SAP HR/HCM ABAP, Data Migration, PI/PO Consultant, Success Factors, ILM
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- 81671 Mühldorf
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- 03.12.2024
Ich habe insgesamt über 20 Jahre SAP ABAP Erfahrung.
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
4/2022 – offen
- Unterstützung der Schnittstelle zwischen SAP und Success Factors durch Analyse und Behebung von Datenübertragungsfehlern
- Beratung des Schaeffler Management Teams zu Datenmigrationsmethoden zwischen SAP Drittsystemen und auch zwischen SAP und Success Factors.
- Beauftragt mit der Datenanalyse und dem Upload und der Pflege von PA- und OM-Daten in SAP und der anschließenden Übertragung nach SF. Uploads in SAP werden mit LSMW und Batch-Sessions durchgeführt.
- Durchführung von Datenmigrations-/LSMW/ABAP-Schulungsworkshops für jüngere Kollegen
ABAP, LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench), SAP ABAP, SAP Datenmigration, BizX Suite (SuccessFactors)
4/2021 – 3/2022
- Unterstützung des bestehenden Framework für die Migration von Success Factors (EC) zu ECC-Daten
- Lösung bestehender Incidents und Change-Request u.a. auch durch Anpassung des BIB-Customizing und Änderung der zugehörigen BADIs/Enhancements.
- Hinzufügen neuer Felder zum EC -> ECC-Replikationsprozess
- Schreiben technischer Spezifikationen, Codieren neuer ABAP-Programme, Reparieren/Verbessern bestehender Programme.
- Unterstützung neuer Entwickler bei der ABAP- und BADI-Codierung und bei der Verwaltung von ALE/IDOC-Konfigurationen.
ABAP, SAP ABAP, BizX Suite (SuccessFactors)
8/2020 – 3/2021
Endkunde war die Deutschebank.
- Verantwortlich für die Erstellung neuer PI-Szenarien und für die Schulung eines Deloitte-Kollegen in der PI-Entwicklung
- Erstellung und Test von End-to-End PI-Szenarien, von ESB-Datentypen, Service-Schnittstellen und Message-Mappings bis hin zu IB-Szenarien mit verknüpften Sender- und Empfängerkanälen und integrierten Konfigurationen.
- Wöchentliche Präsentation vor den Management-Teams von Deloitte und der Deutschen Bank, um den Fortschritt zu zeigen und den Zeitplan darzustellen.
2/2018 – 7/2020
Entwicklung und Unterstützung von ABAP-Entwicklungen für Kunden der MHP. Ich biete HR-ABAP-Unterstützung für die Submodule Payroll, PA und OM sowie für HRforms, Smartforms und Sapscript.
Schreiben von technische Konzeptdokumente für ABAP-Anforderungen, d.h. Interfaces, Web Dynpros, Reports für die verschiedenen Mandanten von MHP Porsche in Deutsch und teilweise in Englisch.
Erstellen von ABAP-Schnittstellen für das Senden von Daten von SAP an andere SAP- und Nicht-SAP-Systeme. Unterstützung und Erweiterung bestehender ABAP-Objekte, d.h. Outbound-/Inbound-Interfaces, Web Dynpros, Reports, etc.
Weitergabe von ABAP-Kenntnissen an neue Entwickler und Bereitstellung des notwendigen Supports.
5/2011 – offen
Currently working 2 days per week at Unicredit.
Consult on, and build, global extraction scenarios for OM/PA/Payroll international data teams.
Code various inbound/outbound interfaces for Payroll and OM/PA and support already existing.
Responsible for supporting and developing ABAP interface programs, and also PI scenarios. Configure PA for 9 countries i.e. Enterprise structure, User Groups, Infogroup modifiers, Personnel Actions, Dynamic Actions, Infotype Menus, Features, Personnel number ranges, Absence and Attendance Types, Country specific config for P0002 and P0006, etc.
Make logic changes to the OO abap objects of bespoke export and import interface framework solution. Responsible for managing the importing of Germany HR data via this interface ensuring fit to Global Template.
Manage and monitor quality centre defect logs to ensure correct and timeous solutions plus change request transports. Liase with management personnel, OM team, security and basis teams, in all regards.
