freiberufler Experienced developer and maintainer of Object Oriented Software auf

Experienced developer and maintainer of Object Oriented Software

  • 50€/Stunde
  • Freiburg 79106
  • Europa
  • fr  |  en  |  de
  • 06.03.2012


I am excellent at programming in Object-Oriented languages, particularly in Smalltalk language. I have excellent analytical and design skills and I keep updating my knowledge with the latest Software development technologies.


Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior Smalltalk developer
HRWorks, Freiburg
9/2011 – 12/2011 (4 Monate)

9/2011 – 12/2011


participate in the re-engineering of HRWorks software system; OO development; Smalltalk;
VisualAge IDE; Web interfaces; SmartClient.

Junior Researcher
INRIA Lille-Nord Europe, Lille
10/2006 – 12/2009 (3 Jahre, 3 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

10/2006 – 12/2009


Research and Development.
Participate in the research and development activities of the INRIA RMod team.
Maintain and develop the Moose platform for Software Re-Engineering, and the meta-modeling
language FAMIX. Moose is completely implemented in Smalltalk (VisualWorks).
Develop new tools and techniques that help in understanding and in re-modularizing object-oriented
software systems.
I developed two visualization tools that help in understanding large and complex OO software.
I developed an optimization tool that automatically re-modularizes OO Software applications.
The optimization process is based on the generic probabilistic meta-heuristic technique
Simulated Annealing, and it uses a set of Coupling & Cohesion metrics that I developed.
I used my tools for analyzing and understanding large OO applications, such as Squeak
(Smalltalk) and ArgoUML (Java).
All my tools are developed on the top of Moose, in Smalltalk (VisualWorks IDE).
The results of my tools and their applications have been published in the most known
conferences in the domain of Software Maintenance: ICSM07, CSMR08, WCRE09. One paper
is published in the ELSEVIER international journal Information and Software Technology
(IST). Another one is under submission (accepted with major revision) in the IEEE international
journal Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).


PhD in Software Engineering
Master in Software Engineering


OO Software Development and Maintenance
Lille - France

Über mich

I am a strong team player but can also work efficiently on my own. I am also determined and an energetic person. I set benchmarks for myself and achieve them in the decided time. I am dedicated to my job. I am a fast learner, and motivated with excellent communication skills. I have excellent analytical and design skills and I keep updating my knowledge with the latest Software development technologies.

I started my experience as Software developer and maintainer during my PhD studies at INRIA-Lille (2006 2009). During this experience, I have been participating in the maintenance and development of the Moose platform for Software and Data analysis, and the meta-modeling language FAMIX. Moose is completely implemented in Smalltalk. I have developed on the top of the platform Moose, and entirely in Smalltalk (VisualWorks), several tools that help in understanding and re-modularizing large OO software applications. Recently, from October to December 2011, I was a Senior Smalltalk developer at HRWorks Company (Freiburg Germany). I have been
participating in the re-engineering of the HRWorks system, which is completely developed in Smalltalk (VisualAge).
These experiences allowed me to highly develop my knowledge and skills in Smalltalk programming and in OO Software engineering, in general.

In addition to my experience as Software developer, my experience as a Lecturer in the domain of Software Engineering provided me with the following opportunities: -learning more and teaching different programming languages and platforms (such as Java, UML, XML, C#.Net, ASP.Net, etc.); -supervising Software development projects of junior and undergraduate developers; -teaching junior developers how to analyze system requirements and design them in order to build concrete Software solutions.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Experienced Developer and Maintainer of Object Oriented Software
Moose platform for Software and Data analysis

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Gut)
  • Französisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
18 Jahre und 5 Monate (seit 10/2006)


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