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Project Manager

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  • 18.04.2017


Gesamtprojektleitung und technische Projektleitung mit Schwerpunkt Automotive, Passive und aktive fuktionale Sicherheit (Safety & Security). Ausbidlung Nachrichtentechnik & Elektronik + FH Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Auszug Referenzen (1)

"Hr. [...] hat für uns eine Technologie-Studie zum Thema LED erstellt und hier hervorragende Arbeit geleistet.
Hr. [...] ist spezialisiert auf dem Gebiet "Embeded Systems" mit dem Schwerpunkt Datenaustasch in komplexen Systemen. Seine Kenntnisse sowohl technologisch als auch organisatorisch und im Projektmanagement haben mich persönlich überzeugt hier den richtigen Partner für unsere Aufgabe zu haben."
Founder, CEO
Harald Bleier, ecoplus. Niederösterreichischs Wirtschaftsagentur

6/2012 – 6/2012


Re-Setup of the Einzelunternehmen, DI(FH) [...] [...], Consulting Engineering, 100% responsible for the success of the whole company

- Working on a consulting project for ecoplus. Niederösterreichische Wirtschaftsangentur GmbH


Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Founder, CEO
DI(FH) [...] [...], St. Pölten
6/2012 – 6/2012 (1 Monat)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

6/2012 – 6/2012


Re-Setup of the Einzelunternehmen, DI(FH) [...] [...], Consulting Engineering, 100% responsible for the success of the whole company

- Working on a consulting project for ecoplus. Niederösterreichische Wirtschaftsangentur GmbH

Founder, Energethician
OneHeart Technologies, Schönbühel-Aggsbach
4/2009 – 12/2011 (2 Jahre, 9 Monate)

4/2009 – 12/2011



- Finishing successfully emotional healing project in 2011 with new findings leading to the creation of a paradigmatic thesis about the existence of a genetics of the human emotional body called - Emogenetics® enabling the necessity of inheritance of memories of emotions from one life to another.
- Founding of a spiritual platform labeled OneHeart Technologies at the beginning of 2010
- Preparation for a new entrepreneurship in the field of spirituality and energetics supported by the AMS entrepreneur ship program

Project Manager
Frequentis AG, Vienna
6/2006 – 4/2009 (2 Jahre, 11 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

6/2006 – 4/2009


Project Manager in the Area of Public Transport, Managing Projects with Project Size up to 1,5 m

- Responsible for success to the project (acting as a Project COO as Single Point of Contact)
- 100% responsible for the fulfilment of all profit targets
- Responsible for Project Setup (organizational, team building issues)
- Management of the project team and responsibility for the achievement of all project objectives (Technical, Financials)
- Support to the business units and coordination of the internal project charter with the internal project sponsor
- Central contact person to the customer
- Identify and negotiate additional customer requirements and finalize in the form of change requests to gain business
- Negotiate directly with our customers right from the onset and play a crucial role in the requirements specification phase in case of complex major projects
- Take ownership responsibility for the complete project planning process, especially with regard to resources, budget, milestones and deadlines
- Manage external partners and subcontractors and keep up continuity in communication
- Coordinate all internal departments and teams which are involved in the project
- Measure, analyze and work out appropriate contingency plans during the course of the project
- Responsible for Risk Management and tracking of all project risks
- Ensure well defined internal and external project reporting to the internal project sponsor as well as to the customer
- Hand over and bring in the project to the line organization
- Managing all project risks
- Claim Management
- Creation of project reports and presentations to the board

Project Management
Wind River - Intel GmbH, Munich
8/2005 – 5/2006 (10 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

8/2005 – 5/2006


Project Management focused on Embedded Systems

- Manage projects through the assigned Technical Staff, measured by completion of the design project within time and budget parameters to meet contract requirements
- Coordinate the definition of project specifics, deliverables, and estimate scope, duration, and level or effort of proposed work, in conjunction with the Technical Staff
- Responsible for the definition and development of the complete quote based on concise, well-defined descriptions of work to be performed
- Work with the Service Sales Manger, Business Development and Technical Pre-Sales Teams on architecture, project feasibility, cost, schedule, deliverables, and requirements for Statement of Work and Proposal
- Prepare proposal presentations to customer
- Assure availability of all software and hardware deliverables provided to the customer; work with customers through acceptance of deliverables
- Perform the project management in conjunction with world wide Technical Staff to carry out contracted projects
- Work with peer Technical Staff Supervisor on optimum resource allocation
- Report on project status as well as revenue forecast
- Responsible for customer satisfaction including the evaluation of customer needs throughout the lifetime of a project, together with Sales field staff

Founder, CEO
DATASOFT Systems GmbH, St. Pölten
10/1996 – 2/2004 (7 Jahre, 5 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

10/1996 – 2/2004


I managed the development of a residential gateway reference design based on moving code middleware technology enabling internet from the socket by routing data from ISDN trunks to the in-house powerline network. This project was finished successfully and showed the proof of concept of its cross platform moving code middleware software innovation.

