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Diplom Ingenieur, MSc.

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  • 38471 Rühen
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  • 26.09.2018


More than 35 years of professional overseas experience in successfully managing and supervising civil engineering projects according to FIDIC and ISA 9000 as Project/Construction Manager or Resident Engineer in 24 countries around the globe.


  • Bauingenieurwesen
  • Projektmanagement
  • Technisches Projektmanagement

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Site Manager
Lahmeyer International, Bad Vilbel, AlFula
9/2011 – 11/2011 (3 Monate)

9/2011 – 11/2011


Short term assignment for construction management and supervision for the Alfula 3 x 135 MW Power Station.

. Drilling, casting and testing of piles
. Construction of concrete frames, columns and supports
. Erection of structural steel for boiler supports

Chief Resident Engineer
Black & Veatch International, Ho Chi Minh City
12/2009 – 4/2011 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)

12/2009 – 4/2011


Construction management and supervision of the Phuoc Hoa Water Resources Project, which consists of:
Barrage with spillway, stilling basin, bottom outlets, spillway bridge, 24 channel crossing
bridges including piles and river closure and access roads finished
23.0 km transfer channel concrete lined and 41 km unlined under construction
Construction of 32 m high earth dam
Total Construction Costs: $us 92. Million
The project was managed according to ISO 9000 and FIDIC

Quantity Surveyor
Iberinsa Consulting Engineers, Spain, Kampala
10/2009 – 11/2009 (2 Monate)

10/2009 – 11/2009


Working on a EU- Frame work contract to audit construction of the contract Construction of the Kampala Northern By-Pass for the EU in Bruessel. My duties were auditing construction costs, especially cost increases due to additional quantities, payments for materials on site, price adjustments for material, labor and cost overruns.
Final Report was submitted at the end of the assignment

QA/QC Engineer
Dr.Malcolm Dunstan, UK, Panama
11/2008 – 6/2009 (8 Monate)

11/2008 – 6/2009


Quality control and assurance for the test slab for the first RCC dam to be built in Panama. My responsibility included:
Testing of materials and RCC
Approval of formwork, embedded parts and instrumentation placement.
Supervision of casting of test slab.
Writing of procedures for RCC quality control
Management of the logistics for materials supply at high rates, etc.
Writing of monthly progress and material report.
Contract finished after casting test slab.
Total Cost for Civil Works: $US 289 million

Project Manager
IncoWest, Worms,, Lushnia
4/2008 – 11/2008 (8 Monate)

4/2008 – 11/2008


Construction management and supervision of water supply projects for the cities of Lushnja, Berat and Kucova in Albania:
Drilling 6 60 m deep drinking water wells,
Installation of 15,800 m water pipes lines of different diameters, construction of three water reservoirs and maintenance work on three other reservoirs,
Installation of valves and water meters
Checking contractors monthly certificates. Writing quarterly reports. Evaluation of contractors claims and preparation of variation orders.
This was a short term assignment to solve administration and technical problems to the end of the project
The contract was finished with a of 6 weeks delay but within budget.
The project was managed according to ISO 9000 and FIDIC

Chief Resident Engineer
Coyne et Bellier, Paris, France, Gurare
9/2007 – 4/2008 (8 Monate)

9/2007 – 4/2008


Management, monitoring and construction supervision of the Gurara Water Transfer Project, which consists of:
3.0 km long, 55.0 high Gurara rock fill dam, a 307 m long spillway weir with bridge; 270 m wide, 1500 m long pool having nine (9) steps, two (2) 52 m high intake towers and bottom outlet, culverts and 1.3 km tunnel line with concrete lining. Construction of 31 km water main from the intakes to the water treatment plant near Abuja. Construction of these structures were finished at the end of my contract
The Construction of a power house having three (3) power generating units with a total capacity of 30 MW, and the 20.000 m3/hr Lower Usuma Water Treatment Plant where still under construction at the end of my contract
The project was managed according to ISO 9000 y FIDIC

Resident Engineer
Coyne ate Bellier, Pairs, France, Peru
6/2006 – 9/2007 (1 Jahr, 4 Monate)

6/2006 – 9/2007


Management, monitoring and construction supervision of:
A 332m long, 43 m high rockfill dam CFRD with bottom outlet,
14 km long, diameter 4,80 m, tunnel using a TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine), construction of 4 different tunnels total length 3.2 km using Austrian Tunneling Method,
Slope stabilization, quality control of materials, concrete and shotcrete.
Construction of 5640 m long diameter 36 oil pipeline.
Report writing and approval of contractors monthly certificates and concrete and soil quality reports.
I was sent to Nigeria for trouble shoot problems and replace CRE. When I left only the 14 km tunnel and slope stability work was not finished
The project was managed according to ISO 9000
Construction Cost: $us 255 Million

DynCorp., Texas, USA, Freetown
4/2006 – 4/2006 (1 Monat)

4/2006 – 4/2006


Site visit of Hastings Airfield and Logistical Depot of ECOWAS in Freetown to prepare proposals for
extension or relocation of Depot (Short Term Assignment)
Making cost estimates and writing report

Test Inspektor
Christensen & Associates, San Rafael, CA, USA, Schweiz
3/2006 – 7/2006 (5 Monate)

3/2006 – 7/2006


Inspection and testing of valves for the Narrows Colgate Projects in Northern California, USA (Short Term Assignment)
Writing of inspection and test report

Chief Construction Engineer
Lahmeyer International, Bad Vilbel, Merowe
2/2005 – 12/2005 (11 Monate)

