freiberufler Digital Transition - strategie - CHANGE - ERP, FINANCE, operational excellence (hands on) auf

Digital Transition - strategie - CHANGE - ERP, FINANCE, operational excellence (hands on)

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  • 15.01.2025


- End-to-End Transition von Business- und IT Lösungen
- Erstellung eines Blueprints zur Umsetzung strategischer Verbesserungen auf CxO-Ebene
- Unternehmensausrichtung, Restrukturierung, Reorganisation, Verbesserung der Geschäftsprozesse


  • Business Process Reengineering (BPR)7 J.
  • Change Management6 J.
  • Digital Transition Management
  • Enterprise project management (EPM)2 J.
  • Fehleranalyse6 J.
  • Fusionen und Übernahmen1 J.
  • Informationsmanagement
  • Krisenmanagement
  • PMO (IT)4 J.
  • Projektmanagement
  • Prozessberatung
  • Schulung / Training (IT)8 J.
  • Transformation Management6 J.
  • Value Based Management (VBM)6 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Transformation & Delivery Manager (Digitalisierung und Geschäft)
Brussels Gewest, Brussel
3/2022 – offen (3 Jahre, 1 Monat)
IT & Entwicklung

3/2022 – offen


Verantwortlich für die Umwandlung und Umstrukturierung der Organisation, um als Dienstleister für die Gemeinden zu fungieren.
Implementierung von Ökosystemen/ERP-Lösungen (Front-Office und Back-Office), Finanzverwaltung (Buchhaltung, Einkommen/Steuern) mit MS D365, Personalverwaltung, Sozialakten sowie Verwaltung der Beziehungen zwischen den Nutzern (Bürger, Unternehmen und Partner) bei den lokalen Behörden mit +30.000 Endnutzern.

Transformation/Restructuring/organization change mgmt
• Aufbau eines Portfolios von Unternehmensprogrammen zur Unterstützung der Transformation und organisatorischen Umstrukturierung
• Management der Lösungs- und Lieferantenauswahl RFI, RFQ, RFP, Due Diligence, Formalisierung, Stakeholder Review.
• Verwaltung des Übergangs von 19 verschiedenen Rechenzentren zu einem zentralen Betriebsmodell (Cloud)
• Umsetzung des Zielbetriebsmodells (Prozesse, Rollen, Verträge, Daten, Wissen)
• Umsetzung des Onboarding-Prozesses für Lieferanten
• Bereitschaftsbewertungen für Geschäfts-, Anwendungs- und Technologieebenen (Architektur, Infrastruktur)
• Umsetzung des agilen Übergangsplans
• Integration der bestehenden Geschäftsarchitektur von Drittanbietern mit den neuen Lösungen
• Wissenstransfer (Schulung, Service Desk Management)
• Änderungsmanagement von Geschäftsprozessen für den Dienstbetreiber

Operations mgr continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD)
• Einrichtung und Verwaltung der Umsetzungsteams, des Governance-Modells, des Veränderungs- und Kommunikationskonzepts pro Abteilung
• Management von technischen Implementierungen (TOGAF)
• Einführung eines Document Mgmt Systems zur Verwaltung der Prozessdokumentation für Endbenutzer und Service Desk.
• Einführung eines Exzellenzzentrums
• Implementation & consolidation of ERDs (for data cleansing), UML & BPM (flow & state diagramming).
• Coordination using agile project methodology (MVP, waves, backlog)
• Produktmanager für ITSM/SIAM, Coach für Data Governance.
• Planung auf hoher und detaillierter Ebene von WBS-Tätigkeiten, Ressourcenmanagement
• Due-Diligence-Prüfung von Tools (PPM) zur Unterstützung von ePMO

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management, Transformation Management

Business Improvement Mgr/Operational Excellence/OCM (digital transformation)
INNO, Brussel
11/2021 – 4/2022 (6 Monate)

11/2021 – 4/2022


Verantwortlich für die Verbesserung der Finanz- und Logistikprozesse für Retail/SCM durch die Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit der bestehenden SAP-Systeme und die Einführung von Digitalisierung und Automatisierung.
• Post-Implementierungs-Review (S4/Hana) für die Fähigkeiten/Prozesse Logistik, Lager, Finanzen, Vertrieb
• Optimierung der Finanz- und Warenströme
• Optimierung der Warenströme, der Qualitätsprüfung, des kundenspezifischen Handlings (Etikettierung, Beutelbereitstellung, Sicherung) mit BPM+UML
• Einführung der E-Flows (Digitalisierung von E-Invoicing, E-Procurement, automatisches Controlling)
• Integration von Cloud-Lösungen innerhalb von SAP, um von den Austauschlösungen der Lieferanten und deren Altsystemen unabhängig zu werden
• Einrichtung eines "Center of Excellence" (Standardprozesse, Schulung und Dokumentation, Aufgaben und Zuständigkeiten, Stammdatenverwaltung)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Transformation Management

Business Transformation Mgr von einem Start-up zu einem Scale-up
C4T, Brussel
10/2020 – 7/2021 (10 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

10/2020 – 7/2021


Verantwortlich für die Umwandlung eines auf Zollmanagementdienste spezialisierten Start-up-Unternehmens in ein Scale-up-Unternehmen.
• Einführung eines PMO-Governance-Modells zwischen Bedarfsmanagement und Lieferung
• mehr Flexibilität, um auf häufige und rasche Kundenänderungen zu reagieren,
• Analyse BPM+UML für die Service-Management-Prozesse
• Einführung des agilen Zugkonzepts zwischen Demand Management und Delivery Teams Portfolios und Unterstützung der digitalen Transformation mit dem Agile Release Train (ART)
• Verbesserung des Stakeholder-Managements (Roadmap, Erstellung von Epics, Anwendungsfällen, Roadmap-Planung)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Transformation Management

