Senior Compliance & Business Analyst
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 18 Referenzen
- 125‐180€/Stunde
- 65343 Eltville am Rhein
- Weltweit
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- 26.03.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
11/2021 – 9/2024
Compliance Implementations in a non-regulated International Bank (IFI)
Compliance Business Analyst for 12 Business Areas, 400+ IT Processes
Development of IT risk assessments
GDPR risk Analysis and bank-wide rollout of compliance and policy procedures
AI, vendor dependency and operational risk assessments
Softwaredokumentation, Data Science, IT-Berater, IT-Infrastrukturspezialist, IT-Sicherheitsberater, Datenschutz, Document Retrieval, Datenspeicher, Compliance Manager, Dokumentenmanagement
10/2019 – 9/2021
Reorganisation and qualitative Enhancement of 6 M.Sc. Degrees
Accreditation (FIBAA, EQUIS, AACSB und German Science Council
Recruitment and Contracting University of Berkeley California for Joint M.Sc. on digital marketing
Lecturing (covering for vacant professors and lecturers)
Aus- / Weiterbildung, Bildung (allg.), Coach Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, E-Learning, Lehrprogramme, Recruiting
7/2017 – 10/2018
TätigkeitsbeschreibungBehavioural change programme enhancing collaboration (Learning Map). Working for the Global HR team, the task was to analyse root causes for a discovered low level of behavioural compliance issue. Following the analysis, a global communications plan was developed, based on the learning map approach, with the aim to improve the issue. Developing the e-learning as follow-up (Moderated and stand-alone LMS version), moderator training and testing of e-learning. Several success measures were suggesting the approach led to significant improvements.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAnalytiker (Sonstige), Business Intelligence Manager, Change Management, Compliance Manager, HR Business Partner, Rollout
3/2016 – 2/2018
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProcess gap analysis in COB and KYC and other compliance processes, learning needs analysis and development of remedial communications, action and training, rollout of communications and training for businesses (Global Markets, Corporates, Transaction Banking, Investment Banking). Analysis of IT operational support for DB CAR KYC compliance data system. Presence based and web based trainings for front office and back office staff in German and English, participants from all continents and time zones. Support of KYC Key Operating Procedures global implementation team in London. Key Operating Procedures rollout trainings in 30 countries for KYC, AML, COB, FATCA, MIFID and KOPs, including the internal audit functions.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAnalyst Informationssicherheit, Compliance Manager, Train the Trainer
10/2015 – 3/2016
Analyst and change communications provider for direct booking strategy for IHG, the world´s 2nd largest hotel brands group (Interconti, Holiday Inn, Crown Plaza, Kimpton etc.). Media analysis of IGH portal and online travel agency portals. Development of learning and training materials to have all hotel staff understand the new IHG strategy, financials, and countermeasures, designed to change staff behaviour in 20+ countries. The HR role models for 13 professional roles within management and service of the various hotels brands were analysed and revamped in order to achieve this. Data protection (EU-DSGVO) compliance was also a huge issue.
Rollout of training is across Europe and in 12 languages. Project is reported to be a major success in driving customer loyalty, rewards club membership and direct bookings.
Change-Manager, Rollout, HR-Spezialist, Train the Trainer, Change Management, Compliance management
6/2015 – 10/2015
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDevelopment and implementation of new global HR portal for the entire bank, including all HR workflows and employee self-services
Eingesetzte QualifikationenIT-Infrastrukturspezialist, Rollout, Workflows, Content Management, HR Business Partner, Change Management
5/2013 – 5/2014
Full time management of global Customer Relationship Management Team, Data Ware House (DWH) and consumer data. Responsible for data security (GDPR issues) and compliance. Management of 12 external Media, Data & IT service providers. Budget: 360K EUR IT maintenance, 400K EUR digital marketing spent.
Responsible for all digital consumer communications and mailings in all markets (EMEA, Asia, USA/CAN, distributor markets). Reporting and consumer behaviour analytics. International legal compliance & data safety issues. In charge of daily marketing, E-newsletters, E-mailing campaigns etc., updates on all digital group media and 30 E-Shops. Responsible for all online market communications incl. social media.
