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Interim COO - Global Harmonization

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  • 50765 Köln
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  • 28.03.2025


Interim Executive Management Consultant with 20+ years professional experience.
Specialized in strategic restructuring and operational excellence.
Fluent in German, English, Turkish.

Auszug Referenzen (7)

"I. is a very experienced and driven project management expert. She helped us improving our overall project management skills within the organization"
Project Management Expert
Bart Goossens

8/2022 – 12/2023


Project Management experts providing training
Support Portfolio Set-up
Train and Mentor for Juniors
Program Management Key Projects
Restructuring and Hiring concepts

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Strategische Unternehmensplanung

"Hervorragende Zusammenarbeit. Große Expertise und Einsatz."
Interim Management - General Management Support
Thomas Sampers

9/2020 – 12/2022


Set- up a globale PMO structure

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Model, Change Management, Creative direction, Enterprise project management (EPM), Innovationsmanagement, Medizinforschung, PMO, Product-lifecycle-cost-management (PLCM), Lifecycle Management

"Frau A. hat in einem herausfordernden Umfeld einen super Job gemacht und ist sehr von allen Seiten gelobt worden."
Programm Management/ Standort Harmonisierung
N. Wörsching

9/2019 – 4/2020


Programm Harmonisierung
Standort Bewertungen

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Portfolio-Optimierung, Standortbestimmung

"Hiermit bestätige ich, im namen von Hays, dass Frau A. dieses Projekt zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit bearbeitet hat."
Interim Management: global Support Strategy
Kundenname anonymisiert

5/2019 – 10/2019


Aufbau einer global harmonisierten Support Strategie für das Cisco BTS Projekt.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

24/7 Leistungen, Aufbau User-Help-Desks, Strategisches Management

"Tolle Zusammenarbeit, jederzeit gerne wieder!"
Interim Head of Corporate Development
Sebastian van den Berg

5/2018 – 11/2018


Strategieberatung Challenge 2025 & Interim Manadat Corporate Development, Einführung Projekte & Programm Management Standards.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management

"I. has saved this project by implementing a clear structure and rallying all program members behind the target and approach. Highly recommended!"
Programm Management CBI /EIM
Susanne Schütz

4/2017 – 10/2017


Head of Program, strategic program and portfolio management
steering concepts

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Big Data, Portfolio-Optimierung, IT-Strategieberatung, Führungssysteme, Programm-Management

"Wir haben bei der Paul Hartmann AG gemeinsam, sehr erfolgreich an verschiedenen Projekten im Bereich Marketing gearbeitet."
Program Management Assortment Strategy
Thomas Sampers

3/2015 – 1/2016


Program Re-positioning, portfolio management, innovation strategies
 PRIO 1 strategic target: Re-launch of division best-selling product in 60 countries
 Medical products category I
 International market regulations with regards to medical products
 Leading up to 8 streams in parallel
 Planning and stakeholder Management
 Production and machine planning (Capacity Management)
 Portfolio and assortment re-arrangement strategies
 Re-positioning of business division on the market
 Development of new processes, including strategic integration and implementation
 Increasing awareness and coaching (Get Things done)
 World –wide rollout preparation
 Profit 300 Mio (Product categories B)
 Profit 150 Mio (Product categories C)

 Planning and reporting
 Driving seat mentality and responsibility awareness
 Trainee coaching
 Cross national management
 Negotiation with markets
 Leading up to 8 streams: Production, R6D, Marketing international, Marketing local (60 countries), corporate pricing, portfolio management, Logistics, Sales, Procurement
 Marketing department leading support
 Online and offline Marketing
 End customer communication
 Tender Management
 Packaging and Product face lifts
 Product life cycle
 Local markets communication and claim management strategies
 Cross country customs alignment
 Business partner management and negotiations
 Sales strategies and opportunities
 Advertising strategies
 Competition management
 International SPOC re-launch
 Pricing strategy support
 Marketing research: Packaging, Positioning, strategic pricing
 ICP analysis
 Conversion & Master planning
 Team motivation
 Budget Planning

