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Aerospace Critical Systems Safety Specialist

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  • 81249 München
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  • 25.09.2018


System Safety Specialist with 30 years experience on multinational aerospace projectst as manager / engineer.
Implementation & teaching of safety engineering processes & procedures to various clients in Germany, Italy & Switzerland.


  • Projektmanagement
  • Raumfahrttechnik

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Safety and Certification Manager / Engineer
DLR Gesellschaft für Raumfahrtanwendungen (GfR) mb, Weßling
9/2012 – 3/2013 (7 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

9/2012 – 3/2013


Safety and Certification Manager / Engineer to support the Air Navigation Services Provider (ANSP) CNS Certification of DLR GfR according to EU Regulation 1035/2011 and the implementation of the company’s Safety Management System (SMS) in support of the ANSP CNS Certification.
Interfacing with both National and European Air Navigation Certification Authorities for the ANSP CNS Certification. National ANSP CNS Certification (Conditional) achieved in February 2013.
Performing GAP Analyses on the EU Regulations and defining the processes, procedures and documentation to close the gaps. The generated of the EGNOS Certification Plan for obtaining the Pan-European ANSP CNS Certificate to operate EGNOS as a Safety of Life (SOL) Service, and to maintain certification when in service.
Definition of activities / tasks for a number of supporting systems required for ANSP Certification including Organization Management Handbook/Manual, Software Management System (SQAP), and Risk Management System.

System Reliability & Safety Manager / Engineer
Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH,, Lindenberg im Allgäu
11/2010 – 5/2013 (2 Jahre, 7 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

11/2010 – 5/2013


System Reliability & Safety Manager / Engineer for the AW189/AW149 Helicopter Landing Gear System, responsible within the development team to coordinate and cover all LG System R&S aspects and to lead the team of suppliers to provide the requested support for the R&S as per schedule, in close relationship with both project management and lead technical engineer. Coordination with the customer (Agusta Westland) for all R&S aspects and resolution of technical issues impacting R&S requirements as required.
Complete functional hazard assessment of the system to ensure the failure conditions to the lower level systems, sub-systems and equipment are correctly defined, generation of all the critical reliability and safety requirements for such items.
Review of lower level systems, sub-systems and equipment FMECA and Safety Analysis including FTA, for compliant to overall system reliability and safety requirements, so that the overall SSA (ARP 4761 & ARP 4754) is finalized to support certification of the Series Production Helicopter.
System Engineering support activities for Electrical, EMC, Hydraulics and Thermal technical issues, resolution / discussions with the customer, and producing detail technical reports (ECMs).
Review / Inputs to requirements specifications for LG System Components, review of System and Component level Qualification Test Procedures for compliant to system level contractual technical requirements.
Review of CS-29 requirements versus the LG System design for compliance and definition of verification method.

System Safety Engineer
Telair International GmbH, Miesbach
7/2010 – 10/2010 (4 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

7/2010 – 10/2010


Performing System Safety Assessment (FHA, PSSA, SSA) in accordance to SAE ARP 4761 on the Boeing 747-8F Main and Lower Decks Cargo Handling (Electrical) Systems to support the overall certification of the systems in accordance to ARP 4754 / ED79.

PA & Safety Manager / Engineer & Verification Manager / Engineer
Astrium Space Transportation GmbH, Friedrichshafen
12/2007 – 4/2010 (2 Jahre, 5 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

12/2007 – 4/2010


PA & Safety Manager / Engineer for Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES)
PA Manager for the Overall System, Chaired System Test TRR, PTR (ESA, CNES, Industry), all MRBs, Subcontractors CDRs, PA & Safety Management of Subcontractors
Review & approval of engineering design & manufacturing documentation for compliance to PA/QA requirements, review, approval and release of system test plans, procedures and reports with respect to compliant to requirements in DOORS.
Preparation of PA and Inspection Plans, Procedures & Safety related Documentation for the ACES System CDR and the FM Proposal. Flight Safety Data Packages, attendance at Safety Reviews and MRBs with ESA/NASA/JAXA
PA & Safety Manager / Engineer for a number of ISS Payload Projects for BIOLAB
Chaired / ran all MRR, TRR, PTP, FAR for flight hardware at both prime and subcontractors, NCR Management and processing, PA Management of subcontractors, Subcontractors Audits, review / commenting documentation at all levels of the projects. Flight Safety Data Packages, Re-flight Assessments, ESA PSRB Safety Reviews & MRBs
PA & Safety Manager / Engineer for FSL EC B1 CIMEX-1
Prime PA Management, PA Management of subcontractors, subcontractors Audits, review / commenting documentation at all levels of the projects, prepared Flight Safety Data Package, FMECA, Verification Documentation and PA & Inspection Plans for System PDR. Review and commented Subsystems PDR data packages from a PA / QA point of view with respect to ensure all PA / QA requirements have been correctly addressed.
Verification Manager / Engineer for FSL EC B1 FASES
Management and generation of FASES System Requirements Verification database and verifying the traceability of the requirements into lower level documentation, recommended changes to FASES System Specification with respect to defined verification method