ERP Projekt & Organisation Change Mgr, Corporate Performance Mgmt
pfm medical, köln
5/2019 – 2/2020 (10 Monate)
Life Sciences

5/2019 – 2/2020


Verantwortlich für die Festlegung der Vision für die unternehmensweite Berichterstattung über die Leistung aller Wertströme pro Tochtergesellschaft in China/USA/Europa/Brasilien
• Verbesserung der Daten: Finanzplanung & Analyse und Record 2 Report in allen Filialen
• Stakeholder-Management zur Verbesserung der Konsolidierung von Finanzdaten und der Transparenz der Berichterstattung
• Identifizierung von Lücken im aktuellen Datenmanagement und in der unterstützenden Organisation, um diese durch Korrekturmaßnahmen zu beseitigen
• Einrichtung der KPI-Struktur (sowohl strategisch auf oberster Ebene als auch operativ pro Arbeitsablauf)
• Einrichtung (end2end) eines KPI-Governance für alle Prozesse pro Werk
• Workshops mit den Abteilungsleitern (pro Arbeitsstrom)
• Verbesserung des Konsolidierungsprozesses der Verkaufs-, Beschaffungs- und Produktionsaufträge
• Aufbau von eine Konsolidierten Data Hub (Änderung in jedem Fabrik von Prozessen, Data, Techniek)
• Implementierung von die KPI-Baum (auf CxO-Ebene, auf jedem Prozess)
• Implementierung der Dashboards (KPI-Projektion)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Intelligence (BI), Change Management, Transformation Management

Interim Manager ERP Digitalisation / Financial Consolidation
pfm medical, Köln
5/2019 – 2/2020 (10 Monate)

5/2019 – 2/2020


Digitalisierung der IT-Landschaft für KMU/Familienunternehmen mit internationalen Niederlassungen . Dem mittleren und oberen Management eine transparente Sicht mit KPI-Dashboards auf Performance alle Wertströme pro Tochtergesellschaft zu ermöglichen.
• Bereitstellung eines transparenten Bildes der Leistung aller Wertströme pro Tochtergesellschaft für das mittlere und obere Management
• Analyse mit Stakeholdern aller Geschäftsprozesse zur Bestimmung der repräsentativen KPIs pro Wertstrom und der Top-KPIs
• Erstellung und Harmonisierung der Business Intelligence-Architektur zur Bereitstellung der KPIs für alle Wertströme (Vertrieb, Produktion, Beschaffung, Logistik, Kundendienst, HR, IT, Buchhaltung).
• Erstellung des Übergangsplans pro Land (Altsysteme, Schnittstellen, Prozesse) zu BW/4
• Qualitätskontrolle der Datenanalyse (produktspezifische Verifikation), Erstellung von Konsolidierungsberichten)
• Freigabe der Informationen von allen Tochtergesellschaften zur endgültigen Konsolidierung durch einen Kontrollprozess.
• Vorbereitung der Prozessänderung "Financial Fast Close" für die monatliche Konsolidierung aller Unternehmen
• PMO Governance, coaching und Programmfortschrittsberichte
Tools: Kanban/ scrum, PMBOK, prevero, JIRA Workspace

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Enterprise Resource Planning, Agile Methodologie, Change Management, Interim Management, Transformation Management

Change manager / Instruktor Value Stream Analysis
VOKA, Hasselt
1/2019 – offen (6 Jahre, 3 Monate)

1/2019 – offen


Role: BPM/Value Chain Analysis trainer
• Geben von Schulung in verschiedenen Analysetechniken (BPMN, Value Stream Analysis, Swimlane, EPC, Informationsflüsse)
• Datenmodellierung (ERD)
Tools: BPM, Visual Paradigm, ARIS, PMBoK/PMI, MS Project, Risk Management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Fehleranalyse, Schulung / Training (IT), Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Value Based Management (VBM)

Organisational Change Manager Digital Transition
2/2018 – 1/2020 (2 Jahre)
IT & Entwicklung

2/2018 – 1/2020


Verantwortlich für die Umsetzung des Fahrplans und die detaillierte Analyse zur Harmonisierung des Informationsaustauschs zwischen den Organisationen 1) Flandern, 2) FPS (FSB), 3) Europäische Kommission (EMSA)
• Geschäftsprozessmanagement mit BPM+UML zur Verbesserung der Interoperabilität und des Informationsaustauschs von transversalen IT-Systemen für die Daten der Rechenzentren der belgischen Streitkräfte, der Küstenwache, des Zolls, der Polizei, der Rettungszentren, der lokalen Behörden und der europäischen Mitgliedstaaten zur Unterstützung von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.
• Verbesserung des Verfahrens bei nicht genehmigten, verdächtigen, riskanten Schiffsbewegungen (Fracht), Menschenhandel usw.
• Entwicklung einer TOGAF-konformen Geschäftsarchitektur, die den Bedürfnissen aller Beteiligten entspricht, um alle relevanten Parteien risikogerecht über verschiedene Beobachtungen und Erkenntnisse (Bildmaterial, fehlende Informationen) zu informieren
• Bedarfsmanagement (Infrastruktur, Architektur, Daten) rund um die "neue Arbeitsweise" in der digitalen Landschaft
• PMO-Governance (Statusberichte, Stakeholder-Management, Anforderungsmanagement, Folgenabschätzung)
• Rationalisierung der Unternehmensarchitektur (Prozesse, Daten, IKT-Lösungen) und deren Umwandlung unter Verwendung einer hybriden Cloud-Architektur und vor Ort für klassifizierte und nicht klassifizierte Daten

