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QA/QC Manager

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  • 9023 VARNA
  • Europa
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  • 16.10.2018


QA/QC Manager
RT level 3, MT level 3, PT level 3, VT level 2
European Welding Engineer (EWE)
International Welding Engineer (IWE)
SchweissFachIngenieur (SFI)
Metallurgical & Materials Engineer


  • Anlagen-Engineering
  • Bauingenieurwesen
  • Management (allg.)
  • Maschinenbau
  • Produktionstechnik (allg.)
  • Projektmanagement
  • Prüftechnik (allg.)
  • Qualitätsmanagement (allg.)
  • Technisches Projektmanagement
  • Technisches Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

QA/QC Consultant
AYMEK Engineering, Varna
4/2012 – 9/2013 (1 Jahr, 6 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

4/2012 – 9/2013


Activities which directly managed:

The implementation and maintenance of the companys quality management system,
Updating Field Quality Plan and procedures,
Preparation of additional quality documentation like; Procedures, Quality Forms, ITP`s etc.
Preparation of official letters regarding quality.
Direct contact with Client, as required.
Reviewing the quality of some key materials before the supply subcontractor is chosen by the procurement department when required,
The surveillance, monitoring, inspection and proper documentation of the field work,
Advising Group Leads of potential or existing quality problems that may require the AYMEKs Project Managers action,
Documenting of nonconformances on Nonconformance Reports (NCR's), and to ensure that nonconforming materials are not incorporated into field work,
Reviewing the Subcontractors quality plans and other documents.
Organizing Quality Control Meetings with the client and the consultants to decrease their written demands from the contractor by solving some of these problems beforehand,

Activities which assured by involvement:

Collecting all information, certificates, etc. required prior to the commencement of work,
The planning of inspections and test witnessing, including source inspection as required to ensure that only acceptable materials, equipment, and construction is incorporated in to the erection work,
The completion and finalizing of all the required witnessing and inspection reports and to assure that these reports are timely, accurately, and properly distributed,
Preparation of Work Packages, submittal to client or its representative and, maintaining a feed back and a follow up system for client`s comments, punch items,
Calibration and control of on-site measuring and test equipment and devices used to determine conformance to specified requirements,
The scheduling and co-ordination of inspection and testing of materials and construction related to erection work,
The reviewing of Quality Control technical data submitted by Suppliers and Subcontractors to assure conformance to the submittal requirements of the Contract Documents,
The review of material test reports to assure that the specified tests are performed in an adequate number and the results are in conformance with the Contract Documents;
The receiving and inspection of Materials procured for incorporation into the erection work for the proper quantity, identification, and shipping damage;
Verify that required approvals by the client, and the consultant have been received prior to the start of work;
Verify that certified equipment and/or personnel are being utilized when required by the contract and specifications.

Quality Surveillance Representative
ExxonMobil, Constanta
1/2012 – 3/2012 (3 Monate)
Öl- und Gasindustrie

1/2012 – 3/2012


- Main responsibilities were to coordinate the receiving inspection of all client's equipment, materials, subcontractor equipment, tools including Transocean (drilling contractor and owner of drillship).

- Hands on monitoring of these inspections, where needed, also to represent client as 3rd party inspector (TPI) and review of documentation provided by client suppliers/vendors or subcontractors.

- Has worked in coordination with the ExxonMobil's DTQR whether rotating DTQR also based in Constanta or in Houston full-time and interface with ExxonMobil's Shorebase Logistics personnel and their scheduling, as appropriate.

Please see reference letter from ExxonMobil.

3/2011 – 10/2013 (2 Jahre, 8 Monate)
Metall-, Holz- und Papierindustrie

3/2011 – 10/2013


• Head of QA/QC and welding department; management of QA/QC engineers, inspectors and document controllers.
• Preparation of quality plan, quality procedures and inspection & test plans (ITP`s).
• Preparing Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS), conduction of subsequent
Destructive and Non Destructive tests. (EN ISO 15614-1, ASME Sec. IX, AWS D1.1 etc.)
• Preparation of Welding Plans, determination of welding sequence.
• Welding consumable calculations and time estimations.
• Weld map preparation.
• Review or issuance (depending on the applicable code) of Welding Procedure
Qualification Records (WPQR).
• Conduction of welder qualification tests and certification of welders.(EN 287-1, ASME Sec. IX, AWS D1.1)
• Quality control of welded products, dimensional inspection after welding, painting inspections.
• Quality control of machined products; surface quality and dimensional inspections.
• Material receiving inspections of incoming materials.
• Organization and Surveillance of MT/PT/RT/UT/Hardness Tests and PMI in accordance with Contractor and/or Subcontractor Procedures, method statements and applicable standards.

