ISO Managementsysteme, EHS, Arbeitssicherheit, Lean Six Sigma, Excellene
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- 95‐150€/Stunde
- Baden-Württemberg
- Weltweit
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- 06.03.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
6/2022 – 6/2024
REGIONAL SENIOR EHS MANAGER EMENA (Europe, Middle East, North Africa)
• EHS lead of ca. 20 manufacturing and construction (aftermarket) sites/locations
• Managing a team of ca. 30 EHS professionals/managers in Europe, the Middle
East & India (dotted line reports).
• Reporting to the VP Aftermarket Operations Europe & VP New Build EMENA
• Support EHS community and Business Leaders (Europe and ME) to improve
safety performance and culture
• Compile and moderate/present the slides for the monthly EMENA EHS calls for
the EMENA President and his direct reports
• Participation and contributions in global EHS committee calls
• Implementation and moderation of bi-weekly EHS EMENA calls with all EHS site
leaders of the EMENA region to discuss accidents/incidents, share best practices,
lessons learned and important EHS topics.
• Develop and implement EHS initiatives aligned with the EHS vision of the group to
embed a proactive EHS culture
• Continuously improve EHS practices
• Coach and mentor EHS community and business leaders, share best practices
• Ensure that Europe & ME implement and sustain the actions and best practices
required to guarantee
- EHS legal compliance
- Compliance with the EHS standards of the group
- ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and SCCp procedures compliance
• Management of the EHS function in DACH and support the business achieve its EHS
objectives for a zero incident culture
• Ensure the mental & physical health of the group’s employees and subcontractors
within the workplaces
• Ensure the implementation of EHS standards and best practices in safety
management throughout the organization
• Ensure that operations are environmentally friendly
• Create a proactive safety culture, transforming employee behaviours
• Ensure that employees are fully trained to work on a safe manner and protecting the
• Provide written reports of safety related issues/kpi’s on a periodic basis or as
• Facilitate improvement in safety performance and culture across EMENA
• Create a team of EHS stakeholders to strive for zero accident culture in Europe
• Implement support processes for the units and come up with monthly reporting
Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, Auditor, DIN EN ISO 50001, Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit (FASi), ISO 14001 (Umweltmanagement), Lead-Management, Management (allg.), Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Reporting, SCADA, Training - Coaching-Kompetenzen
1/2018 – 6/2022
EHS Leader
• Implementation of OHSAS 18001 / ISO 45001: 2018 management system. Regular
auditing of the sytems and training of all employees on the environmental management
system (ISO 14001: 2015), occupational health and safety management system
(OHSAS 18001 / ISO 45001: 2018)
• Upgrading the energy management system (50001: 2011 to 50001: 2018), regular
auditing of the system and training of the employees
• Preparation, maintenance and reporting of recordable injuries, incidents, near misses,
annual EHS assessments, quarterly management reviews and all site related EHS &
Sustainability kpi’s to the VP Global EHS
• Annual applications for energy tax refund (e.g. according to the German StromStG,
EnergieStG, KWKG, StromNEV)
• Appointed energy management responsible person and head of the energy efficiency
• Performance of the EHS self-audits and EHS business-level audits at other sites and
responsible person for all 3rd party ISO management system audits on site
• Hazardous substances management
• Material categorization and onboarding
• Site capability assessment
• Waste and wastewater monitoring
• Performing risk assessments for workplaces and APIs (active pharmaceutical
• Regularly conducting GEMBA walks with the operations, quality, continuous
improvement and engineering departments. Participation in SLT (Site Leadership Team)
• Performing ECFA and 4-Blockers as principal investigator for the weekly EHS and
security leaders calls and monthly global EHS and security calls
• EHS responsible for external (sustainability) audits, e.g. Ecovadis, PSCI
(Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative), Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange).
• Conducting PAAG/HAZOP, FMEA, LOPA (according to EN 61511-3)
• Regular participation in Global EHS & Security Leaders Calls, Energy Project Calls,
sustainability Calls, Special Interest Groups calls (energy & CO2 reduction, water
conservation, hand injuries, risk assessment etc.) for evaluating and reporting best
• Co-managing a € 5 M CHP unit project
• Optimization of EHS training for new employees to maximize team safety
• Participation in OEB (occupational exposure band) classification meetings and
management of change (MOC) meetings
• Responsible for the determination and input of the site-related and global EHS
impacts in TrackWise-controlled change control processes
• Training and supervision of 9 internal EHS auditors
• Monitoring of the weekly supervisor scorecard and reporting
• Building of hygiene programs based on techniques such as atmospheric monitoring
and noise surveys to provide ongoing worker support
• Elimination of dangerous behavior through careful analysis and process optimization.
