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Java Senior Application Developer

  • auf Anfrage
  • 82008 Munich
  • Nähe des Wohnortes
  • en
  • 22.07.2012


Have 5.11 yrs of experience in developing Java Web Applications using Java, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Hibernate, JSR 168 Portlets, IBM Websphere Portal Server, WCM, Oracle and Webservices.
Worked on Banking Domain, Insurance Domain and Telecom Domain.


Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior Software Engineer / Project Lead
AT & T, USA / IBM, Bangalore
8/2011 – 3/2012 (8 Monate)

8/2011 – 3/2012


Project Title: GIOM - UC (Unified Communications) Ordering Application

Java, Webservices, Hibernate, IBM Websphere Portlet Factory, DOJO, Ajax, JSON, RSA, IBM Clear Case

Project Description:
Unified Communications - Ordering Application is an embedded application to Global IntegratedOrder Management (GIOM) site. Unified Communications - Ordering Application screen will be launched from the upstream systems Ordering Screen. This project is designed in such a way that the Front-End, Middle-ware and Back-end are developed as three different projects/ layers which uses some common library. Webservices and ESB services are used for the communication between these layers.

Responsible for development deliverable
Analysis of the specifications provided by the client
Develop Client side code and Server side code for the Webservices
Perform Unit test and Dev to Dev Test
Involved in performance tuning

Senior Software Engineer
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Bangalore
3/2011 – 6/2011 (4 Monate)

3/2011 – 6/2011


Project Title: SIDBI-ESA Intranet & Website Portal Maintenance

IBM Web Sphere Portal 6.0, RAD 7, JSR 168 Portlets, IBM WWCM,
Java, JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, Oracle 10g and Windows XP, Tortoise CVS.

Project Description:
Intranet is a web based portlet application which efficiently integrates all the B-Spoke applications in to a single screen for their intranet site. This will serve as an interface for SIDBI employees, for all their work related to IT needs, HR, Admin, Knowledge, Policy and Information management tool. All business and support applications will be launched from the intranet.

Website is SIDBIs Internet portal for their customers and visitors. All the other applications lunched from portal based on user privileges. Visitors can view and download the application from site. Customer can upload the loan application and check the status online. Internet portal is the dashboard for SIDBIs customers.

Analysis of the specifications provided by the client
Execution of client suggested enhancements
Solving Problems in the streamline process during day-to-day transactions
Involved in portal page design and Portal Administration.
Involved in developing the portlets and configuring the personalization.
Involved in creating groups and privileges.
Involved in coding using Java, JSP, JSR 168 portlet API
Created and executed the unit test cases for the screens

Senior Software Engineer
HCL Technologies, Bangalore
12/2010 – 2/2011 (3 Monate)

12/2010 – 2/2011


Project Title: HCL Guidewire COE

Java 1.6, GW ClaimCenter 5.0, GW ClaimCenter 6.0, GOSU, SQL Server 2008, Apache Tomcat 6.0, Ant 1.7.1, Win merge 2.12.4, Eclipse Helios and Windows XP, TortoiseSVN

Project Description:
HCLs Guidewire Center of Excellence (CoE) is formed to have expertise in Guidewire Products, especially in ClaimCenter 5 and ClaimCenter6 and explore the various techniques in various streams such as Configuration, Integration, and Conversion which leads to develop, document and deliver Solution accelerators.

Involved in implementing Permissions with Roles configuration accelerator in ClaimCenter6.0.2. This accelerator is to give a detailed view of what permissions are mapped to what role. Users can see the total number of roles, total number of permissions and number of unassigned permissions at any given point in time. They can also see a report of which permissions are mapped to which roles on the screen. They will also have the option of exporting this information into a CSV file

Installation and configuration of Guidewire ClaimCenter.
Familiarized with Guidewire GOSU language
Implement and test Solution accelerators in ClaimCenter6.0.2
Document implementation of Solution accelerators

Senior Software Engineer
OP-Pohjola, Finland / HCL Technologies, Bangalore
8/2010 – 11/2010 (4 Monate)

8/2010 – 11/2010


Project Title: OP-Pohjola Claims Implementation

Java, GW ClaimCenter 6.0, GOSU, SQL Server 2008, Tomcat6.0, Ant and Windows XP

Project Description:
This project aims at modernizing claims systems environment and gain increased flexibility in the claim process, by implementing a Claim Processing System called Guidewire ClaimCenter from Guidewire. The four primary streams of the project are Configuration, Integration, Conversion and Reports.

Participated in workshops to understand the requirements for ClaimCenter Integration with external systems
Contributed for preparation of SRS
Prepared the technical design document low level and high level design for ClaimCenter Integration with external system
Implemented multiple interfaces, i.e., ClaimCenter integration with external systems
Created UML and Sequence diagrams using eUML2

Software Engineer
Small Industries Development Bank of India(SIDBI), Bangalore
12/2009 – 7/2010 (8 Monate)

12/2009 – 7/2010


Project Title: SIDBI ESA (Monitoring And Recovery System)

Java, JSP, Struts, JDBC, Oracle, RAD, Tomcat, PL/SQL, Tortoise CVS

Project Description:
Monitoring And Recovery System is one of the bespoke applications getting developed under SIDBI-ESA project. The data from different applications like Legacy systems (DFS, Bills and Refinance) through interface and Flex-cube applications through interface are pulled to this application and consolidated for further processing.