End to end bug testing (sql tracing) and error resolving. Unit testing. Performance testing.
Debugging and problem solving of all PA related issues, incl. ALE idoc processes.
Involved in many data migration tasks, SAP to SAP, and also thrid party to SAP.
9/2008 – 4/2011
Employed as Senior technical/developer resource for Birmingham City Council HR implementation.
Enhance infotype 0001 to incl. Directorate, Division, and, Location, as determined by relationship of employee to OM structures. PA0001 to be updated when accessing via PA30, PPOME drag and drop (on save), and when RHINTE30 executed.
Provide technical and functional expertise for all aspects of the HR Data migration project (PA, OM, TM, LSO submodules) for Birmingham City Council. Approximately 70000 employees (single and CE) phased over 2 years. Complex LSMWs. Including PDR/Appraisal data.
Interact with Off-shore teams, Business, Functional Leads, Managers, in providing in-depth Abap-HR (PA, OM, LSO, payroll), technical knowledge and experience, incl; infotype creation/enhancements, LDB PNPCE reporting, use of macros in HR, debugging and problem solving skills.
Create online payslip program using HRFORMS(Smartform output), catering for CE, and retro values.
Code offline payslip program to provide on-screen payslip, file output for printers, encompassing secure FTP functionality.
Create and maintain backend services, link Form scenarios, for Generic Services. Implement GS badis.
Develop interactive webdynpros utilising multiple views and roadmapping. ESS/MSS create iview, and pages, for my webdynpros. External debugging skills used for these WDs and other portal objects.
Write SIMS/CMIS interface SAP posted payroll results to schools for FI and HR data.
Create PDR Appraisal printing functionality for portal. Debug and resolve errors for many PHAP* issues. Implement badis for Appraisal table updates.
8/2007 – 9/2008
ABAP support and Development for UK councils managed by Serco across all modules but mainly HR, incl Recruitment, Netweaver ESS/MSS and Visual Composer objects
Debug and resolve e-filing interface errors from SAP-HR to HMRC government gateway. XML files containing P45 & P46 data missing end tags. Repaired XML schema cluster table.
LSMW import of employee absences data from flat file.
Repair issues with ESS/MSS Workflow for leave capturing data upload to HR infotypes.
Worked on HR interface to ADP. Produce 4 .csv files to comply with 3rd party requirements.
Create SCAT object to upload salary increases.
Evaluate SPAU, and SPAU_ENH, lists as part of post service pack installation support.
Create PA40 starters upload BDC program incl. error reporting and handling.
Various ALV report programs including 1 for training and events appraisels.
General Abap expertise provided in supporting junior Abappers, resolving system dumps and program performance issues.
3/2006 – 8/2007
LSMW - SD/MM Data migration of Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, and Contracts.
Smartforms and Sapscript development and maintenance, in SD module for Dubai Aluminium project.
HQ Woodmead (19 Feb 2007 to 31 May 2007)
Support and development for DUBAL, Lonmin, Samancor, BHP including LSMW objects.
Support of HR programs, classes, interfaces, reports, across all clients.
Create bespoke Workflow object for Labour request form. Define business object, methods, events, tasks, bindings and personnel assignments.
Code various report programs, authorisation lock program, implement sap notes, user exits, smartforms.
Monitor call queue and resolve issues timeously, monitor versions, transports, report to relevant parties.
Randwater Alberton (08 May 2006 to 16 Feb 2007)
Assist in FI/CO re-implementation phase specifically relating to asset management exits, reports, interfaces and area menus.
Time Management Automated leave encashment. Update relevant subtype for IT0416 based on absence quota calculations. Errors captured in separate batch for foreground processing. Report thereon and email responsible administrator from SAP.
Amend existing Smartforms and bespoke ABAP objects. Debug system errors, dumps, memory issues.
Give LSMW training to FI staff.
BHP Billiton Richards Bay (01 March 2006 to 05 May 2006)
Worked on BHP Billiton project in extracting operational data from BW infocubes using APIs and creating .csv files for specified accounting periods. Involved authorisation checking, data mapping, period and yearlycalculations, and extensive formula creation.
