Ornithologist, Biologist & Biodiversity Expert
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- 13347 Berlin
- Umkreis (bis 200 km)
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- 30.01.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
10/2020 – offen
Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments on birds, reptiles and amphibians of many energy (wind and solar parks, power lines) and infrastructure projects
Field studies on birds: Brut-, Zug- und Rastvogelkartierung
Field studies on reptiles and amphibians
Ecological monitoring
Biologe, Ökologe, Umweltgutachten, Umweltingenieur, Umweltschutz (allg.)
4/2020 – 10/2020
Development of a biodiversity work program (artificialisation, ecological accounting, forestry)
Representation of the foundation in the steering and orientation committees of various partners and programs (IUCN French Committee, Foundation for Research on Biodiversity, French Office for Biodiversity, Nature 2050, Act4Nature...)
Writing of a report on the links between biodiversity and zoonoses
Development of proposals to face soil degradation and artificialisation
General public and political advocacy on various subjects (imported deforestation, land law, artificialisation...), often with networks of partner NGOs
Articles writing & conference for corporate partners
Biologe, Ökologe
3/2017 – 1/2019
Preparation & Management of projects, technical assistances (TA) and studies:
- Environmental topics: natural resource management (water, REDD+), biodiversity, conservation (protected areas), ecosystem restoration, climate change (mitigation & adaptation), environmental quality certification (ISO), sustainable sourcing, environmental and social impact studies
- Agricultural topics: policies, national strategy, irrigation, land-use planning, food security, breeding, value chains...
- Administrative, financial, contractual, budgetary and technical management of projects
- Relationship management with partners (firms, research centers, NGOs…), stakeholders (business platforms, civil society…), clients (agencies, ministries) and donors
- Recruitment (negotiation and drafting of contracts) & Management of teams
- Quality control, Backstopping & Reporting
- Frequent field missions (Madagascar, Chad, Mali, DRC) to follow up and prepare projects
Technical assistance projects, operator contracts and studies monitored:
- PRIASO, Madagascar (4 experts, 12 technicians, 3 years, 1M€ TA, AfDB-funded)
- ASARA, Madagascar (3 experts, 5 years, 2.2M€ TA, EU-funded, in consortium)
- PASTOR, Chad (5 experts, 3 years, 1.7M€ TA, EU-funded)
- Feasibility study of the agropoles of Ségou, Sikasso & Kidal, Mali (11 experts, 1 year, 0.5M€, national funds)
- Identification and follow-up of prospects
- Partnerships development, negotiation and preparation of group/consortium agreements
- Development of technical & financial service proposals for large international competitive bids (EU, WB, AfDB, AFD, GIZ)
=> 3 contracts personally earned since January 1, 2018 for a total amount of more than 5 MILLION EUROS:
- Comparative study of the environmental and social standards of funders (EU, EIB, BERD, WB, IFC, AfDB, IADB, AFD) (French multinational) - 28K€
- TA to PROCOM, Madagascar (EU) - 133K€
- TA to RINDRA, Madagascar (EU) - 4,9M€
Bauökonomie / Planungsökonomie, Agrarwissenschaftler, Biologe, Ökologe, Ökonom
Université de Montpellier
Über mich
- Field studies on birds: breeding, migratory and resting birds, nest search, use of space... (e.g. Brut-, Zug- und Rastvogelkartierung sowie Horstsuche und Raumnutzungsanalyse)
- Field studies on reptiles and amphibians
- Ecological monitoring
Selected clients (e.g.): EnergieKontor, Denker & Wulf AG, BioConsult SH, GefaÖ, Natur+Text, Ingenieurbüro Kuntzsch, JESTAEDT, WILD + Partner, YGGDRASILDiemer, ÖKOTEC Windenergie...
Weitere Kenntnisse
- Creation of advocacy content for decision-makers or the general public
- Writing of reports, articles or analytical notes
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Support for the implementation of conservation projects (including internationally): technical assistance, monitoring and evaluation, preparation of work programs, project appraisal documents or manuals, updating of performance indicators...
- Development of technical & financial proposals for international competitive bids (EU, WB, AfDB, AFD, GIZ...)
Persönliche Daten
- Französisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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