Creation of prototype
Analysis of the specifications provided by the client.
Coding and code reviews
Developing Front End Pages using JSP
Unit  & System Testing
Solving Problems in the streamline process during day-to-day transactions.
Implementing Multi lingual

Software Engineer
Small Industries Development Bank of India(SIDBI), Bangalore
4/2009 – 12/2009 (9 Monate)

4/2009 – 12/2009


Project Title: SIDBI-ESA Intranet Portal

IBM Web Sphere Portal 6.0, RAD 7, JSR 168 Portlets, IBM WWCM,
Java, JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, Oracle 10g and Windows XP, Tortoise CVS.

Project Description:
Intranet is a web based portlet application which efficiently integrates all the B-Spoke applications in to a single screen for their intranet site. This will serve as an interface for SIDBI employees, for all their work related to IT needs, HR, Admin, Knowledge, Policy and Information management tool. All business and support applications will be launched from the intranet

Construction of work flows in content management
Delivered prototype screens using HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Integrated JSR 168 Portlets and Hibernate and designed the MVC of the project for a full flow from presentation layer, Business logic layer to DAO layer.
Designed WCM workflows, Site, templates and Content structure.
Involved in portal page design and Portal Administration.
Involved in developing the portlets and configuring the personalization.
Developed common utility classes.
Involved in creating groups and privileges.
Accomplished the Coding and design for the core functionality of the application.
Involved in coding using Java, JSP, JSR 168 portlet API JavaScript and CSS
Created and executed the unit test cases for the screens
Code review Done effectively with a good review efficiency

Software Engineer
Small Industries Development Bank of India(SIDBI), Bangalore
8/2008 – 3/2009 (8 Monate)

8/2008 – 3/2009


Project Title: SIDBI-ESA Website Portal

IBM Web Sphere Portal, IBM RAD 7, JSR 168 Portlets, IBM WWCM, Java, JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, Oracle 10g and Windows XP, Tortoise CVS.

Project Description:
SIDBIs Internet portal for their customers and visitors. All the other applications lunched from portal based on user privileges. Visitors can view and download the application from site. Customer can upload the loan application and check the status online. Internet portal is the dashboard for SIDBIs customers.

Construction of work flows in content management
Delivered prototype screens using HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Integrated JSR 168 Portlets and Hibernate and designed the MVC of the project for a full flow from presentation layer, Business logic layer to DAO layer.
Designed WCM workflows, Site, templates and Content structure.
Involved in portal page design and Portal Administration.
Involved in developing the portlets and configuring the personalization.
Developed common utility classes.
Involved in creating groups and privileges.
Accomplished the Coding and design for the core functionality of the application.
Involved in coding using Java, JSP, JSR 168 portlet API JavaScript and CSS
Created and executed the unit test cases for the screens
Code review Done effectively with a good review efficiency

Software Engineer
PWM Group Singapore, Deutsche Bank / HCL Technolog, Bangalore
8/2006 – 5/2008 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)

8/2006 – 5/2008


Project Title: C-Watch (Collateral Monitoring)

Java, JSP, Struts, JDBC, Oracle, Eclipse, Tomcat, Toad.

Project Description:
CWATCH is primarily Collaterals and Risks monitoring application. The system provides portfolio revaluation based on data sourced from DB Trader.
DB Trader is the core PWM application from which the tenor data is sourced. CWATCH maintains local table to capture the tenor data flowing from DBTrader.

PWM offers a wide variety of products such as Fixed Income, Money Market, FX Products, Equities and Mutual Funds. Client enjoys short & medium term loans, overdrafts under credit products, FX Limits to buy foreign currency options, forward contracts and swap contracts. Client assets are the collaterals for such credit limits. Client assets include deposits, shares, bonds, notes, mutual fund units and cash.

Analysis of the specifications provided by the client.
Execution of client suggested enhancements.
Involved in coding for required java classes Using Struts Framework.
Involved in developing Front End Pages using JSP
Involved in generating Reports
Solving Problems in the streamline process during day-to-day transactions.
Conduct implementation and testing reviews.
Writing the back-end code in PL/SQL for interacting with the database

Weitere Kenntnisse

Java, JSP, Servlets, Struts 1.2, Hibernate 3.0, JSR 168 Portlets, IBM Websphere Portal 6.0, IBM Web Content Management, eUML2, Webservices, JavaScript, Ajax, DOJO, JSON, Tomcat 5.5, Oracle 10g, RAD 7.0, RSA, Eclipse, TOAD, Tortoise CVS, Tortoise SVN.

Knowledge on Guidewire ClaimCenter 6.0, Guidewire Studio 6.0, ClaimCenter Configuration, ClaimCenter Integration, UI design, Business Rules, GOSU Enhancement, Data Model Configuration and  generating the Data Dictionary. Knowledge on Exposures, Incidents, Activity.

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Fließend)
Nähe des Wohnortes
18 Jahre und 5 Monate (seit 08/2006)


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