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management, Corporate Design, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Transformation Management

Digital Transition Architect (Internet of Things, Industry 4.0)
European Commission / DG MARE, Brussel
2/2018 – 12/2019 (1 Jahr, 11 Monate)

2/2018 – 12/2019


Role: Program / Transition Manager (digitalization)
Gewährleistung der Interoperabilität der nationalen IT-Systeme für die Sicherheit im Seeverkehr (Maritime Information Data Exchange Network) zwischen den verschiedenen belgischen Behörden, die in und für die Nordsee tätig sind (Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, Maritime Defense, Customs and the Shipping Police), was einen effizienteren Informationsaustausch innerhalb einer gesamteuropäischen Plattform zwischen den EU-Mitgliedstaaten ermöglicht.
• Strategic & Change Management: Definition der Gesamtvision, Mission und der endgültigen Ziele des Programms (Business Case), um einen separaten Lösungsweg pro Stakeholder zu erreichen.
• Aufbau und Steuerung des Governance-Reportings, Kommunikation, Programm- und Projektplanung, Qualitätsmanagement
• Audit des Ist-Zustandes (AsIs) für die wichtigsten Wertströme (Safety & Protection)
• Entwurf der Zukunftszustandsprozesse (ToBe), Stammdatenmanagement, Architektur, Infrastruktur, etc.
• Lösungsvorschläge zu 1) Operations Management & Service Desk Management, 2) Prozesse, 3) Organisationen, 4) Anwendungen, 5) Data Governance & Informationsaustausch, 6) Security Design
• Design von IT-Lösungen (Softwarearchitektur, Infrastruktur) und Betriebsmodell, Schnittstellen zwischen neuen und bestehenden Lösungen (Legacy-Systeme) unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher funktionaler und technischer Protokolle.
• Governance, Kommunikation, Programm- und Projektplanung, Qualitätsmanagement

Tools: Project mgmt: EPM, PMI/PMBoK/PMI/Prince2, Risk Management, Earned Value Management, BPM Value Stream Mapping / UML Visual Paradigm, Enterprise Architect, web technology

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

PMO (IT), UML, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Enterprise project management (EPM), PRINCE2

Project Manager
Additive Manufacturing Materialise, Leuven
9/2017 – 12/2017 (4 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

9/2017 – 12/2017


Role: Project Manager
• Verwaltung der Markteinführung verschiedener Produkte
• Produkteinführung und Markteinführung (IT-Entwicklung, Marketing, Vertrieb)
• Prozessverbesserung der Kerngeschäftsprozesse (Order to Invoice)
• Vorbereitung auf die SOX-Konformität
• Aufbau eines Kompetenzzentrums für ERP-Kernprozesse
• Projektvorbereitung, Planung, Beschaffung, Durchführung, Überwachung und Abschluss.
• Teams: Produktentwicklung, Marketing, Vertrieb
Tools: ERP (Navision), SCM, Enterprise Project Management, PMBoK/PMI, MS Project, Risk Management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Interim Management, Enterprise project management (EPM), PMBOK Guide

ERP SCM / SAP organizational change manager
Chemicals Manufacturing, Belgien - Spain
9/2016 – 4/2017 (8 Monate)

9/2016 – 4/2017


Role: ERP SCM / SAP organizational change manager, company restructuring
Optimierung Effizienz durch den Übergang zu einer einheitlichen und integrierten Verarbeitung der Wertströme: Vertrieb - Beschaffung - Fertigung - Forschung & Entwicklung - Qualitätskontrolle/-sicherung - Lagerverwaltung - Logistik an 3 verschiedenen europäischen Standorten. Endziel: Verbesserung der Lieferzeit.
• stakeholder management:
o Analyse der Einflüsse, Empowerment, Engagement
o Anforderungserfassung
o Stimme des Kunden
o Sponsorentreffen
• change management / detaillierten Geschäftsanalyse:
o Analyse Erfassung der aktuellen / zukünftigen Lösung (Ist/Zoll)
o Verwaltung der Gap-Analyse, Blueprints für P2P / O2C / PM / PP-PI
o detaillierte Analyse für Logistik (Eingang, Ausgang), Lager (extern, intern)
o Aufbau einer Kommunikationsstrategie & eines Kommunikationsplans
o Ermittlung der Arbeitsplatzwirkung (IST vs. ZOLL), Analyse des Trainingsbedarfs für alle Wertströme
o Erstellung des Soll-Betriebsmodells
o Unterstützung des Trainingsbedarfs (Wissenstransfer, Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen) für Key-User und Super-User Erstellung eines Business Präsenz Plans
o Implementierung von Governance-Prozessen für Stammdaten
• Stammdaten-Übergang & Governance:
o die zukünftige Art der Datennutzung mit allen Beteiligten, den Endnutzern zu konsolidieren.
o Datenmigration von Legacy nach SAP
o Bereinigung der Ist-Daten (korrekte Codes und Werte), Qualitätsbereitstellung
o Implementierung eines Governance-Prozesses für das Stammdatenmanagement für alle Wertströme
o Roadmap zur Datenmigration
• Prozess-Governance & Organisationsverbesserung
Tools: SAP, ADKAR, BPM, PRINCE2, V-model quality assurance, CRM, SD, MM,WMS, PP-PI, PM

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Reporting, Enterprise Resource Planning, SAP Entwicklung, Change Management, PMO

senior PMO, digital transformation
Kundenname anonymisiert, Luxemburg
4/2016 – 10/2016 (7 Monate)

4/2016 – 10/2016


The business case was to increase effectiveness by digital transformation towards a renewed Operating Model.