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management


  • Business Development19 J.
  • Change Management19 J.
  • Management (allg.)19 J.
  • Markenbildung19 J.
  • Marketing19 J.
  • Produktmanagement19 J.
  • Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT)19 J.
  • Projektmanagement (IT)19 J.
  • Prozessberatung19 J.
  • Unternehmensberatung19 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Project Management Expert
Renolit HealthCare RNBV, Enkhuizen
8/2022 – 12/2023 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)

8/2022 – 12/2023


Project Management experts providing training
Support Portfolio Set-up
Train and Mentor for Juniors
Program Management Key Projects
Restructuring and Hiring concepts

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Strategische Unternehmensplanung

Interim Management - General Management Support
Renolit SE, Global
9/2020 – 12/2022 (2 Jahre, 4 Monate)
Life Sciences

9/2020 – 12/2022


Set- up a globale PMO structure

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Model, Change Management, Creative direction, Enterprise project management (EPM), Innovationsmanagement, Medizinforschung, PMO, Product-lifecycle-cost-management (PLCM), Lifecycle Management

Project Manager / LEAD MES Consultant
Takeda Pharma Vertrieb GmbH & Co. KG, Singen
9/2020 – 1/2021 (5 Monate)
Life Sciences

9/2020 – 1/2021


Taking owner responsibility for MES / Pas-x Rollout, including interfaces to new vaccines and production (Dengue Fever, Panto & Riposan)
Strong regulated pharma industry background
Ensure production’s efficiency after Go Live
Lead consultant, take over key responsibilities for MES Project – one of Takeda SIngen’s most important projects
Program/ Project Lead role
Technical impact on lab-systems, quality systems, production
Cut-Over Planning MES/ PAS-x, LIMS, MODA/EM, BPR / SAP, Automation, SAP eWM,

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Building automation and control networks (BACnet), Enterprise project management (EPM), Manufacturing Execution Systems

Lead Consultant Project Management & Change
Renolit Healthcare Beijing, Global
9/2020 – 1/2021 (5 Monate)
Life Sciences

9/2020 – 1/2021


Assess the Chinese Caps and ports market
Etsablish a PM structure
Drive Innovation
Develop Top 3 key products
evaluate alternatives

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Politik, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), PMO, Innovationsmanagement, Marktstrategien umweltgerechte Produkte, Marketing-Organisationsanalyse, Product-lifecycle-cost-management (PLCM)

Programm Management/ Standort Harmonisierung
Tedeka Pharma, Singen
9/2019 – 4/2020 (8 Monate)
Life Sciences

9/2019 – 4/2020


Programm Harmonisierung
Standort Bewertungen

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Portfolio-Optimierung, Standortbestimmung

Interim Management: global Support Strategy
DBSchenker, Essen / Mexico
5/2019 – 10/2019 (6 Monate)

5/2019 – 10/2019


Aufbau einer global harmonisierten Support Strategie für das Cisco BTS Projekt.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

24/7 Leistungen, Aufbau User-Help-Desks, Strategisches Management

Head of Global Transformation, Change & Restructuring
Thyssenkrupp, Essen
1/2019 – 5/2019 (5 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

1/2019 – 5/2019


Interim Management Head of Transformation, Change & Restructuring.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management

Interim Head of Corporate Development
Fressnapf, Krefeld
5/2018 – 11/2018 (7 Monate)

5/2018 – 11/2018


Strategieberatung Challenge 2025 & Interim Manadat Corporate Development, Einführung Projekte & Programm Management Standards.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management

Programm Management CBI /EIM
DB Schenker, Essen
4/2017 – 10/2017 (7 Monate)

4/2017 – 10/2017


Head of Program, strategic program and portfolio management
steering concepts

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Big Data, Portfolio-Optimierung, IT-Strategieberatung, Führungssysteme, Programm-Management

agile Change management
Vorwerk, Wuppertal
2/2017 – 9/2017 (8 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