2/2005 – 12/2005


Construction management and supervision of all Civil Works for the 1.200 Million Euro Merowe Rockfill Dam across the river Nile.
Construction of power house accommodating ten (10) power generating units with a total capacity of 1.250
MW with spillway and spillway bridge,
65m high 300 m long power intake structure
River diversion 800 m long earth core rockfill dam up to 45 m high, and 8000 m long concrete faced rockfill dam were in progress.
General supervision of contractors concrete and soil laboratory and approval monthly concrete and soil quality reports. In 2005 465 000 m3 concrete were placed
Checking contractors monthly reports and invoices.
The project was managed according to ISO 9000.
I was sent by Lahmeyer to this project to try to bring it back on track and trouble shoot other problems and temporary replace the CRE. I had a short term contract to September 2005, which I extended until December 2005.
FIDIC Project Cost of Civil Works: EURO 560 Million

Resident Engineer
MVV Consulting and Water Engineers, Mannheim, Pogradec
9/2003 – 9/2004 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)

9/2003 – 9/2004


Evaluation of bids. Assisting Engineer in contract negotiations. Prepared job descriptions and work procedures. Supervision of construction of an administration building and installation of water meters. Writing quarterly reports, checking contractors invoices, evaluating contractors claims and checking as-built-drawings. The project was managed according to ISO 9000.
Due to lack of financing the construction of the water supply and sewerage system for the town of Pogradec project was cancelled.
FIDIC Project Cost of Project: Euro 6.6 Million

Team Leader/ Resident Engineer
Figg Bridge Inspection, Georgetown
3/2002 – 5/2003 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)

3/2002 – 5/2003


Assisted the Engineer in final design, construction cost estimates and tender document revisions as well as contract negotiation with the lowest bidder.
Supervision the rehabilitation of bridges and culverts including prestressed concrete beams and pile foundations.
Wrote monthly reports.
The project was managed according to ISO 9000.
I left the project because of security problems in Guyana
LUMP SUM Project Cost of Project: Euro 45.0 Million

Director de Supervision
CES Consulting ERngineers, Salzgitter, Comarapa
3/2001 – 1/2002 (11 Monate)

3/2001 – 1/2002


Construction management and supervision of the first RCC dam in Bolivia, having a length of 155 m and a height of 52 m
Approval of materials, formwork, placing of embedded parts and instrumentation. Supervision of casting of test slab, core sample drilling and their testing in the laboratory.
Supervision of drilling and grouting of curtain walls for the dam.
Control of concrete and aggregates production plants, management of the logistics for materials supply at high rates. Concrete, material and RCC quality control.
Construction supervision of the high-paste RCC concept mix using natural pozzolan as cementitious material,
Inspection of placement procedures of grout-enriched RCC against forms and abutments
Construction supervision of intake towers, spillway bridge, weirs and channels for two irrigation systems having a length of approx. 230 km.
Writing quarterly reports and checking contractors monthly certificates. Prepared variation orders.
The project was managed according to ISO 9000.
Contract was finished within the budged and construction time
FIDIC Project Costs of Project: Euro 27.3 Million

Resident Engineer
Harza Engineering, Chicago, USA, Barotha
8/1998 – 2/2001 (2 Jahre, 7 Monate)

8/1998 – 2/2001


Construction supervision of all concrete structures, such as:
Power house accommodating five (5) power generating units with a total capacity of 6.25 MW, intake, tailrace, tail regulator, sills, outlets, bridges, 220 m drainage gallery including safety measurements, switchyard, 15 prestressed concrete bridges across channel and over spillway, and other concrete structures for the Ghazi Barotha Hydroelectric Project in Pakistan.
Concrete quantity approx. 1,000,000 m3.
Supervision of precast concrete production and prestressing of beams.
Concrete and shotcrete quality control.
The project was managed according to ISO 9000. FIDIC Project Cost of Project: $us 2.200 Million
I did not extend my contract.

Section Chief Highway Supervision
Lahmeyer International Bad Vilbel, Greece
8/1996 – 7/1998 (2 Jahre)

8/1996 – 7/1998


Construction supervision and quality control for a 68 km long section of the EGNATIA Highway (Igouminitsa- Thessaloniki in Greece.
Responsible for the construction of four tunnels, total length approx. 3.0 km, including tunnel portals and safety measurements,
Five bridges up to 55 meter length,
Embankments, subbase and base, drainage structures and asphalt surfacing.
I did not extend my contract.
FICIC Project Cost of Section of Project: Euro 138 Million

Note: Due to geological problems part of the EGNATIA Highway section was only finished 2009


Ingeniero Matriculado, Colombia
Professional Engineer (PE), Texas, USA


Structural Engineering
Detroit, USA
Diplom Ingenieur

Über mich

More than 25 years of professional overseas experience as Civil/Structural Engineer, Resident Engineer and Construction Manager in 24 countries with consulting firms and civil engineering contractors in project management according to FIDIC and ISO 9000. Management and construction supervision of concrete gravity, rock fill (CFRD) and RCC dams, water resources projects, hydropower, water and irrigation projects, highways and roads, bridges, tunnels (Austrian Tunnel Method and TBM) and tunnel lining, foundations, piling including pile load tests, piers, dolphins, drainage and retaining structures, water and utility pipelines, industrial and apartment buildings and quality control of concrete, shotcrete and RCC.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Technik & Ingenieursberufe
- Bauleitung
- Kraftwerksbau
- Technische Projektleitung / -management
- Tiefbau / Wasserbau

Organisation, Management & Behörden
- Projektleitung (allg.)
- Projektmanagement / PMO

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Spanisch (Fließend)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Europäische Union
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
52 Jahre und 1 Monat (seit 01/1973)
25 Jahre


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