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Full Stack Developer and Cloud Architect

  • auf Anfrage
  • 10111 Tallinn
  • Weltweit
  • sv  |  en  |  ur
  • 12.03.2024


Software Engineer with in total 8 years of consultancy experience, who's been working remotely since the past 3+ years. I have a huge passion for modern IT solutions and the design of software applications.


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)2 J.
  • Apache Kafka3 J.
  • Apache Maven2 J.
  • Flutter
  • J2EE7 J.
  • Java (allg.)7 J.
  • Jenkins6 J.
  • Kubernetes6 J.
  • Mongodb3 J.
  • Node.Js1 J.
  • Openshift5 J.
  • React (JavaScript library)2 J.
  • SQL3 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

DevOps / Cloud Engineer and FullStack Developer - PortfolioManagement
SEB, Stockholm
1/2022 – offen (3 Jahre, 1 Monat)

1/2022 – offen


Full Stack Software Engineer and DevOps consultant at SEB, working with themodernisation of a mission critical internal portfolio management application used byPrivate Bankers. Some of my noteworthy work is briefl y presented below:
- Migration of services from OpenShift 3 to OpenShift 4.
- Architectural design lead and developer for ongoing work with splitting out or monolithto well defi ned microservices and a modern web-based UI.
- Compliance Control visualization tooling for Private Bankers who require auditing andvisuals over portfolio strategies and deviations, specifi cally after bulk orders.
- Strategic decomposition and re-architecture of a monolithic portfolio managementapplication to microservices.
- Development of an event-driven arrangements handler for Loss Reporting of privatebanking customers.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Apache Kafka, Mongodb, SQL, J2EE, Java (allg.), Jenkins, Kubernetes, Openshift

Backend & Cloud Developer,Online Sales
Daniel Wellington, Stockholm
9/2020 – 1/2022 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)

9/2020 – 1/2022


Backend & Cloud Developer for the Online sales team at Daniel Wellington. I developed,tested and maintained our 50+ global sales web applications which are built using server-less technologies offered by AWS. Some of my noteworthy work is briefl y presentedbelow:
- Developed solutions for streamlining out-of-stock management of products fromscheduled syncs to a fully event-driven stock management solution for our online andretail stores. Allowing us to lower the chance of product overselling cases to near 0%.
- Developed support for bundles and gift-sets on our store-fronts
- Serverless OTP (One Time Password) solution for handling 2-step verifi cations for Cashon Delivery orders.
- Implementing on-site full-text search functionality for our store-fronts, allowingcustomers to easily search for their products directly on the DW store-fronts.
- Developed a new product syncer from CMS PIM's (both Magento and PimCore) to ourServerless Ecommerce Platform. The reimplementation ran complex deep-diffi ngs at aper-property level to determine the exact changes required to sync the products, thusincreasing the performance and customer impact of syncing product changes inproduction. In addition, I moved the solution from a periodic sync to a fully event-drivenapproach.
- Continously improved the performance, ease of maintenance and testability of our mission critical API's by using bundling solutions for smaller footprints of the deployableartifacts to AWS Lambda, which reduced our cold-starts signifi cantly and an overallperformance increase of 30-40% across the board.
- Migrated DW Online Sales BE monorepo to TypeScript and ESM modules bundled usingWebPack for typed smaller artifacts.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Node.Js, Typescript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Elasticsearch, Kubernetes, React (JavaScript library)

Lead Developer & Cloud Architect
BrightAct, Stockholm
3/2020 – 12/2021 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)

3/2020 – 12/2021


Our team has created BrightAct to help the Swedish Governments save lives duringand after COVID-19. BrightAct is an app that helps victims of domestic violence tostore data and documentation of violence in a safe encrypted place.
The team competed in HackTheCrisis 2020, TheGlobalHack 2020 and EuVsVirus2020. The Result?... 11th place out of nearly 150 submissions in our category with only0.48 points shy from winning (HackTheCrisis), a shared 4th place on TheGlobalHack,and winner in the largest hackathon of them all: EUvsVirus!
Women who live with violent men risk severe harm when isolation and economicdistress are triggers to escalate violence in the home. In China, there are reports ofthreefold violence in close relations since the start of COVID-19 crisis.
We believe that BrightAct can:
- Help victims document and report incidents of violence silently without leaving adata trace on their device
- Get support from women's help organizations through chat
- Interact with the police in real-time through emergency notifi cations
- Help victims of violence to build strong court cases and thus help prosecute abusers to a greater extent
We concept tested the idea with women's support agencies, government organizationsand victims of domestic violence who see a positive benefi t.