2/2017 – 9/2017


Agile coach und change manager

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Change Management, Prozesscoaching, Führungstraining, Moderationstraining, Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Team Building

Senior Advisory Board Member
Bain & Company, 40221
1/2017 – 3/2017 (3 Monate)

1/2017 – 3/2017


internationale Standortanalyse
Interims Mandat als Advisory Board Member

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Microsoft Business Intelligence, Big Data, Reporting, Management (allg.), Kostensenkungs-Programm

Business Change Manager *agile*
Edeka, Mannheim
3/2016 – 11/2016 (9 Monate)

3/2016 – 11/2016


Business Change Management: Agile Methods
Food Industry / SAP Wholesale & Retail

 Change Management in development approach – customized and default SAP Modules
 Developing of agile strategies and processes
 Environment: Food industry. Wholesale and Retail
 National market regulations with regards to industrial processes and launch approaches
 Change management department and business division (assortment, price conditions, and special offers;)
 establishment: new processes and structure (Program & Project Management)
 Scrum Master (up to 2 teams in parallel)
 Defending Team interests and protecting team from outside related interruptions
 Coaching and guidance (department leaders, Scrum on Scrum, QA, PJM, PGM)
 People and team development
 Sustainable communication structure
 Development of new processes, including strategic integration and implementation
 Increasing awareness and coaching (Get Things done)
 rollout into 7 national regions with different requests
 Implementation of the right method set to be established within the new, agile environment to ensure business goals and objectives are met
 Long-term customer satisfaction and de-escalation methods
 Mitigation of critical risk and issues


 Planning and reporting
 Driving seat mentality and responsibility awareness
 Coaching agile methods
 Cross division management (Upper Management, development leader, Team leader, Rollout Management)
 Negotiation with Regions
 Focus Groups for internal alignments
 SPOC SKA Scrum
 Team motivation
 Change Management: communication, development processes, meeting culture, efficiency
 Ticket reduction (50%) per Sprint
 Increased reliability (deliver what has been planned and promised)
 Internal and external (market conform) compliance

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Change Management, Management (allg.), Prozessmanagement, Programm-Management, Projektmanagement - Kommunikation, Statistische Prozessregelung (SPC), Entscheidungsprozessmanagement, Prozessberatung, Prozesscoaching

Program Management Assortment Strategy
Paul Hartmann AG, Heidenheim an der Brenz
3/2015 – 1/2016 (11 Monate)

3/2015 – 1/2016


Program Re-positioning, portfolio management, innovation strategies
 PRIO 1 strategic target: Re-launch of division best-selling product in 60 countries
 Medical products category I
 International market regulations with regards to medical products
 Leading up to 8 streams in parallel
 Planning and stakeholder Management
 Production and machine planning (Capacity Management)
 Portfolio and assortment re-arrangement strategies
 Re-positioning of business division on the market
 Development of new processes, including strategic integration and implementation
 Increasing awareness and coaching (Get Things done)
 World –wide rollout preparation
 Profit 300 Mio (Product categories B)
 Profit 150 Mio (Product categories C)

 Planning and reporting
 Driving seat mentality and responsibility awareness
 Trainee coaching
 Cross national management
 Negotiation with markets
 Leading up to 8 streams: Production, R6D, Marketing international, Marketing local (60 countries), corporate pricing, portfolio management, Logistics, Sales, Procurement
 Marketing department leading support
 Online and offline Marketing
 End customer communication
 Tender Management
 Packaging and Product face lifts
 Product life cycle
 Local markets communication and claim management strategies
 Cross country customs alignment
 Business partner management and negotiations
 Sales strategies and opportunities
 Advertising strategies
 Competition management
 International SPOC re-launch
 Pricing strategy support
 Marketing research: Packaging, Positioning, strategic pricing
 ICP analysis
 Conversion & Master planning
 Team motivation
 Budget Planning