• Evaluating workplace conformance with workplace guidelines and the statutory
workplace regulations. Implementing immediate strategies to resolve deficiencies.
• Member of the site COVID crisis team
• Training of the site leaders on the COVID playbook and the right application of the
COVID risk assessment tools
Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, Auditor, Datenanalyse, DIN EN ISO 50001, Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit (FASi), ISO 14001 (Umweltmanagement), Lieferantenbewertung, Management (allg.), OHSAS 18001, SCADA, Training - Coaching-Kompetenzen
6/2011 – 1/2018
GroupMG consulting – Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
• Almost 7 years of experience as a QHSE consultant in implementation
and internal auditing of ISO management systems (9001, 16949, 14001,
45001/ OHSAS 18001, 50001) at more than 70 SMEs and groups from various sectors
with national and international presence
• Collaboration with Ingenieurbüro Frahm GmbH in Filderstadt (Carsten Frahm)
• Accompanied more than 50 certification-, recertification- and surveillance- audits
conducted by BSI, TÜV Süd, Dekra, PÜG etc., both at national and international level.
• Developed and communicated site-, business units- and global- QEHS kpi’s, G&Os
and sustainability programs
• Developed and rolled out a detailed QEHS roadmaps
• Developed/compiled and rolled out QEHS management system programs and the corresponding
audit questionnaires
• Reported mainly to CEOs, MDs/GMs and managing boards
• Conducted Gemba walks, ECFAs, EHS risk assessments, health and safety briefings,
safety committee meetings, created operation instructions, safety instructions, SOPs,
MSDS, forms, worksheets, QEHS toolboxes and dashboards
• Trained the managing directors, directors, managers and supervisors on
QEHS management system
Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, Auditor, Datenanalyse, DIN EN ISO 14001, DIN EN ISO 19011, DIN EN ISO 50001, DIN EN ISO 9001, Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit (FASi), ISO/TS 16949, Lean Prozesse, Management (allg.), OHSAS 18001, Reporting, Six sigma, Training - Coaching-Kompetenzen
Quality Learning GmbH
TÜV Süd Akademie
TÜV Süd Akademie
TÜV Süd Akademie
TÜV Süd Akademie
BG Akademie
Technische Universität
Technische Universität
Über mich
Mit uns erreichen Sie es schnell, unkompliziert & absolut preiswert - national und international.
ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001 / ISO 50001 / IATF 16949 / Six Sigma / Lean Management / EHS Excellence / Arbeitssicherheit & Gesundheitsschutz
Willkommen bei ANASYN Dr. Goekay, Ihrem zuverlässigen Partner für umfassende Beratungsdienstleistungen im Bereich ISO-Zertifizierung, Arbeitssicherheit/Gesundheitsschutz (ASiG §6 & §7), EHS-Exzellenz (EHS Kultur auf international höchstem Niveau), Prozessoptimierung. Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung und tiefgehender Fachkompetenz unterstützen wir Sie dabei, höchste Standards in Qualitätsmanagement, Umweltmanagement, Energiemanagement, Arbeitsschutzmanagement/Arbeitssicherheit zu erreichen.
Unsere Mission ist es, Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, betriebliche Exzellenz zu erreichen, Prozesse zu optimieren und nachhaltig zu wachsen. Durch die Implementierung und Optimierung internationaler Standards und bewährter Methoden tragen wir zur Effizienzsteigerung, Kosteneinsparung, Wettbewerbsvorteilen und erhöhter Arbeitssicherheit bei.
Unser Ansatz ist geprägt durch Schnelligkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und wettbewerbsfähige Preise. Wir bieten praxisorientierte und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind. Unsere Experten verfügen über umfangreiche Konzernerfahrung und KMU-Erfahrung und setzen, auf Wunsch, auch bewährte und wirkungsvolle Methoden wie Six Sigma, Design for Six Sigma und Lean Management ein, um Ihre Prozesse kontinuierlich zu verbessern und Ihre Kosten zu reduzieren.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Türkisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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