freiberufler Experienced Senior Manager auf

Experienced Senior Manager

  • auf Anfrage
  • 10781 Berlin
  • Weltweit
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  • 07.11.2024


Result driven, systemic thinking, people centered leader with 15+ years of experience in operations & program management as well as organization & people development.


  • Coach5 J.
  • Management (allg.)10 J.
  • Projektleiter Industrie5 J.
  • Projektleiter (Sonstige)1 J.
  • Projektleitung / Teamleitung16 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Deputy Head of Industrial
Lilium, münchen
8/2019 – offen (5 Jahre, 7 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

8/2019 – offen


- Responsible Project Director for an Industrial Campus to set up highly automated battery production-, aircraft final assembly capabilities as well as infrastructure for flight operations in an EU country (~300MM€ CAPEX)
- Led extremely diverse teams to shape and implement an eVTOL Industrial Strategy: New Product Introduction, Design for Manufacturing, Green-Field Factory, Prototype Production, Production Testing, Certification
- Designed and now leading a PMO (5 Projects, 50MM€ CAPEX) to steer the industrialization program
- Led the development of a Test Campus for BaMery & Propulsion Tes=ng (~15MM€ CAPEX, Green- & Brownfield)
- Turned around the baMery factory development project with a 6-months recovery and achieved prototype SOP
- Governed 10+ Department leaders to achieve program milestones from the preliminary design review to SOP
- Coordinated the initial development of departments: Logistics, Academy, Production Planning & Control
- Driving company growth & professionalism activities: Business Processes, IT Systems, Hiring, Financing,
Fundraising, Business Planning, IPO Activities, Industrial Partnership Strategies, Continuous Improvement
- Named Inhouse Coach contributing to leadership development and people culture

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Coach, Projektleiter Industrie, Projektleitung / Teamleitung

Localization Leader
GE, Rosneft, Berlin, Nancy, Moskau, Vladivostok
6/2016 – 4/2018 (1 Jahr, 11 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

6/2016 – 4/2018


- Led & finalized localization negotiations with “Rosneft”(RN) as the JV partner to enable a strategic and opera=onal partnership for electrical propulsion and power electronics marine equipment
- Build & led a cross company team (GE, RN, JV) and established a collaborative team culture
- Enabled & drove the construction of a green-field factory to produce Azipods for icebreaker ships (33MM$ CAPEX) and the set-up of a localized supply chain for Azipods as well as for Electrical Equipment in Russia
- Coordinated the organiza=onal development of the JV (People, business processes, IT Infrastructure)
- Controlled & managed the JV business case and ensured compliance to the shareholder agreement
- Managed new product introduction introduction (supply chain, assembly & test capabilities) in France and
established a transfer of work concept to transfer assembly & test operations to Russia

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Management (allg.), Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Projektleiter (Sonstige)

Operations Leader
General Electric, Berlin
2/2013 – 6/2016 (3 Jahre, 5 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

2/2013 – 6/2016


Led several opera=onal teams in 7 departments: Production, Testing, Quality, Logistics, Planning, Manufacturing Engineering, Fulfillment to deliver ambi=ous produc=on schedules (~ 200 M$ sales)
- Responsible for 10 assembly lines, test field and the warehouse (~15k part numbers)
- Held personnel responsibility of up to 300+ employees (0 electrical contacts) & managed ~5MM$ CAPEX
- Motivated & led the team to deliver the highest output (1200+) of Variable Frequency Drives for various
industries (Renewables, Industry, Oil & Gas, Marine) enabling 200+MM$ site sales p.a.
- Key enabler to fulfill a site unprecedent high volume customer order of variable frequency drives for the solar
industry (­20% Operator Capacity within 1,5 months, ̄65% Lead Time, ̄20% Labor Cost)
- Designed & implemented a streamlined organiza=on and successful collabora=on with the works council
- Improved operational performance for the delivery of customized Variable Frequency Drives (­8% On time
delivery, ­29% Quality, variable cost productivity ~2,8 MM$, 0 electrical contacts)
- Led the transfer of produc=on & supply chain of a customized Variable Frequency Drive for a marine application
from FR to GER and project management of immediate customer deliveries complying to DNV Standards
- Implemented a Kaizen Promotion Office to improve variable cost productivity & employee motivation
- Developed and led a Fulfillment Organization to improve on =me delivery, quality and variable cost productivity
as well as to recover cri=cal customer projects in production

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Fertigungsoptimierung, Lagerleiter, Lean Prozesse, Management (allg.), Produktionsleitung, Qualitätsmanager, Test Management

Multiple Roles in Operations & Project Management
General Electric, Deutschland, Tschechien, Österreich
8/2007 – 1/2013 (5 Jahre, 6 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

8/2007 – 1/2013


Multiple roles in Project & Operations Management for fulfillment, services, change and optimization initiatives and completed GE`s 2-year operations management leadership development program (OMLP)
- Led an initiative to ensure CE Conformity through the supply chain at GE Wind
- Op=mized and expanded the E-KanBan & Milkrun Operations at GE Wind
- Improved the Service Warehousing Strategy & Opera=ons and facilitated Cycle Counting at GE Wind - Established a warehouse in the Overhaul Technology Centre at GE Gas Engines
- Expanded the installed base of remote-controlled services at GE Gas Engines
- Developed a global tooling concept for the field services management at GE Gas Engines
- Outsourced an Invoicing Process and led an ERP project at GE Logistics Centre of Excellence
- Organized Logistics Operations for GE ́s Power & Water Business at GE Logistics Centre of Excellence

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Logistik (Allg.), Management (allg.), Projektleitung / Teamleitung


artop HU Berlin
Business Coach (DBVC & ICF Certified)
MBA - International Management - Dual Award
HWR Berlin & ARU Cambridge
Berlin, Cambridge

Über mich

Competent & comfortable in both fast-pacing start-ups (Lilium, 5+ yrs) and conglomerates (General Electric, 10+ yrs). Proven track – record as people leader, able to build high performing teams delivering results across cultures, organizations and industries.

Key cornerstones:
- Led extremely diverse teams to establish industrial capabilities & organization to develop & produce eVTOL aircraft, batteries and electric propulsion system in a hyper growth start-up (50-100 HC, 50 MM€ CAPEX)
- Led a multi-cultural team to set up a JV in Russia to produce Azipods for icebreaker ships (30+MM€ CAPEX)
- Led teams of 300+ HC to deliver Medium & Low Voltage Electric Converters (~200 MM€ Sales) while implementing new IT Systems and improving employee safety

Weitere Kenntnisse

Key Skills:
Delivering Results I Problem Solving I Leadership I Operations Management I Program Management I Project Management I Team Development I Industrialization I Supply Chain Management I Localization I Change Management I Cross-Cultural Communication I Continuous Improvement I Turn-Around I Coaching I Conflict Mgt.

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Spanisch (Gut)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
17 Jahre und 6 Monate (seit 08/2007)
17 Jahre


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