Product Owner | (Technical) Product Manager | (Technisches) Projektmanagement | Enterprise Architect | Requirements Engineer |...
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- Koblenz am Rhein
- Europa
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- 01.03.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2022 – 1/2025
● Managing legacy software module migration inside new technology (Appsmith Frontend Low Code & Camunda BPMN Backend Low Code)
● Managing re-defining API coding practices to improve usability for frontend (operational use case) based on swagger UI/ postman test
● Establish Low Code as platform service across multiple teams
● Driving interoperability by harmonizing other infrastructure services like Identity Provider (OIDC) or Kubernetes CD (ArgoCD)
● Debug Log Files inside Kubernetes Pods Logs in troubleshooting case
Kubernetes, Manufacturing Execution Systems
1/2022 – 1/2025
● Responsibility for Product Roadmap & Feature definition
● Alignment of Strategy & Vision with C-Level & Stakeholders
● Responsibility for (High Level Management) Sales Pitches & fairs
● Managing trainings for developers and product documentation
● Managing feature requests, MVPs & errors with Low Code Technology Providers Appsmith (Frontend)
● Responsibility for feature(s) implementation inside the iTAC’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
& Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM)
Feature Driven Development (FDD), Manufacturing Execution Systems, Prototyping
1/2022 – 1/2025
● Managing agile Sprints in accordance to Scrum
● Estimation of feature development & architectural decisions
● Managing development goals in Jira Epics, Stories and Tasks
● Managing documentation of software inside Confluence
● Define test scenarios, discuss with stakeholder’s iterations
● Proactively de-escalate between development teams to unblock
Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Scrum, Jira
1/2022 – 1/2025
● Developing first Low Code clients as Proof-of-Concepts
● Software development for complex customer prototypes in Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
● Software development for specific clients in Manufacturing Operations Management MOM (Digital Factory)
● Establishing best practices to drive interoperability for developers
(like using PostgreSQL DB or using REST API,IMS-API, BPMN Flows)
Postgresql, Representational State Transfer (REST), Business Process Model and Notation, Proof of Concept (POC), Manufacturing Execution Systems
9/2019 – 12/2021
● Work package responsibility for NATO FMN Framework Architecture, focusing on interoperability and
alignment with national defense IT systems
● Consultation on improvements to FMN Framework and associated IT processes
● Responsibility for moderating and leading workshops with high-level stakeholders from NATO organizational
bodies, the German defense sector, and affiliates
● Decision-making on architectural impacts and the alignment of national and NATO IT frameworks during
stakeholder workshops
● Collaboration with NATO working groups to ensure that architectural solutions meet both strategic and
operational needs
IT-Strategieberatung, Technische Projektleitung / Teamleitung
9/2019 – 12/2021
Enterprise Architect at NATO ACat (Architecture Capability Team)
● Representing the German Armed Forces' positions inside NATO (Capability Planning and Working Group)
● Development of a Meta Model mapping architecture between NATO Architecture Framework Version 4
(NAFv4) and ArchiMate framework concepts
● Application of specific IT Architecture Enterprise Frameworks like NAF, ADMBw and ArchiMate
● Responsibility for design of FMN Enterprise Architecture capability framework to improve the IT-Service
specification, development, testing and delivery to increase operational interoperability amongst NATO
Enterprise Architect (EA), UML, Requirement Analyse
Hochschule Koblenz
Hochschule Koblenz
Über mich
? Frei für Projekte ab 01.03.2025
? IT-Governance | Enterprise Architecture | IT-Interoperabilität | MES & Manufacturing IT
In den letzten Jahren habe ich als Enterprise Architect, Product Owner & IT-Projektleiter in komplexen IT-Umgebungen gearbeitet – mit Fokus auf sicherheitskritische IT-Systeme (Defense Multinationales Umfeld), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & IT-Interoperabilität.
Strategic Enterprise Architect – IT-Governance & Interoperabilität (Defense)
✔ Mitarbeit in multinationalen Architektur-Governance-Gremien (MSCMA, FMN CPWG, ACaT, IP CaT) zur Entwicklung multinationaler IT-Standards.
✔ Harmonisierung & Standardisierung von IT-Architekturen (NAFv4, ADMBw, TOGAF, UAF).
✔ Technische Leitung für Interoperabilitätslösungen & Architektur-Compliance in sicherheitskritischen IT-Systemen.
Product Owner – MES & Manufacturing IT
✔ Leitung agiler Teams nach Scrum, Steuerung von User Stories in Jira & Confluence.
✔ Migration von Legacy-Systemen (SOA → Microservices) mit Appsmith & Camunda BPMN.
✔ Optimierung von API-Schnittstellen (Swagger UI, Postman) für Interoperabilität & Nutzbarkeit.
✔ Einführung von Low-Code-Plattformen für digitale Transformation & Kostenreduktion.
Product Manager – IT-Architektur & Digitalisierung
✔ Verantwortlich für Produktstrategie & Roadmap-Definition für MES/MOM-Systeme.
✔ Abstimmung mit C-Level & Stakeholdern, Koordination von Feature-Entwicklung & Integration.
✔ Präsentation von IT-Lösungen auf Fachmessen & Schulung von Teams zur Einführung neuer Technologien.
IT-Projektsteuerung & Teamkoordination in komplexen IT-Projekten
✔ Stakeholder-Management & Anforderungssteuerung für sicherheitskritische & produktionsnahe IT-Projekte.
✔ Einsatz von Projektmanagement-Methoden (Prince2, Scrum, ITIL) zur Qualitätssicherung.
✔ Fachliche Leitung & Steuerung von Architektur- & Digitalisierungsinitiativen.
✔ Koordination interdisziplinärer Teams & Eskalationsmanagement in technischen Projekten.
? Aktuell suche ich neue Projekte & spannende Herausforderungen im Bereich Enterprise Architecture, IT-Governance & Digital Transformation.
? Kennt ihr Unternehmen oder Projekte, die von einem erfahrenen IT-Architekten mit Defense/ kritischer Infrastruktur- & Manufacturing-IT-Expertise profitieren würden?
? Lass uns vernetzen & über mögliche Zusammenarbeiten sprechen!
? Kontakt: [...]<
#EnterpriseArchitecture #ITGovernance #DigitalTransformation #MES #ProductManagement #ITSecurity #Interoperability #Scrum #Agile #LowCode #CloudComputing #ITArchitecture #ProductOwner #ManufacturingIT #ITProjektmanagement #MES #Manufacturing #MOM
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Niederländisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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