Safety Assurance Manager
European Satellite Navigation Industries GmbH, Ottobrunn
1/2007 – 10/2007 (10 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/2007 – 10/2007


Company name changed in January 2007, but activities & tasks as below

Safety Assurance Manager
Galileo Industries GmbH, Ottobrunn
7/2005 – 1/2007 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

7/2005 – 1/2007


Responsible for ensuring that the overall Galileo Global System has been designed, developed, manufactured, integrated and tested according to all the contractual safety requirements both functional and physical requirements.
Verify the design with respect to safety by performing safety analyses and assessments at system level and the review of lower level (Segments) subcontractors engineering design documentation using DOORS and safety analyses, and to identify any technical risks at each level which could affect Safety, assess them and propose mitigation plan.
In particular to perform the follow-up Safety activities with respect to the launch sites Safety Regulations for the Space Segment, by reviewing the Satellite Safety Phase I, II, & III Safety Data Packages for both flight and ground (provided by the Space Segment)
Review System & Segment Level Qualification & Acceptance Test Documentation with respect to safety aspects / issues and verify the results Review any non-conformance or waiver/deviation which can affect the applicable Safety requirements or safety critical functions and items. Attending and contributing to project meetings / reviews and also NCR/NRB regarding Safety.

Airworthiness Manager
Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH, Rheinmünster
3/2005 – 6/2005 (4 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

3/2005 – 6/2005


Responsible for producing Qualification Plans and Procedures, Safety Assessments for company’s airborne products such as Transponders, Transmitters, Receivers, etc., to support the Certification Process of the items with the LBA (German Government Certification Authority).

Consultant Engineer - System Safety Verification Engineer
NFS Navigations- und Flugführungs-Systeme GmbH, Ulm
4/1996 – 10/1996 (7 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

4/1996 – 10/1996


Involved in the development of a GPS based navigation and landing aid to be installed in aircraft and helicopters as the System Safety Verification Engineer (V-Model) supporting the full System Safety Life Cycle to SAE ARP 4761.

Consultant Aerospace Engineer
Kayser-Threde GmbH, München
1/1996 – 2/2005 (9 Jahre, 2 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/1996 – 2/2005


Kayser-Threde’s Reliability and Safety Assurance Manager, responsible for the definition and production of new Kayser-Threde operational procedures / working standards Reliability / Safety Engineering and Assurance to comply with NASA/ESA, FAA, CAA & Military Requirements.
Instructing engineers in the techniques / procedures involved with reliability and safety engineering.
Company’s Safety Specialist for ISS & Shuttle Payloads at NASA & ESA Safety Reviews.
Project Manager for a number of ISS Projects
• Sub-contractor Manager - Material Science Laboratory (MSL) Pyrometer Electronics (Litton USA)
• Project Manager - MELFI C/D Phase
• Project Manager – ISS & Columbus Phase E Spares Contracts.
The above projects included all project management activities associated with managing an ESA project, including arranging the necessary import / export paperwork for the utilization of specific components from the USA following ITAR Regulations.
Project Manager for the following satellite harnesses projects:
• Herschel / Planck SVM Harness
• SMOS PLM Harness
• L-Band SAR Harnesses
• ADM-AEOLUS Platform & BAS-HAR Harnesses,
• Planck Special Test Harnesses
PA & System Safety Manager / Engineer for the following space projects:
• Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for the International Space Station (MELFI),
• Space Exposure Biology Assembly External Payload
• Materials Science Laboratory Electrical Subsystem
• A number of smaller projects.
Proposal Manager for approximately 12 space and civil aircraft proposals either as prime or in partnerships, of which 80% were won, these proposal values are from 600K€ to 45M€. Responsible for ensuring that all requirements have been correctly addressed within the proposal, generation of work packages definition of all activities, schedule and costs.

Consultant Systems Reliability & Safety Engineer
FIAR SpA, Milano
1/1993 – 4/1996 (3 Jahre, 4 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/1993 – 4/1996


System Reliability & Safety Engineer for the EFA Pirate Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) and Prime Contractor’s System Management Team for the project.
Also involved in producing safety assessments and attending safety reviews for the EFA ECR-90 Radar and EFA Head-Up display (helmet) projects.
End Customer’s (NAFMA) Independent System Safety Assessor for resolving system safety issues between consortiums involved with EFA projects

Consultant Systems Project Engineer / Manager and Reliability & Safety Engineer
M.T.U. GmbH, München
9/1987 – 12/1992 (5 Jahre, 4 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

