freiberufler Senior Software Architect/Engineer auf

Senior Software Architect/Engineer

  • 55‐80€/Stunde
  • 10787 Berlin
  • Europa
  • sr  |  de  |  en  |  ru  |  fr
  • 04.03.2024


Senior Software Architect/Engineer mit mehr als 15 Jahren Erfahrung in der Branche
Senior Software Architect/Engineer with more than 15 years of the experience in the industry.


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)1 J.
  • Big Data3 J.
  • Cloud Computing1 J.
  • Data Science3 J.
  • Datenbankentwicklung
  • Java (allg.)14 J.
  • Microsoft Azure3 J.
  • Python5 J.
  • React (JavaScript library)1 J.
  • Software Architecture5 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior Product Manger/Solution Architect (Festanstellung)
Audatex AUTOOnline GmbH, München
1/2022 – 12/2023 (2 Jahre)
Claims Management

1/2022 – 12/2023


- Erstellung von Produktvisionen und -strategien
- Technische Beratung von Entwicklungsteams bei der Implementierung von Softwareanwendungen und -systemen
- Erstellung von Prototypen mit dem Development-Team
- Entwicklung und Präsentation von technischen Architekturlösungen für Kunden und Interessengruppen auf Führungsebene.
- Creation of product visions and strategies
- Providing technical advice to development teams on the implementation of software applications and systems
- Creation of prototypes with the development team
- Developing and presenting technical architecture solutions to clients and stakeholders at a senior level.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Scrum, Java (allg.), Lifecycle Management, Python, Solution Architektur

Senior Solution Architect/Product Manager (Festanstellung)
Audatex AUTOOnline GmbH, München
4/2021 – 1/2022 (10 Monate)
Claims Management

4/2021 – 1/2022


- Technische Beratung von Entwicklungsteams bei der Implementierung von Softwareanwendungen und -systemen
- Erstellung von Prototypen mit dem Development-Team
- Entwicklung und Präsentation von technischen Architekturlösungen für Kunden und Interessengruppen auf Führungsebene.
- Providing technical advice to development teams on the implementation of software applications and systems
- Creation of prototypes with the development team
- Developing and presenting technical architecture solutions to clients and stakeholders at a senior level.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Scrum, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Big Data, Data Science, Java (allg.), Microsoft Azure, Python, Solution Architektur

Senior Data Engineer (Festanstellung)
Audatex AUTOOnline GmbH, Berlin
1/2019 – 3/2021 (2 Jahre, 3 Monate)
Claims Management

1/2019 – 3/2021


- Leitete die Entwicklung und Einführung einer hochmodernen Datenanalyseplattform, die den nahtlosen Zugang zu umfassenden Informationen sowohl für interne als auch für externe Stakeholdern ermöglicht;
- Zusammenarbeit mit dem leitenden Managementteam bei der Leitung der Prototyping-, Entwicklungs- und Evaluierungsphasen innovativer Produkte;
- Spearheaded the development and implementation of a cutting-edge data analysis platform, enabling seamless access to comprehensive information for both internal and external stakeholders;
- Collaborated with the senior management team to lead the prototyping, development, and evaluation phases of innovative products;

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Scrum, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Big Data, Data Science, Java (allg.), Microsoft Azure, Python

Senior Software Engineer (Festanstellung)
Audatex AUTOOnline GmbH, Berlin
11/2017 – 1/2019 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
Claims Management

11/2017 – 1/2019


- Leitung der Neugestaltung und Implementierung verschiedener Module innerhalb der Solera-Plattform zur Verbesserung des Risikomanagements und der Vermögensschutzdienste für die Automobilindustrie und den Sachversicherungsmarkt.
- Nahtloser Übergang von einer monolithischen Web-Plattform zu einem dynamischen Microservice-Ökosystem
- Spearheaded the redesign and implementation of diverse modules within the Audatex platform, enhancing risk management and asse protection services for the automotive industry and property insurance marketplace.
- Achieved a seamless transition from a monolithic web platform to a dynamic microservice ecosystem

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Scrum, Cloud Computing, Docker, Java (allg.), React (JavaScript library), Software Architecture, Spring Framework

Senior Software Engineer/Architect
Signavio GmbH, Berlin
5/2017 – 10/2017 (6 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

5/2017 – 10/2017


Orchestrated the design and development of the innovative "Process Intelligence" process mining application, delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS), leveraging digital traces of IT-supported processes.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Process Model and Notation, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Java (allg.), Kubernetes, Mongodb, Postgresql, Python, Software Architecture, Software Design, Spring Framework

Senior Software Engineeer
Gigatronik GmbH, Stuttgart
1/2017 – 5/2017 (5 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2017 – 5/2017