Personal Role: CTO, Full-stack developer and Cloud architect. I manage our multi-cloud solution using AWS and GCP, overlook security and system architecture, developrobust and open-API's and work with CI/CD automation of application andinfrastructure, and I am an integral part in design and development of applicationfeatures.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

J2EE, Java (allg.), Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, React (JavaScript library)

Lead Java Software Engineer,Compass
SEB, Stockholm
4/2018 – 10/2020 (2 Jahre, 7 Monate)

4/2018 – 10/2020


Lead software engineer working with the modernization, migration and continousintegration of a legacy monolith application and a swing-based client. Migration workinvolved moving from Java SE 6 to Java SE 11 LTS, Ant build tool to Maven, IBMWebsphere AS v7 to IBM Liberty Profi le, and containerizing the application fordeployment to an Openshift CAP based private cloud. Additional frameworks wereused to streamline deployments of the swing-based fat-client to the end-users andfeature development.
Further work involved splitting up some monolith services into Microservices andOpen APIs. In addition, writing concise unit and in-container tests to facilitate therobustness of each subsystem.
The application provides a full-fl edged experience for discretionary portfoliomanagement for bankers and customers of SEB.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Apache Maven, J2EE, Java (allg.), Jenkins, Kubernetes, Openshift

Gina Tricot AWS Cloud Architect
Gina Tricot, Stockholm
2/2018 – 4/2018 (3 Monate)

2/2018 – 4/2018


Worked as a cloud architect to develop and deploy a scalable, highly available androbust, mission critical infrastructure base for Gina Tricot:s new Nordic based clothingstore. Utilizing cloud and container best practices with continous integration tostreamline deployments. In addition, working closely with IaC (Infrastructure as Code)for automating deployment and recovery processes.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Linux (Kernel), Docker, Git, J2EE, Jenkins, Ansible, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Fishbrain AWS infrastructure development
Fishbrain, Stockholm
11/2017 – 2/2018 (4 Monate)

11/2017 – 2/2018


Worked closely with infrastructure engineers to enable FishBrain to build an effectiveinfrastructure from a devops-perspective. Technologies that are used to accomplishthis are AWS services, Jenkins, Java, NodeJS and a number of additional frameworksto streamline the process to bring new code all the way to production.
Worked closely with the onboarding of FishBrains proprietary solutions onto AWSManaged Services. In addition, I maintained and worked with the patching of their fl eetof EC2 instances from the well-known Intel Kernel bugs (Meltdown and Spectre), usinginfrastructure as code and rolling deployments for zero-service downtime.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Git, Java (allg.), Jenkins, Node.Js, Ansible, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Temperature Monitoring System -Data Visualization
TSS, Stockholm
9/2017 – 12/2017 (4 Monate)

9/2017 – 12/2017


Full-stack Development, testing and technical design of a new temperature handlingsystem with special focus on front-end data visualization features and functionalities.The work resulted in a subsystem where seminal data was view-able, extract-able,schedule-able and highly interact-able for the end user.
: React.js, Redux, Java-EE, JAX-RS, Swagger, Jackson 2, TibcoJasperReports

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

J2EE, React (JavaScript library)


Certified Kubernetes ApplicationDeveloper (CKAD)
CNCF - Cloud Native Compute Foundation
Confluent Certified Developer forApache Kafka (CCDAK)
AWS Certified Solutions Architect- Professional
AWS Certified Solutions Architect- Associate
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE8 Programmer


Degree Programme in ComputerEngineering
Degree in Computer Engineering (Specialisation in Software Engineering)
KTH Royal institute of Technology
Stockholm, Grödinge

Über mich

In addition, for increased proficiency in my field of expertise, I constantly strive to learn new technological standards by investing in my career. Reading tech-books, studying documentations and taking courses in agile software development, standards, and new languages etc.
This is a vested step to increase my proficiency and knowledge in this field of expertise. With the daily advancements in Information Technology, the aim is to grow, show dedication, avoid stagnation, and provide with innovative solutions and implementations.

Weitere Kenntnisse

My core expertise is in modernization, development, automation and maintenance of mission critical enterprise applications and architectures. I have experience in architecting for the cloud, working with high up-time systems and technical consulting in both e-commerce environments as well as financial banking and stock-trading systems.

Persönliche Daten

  • Schwedisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Urdu (Fließend)
  • Arabisch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
7 Jahre und 3 Monate (seit 10/2017)


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