Setup and drive the PMO:
• Design:
o Setup organization of PMO (who does what and when and how)
o Collect the business cases of each project to assemble the program portfolio
o Setup the procedure to report implementation progress with the suppliers & the (internal) customer
o Setup operational documents (team on-boarding, project documentation, quality review techniques, templates for deliverables)
• Implement:
o Setup project methodologies (combination of Waterfall & Agile)
o Setup progress monitoring & controlling using
o Setup the progress reporting structure of the portfolio Earned Value Management & KPI’s (forecasts, earnings, planning, risks, scope deviations, statements of work, invoices)
• Execution:
o Give training in project methodologies
o Organize quality reviews of the deliverables per project with suppliers
o Organize follow-up meetings (SQERT reporting) with the suppliers
o Assemble progress reports of the projects

Tools: KPI, Earned Value Management (EVM), PPPM, AGILE, ADKAR, PRINCE2, SHAREPOINT, V-model test, quality assurance, IaaS, SaaS for Clarity, environment: Cloud, mobile services, RPA, First Time Right & lean

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Schulung / Training (IT), Enterprise project management (EPM), PMO, PRINCE2, Technische PMO

senior PMO, digital transformation
Financial Credit mgmt, Luxemburg
4/2016 – 10/2016 (7 Monate)

4/2016 – 10/2016


The business case was to increase effectiveness by digital transformation towards a renewed Operating Model.

Setup and drive the PMO:
• Design:
o Setup organization of PMO (who does what and when and how)
o Collect the business cases of each project to assemble the program portfolio
o Setup the procedure to report implementation progress with the suppliers & the (internal) customer
o Setup operational documents (team on-boarding, project documentation, quality review techniques, templates for deliverables)
• Implement:
o Setup project methodologies (combination of Waterfall & Agile)
o Setup progress monitoring & controlling using
o Setup the progress reporting structure of the portfolio Earned Value Management & KPI’s (forecasts, earnings, planning, risks, scope deviations, statements of work, invoices)
• Execution:
o Give training in project methodologies
o Organize quality reviews of the deliverables per project with suppliers
o Organize follow-up meetings (SQERT reporting) with the suppliers
o Assemble progress reports of the projects

Tools: KPI, Earned Value Management (EVM), PPPM, AGILE, ADKAR, PRINCE2, SHAREPOINT, V-model test, quality assurance, IaaS, SaaS for Clarity, environment: Cloud, mobile services, RPA, First Time Right & lean

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Schulung / Training (IT), Enterprise project management (EPM), PMO, PRINCE2, Technische PMO

Organizational Change Manager
Heidelberg Cement, Belgium
11/2015 – 4/2016 (6 Monate)

11/2015 – 4/2016


To harmonize the processes, the organization, the IT-solutions, the customer services along a merge & acquisition program.

• due diligence of processes, organizations, IT and IS-solutions for 2 companies & 6 business lines for infrastructure of: security of plant & offices, fuel management, time / badge management, maintenance management for mobile & fix engines
• solution design (request for proposal)
• solution proposal (business case design, vendor selection, contract management)
• solution implementation (change & project management)
• organizational change of structures and translation into system landscape / architecture
• hand-over

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Fusionen und Übernahmen

PMO / Operations Manager
NMBS, Brussels
7/2013 – 10/2015 (2 Jahre, 4 Monate)

7/2013 – 10/2015


To replace the current departure procedure of a passenger train by a new and safer procedure in order to uniform the departure procedure, to eliminate the "grey zone" and to align the departure procedure. The solution is governed by a program of +20 projects (business and IT solutions, static & mobile solutions) delivered by internal and external vendors and monitored by external safety auditors. This change has a nationwide and cross boarder impact of train companies with regards to safety compliant, development of IT & Telecom infrastructure GSM-R, appliance of new ways of working for train drivers & train managers.

• setup & detail the work breakdown (work force, deliverables, macro & micro planning, CAPEX/OPEX estimates) per solution, per project
• monitor & daily follow-up of program issues, risk mitigation, actions, planning, dependencies, milestones, prepare decision management (impacts, coordinating mitigations, deployment follow up with assigned parties using SCRUM, recommending issues/decisions for escalation)
• manage quality of deliverables (overall business requirements, per discipline the derived quality plan, requirements, functional analysis, compliancy plans)
• vendor & customer management (internal, external, international) of solutions, main suppliers: FUNKWERK (Germany) for the GSM-R equipments
• stakeholders management (2 companies: NMBS & INFRABEL)
• project plan update with labor and cost forecasting (macro & micro level)
• program financial management (forecasting, project consumption, deviations reporting) with internal & external suppliers using Earned Value Management and SCRUM techniques
• set-up of the high level transition plan (how, what, responsibilities, risks) for each supplier, for each customer
• manage and support departments for projects integration (workshops, progress meetings, subject matter meetings)
• manage homologation/certification with the Belgian Government
DVIS (Dienst Veiligheid en Interoperabiliteit Spoorwegen) and Belgorail
• prepare internal and external communications

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Reporting, Hardware-Design, Scrum, PMO (IT), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Mobile Application Development, IT-Support (allg.), Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), GSM/GPRS, Kommunikation (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Externe Kommunikation, Audits

Organizational Change Manager
Tools / Manufacturing, Belgium / France
1/2013 – 5/2013 (5 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

