Senior Android Engineer
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- 0 Referenzen
- 100€/Stunde
- 22307 Hamburg
- National
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- 20.04.2024
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
4/2021 – 2/2024
Hybrid Shopping App
>5.000.000 User
>4,5 Rating
Main Tasks
- Drive bigger architecture refactoring’s and developer experience
- Responsibility for und further development of tech roadmap together with the team
- Build up Android platform team
- Moderation of Android platform meetings
- Planning and consultation with feature development teams
- Recruiting interviews (general & technical interviews)
- Automation of development best practices & rules
- Mainly via detect & lint
- Reduction of developer errors for certain architecture and reactive patterns
- Made refactoring needs more transparent
- Responsibility for planning & partially execution
- Refactoring of integration test setup
- Refactoring of complete test setup from espresso to kaspresso with additional layer to
reduce flaky test count
- Decreased test CI runtimes from 45min to 15 min
- Result: Minimized flakiness & improvement of success rate from 60% to 99%
- Implementation of new OAuth authentication via PKCE flow
- Responsibility for planning & most of the execution
- Android:
- Architecture: MVVM
- Dagger2, RxJava2, Glide, Kotlin, MockK, Robolectric, Espresso, Retrofit, OkHttp,
Moshi, Jetpack Compose, Coroutines, Kaspresso, JUnit, detekt, lint, Koin
- Other:
- CircleCI, AWS (Lambda, EC2, Docker, DynamoDB, CloudFormation, S3, CloudWatch),
Android, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Scrum, Software Architecture, Android Entwicklung, Java (allg.), Kotlin, Mobile Application Development, System Architektur
1/2020 – 4/2021
Hybrid Shopping App
-Hyperlink entfernt-
>5.000.000 User
>4,5 Rating
Main Tasks
- Mostly working on technical and architecture topics inside a feature team
- Support of other feature teams for feature concepts
- Work on technical roadmap and backlog
- Mentoring
- Recruiting Interviews (general & technical interviews)
- Build new native shop start page from scratch
- Different tile types based on JSON configuration provided by backend
- Partial responsibility for planning & execution
- Increased customer engagement with new start page
- Dagger 1 to Dagger 2 Migration including integration test setup
- Completely responsible for planning & execution
- Android:
- Architecture: MVVM
- Dagger2, RxJava2, Glide, Kotlin, MockK, Robolectric, Espresso, Retrofit, OkHttp,
Moshi, Kaspresso, JUnit, detekt, lint, Koin
- Other:
- CircleCI, AWS (Lambda, EC2, Docker, DynamoDB, CloudFormation, S3, CloudWatch),
Software Architecture, Java (allg.), Kotlin, Android, Android Entwicklung, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Scrum
11/2018 – 1/2020
Mobility Platform App, whitelabel, Multiple mobility service providers per customer
-Hyperlink entfernt- (Reach NOW app discontinued)
>500.000 User
Main Tasks
- Developer in the mobility framework team (platform team)
- Responsible for complete app architecture that is not specific to a mobility service
- Support other teams in integrating major features (e.g. in search or user account)
- Responsibility for release process
- Improve release process automation with fastlane
- Rebuild complete app navigation (NavigationDrawer → BottomNavigation)
- Implementation of new deeplink architecture
- Rebuild authentication with OAuth2.0
- Build Android instrumentation test setup with Firebase Test Lab
- Android:
- Architectures: MVP, MVVM
- Dagger2, RxJava2, RxBindings, Picasso, Kotlin / Java, AndroidX, MapBox, Mockito,
Robolectric, Espresso, Firebase Realtime Database, Retrofit2, Room, PhraseApp,
- Other:
- TeamCity (CI), AWS EC2, fastlane
Android, Software Architecture, Android Entwicklung, Java (allg.), Kotlin
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
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