Led the conceptualization, design, and development of the innovative "DART 2.0 Framework" and the cutting-edge "eBike Diagnostic Tool" application for Bosch's eBike System, leveraging Java, Spring, Junit, Mockito, Maven, and other technologies

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Software Design, Java (allg.), Spring Framework

Software Engineer/Architect (Festanstellung)
BOOXWARE Software Entwicklungs-GmbH, Karlsruhe
1/2015 – 1/2017 (2 Jahre, 1 Monat)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2015 – 1/2017


Spearheaded the development of a cutting-edge KYC (know your customer) platform, orchestrating the creation of targeted campaigns for Tipco's clientele.
Leveraged agile methodologies and implemented microservices architecture, resulting in an 80% improvement in campaign efficiency and a 50% increase in customer engagement

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mysql, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Java (allg.), Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Spring Framework, Cloud (allg.)

Software Developer (Backend)
TransPerfect Translations, New York
12/2013 – 12/2014 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
IT & Entwicklung

12/2013 – 12/2014


- Spearheaded the advancement of machine translation and workflow engines for, optimizing multilingual processes and increasing translation efficiency by 25% through the strategic integration of Java, Spring, Hibernate, Hazelcast, and jBPM.
- Implemented robust testing methodologies using JUnit and Mockito, resulting in a 20% reduction in post-deployment issues, and enhanced database performance by implementing MySQL and MongoDB optimizations, contributing to a 30% improvement in overall system responsiveness.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Java (allg.), Mysql, Scrum, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Spring Framework

Software Developer
AdSoft, Belgrad
10/2011 – 6/2013 (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

10/2011 – 6/2013


- Engineered a tailored software solution for clients by adeptly designing and implementing robust systems, resulting in a 20% increase in client satisfaction and a 15% reduction in software customization requests.
- Spearheaded comprehensive requirements gathering and analysis processes, aligning software development efforts with client needs.
- Orchestrated the end-to-end lifecycle of software design and development;

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mysql, Scrum, Apache Tomcat, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Java (allg.), Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Spring Framework, JavaScript

CTO/Co-Founder (Festanstellung)
Auto-Buzz, Belgrad
7/2010 – 9/2011 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

7/2010 – 9/2011


- Pioneered the establishment and leadership of a dynamic development team, driving the end-to-end creation of a cutting-edge e-commerce platform and Android App specializing in the sale of bus tickets and car-sharing services. Achieved a seamless integration of innovative features resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement and a 30% boost in overall transaction volume.
- Orchestrated the strategic development roadmap, implementing agile methodologies that propelled the rapid and cost-effective delivery of the e-commerce platform and Android App. Spearheaded a high-performance team that delivered a 15% reduction in time-to-market, ensuring a competitive edge in the dynamic transportation services sector.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Scrum, Software Architecture, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Business Analysis, Business Development, Business Plan

Software Developer (Festanstellung)
ALS - Applied Logical Solutions, Belgrade
9/2007 – 6/2010 (2 Jahre, 10 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

9/2007 – 6/2010


- Involved in the development of advanced Business Intelligence applications, custom-tailored for the finance and banking sector
- Involved in the design and development of neural network-based portfolio risk management platform, crafting bespoke models for data processing and machine learning;
- Engineered the development and upkeep of ETL processes

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

C++, Charakterdesign, Java (allg.), Oracle Business Intelligence (BI), Oracle Database, Oracle WebLogic Server, PL/SQL, Scrum


Auantitative Analyse
Universität Belgrad
Belgrad, Serbien
Informationssysteme und Technologien
Universität Belgrad
Belgrad, Serbien
Business Statistik & Informatik
Universität Belgrad
Belgrad, Serbien

Über mich

Leidenschaftlicher Softwarearchitekt | Umsetzung von Ideen in robuste Lösungen | Experte für die Entwicklung skalierbarer und leistungsstarker Systeme | Innovator für Cloud-Technologien | Verfechter von sauberem Code und Best Practices | Lassen Sie uns zusammenarbeiten und die Zukunft der Technologie gemeinsam gestalten!
Passionate Software Architect | Transforming Ideas into Robust Solutions | Expert in Designing Scalable and High-Performance Systems | Innovator in Cloud Technologies | Advocate for Clean Code and Best Practices | Let's Collaborate and Build the Future of Technology Together!

Weitere Kenntnisse

Softwer Architecture, Java, Python, Databases, NoSQL, Spring, Flask, Spark, Big Data, Data science, Docker, React, AWS, Azure, ...

Persönliche Daten

  • Serbisch (Muttersprache)
  • Deutsch (Fließend)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Russisch (Gut)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
17 Jahre und 6 Monate (seit 09/2007)
4 Jahre


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