1/2013 – 5/2013


Design the key processes and ways of working of the European Headquarters and their financial/legal interaction with their European subsidiaries. Goal: operational excellence, efficiency/effectiveness, economies of scale and cost reduction at governance level.
• Inventory of the As-Is / Current Operating Model (processes, organization hierarchy (top – subject matter experts), data- & information exchange, applications / infrastructure, incoming & outgoing documents
• Design of the To-Be / Target Operating Model
• Cleansing data at all sites, names converting, standardization of processes (order to cash, plan to manufacture, procure to pay, record to report, contract to maintain)
• Select & prepare implementation of operation reference models in a supply chain.
• Enforce the segregation of duties (who does what, where and using what kind of tools)
• Transform the company towards an appliance of the hub- and spoke business model (create legal entities, identify intellectual properties, trademarks, patents, plans to terminate / phase out / transfer

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

It-Governance, Change Management, Management (allg.)

ERP SAP change & transition manager
Gas Piping / Construction / Engineering, Belgium
4/2012 – 1/2013 (10 Monate)
Gas Piping / Construction / Engineering

4/2012 – 1/2013


GOAL: restructure and re-align ERP SAP solutions with the business processes (Finance, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Operation). Preceded by an of IT & Business processes (primary & secondary).

- Set up the programme book, the change management plan, the transition plan
- Audit of the As-Is situation (processes, organization, data/information quality, ICT-tooling, services) for the departments “finance, procurement, projects, engineering, construction, operation” and IT
- Requirements gathering of the future mode of operation, stakeholders management (objectives, benefits, changes, solutions to integrate the operations with ICT-solutions)
- Gap analysis (as-is, to-be), remodel with Business Process Management, support blueprint
- Empower cross-over structural improvements at logistics, transportation, distribution, stock management to shorten the cycle engineering-construction-realization and minimize the IT interventions for Business operations
o the concept “first time right data entry”
o lean management
- Prepare the end to end test plan (IT, UAT & business acceptance)

-Techniques: PRINCE2, ADKAR (change methodology), SAP MM/PM/FI/CO, BPM & UML: Enterprise Architecture

trainer business process management
BI Community, Leuven
1/2012 – 12/2012 (1 Jahr)

1/2012 – 12/2012


Role: trainer of business excellence, project methodologies, optimization frameworks
Give training in business excellence for business intelligence.
• best practice project methodologies, value chain analysis, UML, BPM, lean six sigma preparation
• Address the different type of failures (internal, external, appraisal costs) and how to avoid them.
• Presentation of an approach for value stream/chain improvement (cost & activity breakdown, improvement proposal for cost advantage at activity level)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Intelligence (BI), UML, Schulung / Training (IT), Management (allg.), Prozessmanagement, Lean Prozesse, Six sigma, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Konfliktlösung

strategical advisor / ITIL
Vanlanschot bank, Antwerpen
7/2011 – 12/2011 (6 Monate)

7/2011 – 12/2011


GOAL: improve service management processes according the CBFA/FSMA requirements.

- Audit of IT & Business processes (ITSM, CMMi, COBIT)
- Gap & SWOT-analysis of enterprise business architecture, primary & supportive processes, FMEA
- Remodeling of the operational processes of IT service management (incident – problem – escalation)
- Remodeling of the processes supporting service transition (change management, release management, asset management, configuration management)
- Remodeling of the processes supporting service strategy / design (demand management, risk management, portfolio management, requirements management)
- Set-up plan of approach for the lifecycles project management & test management
- Addressing the concept “product & service catalogue” for new product launches
- Redesign of the organization (who is responsible to do what, when, where and using what),
- Set-up of blueprint & improvement plan to strive for operational excellence
- Implementation of the concept “segregation of duties” when using different platforms and smaller teams
- Set-up of change management plan and implementation plan

- Techniques: PRINCE2, RACI, role-activity diagrams, case tool ADONIS, BPM, COBIT, CMMi & ITIL V3

Result: blueprint & roadmap to improve the alignment of Business & IT

service delivery manager ERP / POS applications
Retail, Belgium
9/2010 – 1/2012 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)

9/2010 – 1/2012


GOAL: operation management, ERP project & service manager for store operations to coordinate the daily RUN & CHANGE operations of the point-of-sales between stakeholders, IT-management, product owners and an international sourcing model of delivery teams (Europe, Africa, Asia) for a topology of +500 stores.

- Support project portfolio management, analysis of risks & impact of demands onto the business & IT layer (infrastructure & architecture).
- Translating business requirements into IT demands; managing the projects to deliver new products and services (monitoring and reporting from start-up till delivery) by means of using the different instruments (Change Advisory Board, suppliers, test acceptance teams, product owners & stakeholders).
- Change and release coordination; responsible for the implementation and industrialization of changes.
- Set-up of test strategy plan: per change request collecting the user requirement specifications, set-up of the test scenarios, organization of the test environment (technical, functional, test team, timeslots), monitoring & follow-up.
- Coaching all teams (internal & external) towards process improvement of service management.
- Support to set-up the business continuity management process & disaster recovery.
- Techniques: couponing, POS applications, bonuscard, selfscan

Result: improvement of the responsivity between demand & solution delivery, decrease of the no. of incidents, uniformisation of service mgmt processes

change manager
ING, Belgium / Netherlands
4/2010 – 9/2010 (6 Monate)

4/2010 – 9/2010


GOAL: implementation of short & long term improvements of the shared service center

- Audit of IT & Business service management processes to transition towards an improved concept of managed services for the customer service desk,.
- Assessment of service management processes / ITIL service desk and tools.
- Redesign of the operational model, applying organizational changes and its sourcing model.
- Changing processes to become lean; first time right, improved reporting
- Addressing strategic improvements: supporting the roadmap for change towards lean ITSM.
- Addressing quick wins: implementation of SOPs (standard operating procedures), by means of synchronization of tooling and processes

-Techniques:ITIL, BPM: Visual Architect

Result: implementation of short & long term improvements

change manager
ETO, Belgium
1/2009 – 12/2010 (2 Jahre)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

1/2009 – 12/2010


GOAL: improve the manufacturing, the supply & delivery of silo’s for the food industry and transition towards lean management. Coach towards the selection step of MS Dynamics / SAP B1.

