 – 12/2009


Bank Protection on Sulina Channel, Contract C1 Bank Protection Works Phase I (FIDIC Red Book): Construction of approx. 15 km bank protection on the Sulina channel including dredging works (approx. 560,000 m³), supply and installing of different sorted quarry stones (approx 1,500,000 m³), sand mats and infrastructure works.

I acted as Contractors Representative for the bank protection on Sulina channel project and my competence was to negotiate with the beneficiaries, suppliers and sub-contractors, to supervise the activities and to control costs, and to organize and supervise internal activities. Additionally I was engaged in cost calculation, accounting.

Contractors Representative
Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) under th, Teleorman county
6/2007 – 12/2008 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)
Öffentliche Verwaltung

6/2007 – 12/2008


Integrated waste management system in Teleorman County, Romania (FIDIC Yellow Book): Construction of a new landfill in Mavrodin with sorting plant, composting plant and waste-water-treatment plant, 4,000 m access road (asphalt pavement) with connection to the county road DJ 703.
Construction of two temporary landfills facilities in South-West Romania, Ticleni & Videle (FIDIC Red Book): Construction of two temporary landfills in Ticleni and Videle with leachate drainage system and leachate tank. Construction of infrastructure works (fence, monitoring wells, access roads).

I acted as Contractors Representative for the above mentioned projects and here, according to FIDIC, my competence was to negotiate with the beneficiaries, suppliers and sub-contractors, to supervise the activities and to control costs, and to organize and supervise internal activities. Additionally I was engaged in cost calculation, accounting and acquisition activity.

Responsible site manager
IKEA Verwaltungs GmbH, Nieder Eschbach
1/2006 – 11/2006 (11 Monate)

1/2006 – 11/2006


New building of IKEA furniture-house Frankfurt Nieder-Eschbach: Clearance, dismantling and removal of buildings, 185,000 m³ excavation, 40,000 m² soil stabilisation, 15,000 t excavation and recycling of LAGA Z2 Z4 material, 40,000 m² hydraulically bound base course, 30,000 m² asphalt pavement including a connection to a highway interchange, rehabilitation of the state road and access to the furniture house, 3,500 m canalisation including connection to the run-off capability.

I acted as the responsible site manager with a contract value of 7,000,000 Euro. My competence was to negotiate with the beneficiaries, suppliers and sub-contractors, to supervise the activities and to control costs, and to organize and supervise internal activities. In addition, I was engaged in cost calculation, accounting and acquisition activity.


FIDIC Adjudicator
FIDIC Claims and Disputes
FIDIC Hauptkurs


Diplom Bauingenieur
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt

Über mich

Contacts in Romania and Republic of Moldova, Consulting, Soil management, Landfill construction, Slurry walls, Dyke constructions, Specialized heavy construction, Road constructions, Sewer construction, Hydraulic engineering, Constructed Wetland Treatment, Construction contract law, FIDIC, Contract procedures for building works, Kontakte in Rumänien und Republik Moldau, Beratung, Stoffstrommanagement, Deponiebau, Dichtwandbau, Deichbau, Spezialtiefbau, Straßenbau, Kanalbau, Wasserbau, Pflanzenkläranlagen, Bauvertragsrecht, FIDIC, VOB.

Weitere Kenntnisse

FIDIC, VOB, HOAI, Gütesicherung Kanalbau AK1, Führungskraft Bauwirtschaft gem. SCC Führungskraft gemäß BGR 128, MS Office.

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Rumänisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
26 Jahre und 9 Monate (seit 04/1998)
17 Jahre


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