Illustrator & Textile Print Designer
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- 14.03.2025
Illustratorin, Surface Pattern Designerin und Modedesignerin mit vielen Jahren Erfahrung als Modedesignerin, Produktentwicklerin, Produktmanagerin und Head of Creative and Design. Farben und Moods erstellen, Fabrics Knowledge und Printdesign.
Surface Pattern Design
Bonnie Christine
Bonnie Christine
Über mich
I am a German Illustrator, Surface Pattern Designer, and Fashion Designer. Originally coming from Fashion Design, I worked for many years in the Sportswear Industry and have strong expertise in textiles. My passion for patterns, fabrics, and bold colors is reflected in all my work. My distinct sense of color combinations allows me to create specific moods and evoke happy emotions in my designs and collections.
I am based in Tübingen, but I love to travel and collaborate with people from all over the world. What sets me apart is my constant drive to think outside the box and continuously develop myself.
With a strong focus on textiles, fashion, home decor, and stationery, I love creating powerful and colorful designs as well as illustrations. Whether it’s working on a children's book or developing an expressive fashion collection – I am the perfect partner for such projects. Even when it comes to painting a large mural, I am full of enthusiasm.
Since 2020, I have been a member of the German Illustrators Organization (Deutsche Illustratoren Organisation e.V.), further solidifying my network and expertise in the field of illustration.
I am based in Tübingen, but I love to travel and collaborate with people from all over the world. What sets me apart is my constant drive to think outside the box and continuously develop myself.
With a strong focus on textiles, fashion, home decor, and stationery, I love creating powerful and colorful designs as well as illustrations. Whether it’s working on a children's book or developing an expressive fashion collection – I am the perfect partner for such projects. Even when it comes to painting a large mural, I am full of enthusiasm.
Since 2020, I have been a member of the German Illustrators Organization (Deutsche Illustratoren Organisation e.V.), further solidifying my network and expertise in the field of illustration.
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Spanisch (Gut)
- Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Portugiesisch (Grundkenntnisse)
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- Europäische Union
13 Jahre und 6 Monate
(seit 09/2011)
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