QA/QC Manager
Tekfen Gama Joint Venture, Stara Zagora
2/2007 – 11/2010 (3 Jahre, 10 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

2/2007 – 11/2010


Review of contract, quality plan,specifications, procedures, ITPL `s. Improve the existing or prepare a new one, if needed.
Assurance of compatibility of specifications, procedures, ITPL` s to EU Directives (Eg. PED 97/23 EC, CPD
89/106 EEC) and harmonized standards (EN 13480, EN 1090 etc.).
Progressive quality management and internal training of quality personel, engineers, inspectors, document controllers etc.
Conducting annual audits to Quality Management Systems of subcontractors` and internal audits.
Issuance of Non Conformance Reports(NCR) and Corrective Action Requests(CAR)
Following quality assurance matters; calibration status of all testing and measurement devices.
Preparing Welding Procedure Specifications(WPS), conduction of subsequent DT/NDT tests.(EN 15614-1, ASME Sec. IX, AWS D1.1 etc.)
Review or issuance(depending on the applicable code) of Welding Procedure Qualification Records (WPQR).
Conduction of welder qualification tests and certification of welders.(EN 287-1, ASME Sec. IX, AWS D1.1)
Daily verification of welder qualifications to current welding activities.
Monitoring welder performances, repair rates weekly.(EN 12062, EN 13480 etc.)
Fit-up controls of welds in accordance with contractor procedures, WPS`s and related standards.
`During welding` checks in accordance with contractor procedures,WPS`s, welding plans and related standards.
Visual Test of welds in accordance with contractor procedures, WPS`s and related standards.
Verifying compatibility of targeted NDT percentages to related codes together with EU Directives(Eg. PED
97/23 EC) and approving line list with NDT percentages.
Surveillance of MT/PT controls in accordance with Contractor and/or Subcontractor Procedures, method statements and related standards.
Review of evaluated RT radiographs in accordance with Contractor and/or Subcontractor Procedures, specifications and related standards.
Surveillance of Hardness Tests in accordance with Contractor and/or Subcontractor Procedures, method statements and related standards.
Surveillance of PMI`s (positive material identification) in accordance with Contractor and/or Subcontractor
Procedures, method statements and related standards.
Surveillance of Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) activities in accordance with Contractor and/or
Subcontractor procedures, WPS`s and related standards.
Review of PWHT charts in accordance with Contractor and/or Subcontractor Procedures, WPS`s and related standards.
Review and follow-up of NDT reports/percentages in accordance with approved line list.
Giving NDT clearance to the pipelines before hydrotest. Hydrotest package approval.
Witnessing and approving hydrotests/proof tests in accordance with EU Directives and harmonized standards.
Get the system approved by Notified Body.
Controlling set-up, alignment and final conformity of rotary equipment.
Controlling set-up, final conformity of stationary equipment.
Controlling torque values of steel structures in accordance with procedures/standards.
Controlling paint applications such as surface preparation, painting and measurement of dry film thickness.
Adhesion testing if requested/required.
Controlling cladding of buildings
Controlling insulation of piping and mechanical equipment.
Witnessing and approving leakage testing HVAC systems.
Witnessing and approving hydrotests of fire fighting(FF) and sprinkler systems.
Workshop inspections on fields of steel making, casting, manufacturing, machining etc.

QA/QC Welding Engineer
6/2006 – 1/2007 (8 Monate)
Öl- und Gasindustrie

6/2006 – 1/2007


Responsibilities in Second Generation Project:

• Management of QA/QC Piping / Welding Inspectors.
• Visual inspection of pipe welds, according to ASME B31.3.
• Preparing Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS), conduction of subsequent
• Daily review of radiographs from night shift.
• NDT Clearance of pipelines before hydrotest.
• Coordination and daily surveillance of NDT facilities; RT/UT/MT/PT.
• Attending hydrotests of pipelines and pressure vessels.

QA/QC Welding Engineer
GAMA, Consortium partner of POLYSIUS AG., RIYADH
3/2005 – 4/2006 (1 Jahr, 2 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

3/2005 – 4/2006


Responsibilities in Yamaver 5 Cement Plant Project:

• Head of welding department, management and qualification of 140 welders.
• Preparation of Method Statements regarding mechanical and welding works.
• Issuance of Non Conformance Reports (NCR) regarding mechanical works.
• Following quality assurance matters; calibration status of all testing and measurement devices.
• Preparing Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS), conduction of subsequent DT/NDT (ASME Sec. IX and AWS D1.1)
• Conduction of welder qualification tests and certification of welders.(ASME Sec. IX, AWS D1.1)
• Daily verification of welder qualifications to current welding activities.
• Fit-up controls of welds in accordance with procedures, WPS`s and related standards.
• `During welding` checks in accordance with procedures, WPS`s, welding plans and related standards.
• Visual Test of welds in accordance with procedures, WPS`s and related standards.
• Controlling set-up, alignment and final conformity of rotary equipment.
• Controlling set-up, final conformity of stationary equipment.
• Controlling torque values of steel structures in accordance with procedures/standards.


MT level 3
PT level 3
RT level 3
VT level 2
GRP bonding and lamination technology
MT level 2
PT level 2
RT level 2
Deutsch Sprache(Mittel Stufe) und Landes Kunde


Schweissfachingenieur/European Welding Engineer/International Welding Engineer
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Weitere Kenntnisse

Technik & Ingenieursberufe
- Technische Dokumentation
- Anlagenbau
- Stahlbau
- Technische Projektleitung / -management
- Bauleitung
- Kraftwerksbau
- Qualitätsmanagement / Testing
- Prüfingenieur
- Werkstofflehre
- Produktionstechnik
- Maschinenbau

Organisation, Management & Behörden
- Projektmanagement / PMO
- Projektleitung (allg.)
- Qualitätsmanagement
- Abteilungsleitung

- Energie

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Türkisch (Muttersprache)
  • Bulgarisch (Gut)
  • Deutsch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
20 Jahre (seit 03/2005)


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