![freelance.de - Senior Java Consultatn freiberufler Senior Java Consultatn auf freelance.de](/user-images/profiles/thumbnails/297258_176_b6adfc29f682.jpg?545aac284fd969fa6d66361ec5bd4d25)
Senior Java Consultatn
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 0 Referenzen
- 85€/Stunde
- 17300 Blanes
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- 10.08.2024
Desweiteren sehr gute Skills in TDD, Agile methods und CI/CD.
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
3/2020 – 4/2024
* Developer of backend components of Gemini project: Design and implementation of REST services, enhancement of gitlab pipelines and renovate bot configuration, creation and enhancement of Helm charts
* Developer of backend and frontend components of X-Stream project: Implementation of new features according to client CRs, responsible for refactoring of whole code base to maven3 projects and transformation of hudson/jenkins based CI/CD to gitlab, in charge of migration to Java17 and creation of NTS specific Docker base images
Oracle Database, Postgresql, Docker, Git, Java (allg.), WIX (Windows Install XML), SOAP, Elasticsearch, Openshift, Representational State Transfer (REST)
10/2019 – 12/2019
Tätigkeitsbeschreibung* Design and implementation of API defnitions for backend microservices
Eingesetzte QualifikationenGradle, Java (allg.), Spring Framework
11/2017 – 10/2019
* Deputy Product Owner in strategic project for building next generation solution for electronic billing ("eBill") and direct debit services for Swiss financial market
* Developer of backend parts of eBill in a microservice architecture
* Developer of loadtest infrastructure for eBill applications for continuous measurement of application performance
* Responsible for further development of monitoring platform
* Developer in "Swiss Instant Payments" PoC Team (evaluating Red Hat OpenShift plattform for future deployment of microservices)
Oracle Database, Continuous Integration, Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Scrum, Jetty, Apache Maven, Git, Java (allg.), Jira, Junit, Spring Framework, Ansible, SOAP, Openshift, Representational State Transfer (REST)
1/2012 – 11/2017
* Deputy Product Owner in "SIC4 Project": recreation of the central Swiss interbank clearing platform on behalf of and under the supervision of the Swiss National Bank
(processing Swiss franc payments between financial institutions in real time on a gross settlement basis)
* Developer in a Scrum team working on the Real Time Gross Settlement System and its peripheral systems (worked on DB – design, backend services and frontend)
* Product Owner for "Monitoring2.0 Project": reimplementation and improvement of a monitoring solution for supervising the technical state and business values of SIC4 applications based on the most up-to-date ELK stack in a Scrum team of four people.
* Head of Scrum Master Domain
Oracle Database, Continuous Integration, Transport Layer Security, Agile Methodologie, Scrum, Apache HTTP Server, Jetty, Java (allg.), Spring Framework, Ansible, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Elasticsearch, HTML, JavaScript
6/2011 – 1/2012
* Member of Proof of Concept team for new strategic project "New SIC Architecture"
* Scrum Master
Agile Methodologie, Java (allg.), Spring Framework
11/2010 – 6/2011
* Technical Project Lead for reimplementation and modernization of web application "remoteGATE OnlineCashManagement": web application for Swiss financial institutions to view their payments and also their bank balance on the Swiss National Bank; possibility for Swiss National Bank to supervise the state of the SIC3 system and interact with it
* Developer on this project (worked on backend services and frontend)
Mysql, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Front End, Hibernate (Java), Java (allg.), Spring Framework
10/2008 – 11/2010
TätigkeitsbeschreibungMember of development team for creation of new service "Sepa Direct Debit" for cross-border direct debit payments (worked on backend services and frontend)
Eingesetzte QualifikationenMysql, Hibernate (Java), Java (allg.), Spring Framework
Berufsakademie Ravensburg
Über mich
* Java, Spring, JPA, REST, MicroServices,... --> alles was mit Backend Programmierung zu tun hat
* Teamgeist, Hilfsbereitschaft, Zuverlässigkeit, konstruktive Diskussionen über Lösungsansätze --> eine gutes Teamgefüge
* gut durchdachte Lösungen, die einen Mehrwert für den Kunden bringen
* sich selbst und andere begeistern
* Mut, neue Dinge auszuprobieren
Was ich nicht mag:
* "Das haben wir schon immer so gemacht, wir ändern da nichts"
* unlogische und umständliche Prozesse
Weitere Kenntnisse
In meinem CV finden Sie weitere Details.
* Objektorientierte Analyse & Design, XP, Design Patterns, UML
* Agiles Manifest: Scrum, CleanCode, PairProgramming, Continous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Refactoring, Testdriven Development (TDD)
* Microservices, SOAP/REST
* Test-Konzepte: Unit-Test, Integrationtest, Performance/Lasttest, E2E Tests
* DevOps Vorgehensweise
* Releasemanagement / Konfigurationsmanagement
* Java 6 - 17, Spring, Spring Boot, CDI/Weld
* Hibernate, Eclipselink, JPA
* JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Lombok, MapStruct
* Vaadin, Swing
* Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, H2
* Elasticsearch
* Liquibase, FlywayDB
Build and deploy Infrastruktur:
* Maven, GitLab, Jenkins, Hudson
* Docker, Helm, Openshift/OKD
* renovate Bot
* wildfly
* IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse
* Sonar
* Jira, Bitbucket, Confluence
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Spanisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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