- Audit of business processes: manufacturing, shop floor control, detailed resources & budget spending for the supply & delivery of silo’s for the food industry.
- Value Stream Mapping and set-up a Value Reference Model of all business components and suppliers, perform an in depth Cost & Benefit Analysis for the shop floor control (material management, supply, delivery)
- Set-up change plan, change preparation of the mitigation to become lean (FMEA, avoid defects/redo’s – transports – moves – stock mgmt)
- Consolidate business case, tool & package selection, set-up roadmap, BID management preparation
- Conducted the customer along a selection process of ERP SME solutions (SAP B1, MS Dynamics).
- Set-up transition plan, change & communication management with stakeholders
- Techniques: RACI, role-activity diagrams, BPM: Visual Architect

Result: Blue print, change management & communication plan

change manager
ATOS, Belgium / France / Germany
11/2008 – 10/2009 (1 Jahr)

11/2008 – 10/2009


GOAL: implementation of globalization of service desk and the procedures for ITIL / ITSM in the data centres in Belgium, Germany & France

- Perform stakeholders requirements per country for the ITSM processes
- Audit (As-Is, To-Be) of the service management processes in each country
- Set-up change plan to align the processes, organization, information exchange, tooling and alignment with virtual teams
- Monitor and coordinate the overall integration process of the architecture & infrastructure
- Identify risks and describe impacts that affect the way of working of the organization
- Adapt the SLA’s towards the approach of a product & service catalogue
- Renewal of the DRP & BCP approach

- Techniques: RACI, role-activity diagrams, BPM: Visual Architect, ITIL

Result: changed the organization towards globalization of the service delivery

program manager
FORTIS / ABN Amro, Belgium / Netherlands
7/2008 – 11/2008 (5 Monate)

7/2008 – 11/2008


GOAL: Merge the international customer service desk of both companies:

- Audit of the IT-solutions at Fortis & ABN
- Corporate IT/IS-transformation for processes, organization, data migration of 2 companies by means of worldwide implementation/integration of CRM / SIEBEL to improve sales & services at all affiliates.
- Implementation of IT solutions to align upstream & downstream data feeds for all offices making available all CRM information of ABN Amro in the offices of Fortis and vice versa.
- Coordination of the change & project at both companies the technical teams for the phases: impact, analysis, design, forecasting and implementation.

- Techniques: PRINCE2

project & change manager
PV, Belgium
1/2008 – 6/2008 (6 Monate)

1/2008 – 6/2008


IT Merger & Acquisition of 2 insurance companies into a new company with a common environment to supply B2B & B2C market channels.
• Due diligence (verification of the assets IT-solutions, facilities, location, marketing, compatibility)
• Transmigrate all commercial and administrative activities from 2 sites to a new location
• Restructure the organization its departments (combination of line of business of both companies)
• Outsourcing the IT and deployment of a Shared Service Centre.

Result: cost saving of 2 buildings for 200 FTE’s (exit renting topology, infrastructure, architecture, phase out of IT-staff)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Architektur (allg.), Change Management, Management (allg.), Fusionen und Übernahmen, Shared Services, Outsourcing, Marketing, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Versicherungen (allg.), Dienstleistung (allg.)

ERP SAP change & transition manager
L'Oréal, Brussel
8/2007 – 11/2007 (4 Monate)

8/2007 – 11/2007


Transformation of all activities relating to transport, logistics and goods distribution for the retailers (both for national and international transit) into 1 multi division and multi country warehouse management system.
• Audit of the current mode of operation (processes, organization, data, IT-solutions)
• To transform all WMS-activities from Scandinavia to Brussels (processes, distribution channels)into 1 multi division and multi country warehouse management system
• Analysis of the inbound and outbound operations
• Collecting the new requirements to align and optimize the stock areas according demands as forward picking, season schedules, peak moments
• Setup of the change mngt plan relating to transport, logistics and goods distribution (both for national and international transit)

Result: set-up an organizational change management plan supported by a training

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), SAP Beratung (allg.), IT-Support (allg.), System Analyse, Schulung / Training (IT), Audits, Einzelhandel, Logistik (Allg.), Transportlogistik, Lagerlogistik, Transport (allg.), TransIT

auditor, process improvement
Duracell (energy), Brussel
5/2007 – 8/2007 (4 Monate)

5/2007 – 8/2007


To optimize the picking & packing procedures according the customer demands to repackage per country.
• Audit of the difficulties of the processes, bottlenecks, problems and process losses (ERP solutions).
• Formulating the change: automatically determination of the logistic space of the stocking areas, the bins, the racks, replacement (unwrapping/wrapping, re-labeling) of the bar codes and integration of the logistic & product changes into the ERP WMS.

Result: improved alignment (picking, packing) and re-distribution of the lots per demanding country

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Auditor, Vertrieb (allg.), Audits, Logistik (Allg.)