Added email functionality to existing Process chain environment for notification of any errors or abends in the jobs with pertinent messages, or success email on completion.
1/2006 – 2/2006
ABAP 4.6C development of bespoke FI Loans Origination solution.
Develop dialog programs, incl Subscreens & ALV grids with event management.
Involved in mentoring and monitoring portion for the projects category of LO requirements.
ALV reports in support of above, forward navigation to additional ALVs or relevant transactions.
7/2005 – 12/2005
ABAP 4.6C development and support for Lincoln, Milton Keynes, Middlesborough, Northamptonshire councils across FI, CO, MM, SD, HR modules.
Create layout set, and bitmaps for logos + signatures (graphics management), for salary cheque printing.
Interfacing, including Payroll data. Outgoing - downloadable to server or pc, ftp routine setup for client server. Incoming using, bdcs, bapis. Report and error trapping on results.
Problem solving of critical memory usage issue caused by custom transaction. Resolved by using collect statement as hash algorithm, and improving select statements, maximising itab declarations, and program logic in loop processing
Automate interfaces and reports via event setup or job management transactions.
4/2005 – 5/2005
ABAP 4.6C data migration (LSMW) and support
HR object development and support
Data migration of infotype data using LSMW, including file conversions.
Set up fast action entry screens, for single and multiple infotype entry, for user processing.
HR program development, maintenance, documentation, and provision of technical advice
9/2004 – 3/2005
ABAP 4.6C IS-OIL program conversions, and in-house utilities
FI/CO SD MM program support
Converted programs for global consolidation according to set U.S. standards, utilizing Lotus notes for project tracking, logging, and transport request status and management.
Mapping and upload programs for z* material and customer tables.
General program support, changes, and provision of technical advice for classic and OO cases.
4/2004 – 8/2004
ABAP 4.7 and 4.5B programs, interfaces, ALVs, Customer Exits.
Reading and processing data using LDB, Macros, Functions, Clusters & Enhancements
Constitution of infotypes and enhancement & creation thereof, tables used in time management & events
Accessing HR master data, Payroll results, and subsequent Interactive ALV formatted output
Develop and support complete range of ABAP objects for Enfield, Oxford, Little Chef and Glasgow City Councils. Focused on HR as I was the only HR technical person
Provide specialist/technical knowledge in specified applications for process improvement and enhancement of environment.
LSMW expertise provided for HR data migration into SAP from Peoplesoft legacy system
Interface development (in & outbound) for cash receipting, AR, AP and GL, using OO methodology where required.
8/1999 – 2/2004
Consolidation of 7 separate SAP systems into 1. Data extraction from legacy systems using: Download functions, ALE, IDOCS, file handling. Upload via: LSMW, upload functions, or BDCs.
2 Upgrades (3.1 to 4.5, and, 4.5 to 4.7)
HR Implementation LSMW data migration Peoplesoft to SAP HR, interfaces, reports, enhancements.
Team leader of application support and development within the IT function for FI/CO SD MM.
Develop, implement, maintain and support the business application environment by designing, coding, customising and testing SAP ABAP programs to meet specified requirements.
Analyse process requirements and application specification and design for programmers to carry out SAP ABAP programming tasks, and assign to relevant programmer.
Management of approved change requests involving the maintenance, development and implementation of ABAP objects to applications to meet business needs and user satisfaction, within agreed SLA's and according to specification, and to set standards.
Provide technical know-how in resolving system dumps, updates and performance issues.
Archiving workflow items to substantially decrease size of database. Used own initiative in analysing performance issues and investigating solutions thereto.
Project Leader for upgrade to 4.7. Analysed version differences and put concepts and procedures in place to effectively plan and implement transition.
Mentored junior Abaper through HR implementation (LSMW, interfaces, migration, reports)
Gained experience with the orthogonal concepts of Unicode-enabled ABAP Objects, utilising system classes and features thereof. Converted programs from classical abap to OO where explicit nature of objects was required and enhanced other abap programs by using abap classes and methods instead of function modules and subroutines.
South Africa
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Success Factors
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- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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