freiberufler Cultural Transformation and Innovation Advisor auf

Cultural Transformation and Innovation Advisor

  • 100€/Stunde
  • 10965 Berlin
  • auf Anfrage
  • de  |  en  |  fr
  • 08.11.2024


Experte für Innovation Strategie, New Ways of Working, Agilen Arbeitsmethoden und Corporate Culture mit > 10 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Strategie Consultant einer globalen Unternehmensberatung. Tiefes Wissen in Design Thinking.

Auszug Referenzen (1)

Business Consultant
Kundenname anonymisiert

9/2013 – 12/2016


* Project Manager in the automotive sector
* Sales Lead and Business Development support for an Accenture Account with more than 200 employees
* Development of an internal Sales Factory in India (remote)
* Team Lead of a Technology Operations Team (up to 15 people) for a premium automotive client
* Leadership support in account development and intercultural collaboration
* Onboarding and mentoring of new employees and peers
* Facilitation of various community events

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

PMO, Geschäftsmann, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Sales Administration Manager


  • Agile Coach7 J.
  • Agile Methodologie7 J.
  • Design Thinking7 J.
  • Innovationsmanagement6 J.
  • Manager Strategie und Geschäftsführung4 J.
  • Projektkultur
  • Sales Management
  • Stakeholder-Analyse
  • Teamleiter Softwaretesting7 J.
  • Training - Coaching-Kompetenzen
  • Ultraschalluntersucher
  • Unternehmensberatung7 J.
  • Unternehmenskommunikation

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Yorck Consulting, Berlin
5/2024 – offen (11 Monate)

5/2024 – offen


Advisory Services in the field of HR and innovation strategy, organizational transformation, and corporate Culture.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Coach, Agile Methodologie, Unternehmenskommunikation, Sales Management, Training - Coaching-Kompetenzen, Teamleiter Softwaretesting, Projektkultur, Stakeholder-Analyse, Design Thinking, Innovationsmanagement, Unternehmensberatung

Externer Dozent
Hochschule Fresenius, Berlin
9/2020 – offen (4 Jahre, 7 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

9/2020 – offen


* Lecture for various courses in the Master programs 'Digital Management', 'International Management' and 'Business Development'
* Lecture for courses in the Bachelor program 'International Business Management'
* Project Supervisor for divers Master management case projects (e.g., Innovation Governance Hub, Innovation Culture)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Manager Strategie und Geschäftsführung

Innovation Lead - Public Sector (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Berlin
3/2019 – 12/2023 (4 Jahre, 10 Monate)

3/2019 – 12/2023


* Establishment, strategic advancement, and leadership of the Innovation Unit within Accenture DACH's Public Sector, overseeing 25 employees
* Acted as the primary point of contact and expert as Innovation Lead for multiple public sector accounts and external clients regarding innovation topics in the DACH region
* Built a European network to facilitate exchange and collaboration among various Accenture accounts within the EU and UKI
* Led the conceptualization of new offerings focusing on "Cultural Analysis and Design" and "Establishment of Innovation Units"
* Established and cultivated sustainable partnerships with organizations such as the GovTech Campus e.V., the AI Campus Berlin, and Fresenius University
* Served as a keynote speaker and led panel discussions on topics like "Innovation Culture" at various expos and conferences (e.g., TOA, Zukunftskongress des Bundes, GovTech Campus)
* Initiated and developed various Point of Views on innovation subjects including "Modern Leadership," "AI in the Public Sector," and "Remote Work"
* Conceptualized and held responsible positions for various internal community meetings, initiatives, and events with up to 1000 participants
* Served as the DACH Deployment Lead for an internal transformation project at Accenture (FORM) from November 2017 to August 2020, focusing on "New and Innovative Consultation Methods"
* Member of the Innovation Leadership Team comprising 100 employees and part of the HPS Leadership Team at Accenture DACH

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Coach, Medizinisch-technischer Assistent EEG-Labor, Agile Methodologie, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Digitale Transformation, Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Teamleiter Softwaretesting, Design Thinking, Innovationsmanagement, Strategisches Management, Prozessberatung

Senior Innovation Manager (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Berlin
11/2017 – 12/2023 (6 Jahre, 2 Monate)