Project manager document management
Mercator insurance, Antwerpen
3/2007 – 8/2007 (6 Monate)

3/2007 – 8/2007


GOAL: implement the concept of Document & Output Management

- Collect the requirements of all departments (marketing , procurement, sales, invoicing, communication, claims handling) concerned with all kinds of deliverables (incoming & outgoing)
- Feasibility match with the tools & infrastructure, calculate the no. of the documents to be processed per department, estimate throughput
- Set-up the layout for all type of documents (internal, external), consolidate to uniform layouts
- Integrate the document mgmt processes into the business processes
o Configuration of the central output management ISIS Papyrus
o Set-up the transition plan to convert from local print software to the concept of Output Management
- Communicate the change “to use one uniform process to manage output”
- Configure the Proof of Concept, organize training with ICT & Business stakeholders
- Prepare implementation and transition print solutions & processes.

project manager
FORTIS, Belgium / Luxemburg / Netherlands
11/2006 – 12/2007 (1 Jahr, 2 Monate)

11/2006 – 12/2007


GOAL: End to end implementation of the concept IT shared service desk / ITIL service management processes for data centers in BeNeLux

- Set-up project governance with stakeholders of all countries (product owners: telecom, security, software development, software maintenance, front-office, back-office)
- Audit of local service desks per country, gap-analysis, blueprint, change preparation towards the concept of shared service desks
- Establishing the roadmap for tool integration for all service management processes (incident-problem-change-configuration management).
- Drive processes and put them into operational mode, provide support to integration units.

-Ttechniques: PRINCE2, RACI, role-activity diagrams, BPMN, ITIL

Result: changed the organization towards a shared service delivery

Auditor, business improvement manager
Metro / Media Markt - Saturn, Netherlands
4/2006 – 6/2006 (3 Monate)

4/2006 – 6/2006


Strategy design to implement a lean European Shared Service Centre customer desk for their retailers in Netherlands (Media Markt & Saturn).
• Audit of the current helpdesk its processes in 3 countries, the way of working, their local organization
• Determine the To-Be situation (customized ITSM, virtual helpdesk organization)
• In depth assessment of the ITSM service management processes and tools
• Determine the change need to improve the processes, the organization, the metadata of the applications, the services

Result: set-up a program for implementation of an international shared service desk

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Service Management, IT Service Management (ITSM), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), IT-Support (allg.), Management (allg.), Lean Prozesse, Auditor, Dienstleistung (allg.), Einzelhandel

change manager ERP
NMBS / Railway, Belgium
11/2005 – 11/2006 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)

11/2005 – 11/2006


GOAL: Strategy design to enable visibility on warehouse & stock management of telecom & IT projects by implementation of SAP.

- Address requirements management, gap analysis (As-Is/To-Be) for the product owners of telecom products, transmitters, receivers, mobiles, IT-equipments and non IT/IP related assets.
- Change preparation & awareness towards a consolidated approach of Stock Management.
- Conducted the customer along a selection process of ERP solutions.
- Adapt the process flow to become lean and avoid “over consuming”, “ordering to early”
- Set up a strategy blueprint & business case for implementation of SAP SCM for procurement, logistics, material management, distribution of materials & services.
-Techniques: PRINCE2, SAP MM/SD, BPM: Visual Architect

Result: create financial visibility of budget spending, ERP blueprint, set-up project

ERP practice manager
Siemens, Belgium / France
7/2005 – 1/2006 (7 Monate)

7/2005 – 1/2006


GOAL: Operational role: ERP practice director for SAP department

- RFI, RFP, proposal management, lead qualification, BID management
- determining vision from start-up, design from scratch the mission, the strategy, the objectives to sell
- steer, innovate, and optimize the program for the business unit
- profit & loss responsibilities of the department

project manager ERP / CRM
Electrabel, Belgium
1/2005 – 5/2005 (5 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

1/2005 – 5/2005


GOAL: Improvement of the service desk by means of integration of outsourced partners and SAP tool alignment. Integration of the service desk business applications into the ERP SAP backbone

- Transition from SLA paper to SLA electronic by mapping SLA and contracts
- Setup blueprint, design, coach the implementation mySAP CRM, golive
-Techniques: PRINCE2, SAP MM/SD/PM/CRM,ITIL, BPM: Visual Architect

Result: reducing daily operational costs of the customer service desk, enabling automatic generation of service orders using solution & script db for resolver support teams

service delivery manager
IBM, Europe
5/2004 – 1/2005 (9 Monate)

5/2004 – 1/2005


GOAL: operational role: Service Delivery management ERP for all data centers in Europe, operations management, change manager for infrastructure, hw/sw, topology, delivery based on an international sourcing model (India and local service desk teams per country)

Result: increasing customer satisfaction in all countries.

project manager ERP
Recycling, Belgium
4/2003 – 4/2004 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
Soziale Einrichtungen

4/2003 – 4/2004


GOAL: Program preparation for ERP/CRM implementation for the supply chain of waste (buy, fetch, transform, sell)

- Set-up a GAP analysis: audit of existing business workflow (inventory of front- / back-office solutions), business modeling & blueprinting
- Nationwide uniformisation of business processes and workflow management for the complete product life-cycles at company-wide level
- Migration of the related & supported legacy interfacing systems towards a central backbone
- Conduct solutions towards one common ERP approach
-Techniques: PRINCE2, RACI, role-activity diagrams, XML, BPM: Visual Architect

Result: all primary & secondary processes aligned nationwide

process improvement / auditor
Mobistar (telecom), Brussel
1/2003 – 9/2003 (9 Monate)

1/2003 – 9/2003


GOAL: Implementation of Quality Assurance at telecom development teams.