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management

Program Management Assortment Strategy
Paul Hartmann AG, Heidenheim an der Brenz
3/2015 – 1/2016 (11 Monate)

3/2015 – 1/2016


Program Re-positioning, portfolio management, innovation strategies
 PRIO 1 strategic target: Re-launch of division best-selling product in 60 countries
 Medical products category I
 International market regulations with regards to medical products
 Leading up to 8 streams in parallel
 Planning and stakeholder Management
 Production and machine planning (Capacity Management)
 Portfolio and assortment re-arrangement strategies
 Re-positioning of business division on the market
 Development of new processes, including strategic integration and implementation
 Increasing awareness and coaching (Get Things done)
 World –wide rollout preparation
 Profit 300 Mio (Product categories B)
 Profit 150 Mio (Product categories C)

 Planning and reporting
 Driving seat mentality and responsibility awareness
 Trainee coaching
 Cross national management
 Negotiation with markets
 Leading up to 8 streams: Production, R6D, Marketing international, Marketing local (60 countries), corporate pricing, portfolio management, Logistics, Sales, Procurement
 Marketing department leading support
 Online and offline Marketing
 End customer communication
 Tender Management
 Packaging and Product face lifts
 Product life cycle
 Local markets communication and claim management strategies
 Cross country customs alignment
 Business partner management and negotiations
 Sales strategies and opportunities
 Advertising strategies
 Competition management
 International SPOC re-launch
 Pricing strategy support
 Marketing research: Packaging, Positioning, strategic pricing
 ICP analysis
 Conversion & Master planning
 Team motivation
 Budget Planning

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Product Information Management, Change Management, Management (allg.), Programm-Management, Marktstrategien umweltgerechte Produkte, Marketing, Markenbildung, Produktmanagement, Regulatory Affairs, Medizinforschung, Drug Discovery

Program Management / Vice President consultant
PH AG, Heidenheim an der Brenz
10/2014 – 4/2015 (7 Monate)

10/2014 – 4/2015


Marketing Strategy consulting Program Manager Marketing and Innovation & Divisions Innovation Manager

Business analysis: Market position and opportunities, Business partner, Revenue review
Market options: Studio locations, max rent and costs analysis, employee structure and resource management, international marketing opportunities, FDA entry for international rollouts,

Solution strategy: national and international wide, defining SLAs, contracts, co-operations, definition of stop criteria and success validation criteria’s, SLA’s and Legal aspects

Program Management and Vice President consultant and change management support

Strategic planning of all necessary activities, coaching and guidance of teams in different locations, developing new process and communication structure, risk management, change management, coordination of international and national activities and reporting, Budget control, defining and deployment of a new strategies, resource management, lessons learned, roadmap planning, CR, CRM tools implemented, website consulting, team leading and vendor management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management, Management (allg.), Marketing

Marketing Consultant
Kundenname anonymisiert, Köln
9/2014 – 12/2014 (4 Monate)

9/2014 – 12/2014


Marketing Strategy consulting
Business analysis: Market position and opportunities, Business partner, Revenue review,

Market options: Studio locations, max rent and costs analysis, employee structure and resource management

Solution strategy: national and international wide, defining SLAs, contracts, co-operations

Business consultant marketing and positioning

Strategic planning of all necessary activities, coaching and guidance of teams in different locations, developing new process and communication structure, risk management, change management, coordination of international and national activities and reporting, Budget control, defining and deployment of a new strategies, resource management, lessons learned, roadmap planning, CR, CRM tools implemented, website consulting

Online marketing and social networking

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Kommunikation (allg.), Marktforschung / -analyse, Medien (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Anlegerbeziehungen

IT Strategy consultant
Adidas, Herzogenaurach
7/2014 – 10/2014 (4 Monate)

7/2014 – 10/2014


International management and IT Strategy
Program management: responsibility for multiple projects, processes and environment, steerCo consultancy and Reporting