11/2017 – 12/2023


Project Lead for up to four interdisciplinary Project Teams with 10 project members each, including timely and budget-compliant execution of projects at the same time
* Preparation, negotiation, and management of Innovation offers
* Analysis, conceptualization, and implementation of business processes across various clients in the public sector
* Focus on cultural transformation in project work, emphasizing the transmission and application of innovative methods in strategic projects
* Conceptualization and execution of Design Thinking sprints and user-centered creative processes
* Design and establishment of innovation units and innovation labs focusing primarily on cultural aspects, as well as empowering clients
* Design, knowledge dissemination, and empowerment of innovation content such as Design Thinking, Service Design, Storytelling, Agile methodologies, New Ways of Working, and strength-based leadership
* Implementation of innovation processes, including service, and business field design
* Leadership and execution of strategy projects in the operating model domain
* Strategic stakeholder management and point of contact for clients at the executive level
* Keynote speaker on topics such as 'Digital Transformation', 'Innovation Culture', 'Storytelling', and 'New Ways of Working and Learning'
* Strategic advancement of projects and client relationships* Project Lead for up to four interdisciplinary Project Teams with 10 project members each, including timely and budget-compliant execution of projects at the same time * Preparation, negotiation, and management of Innovation offers * Analysis, conceptualization, and implementation of business processes across various clients in the public sector * Focus on cultural transformation in project work, emphasizing the transmission and application of innovative methods in strategic projects * Conceptualization and execution of Design Thinking sprints and user-centered creative processes * Design and establishment of innovation units and innovation labs focusing primarily on cultural aspects, as well as empowering clients * Design, knowledge dissemination, and empowerment of innovation content such as Design Thinking, Service Design, Storytelling, Agile methodologies, New Ways of Working, and strength-based leadership * Implementation of innovation processes, including service, and business field design * Leadership and execution of strategy projects in the operating model domain * Strategic stakeholder management and point of contact for clients at the executive level * Keynote speaker on topics such as 'Digital Transformation', 'Innovation Culture', 'Storytelling', and 'New Ways of Working and Learning' * Strategic advancement of projects and client relationships

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Coach, Agile Methodologie, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Spring Framework, Moderator, Moderationstraining, Teamleiter Softwaretesting, Design Thinking, Innovationsmanagement, Unternehmensberatung

Business Consultant
BMW, München
9/2013 – 12/2016 (3 Jahre, 4 Monate)

9/2013 – 12/2016


* Project Manager in the automotive sector
* Sales Lead and Business Development support for an Accenture Account with more than 200 employees
* Development of an internal Sales Factory in India (remote)
* Team Lead of a Technology Operations Team (up to 15 people) for a premium automotive client
* Leadership support in account development and intercultural collaboration
* Onboarding and mentoring of new employees and peers
* Facilitation of various community events

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

PMO, Geschäftsmann, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Sales Administration Manager


International Business
London Southbank University
London, UK
Johannes Gutenberg Universität

Über mich

Hallo aus Berlin!

Ich bin J. L., selbstständiger Berater für Unternehmensentwicklung und Kultur-Transformation sowie Mitgründer einer Organisationsberatung. Seit mehr als 10 Jahren unterstütze ich Unternehmen dabei, ihre strategische Ausrichtung zu evaluieren und festzulegen, sowie Kultur-Transformationen erfolgreich umzusetzen. Dabei begleite ich das Top-Management, die operativen Führungskräfte und die Teams in den einzelnen Bereichen.

Meine Spezialgebiete sind Culture Transformation, Leadership Enablement und Innovation Techniques. Ich bin leidenschaftlich darin, Einzelpersonen und Teams zu ihrem vollen Potenzial zu führen, und setze mich als New Work Advocate für Modern Leadership und Innovative Company Cultures ein. Neben meiner Beratertätigkeit lehre ich als externer Dozent insbesondere in den Bereichen Strategisches- und Digital Management.

Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam bedeutungsvolle Veränderungen vorantreiben! #Leadership #Innovation #CultureTransformation

Weitere Kenntnisse

- Kulturtransformation
- Corporate Culture Expert
- New Ways of Working
- Workshop Facilitation
- SME and Key Not Speaker
- Agile Arbeitsweisen
- Trainer und Coach für Innovation
- Operating Modell (Innovation)
- Storytelling
- Aufbau von Innovation Units
- Projekt Management
- HR-Strategie
- Unternehmenswerte
- Moderation
- Leadership Enablement

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
11 Jahre und 6 Monate (seit 09/2013)
7 Jahre


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