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Embedded Software Development

  • auf Anfrage
  • 81547 München
  • Nähe des Wohnortes
  • en  |  de
  • 03.10.2023


- More than 25 years of professional expertise in S/W engineering.
- Involved in development projects in Germany since 2003 as a freelance engineer / consultant.
- Extensive experience and competence in development of safety-critical S/W


  • Agile Methodologie3 J.
  • Automotive Open System Architecture10 J.
  • Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung12 J.
  • Embedded Software2 J.
  • Ethernet3 J.
  • Infrarotthermografie4 J.
  • Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)4 J.
  • Objektorientierte Design (OOD)2 J.
  • Requirement Analyse6 J.
  • Software Design15 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Customer Service Architect (Festanstellung)
TTTech Auto GmbH, Unterschleissheim
6/2022 – 12/2023 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)

6/2022 – 12/2023


- Analysis of stakeholder requirements
- Decomposition of stakeholder requirements into platform features and function domains (Platform Requirements Document - PRD)
- formulate system (platform) architectural design (EA) and allocate requirements to architectural elements (Platform Architecture Document - PAD)
- System and S/W development according to ASPICE (internal processes Automotive Software Development Manual) and ISO-26262 (for safety relevant requirements)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Architekturvisualisierung, Enterprise Architect (EA), Objektorientierte Analyse und Design (OOAD), Ethernet, Automotive Open System Architecture, Windchill (Parametric Technology Corporation), CAN-Bus (controller area network)

Automotive S/W Architect (Festanstellung)
Luxoft, Unterschleissheim
1/2022 – 6/2022 (6 Monate)

1/2022 – 6/2022


- Perform Use-Case analyse of high-level requirements
- Develop Architecture for E2 ORU/OTA
- Participate in company-facing meetings

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Architekturvisualisierung, Objektorientierte Analyse und Design (OOAD)

Software Architect (Automotive) (Festanstellung)
Simi Reality Motion Systems, Unterschleissheim
4/2020 – 12/2021 (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)

4/2020 – 12/2021


- Perform Use-Case analyse of high-level requirements
- Develop Architecture for Adaptive AUTOSAR Perception S/W:
- 3D Time Of Flight Camera for Interior Monitoring,
- SOME/IP service for occupant pose estimation and classification,
- Integration with third-party S/W via ara::com and IPC (shared memory)
- Integration with ara services (diagnostics, logging)
- Contribute to RFIs:
- Produce Work Breakdown Structure and project plan
- Support for partner S/W demonstrations:
- Adaptation and integration of TADS elements
- Introduce ASPICE compliant processes using ISO-12207 and various supporting standards.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Architekturvisualisierung, Objektorientierte Analyse und Design (OOAD), Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung, C, C++, ISO/IEC 15504, Automotive Open System Architecture

Senior Software Engineer (Festanstellung)
Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Manching
1/2019 – 3/2020 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/2019 – 3/2020


- Development of host-based S/W tools:
- Data visualisation for infra-red sensor output,
- Software Simulation of detection, tracking and classification methods for verification of on-board algorithms,
- Validation of simulation with expected results.
- Data processing for determining system key performance indicators (Probability of Detection, False Alarm Rate),
- Integration activities for 3rd party airborne equipment; Active Element (EDS) and DIRCM.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Ethernet, Infrarotthermografie, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), Objektorientierte Design (OOD), Requirement Analyse, Software Design

Functional Safety Consultant (Festanstellung)
Lear Corporation GmbH, Oberding
7/2018 – 12/2018 (6 Monate)

7/2018 – 12/2018


- Perform item-level safety analyses (FMEA, FTA) for Central Co-operative Gateway,
- Definition of safety specific S/W architecture:
- Identify Safety Integrity Functions
- S/W Partitioning ASIL / QM at core and OS (Task) level,
- High level design of AUTOSAR S/W components:
- S/W Adapters (DEM / FIM) for QM BSW (Vector)
- Support safety activities; planning, testing.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Automotive functional safety professional (AFSP), ISO/IEC 15504, Automotive Open System Architecture, Embedded Systems, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Objektorientierte Design (OOD), Requirement Analyse, Software Architecture, Software Design