Successful Development internet from the socket in DATASOFT. The product was designed for mass market production. As to my knowledge, this design was the first broadband powerline device in Europe providing both CE and FCC approval matching the world market requirements due operating concurrently within a voltage bandwith of 90V-250V. This project was a great technical success in 2001 with successful setup and first licenses to EPRI, China, a Chinese power utility company. The development got honored with the award of innovation by the state of Lower Austria.

Successful development of Moving Code Technology enabling development and test of software with focus on communication protocols and stacks before microprocessor decisions are made. The
method enables development of code independent from microprocessors, operating systems and hardware peripherals gaining a radical reduction of development efforts for earlier time to market and concurrently increasing quality of code due to a generic software design re-use concept.

In series, I managed successfully various embedded system designs. This developments where focusing in the field of ISDN PC boards, a/b (POTS) for voice recording systems as well as switch solutions and reference designs for customers as Infineon (now Lantiq), Munich, Germany, Philips Semiconductors (now NXP), Gratkorn, Austria and Schrack Seconet, Vienna.

BEKO ING. P. Kotauczek GmbH contracted DATASOFT with the development of a powerline device enabling internet from the socket. The project was finished successfully and was one of the world wide first in-house powerline devices enabling internet from the socket.

Development of hardware and software of an ISDN board. The project was funded by the Forschungsförderungsfonds (FFF). The company proceeded in growth and I founded DATASOFT Systems GmbH. Developing business with OEM customers, DATASOFT won its first project integrating its ISDN protocol stack software for a leading Taiwan company.

Jump into the free fall entrepreneur ship setting up DATAPLUS [...] [...] together with my wife in 1994. Still working as consultant for the Bank Austria AG, I started offering know how in
communication technologies with focus ISDN. Later on I founded DATASOFT Systems GmbH focusing on Internet from the socket applying powerline technologies.

Project Consultant
Bank Austria AG, Vienna
4/1996 – 9/1996 (6 Monate)

4/1996 – 9/1996


After termination of my employee status at the Bank Austria AG, I proceeded working as a consultant at the Bank

DATAPLUS - ING. [...] [...], St. Pölten
2/1994 – 12/2006 (12 Jahre, 11 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

2/1994 – 12/2006


1994 - 1996 management consulting in research for the departments of technology and innovation of

- Ministry of Public Economy and Traffic Affairs
- Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Ministry of Science, Art and Public Traffic Affairs
- Telekom Austria AG

Software Design Engineer
Bank Austria AG, Vienna
2/1993 – 3/1996 (3 Jahre, 2 Monate)

2/1993 – 3/1996


Software Design Engineer

Working on software development automizing software updates with the networking infrastructure of the bank based on IBM OS/2 operating system

Expertise in ISDN technology, move to the Bank Austria AG

Software Development Engineer
Siemens AG Oesterreich, Vienna
5/1989 – 1/1993 (3 Jahre, 9 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

5/1989 – 1/1993


Software Development Engineer

As member of the software development team, I focused on developing the ISDN capable number 7 signaling system protocol TUP+ and its interworking to ISDN (ISUP) red/bluebook for the
Deutsche Telekom.

I was member of the pioneering team at Siemens taking the first international european ISDN connection into operation successfully connecting Germany and France.

After this start, I changed to software and moved to the SIEMENS AG ßsterreich.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Echtzeit-Betriebssysteme, Assemblersprache

Hardware Design Engineer
Philips Industrie GmbH, Vienna
3/1988 – 5/1989 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

3/1988 – 5/1989


Hardware design of video recording systems

- Engineering and design of video recording systems (VCR) for OEMs;
- Supporting the project manager in general as project
- Resource and planning of schedules during the course of projects
- Coordination of mounting and re-mounting of prototypes
- Analyze competitive landscape with focus on prize targets
- Creating the appropriate documentation and hand outs
- Backup the project manager
- Preparations to finalize decisions in terms of test procedures for manufacturing in series


University of Applied Sciences Mittweida
Nachrichtentechniker und Elektroniker
Höhere Technische Bundeslehr und Versuchanstalt S

Über mich

Pre-Sales, support to the key accounts & presentations
Exhibiting at CeBit Germany, Shanghai, China and New York,
USA, Embedded Systems Conference at San Francisco, USA
Member and speaking lecture on international organized expert forums, technology symposiums and workshops

Foreign Project Experiences
Canada, USA, India, Japan
China, EU (France, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Germany),
Croatia, Others at Eastern Europe

Weitere Kenntnisse

Soft Skills
University of Vienna Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutikum (2010, 1 Semester)
Emotional Body Enlightenment (2 Years)
Emotional Body Healing (2 Years)
Regaining the Heart Chakra (1 Year)
Certified in Eco-C European communication certificate Entwicklungspsychologie, Grade 1,0

Continuing Education

EDV Organisator Bank Austria
Technical Physics @ Technical University Vienna (2004-2005)
Summer School (2005) Biophotonics and Applications of Biophotons International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany
Guerrilla Marketing; Ideas and Strategies for small and medium sized firms

Steven Covey: The 7 Habits of highly effective people & The 8 Habit from effectiveness to greatness

Christensen: The Innovators Dilemma

Moore: Crossing the Chasm

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Europäische Union
36 Jahre und 10 Monate (seit 03/1988)
25 Jahre


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