Process management: definition of new deployment processes; worldwide SPOC (80 countries), business consultancy, Strategy assessment and evaluation

Project management: Reporting, Milestone defining, meeting, preparing of management slides and SPOC for Management requests, budget control and negotiations, Stakeholder meeting and reporting

International Program and Project management

Strategic planning of all necessary activities, coaching and guidance of teams in different locations, developing new process and reporting structure, risk management, change management, coordination of international and national activities and reporting, Budget control, TEAM SPOC, defining and deployment of a new strategies, resource management, lessons learned, timeline definition, project plan, management slides for reporting, International deployment, international and virtual team management,
sharepoint, MS office, MS Project
McAfee, Apple
Apple Cloud, PCI, mobile and app security, e-BIZ, Customer Care, Charging, Updates, Licensing, Registry, life cycle, customization and Brands, CRM, NPS

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

IT-Strategieberatung, Change Management, Marktforschung / -analyse

QA Management
Vodafone D2, Düsseldorf
6/2014 – 10/2014 (5 Monate)

6/2014 – 10/2014


ROO Platform, next Generation
Process management: analyzing processes, report structures and re-structuring of the team and resources, establish Off-Shore support and leading processes to improve work performance, micromanagement, reporting, coaching, management of UAT and pre-UAT, overall Test strategy, leading and planning of workshops, define new process and re-structure project processes company wide
Project management: Reporting, Milestone defining, meeting, preparing of management slides and SPOC for Management requests, budget control and negotiations, Stakeholder meeting and reporting
Develop a process for test lab and all involved parties; teaching and training ISTQB of team members, translation of documentations, defining of bug tracking process,
PM & QM Consultant

Strategic planning of all necessary activities, coaching and guidance of teams in different locations, developing new process and reporting structure, risk management, change management, support PCM and defect management, coaching and establish QA strategic, coordination of international and national activities and reporting, Budget control, TEAM SPOC, defining and deployment of a new test strategy, resource management, lessons learned, timeline definition, project plan, management slides for illustration,
VF Systems, team rooms, sharepoint, e-Billing, MS office, MS Project, SEPA, HP QC, Jira, Customer Care

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Change Management, Management (allg.)

MultiprojectManagement/ Program Management
Vodafone Global, Düsseldorf
10/2013 – 7/2014 (10 Monate)

10/2013 – 7/2014


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Multi project management: Vodafone Protect, Vodafone Cloud, VF Secure Network
Program management: responsibility for multiple projects, processes and environment, steerCo Reporting
Process management: definition of new deployment processes; worldwide SPOC (18 countries), leading enabler stream
Project management: Reporting, Milestone defining, meeting, preparing of management slides and SPOC for Management requests, budget control and negotiations, Stakeholder meeting and reporting
International Program and Project management
Strategic planning of all necessary activities, coaching and guidance of teams in different locations, developing new process and reporting structure, risk management, change management, coordination of international and national activities and reporting, Budget control, TEAM SPOC, defining and deployment of a new strategies, resource management, lessons learned, timeline definition, project plan, management slides for reporting, International deployment, international and virtual team management, up-selling & cross-selling strategies
VF Systems, team rooms, sharepoint, MS office, MS Project
McAfee, WIT,
Google Cloud (Device Messaging Framework), Blackberry, Android, mobile Middleware, GIG, mobile and app security, Oracle RAC, Apache, JVM, e-BIZ, Wave-Secure, JBoss, Customer Care, SSO, Charging, Updates, Licensing, Registry, life cycle, customization and Brands,

Manage 18 Countries and markets. team size: 250 people at least
Business Partner: McAfee, VF Global, Optenet

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Reporting, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Unternehmensberatung

Startup support / CTO
Kundenname anonymisiert, Köln
8/2012 – 2/2014 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)