Technical Consultant AUTOSAR
FEV, München
2/2018 – 7/2018 (6 Monate)

2/2018 – 7/2018


- Provide technical expertise and support for BMS system development to tier-1 supplier,
- Support Safety Architecture (ASIL-C):
- S/W Partitioning ASIL / QM at core and OS (Task) level,
- S/W Adapters (DEM / FIM) for QM BSW (Vector),
- Support AUTOSAR Configuration, inclusive BAC modules
- Support ODS and OBD activities,
- Provide liaison between client and OEM (BMW)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Systems, Software Architecture, Software Design, Requirement Analyse, Automotive functional safety professional (AFSP), ISO/IEC 15504, Automotive Open System Architecture

Embedded Software Engineer
Zenuity, Unterschleissheim
9/2017 – 2/2018 (6 Monate)

9/2017 – 2/2018


- ECU Object Fusion Platform development (ASIL-B) in C/C++ for Aurix TC29/TC39 (Infineon) processor,
- C++ development for radar/camera object fusion
- Path prediction, time correction and prioritisation
- Publication of fused object lists for downstream functions (ACC, LDW etc.)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Objekterkennung, Agile Methodologie, Objektorientierte Design (OOD), Software Design, Automotive functional safety professional (AFSP), ISO/IEC 15504, Automotive Open System Architecture, Sensorik

Embedded Software Engineer
Autoliv & Co KG, Bergkirchen
4/2017 – 9/2017 (6 Monate)

4/2017 – 9/2017


- ECU Object Fusion Platform development (ASIL-B) in C for Aurix TC29 (Infineon) processor:
- Target integration of Object Fusion algorithms for Radar/Camera objects; Run-time optimisations (memory/performance),
- AUTOSAR 4.2 Configuration (DaVinci Configurator/Developer):
- RTE Configuration for integration of application software for Object Fusion S/W,
- BSW Configuration for communications stacks (Radar/Camera object lists via CAN).

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Continuous Integration, Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Agile Methodologie, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Software Design, Automotive functional safety professional (AFSP), ISO/IEC 15504, Automotive Open System Architecture

Embedded Software Engineer
ESR Labs, München
9/2016 – 4/2017 (8 Monate)

9/2016 – 4/2017


- ECU Object Fusion Platform development (ASIL-B) in C for Aurix TC29 (Infineon) processor
- Embedded software development using V-Model approach for ECU automotive application (ASIL-B) in C for PowerPC architecture:
- BMW BDC (Body Domain Controller) S/W Development SP2015/SP2018,
- Integration of application software components into ECU S/W,
- Continuous integration (Jenkins),
- Bug-fixing and maintenance (feature enhancement) using JIRA.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Continuous Integration, Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Software Design, Automotive Open System Architecture

Software Engineer
ZF, Friedrichshafen
9/2015 – 9/2016 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)

9/2015 – 9/2016


- S/W Requirements Management (DOORS):
- translation of high-level requirements (German to English),
- validation of requirements (completeness, testability, feasibility).
- BSW Code generator tool (C++/Java/C#):
- ARXML/XML (XMI) parser for automatic generation of COM/RTE interfaces (send/receive PDU’s) for deployment in PKW-LE ECU S/W,
- ASIL/QM Signal handling for E2E Protected PDUs and Safety-Relevant RTE/Core.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Software Design, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Requirement Analyse, ISO/IEC 15504, Automotive Open System Architecture

Embedded Software-Safety Engineer
ist innovative software technologie GmbH, München
10/2014 – 10/2016 (2 Jahre, 1 Monat)

10/2014 – 10/2016


- ECU Platform development:
- adaptation of BMW Autosar Core (BAC) 4.0 for Vector VC121-12 development hardware,
- RTE/BSW/MCAL Configuration,
- Integration of application software components (runnable entities) into ECU S/W.
- Translation of S/W requirements as MATLAB models into C-Code for ASIL-B motor-control systems (petrol, diesel and hybrid engines) SWC’s for BMW projects,
- Definition of safety requirements for safety-integrity functions:
- Output Signal Safeguards (SSA – “Sendersignal-Absicherung”)
- Low-level Safety Integrity Functions.
- Tool generation using Python:
- Automated Test-Case generator for unit-level testing,
- Automated Code-Inspection.
- Construction of functional prototypes for in-vehicle testing,
- Unit- and integration-level testing of SWCs.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Continuous Integration, Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Software Architecture, Software Design, Requirement Analyse, Automotive functional safety professional (AFSP), ISO/IEC 15504, Automotive Open System Architecture