E-Commerce, Marktforschung, IT-Infrastrukturspezialist, Big Data, Data Mining, Datenanalyse, Datenschutz, Rollout, Marktkommunikation, Marketing- / Vertriebsanalyse, CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
1/2013 – 11/2013
TätigkeitsbeschreibungHR Development/Change, Management Development: Training improvements, Responsible for requirements analysis, development and selection of a new Learning Management System (LMS).
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAus- / Weiterbildung, HR Business Partner, E-Learning, Change Management, Business Analysis
1/2012 – 9/2012
TätigkeitsbeschreibungCompliance analysis concerning leadership behaviour, ethics and conduct, and production compliance in the production facilities of a world market leader in plastic foils and building materials. Special focus to check for absenteeism and illness issues.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenData Mining, Human Resources Generalist, Compliance management, Analytiker (Sonstige), Personal-Risikomanagement, Personalberatung - Personalentwicklung
5/2011 – 12/2014
found in reference description 19
Strategy, quality and marketing consultation (2007 - 2014) for several companies of the group (MAFA, AGS, China Foundy Cooperation); supporting the China expansion and production strategy; quality controls; sales support.
Planning and implementation of on-site audits for process improvement and introduction of CSR/sustainability compliance processes in the production sites in China which cater pharmaceutical, airline tech and wind mill sectors.
On-site audits at production sites: Dongguan, Ningbo, Xikou (Zhejiang), Duqiao (Zhejiang), Xingxiang (Fujian), Henan, Chenzen, Hangzhou, Shengzou.
Internet / Intranet- Integration (eBusiness), Quality Assurance Engineer, Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Kommunikation (allg.), Sales Management, Vertriebsgestaltung, Audition, Change Management, Internationalisierung, Strategische Unternehmensplanung
10/2009 – 9/2010
M & A integration, corporate culture people development, process improvements, performance change management project. Process and employee analysis, implementation of new operations and manufacturing model. Overall post-merger integration. Staffing and leading 5 project teams in parallel:
- Cost structure analysis in both manufacturing sites for 1000 products
- Leadership capabilities project at MeierGuss Gruppe
- Sourcing of a new planning software: SAP or ProAlpha
- Leading post-merger integration team
- Implementation of preventive maintenance
SAP-Berater, Product-lifecycle-cost-management (PLCM), Markenpolitik, Berater Mergers & Acquisitions
1/2009 – 4/2010
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDGQ trains and certifies 70 % of all of Germany´s quality managers. Project was marketing staff capability analysis, marketing & sales improvements. Analysis of the 800 programmes and offerings catalogue, market learning needs analysis, HR talent development needs analysis, leading and coaching of marketing team (8 FTE).
Eingesetzte QualifikationenCoach, Marketing Manager, Personalentwicklung - Bedarfsanalysen
7/2008 – 9/2009
Analysis of production, operations and compliance flaws in production and management; development of process improvements, implementation of new processes in management and production
Staffing and leading 12+ workstream project teams in parallel on topics like:
- Leadership capabilities project for managing director incl.
- organisational architecture
- employee motivation analysis and improvement planning
- SAP improvement: stock numbers, WiP numbers, cost and delivery analysis
- New SAP architecture
- Quality improvement processes
- Manufacturing process improvements
- Sales and forecasting improvements
- Coaching of Dept. heads
- Cross-departmental Integration
- New approach to apprenticeship and people development
- Production planning improvements - switch from make to stock to make to order
Analyse der Kennzahlen, Analyse der Markt- / Wettbewerbsposition, Business Intelligence Manager, FMECA (Failure Mode and Effects and Criticality Analysis), Produkt- / Sortimentsentwicklung, Quality-Function-Deployment (QFD)
5/2005 – 12/2006
RPS EMEA is one of the largest digital training providers in the world. The role as director communications & marketing with staff responsibility was one of a change agent, designed to drive the change needed for a re-design of all operational processes in order to open the company to the B2B market, starting from zero, and in Raytheon and law compliant waysIn charge of developing the following international activities for the whole of EMEA (42 countries): Budget, Media Management (Internet, Intranet, E-Learning & Virtual Learning Platforms, all publications in print), Market Research, Marketing, Events, Sales Support, Public & Press Relations, and EMEA Communications Master Schedule.
