Operations & Strategy Consulting | Food | Impact
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- 27.01.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
6/2023 – offen
Making operations run smoother (more reliable, efficient, and effective) and identifying effective levers to create more sustainable impact quicker.
I’m supporting small food companies and impact organizations as a Freelance Consultant by establishing a structure of reliable and efficient processes, as well as analyzing, recommending, and implementing impact levers to work towards their purpose more effectively or solve their largest challenges faster.
By doing so at (potentially) impactful organizations, I’m hoping to add my personal contribution where it’s most effective in solving the largest problems of our time quicker: climate change, sustainable nutrition, social inequality, mitigate existential risks, etc.
Business Analysis, Business Development, Datenanalyse, Einkaufsstrategie, Lean Startup, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Produktmanagement, Projektkalkulation, Projektmanagement, Supply-Chain-Management (SCM)
1/2021 – 6/2023
Building up the company as first full-time employee doing almost everything required to build up a Food-Start-Up and handing over for the continuing daily business:
• Responsible for supply chain, reporting and operational processes
• Negotiation and set up of all important contracts in the supply chain
• Set up of the social impact journey incl. measurability and further sustainability objectives, processes and public reports
• Set up and hand over of the webshop, quality management, product development incl. sustainability criteria, customer service, P&L and liquidity reporting, retail and B2B sales, recruiting & HR
• Crisis management in different situations, e.g. to limit the negative impacts of a 2-month closure of the most important ingredient supplier to a minimum
• Steering a change of producers for cost savings, improvement of the delivery reliability and improving the product itself in all facets
Einkaufsverhandlungen, Operativer Einkauf, Strategischer Einkauf, Supply-Chain-Management (SCM), Reporting, Projektmanagement, Business Analysis, Produktmanagement
1/2020 – 12/2020
• Planning and implementation of Tracking & Reporting processes
for the worldwide cultural change of a global Automotive player
• PMO for the execution of externally imposed remediation measures
for the whistleblowing-system of a global Automotive player
• Management of target group journeys for the development of
insurance products
Datenanalyse, Reporting, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Compliance management, PMO, Projektmanagement, Business Analysis, Strategisches Management
1/2019 – 8/2019
• Planning and installation of processes to recover gold as a byproduct in the exploitation of sand and gravel
• Investigations of the deposit, evaluation and optimization of the gold recovery processes for longterm recommendations
Ingenieurwissenschaft, Projektmanagement
10/2013 – 12/2018
• Scientific research
• Operating different mineral processing machines
• Organization of different projects, e.g. an academic excursion to Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan)
Angewandte Forschung, Projektmanagement
RWTH Aachen University
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
RWTH Aachen University
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Über mich
After learning a lot as a management consultant at BCG, I learned how to build up a Food Start-Up in all company divisions as first full-time employee when I pushed fair chocolate with JOKOLADE and built up the company as COO with my work focus on managing the supply chain and processes. While searching for the next big project that I am willing to give my "full-time" and energy, I’m supporting food start-ups and impact organizations as a Freelance Consultant by establishing a structure of reliable and efficient processes, as well as analyzing and recommending impact levers for their largest challenges.
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Norwegisch (Fließend)
- Spanisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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