Software Architect
Autoliv B.V. & Co KG, Dachau
4/2014 – 10/2014 (7 Monate)

4/2014 – 10/2014


- Provide expertise in automotive Ethernet to support completion of bid for ECU (ASIL-B) for Fusion application (Active Safety),
- Embedded software development using V-Model approach for embedded ECU automotive application (ASIL-B) in C for Aurix (Infineon) and TI Fusion-28 (ARM) processors,
- Software configuration of MCAL, BSW RTE and OS using Tresos, DaVinci and OSEK tools for AUTOSAR 4.0 and 4.1,
- Configuration and integration of AUTOSAR 4.1 Ethernet communications stack.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Ethernet, Intranet, Requirement Analyse, Automotive Open System Architecture, Embedded Software

Embedded Software Engineer
Continental AG, Ottobrunn
1/2012 – 4/2014 (2 Jahre, 4 Monate)

1/2012 – 4/2014


- SCRUM/Sprint development using V-Model approach of Advanced Driver Assistance software for embedded ECU automotive application (ASIL-B) in C for Lyre/Komodo (Freescale MPC5674F/MPC5675K) and Racerunner processors,
- Software configuration of MCAL, BSW RTE and OS using Tresos, CESSAR-CT and OSEK tools for AUTOSAR 4.0 and 4.1,
- Configuration and integration of AUTOSAR 4.1 Ethernet communications stack (SD, SoAd, TCP, EthIf, EthSM, Com etc.) for BMW (35Up) automotive networks,
- Configuration and integration of AUTOSAR 4.0 CAN communications stack for basic and customer-specific adaptations,
- Development of safety-critical software elements in accordance with ISO26262 (ASIL-B),
- Time-critical and hardware-level programming (e.g. MMU configuration) using PPC32 assembler,
- Design and integration of BSW software components using Rhapsody UML/Tresos/CESSAR-CT,
- Tool development within Eclipse environment using Java and JavaScript (System Configuration importers, code generators etc.).

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Agile Methodologie, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Software Design, Intranet, Automotive Open System Architecture, Radar, Sensorik

Software Developer
smarttronic, Ismaning
10/2011 – 1/2012 (4 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

10/2011 – 1/2012


- Windows MFC/ C++ development of database analysis tool,
- Design of integration modules for client/server communication,
- Development and maintenance of server-side client service for handling SQL database transactions.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), Software engineering / -technik

Embedded Software Engineer
MTU Aero Engines GmbH, München
5/2010 – 10/2011 (1 Jahr, 6 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

5/2010 – 10/2011


- Development using V-Model approach of DO178b risk class 1, (DAL A), compliant embedded firmware in C for MPC565/MPC566 aerospace applications (Airbus FADEC; engine control, protection and management system),
- Time-critical and hardware-level programming (e.g. exception handlers, MPC reset routines and device driver functions) using PPC32 assembler,
- TPU Microcode development for PWM measurement functions relating to engine shaft speed, propeller and torque measurements,
- Definition of Software Requirements and low-level design for TCM (Thrust Control Malfunction) from high-level System Requirements,
- Certification activities including addressing raised Problem Reports, providing technical and safety impact analyses, tool qualification (e.g. Greenhills Compiler) for inclusion in Software Architecture Specification,
- Documentation and configuration management to internal and DOA/RTCA standards.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Design, Requirement Analyse

Embedded Software Engineer
ESG, Fürstenfeldbrück
11/2009 – 5/2010 (7 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

11/2009 – 5/2010


- Specification of DO178b risk class 2, (DAL B), compliant embedded firmware in C for PowerQuicc platform for helicopter based sensor-assisted landing aid,
- Time-critical and hardware-level programming (e.g. exception handlers, MPC reset routines and device driver functions) using PPC32 assembler,
- Design of low-level device drivers for ARINC-429 and Ethernet communications interfaces,
- Specification of equipment-level interface control documents and technical and non-technical requirements (e.g. safety, reliability and environmental),
- Development of Windows™ based test tools and utilities in support of development, verification, automated test and analysis activities,
- Produce software documentation for certification activities, i.e. PSAC, SDP.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Software Design