Set up of a communications team. Starting from zero business contacts, RPS several months later had won 7 training outsourcing deals, issued 48 offers to new clients and had new business booked for 11,4 Mio EUR. Built up a contact database exceeding 300 key individuals from six new key industries (as of December 2006). The automotive sector grew by 2 new key accounts, pharmaceutical and finance sectors were also successfully entered. New market centred paradigm established. Awarded Raytheon Six Sigma Black Belt.
Rollout, Aus- / Weiterbildung, Brand Manager, E-Learning, Lead-Management, Markenbildung, Marketing- / Vertriebsanalyse, Sales Management, Train the Trainer
12/2004 – offen
TätigkeitsbeschreibungGeschäftsführung GmbH Unternehmensberatung
Eingesetzte QualifikationenBusiness Administrator
3/2003 – 3/2005
TätigkeitsbeschreibungJoined as global business project & media communications/ information manager. In charge of global projects, It implementations, information management across all internal and external media, compliance learning projects, change management, client surveys and audits, intranet web master, head of CIB Global Banking Division corporate communications. Managed several global task forces and project matrix groups and IT process and outsourcing projects. Organised trade fairs, 3 large events (>2500 participants) and many small events. Led major re-launch of intranet, integrating 60 platforms into one global portal. Wrote and published several external high reputation journal articles. Pitched for and won 2 major European IT awards.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenChange Management, IT-Projektleiter, Kommunikationsberatung, Rollout
8/2000 – 3/2003
TätigkeitsbeschreibungRole & Responsibilities: Internally: Responsible for streamlining and signing off all information going to employees. Establishing document management system and intranet. Control of information overflow. Design of internal communications via business-tv. Externally: Responsible for tv marketing and branding activities, streamlining and signing off all information going out. Also in charge of external & internal schedule for media planning. Task Force leader of acquisition projects and market intelligence. Also heading press services Web-Site and internet marketing cooperation projects with FAZ Media. Staff responsibility. Budget responsibility: 5 Mio €. Led all change management communications projects.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenProjektentwickler, Informationslogistik, Mediaplanung, Dokumentenmanagement
10/1998 – 8/2000
Tätigkeitsbeschreibungmanaging business tv, media management
Eingesetzte QualifikationenProjektentwickler, Kommunikation (allg.), Mediaplanung
5/1997 – 9/1998
TätigkeitsbeschreibungInternal staff communications, change management (Merger Bankers Trust), development of business tv
Eingesetzte QualifikationenProjektentwickler, Kommunikation (allg.), Krisenkommunikation
4/1996 – 5/1997
TätigkeitsbeschreibungMarketing Projects, Organisation of Conferences and Trade Fairs
Eingesetzte QualifikationenProjektleitung / Teamleitung
7/1995 – 4/1996
TätigkeitsbeschreibungSupporting Marketing Campaigns
Eingesetzte QualifikationenMarketing Manager
11/1993 – 3/1995
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDeputy Press Spokesperson
Eingesetzte QualifikationenPR-Manager
Harvard University
Oxford University, Said Business School
Harvard University
BDU Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberatungen e.V.
TOCOCO Eli Schragenheim
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Harvard Business School
Stephen R. Covey (FranklinCovey London)
Rheinische Hochschule Köln (RFH)
Napier University
Ashridge Business School, Andrew Campbell
EBS European Business School University
Unilog Integrata
Priority Management Training
Priority Management Training
Ashridge Business School/Cass University
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
University of Glasgow
Über mich
Change Management; Strategic Change Communication with entire workforces deploying Learning Maps and E-Learning in 12 languages ,
Future Scenario and Risk Planning Workshops and Strategy Formulation
Weitere Kenntnisse
> Analysis of corporate-wide and global IT processes, data lakes, compliance and
risk processes; data collection, documentation, creation of repositories
> Documentation and validation and testing, creation of GRC repositories
> Change Management and Transformation Projects, Training, Awareness
> Multi-project Management up to 12 Workstreams
> Analysis and Process Implementation up to 40 countries
> Implementation of Compliance, Data Governance, Risk, GDPR, Information
Management and many other Policies and Key Operating Procedures
> Implementation of ISO Standards
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Europäische Union
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