- Process improvement for change management of software requests and new projects
- Selection of case tools (business process modeling)
- Integration of development tools within architecture.
- Analysis ETL tools for Data Ware House projects

- Techniques: RACI, role-activity diagrams, BPM (Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm, Visual Architect), UML, re-engineering

Result: Implementation & give training in project management, frameworks CMM / RUP / UML / Prince2

strategic advisor / business change manager
Ribank Sofinco Crédit Agricole, France / Netherlands
2/2002 – 3/2003 (1 Jahr, 2 Monate)

2/2002 – 3/2003


GOAL: Strategy Design & Delivery of an end to end solution (IT & Business) to replace the back- and front office.

- Audit of IT & Business processes of credit management for retail
- Change the bank to the strategic implementation of a new consumer finance platform
(organization, IT solutions, processes)
- Transform a dispersed data center into a centric e-commerce based credit lending platform
- vendor & package selection (RFI-RFQ-RFP & contract management)

Result: reducing daily operational costs and shorter time to market for new financial products

Project manager IT
LCM (social security), Brussel
1/2001 – 12/2001 (1 Jahr)

1/2001 – 12/2001


GOAL: Replacement of a paper communication process with an electronic exchange between hospitals and other health insurance organizations.

- Implementation of a protocol between Head Quarter & all allied health care centers (hospitals)
- Monitoring data distribution through a joint venture of all health organizations and the governmental bodies.
- Presentation of a DMS and ECM (enterprise content and information management) concept for operation of medical knowledge and guidance.

Result: Shortening turnaround, simplification of daily processing at front- & back office.

process improvement / auditor
KBC, Brussel - Leuven
8/2000 – 10/2001 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)

8/2000 – 10/2001


GOAL: Implementation and improvement of PMO / PSO, providing training, coaching, mentoring project methodology.
- Selection & implementation end to end business case modeling tool for knowledge management.
- Design, customization, implementation and handover of the tools
- Tools: MEGA, RUP, CMM, UML

Result: Migration of legacy documentation and knowledge (business processes, software layer, infrastructure)

technical consultant
technical roles, Europe (Germany, Switzerland, France, Netherlands,
9/1981 – 12/2000 (19 Jahre, 4 Monate)

9/1981 – 12/2000


technical IT roles

- implementation of card processing for banking
- database alignment at RTT Belgacom
- improvement sales & distribution by means of implementation of automotive concept
- data migration & implementation of ERP solutions (mainframe)
- implementation of financial products for stock exchange and banking
- several projects at Flemish Government (EU portal design, INFLIN, real estate, agriculture)
- implementation of pre data ware houses
- design of dashboards to manage chemical production of fertilizers
- implementation of databases (mainframe), giving courses “migrating towards databases”,
- re-engineering of the SWIFT applications
- implementation of transactional based applications

techniques: mainframe, EDI, 3GL, 4GL, IDMS, DB2, ADS, CICS, ERP, CMS, Foxpro,

Customers: KBC – Michelin – Government Belgium – Government France – Government Netherlands (Den Haag) – UCB – Sofibank – Electrabel – Robeco – BAYER - Generale Bank – SWIFT – SIG – BOPST- RTT Belgacom


Brugge / Belgium

Über mich

Er hat eine lange Erfolgsgeschichte als Unternehmensberater, um die Anforderungen an Business & IT in einem multikulturellen Umfeld zu unterstützen.

Er hat jede Phase eines Übergangs von CHANGE zu RUN begleitet und mehrere Verantwortlichkeiten in Aufgaben übernommen, wie 1) Trennung/Carve-out-Anpassungen, 2) Integration/Standardisierung, 3) Digitalisierung oder 4) Operational Excellence.

Andererseits war er auch verantwortlich für den Aufbau von PMO Governance und Enterprise Performance Management.
Mein Schwerpunkten:
- Unternehmensumstrukturierung / Umgestaltung / Veränderungsmanagement / Director of operations
(Einführung strategischer Projekte: ein Betriebsmodell wie SIAM/ITSM-ITIL/ERP mit Prozessen, Organisation, Informationsaustausch, ICT-Lösungen, Governance)
- Erstellung einer Roadmap mit der C-Ebene
- Analyse der bestehenden Situation (Prozesse, Abteilungen, Mitarbeiter, Wissen, wichtige und speicherbare Daten, Effizienz, ICT-Lösungen und Service Management)
- Identifikation von Schmerzpunkten und Verbesserungen
(Steigerung des Service Levels ICT, Ausbau des Knowledge Center of Excellence)- Lösungsvorschläge, Verbesserungen mit den Abteilungsleitern
- GAP-Analyse zwischen der bestehenden Situation und der gewünschten Situation
- End2End Implementation von Lösungen

references are available

Weitere Kenntnisse

Organisation, Management & Behörden
- Change Management
- Kostenoptimierung
- Projekt Management (Agile / Scrum / Waterfall)
- Krisenmanagement
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Prozess-Beratung / -Analyse
- ERP Implementierung
- Interim Management
- Projektleitung (allg.)
- Projektmanagement / PMO
- Projekt- / Teamassistenz

IT & Entwicklung
- IT-Projektleitung / -management
- Qualitätsmanagement / Testing
- Servicemanagement / ITIL
- Prozess- / Workflow-Analyse
- Requirements Analyse
- Coaching / Schulung IT
- Content-Management-System

- SAP-Kenntnisse

- Automotive

Persönliche Daten

  • Niederländisch (Muttersprache)
  • Französisch (Fließend)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Gut)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
43 Jahre und 6 Monate (seit 09/1981)
20 Jahre


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