9/1987 – 12/1992


Project Engineering Management
• Involved in defining the Programme Management Activities / Tasks for the EFA Aircraft Engines Engine Control and Monitoring Systems to meet Technical and Payment Milestones on the overall EJ200 Engine Development Programme.
• Definition all the engineering design and development activities to be performed by Eurojet (Rolls Royce, MTU, FIAT and ITP) (including the necessary resources) to meet / achieve these milestones including reliability, safety, maintainability, quality assurance, etc.
• Involved in the definition of the contractual requirements for the EFA Aircraft Engines Digital Electronic Control Unit programme and then with the chosen Supplier contract negotiations.
• Monitored the progress of the activities defined by Project Engineering, risk assessment / analysis of problems or delays, produced reports to the Programme Management, Department Head and MTU Board with recommended actions / solutions.
• Project Manager – Subcontractor Manager for the DECU Programme based at the Prime Facilities (Dornier GmbH FHN), heavily involved in all aspects of the project at the subcontractor, chairing all management, technical and quality meetings with the consortium for the customer (MTU), chaired DECU PDR and CDR attended by NAFMA and the Eurojet Companies and DASA.
Reliability & Flight Safety Engineering
• Involved in the preparation of the Requirements Specification in the EPOS Requirements Management Tool for the EFA Aircraft Engines Digital Electronics Control Unit, in the following areas reliability, safety, maintainability, qualification, acceptance and documentation.
• Definition of activities / tasks / resources to perform Safety Hazard Analysis on the EFA Aircraft Engines Engine Control & Monitoring System to be undertaken by Rolls Royce, MTU, FIAT and ITP.
• Engine Control System Design, in defining the safe operation philosophy for the software of the system in case of failures.
• Safety Manager for the EJ200 Engine System 1990-92, responsible for 50 engineers in the four engine companies (MTU, Rolls-Royce, FIAT & ITP)
• MTU’s Electronics hardware and software representative on the Eurojet Reliability and Flight Safety Working Group. Definition of the detailed procedures and processes for the design and development of Risk Class 1 flight critical software for the Engine Control System
• Represented the Eurojet R&S Group at meetings with the customer for Software Safety

Consultant Electronics Systems Engineer
Microtecnica SpA, Torino
10/1983 – 7/1987 (3 Jahre, 10 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

10/1983 – 7/1987


Reliability & Safety Engineer for Aerospace Electronic Equipment produced by the Client (10/1984-07/1987)
Complete Reliability and Safety Analyses (FMECA’s, FMEA’s, PSA’s, etc.) to the relevant contractual requirements (MIL, ESA or NASA standards) on the following:-
• Air Data Computer & Navigation Sub-system (AM-X)
• Electronic Control Unit for Flight Control Systems (AM-X),
• Flap and Slat System (AM-X),
• Thermal Control Unit for EURECA (Space Programme),
• Torpedo Training Head, Fin Control and Battery Back-Up,
• Electronic Control Unit for the IRIS Spin Table (Space Programme)
• GP-180 Flight Systems Electronic Control Unit,
• Air Data Transducer Unit (EH101)
Senior Project Engineer / Manager for the AM-X Aircraft Air Data Computer for the Navigation Subsystem (10/1983-09/1984).


Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Control Systems and Applications.
Master of Business Administration Degree in Engineering Management

Über mich

Project Manager / Electronics Systems Engineer with over 30 years experience after qualifying. The last 30 years in the fields of System Engineer, Requirements Management & Verification (DOORS, TEAMWORK, EPOS), System Integration, Test Equipment, Product / Quality Assurance, System Reliability and Safety Management and Engineering, Project Management and Liaison on Major European Aerospace Projects for companies in Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
The above experience has been gained from involvement at different stages of programmes, along with his original background and training gives the engineer a broad work background. Therefore he has flexibility in his assignments, is capable of independent action and can handle most aspects of the work package from Project / Programme, Management / Resource Definition / Subcontractor Management / Hardware Import & Export Procedures for both military and space flight hardware (ITAR Regulations) / Scheduling & Costing, System Feasibility / Reliability / Safety Engineering and Component Selection, System Verification Management & Engineering, Test and Manufacturing Techniques, Qualification and Function Test Procedures to Military Standards for Complete Systems and Modular level.
Experience in setting up the various activities needed for a successful aerospace programme, by producing plans and procedures across all engineering disciplines, monitoring the progress within the various disciplines, performing risk assessment, analysis the problems, producing reports to the client with recommended actions or solutions.
Presentations / Seminars on Programme Management and Project Control, System Engineering Requirements Definition (Logical Design Routes), Reliability & Safety Engineering Techniques, Procedures, Configuration Management and Quality Systems to a number of European Companies, with the idea to improve company efficiency and reduce operational costs.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Qualifications: Master of Business Administration Degree in Engineering Management (2001-2004)
Post Graduate Course in Programme Management (1975-77, 36 weeks)
Higher National Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Control Systems and Applications.
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, including Physics & Applied Heat / Thermodynamics
Institutes: 1) Corporate Member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology [MIET]
2) Member of the Engineering Council UK.(IEng)
3) Graduateship of the City & Guilds of London Institute (GCGI)
4) Bundesverband der Berufsingenieure Deutschlands (Federal Association of Professional Engineers’ Germany) (B.Ing)
5) Member of SAE Aerospace (MSAE)

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Muttersprache)
  • Deutsch (Gut)
  • Italienisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
50 Jahre und 6 Monate (seit 09/1974)
30 Jahre


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