Embedded Software Engineer
EADS Deutschland GmbH, Unterschleissheim
11/2006 – 11/2009 (3 Jahre, 1 Monat)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

11/2006 – 11/2009


- Specification, design and development using V-Model approach of DO178b risk class 4, (DAL D), compliant embedded firmware in C for PowerQuicc 2 platform for aircraft based Infrared missile warning sensor (ARINC-653 and VxWorks 6.5) application,
- Time-critical and hardware-level programming (e.g. interrupt handlers and device driver functions) using PPC32 assembler,
- Specification, design and development of low-level drivers, including, but not limited to, TFFS, IP/UDP stack, I2C, SPI, Local Bus Interface (UPM), DMA and FPGA,
- Specification, design and development of Linux based protocol test tool to assist in development and validation of external sensor interfaces,
- Infrared image processing, including but not limited to, image correction, dead-pixel identification, sensor calibration,
- Digital raster of infrared live video data input (100Hz) for visualisation, calibration and adjustment of optical equipment,
- Development of Windows™ based tools and utilities in support of development, verification, automated test and analysis activities,
- Full life-cycle approach and end-to-end validation (requirements capture, analysis, design and test specifications),
- Software certification aspects for airborne-based systems and equipment,
- Documentation to internal, Airbus (ABD) and DO178/RTCA standards.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Embedded Systems, Bilderkennung, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Software Design, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), Software engineering / -technik, Infrarotthermografie

Software Entwickler
Rohde und Schwarz GmbH, München
11/2005 – 11/2006 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
IT & Entwicklung

11/2005 – 11/2006


- Software Requirements capture and OOA and OOD (UML) Analysis and Design,
- Development of proprietary and STANAG 5066 tactical radio protocols software in C++ for proprietary radio network equipment (Linux platform),
- Providing solutions for proprietary/ STANAG protocol inter-working within proprietary stack,
- Development of Windows™ development, integration and test tools
- Full life-cycle approach and end-to-end validation (requirements capture, analysis, design and test specifications),
- Documentation to internal and military standards.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Linux, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software engineering / -technik

Embedded Software Engineer
MTU Aero Engines GmbH, München
11/2003 – 11/2005 (2 Jahre, 1 Monat)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

11/2003 – 11/2005


- Development using V-Model approach of DO178b risk class 1, (DAL A), compliant embedded firmware in C for MPC565 aerospace applications (engine control, protection and management system),
- Time-critical and hardware-level programming (e.g. exception handlers, MPC reset routines and device driver functions) using PPC32 assembler,
- Development of MISRA compliant embedded firmware in C for MPC565 peripheral device drivers (including, but not limited to, AMD FLASH, TouCAN, HSSL, QSCI/QSPI, on-board PIT, TB, SYPCR and configuration registers),
- TPU Microcode development for PWM measurement functions and ARINC 429 communications driver (also for UCAV functional demonstrator),
- Establishment of TPU microcode development standards (SPM, Work & Process Instructions) required for airworthiness accreditation and certification,
- Change Control authority for configuration management using Dimensions™ Configuration Management environment,
- Development of Windows™ based server application for Dimensions™/DOORS™ integration,
- Development of Windows™ based development tools (TPU IDE, S-Record Tools, various Dimensions™ add-ins),
- Documentation and configuration management to internal and DOA/RTCA standards.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Software Design, Assemblersprache, Embedded Software


BSc Computing and IT

Über mich

More than 25 years of professional expertise in S/W engineering.
Involvement in numerous development projects in Germany since 2003 as a freelance engineer / consultant.
Extensive experience and competence in development of safety-critical S/W (aerospace and automotive industries).
Goal-driven and methodical approach to problem analysis, diagnostic and resolution

Weitere Kenntnisse

BSc (Honours) in Computing and Information Technology

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Muttersprache)
  • Deutsch (Fließend)
Nähe des Wohnortes
  • Europäische Union
36 Jahre und 6 Monate (seit 09/1988)
2 Jahre


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