8/2012 – 2/2014


Start-up consulting from CTO perspective; finding the right partners, Management and marketing review, vendor selection, vendor discussions about idea, NDAs, SLAs, partnerships and ownerships, Management consulting and owner coaching, idea sharing, business development, brand awareness analysis

Pre-Start up consulting
CTO perspective/consulting
3 events/ meetings in 2012/ 2013 / 2014

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Risikomanagement, Compliance management, Unternehmensberatung, Business Analysis

Abteilungsleiter Qualität
Hella, Würzburg
7/2012 – 6/2013 (1 Jahr)

7/2012 – 6/2013


Process management: analyzing and defining of new processes, report structures and re-structuring of the team and resources, Core Team member, develop a department strategy, team management and leading across boarder (Romania, Würzburg, Lippstadt, India), workshops across border, train the team, re-structure team work and define new processes
Project management: Reporting, Milestone defining, meeting, preparing of management slides and SPOC for Management requests, budget control and negotiations, Stakeholder meeting and reporting
Develop a process for test lab and all involved parties; teaching and training ISTQB of team members, translation of documentations, defining of bug tracking process,
Project management- Core Team member; (department leading position)

Strategic planning of test lab department activities, leading of 25 engineers in 4 different locations, developing new process and reporting structure, risk management, change management, support PCM and defect management, QA strategic, coordination of international and national test activities, sample management (order and shipping) Budget control, SPOC for BWM, defining and deployment of a new test strategy, resource management, SCRUM (partly) lessons learned, timeline definition, project plan, management slides for illustration
SAP, IBM Doors, MS Office, MS Project, MKS SI / IM, Spice, FUSI, GS95024 / LV124, automotive standards


Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Unternehmensberatung, Change Management, Krisenmanagement, Management (allg.), Personalwesen (allg.), Prozessberatung, Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Risikomanagement, Compliance management

Atos, Hamburg
4/2012 – 6/2012 (3 Monate)

4/2012 – 6/2012


Interims management/Coaching senior management and team member
Consulting SAP- HR (Freelancer)

Strategy planning, co-ordination of activities to meet customers need`s and scope, GAP analysis, Reporting. Definition of stakeholder and Reporting process, Support project lead and consulting QM; Consulting Senior-Management PM/QA, HPQC, SAP HR Systems and Processes regarding CO and FI processes; support of test coverage and business case implementation, review of all blue print versions, defining of data management and Interface exchanges to ensure FI/CO processes and data migration, defining a WBS and schedule activities, define a meeting culture and result reporting structure, interview of all stakeholder to identify expectations and concerns, GAP analysis, controlling of project and activities are on track, resource management, technical feasibility, detailed PY and PA analysis, Human Capital Management (HCM), HR policies (fire, hire, contracts, maternity, retirement, reward system based payments, talent management interfaces, HR planning, development, controlling, performance evaluation systems and methods, strategy to control payroll migration (after --> before) info type management
Consulting Tasks, definition of needed Interface controls, analysis of current status, planning and co-ordination of all activities, Expected results definitions, Defining of test plan, Teaching and coaching of team member, initializing of the fundamental test process (ISTQB), definition of scope and end test criteria’s, define a new QA process, measure impact and status, train and empower people, lead workshops

SAP HR, Payroll Process (PY, PA)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP BusinessObjects (BO), Reporting, SAP CRM, Release-Management, Projektmanagement (IT), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), SAP PY, Management (allg.)

Qualitätsmanagement und Innovation
Otto Gmbh & Co. KG, Hamburg
8/2011 – 3/2012 (8 Monate)

8/2011 – 3/2012


e-Commerce/ m-commerce
Development of new mobile processes (android and i-os) and infrastructure for deployment. Innovation management support due to my mobile expert skills, development of a new department area with new processes and new infrastructure, lead BA trainer, workshops
Consulting mobile and Innovation management /Multi project management (Program management QA)

Divided to three main subjects:
 create a new mobile department for QM: deployment processes, Innovation needs and defining of test process: develop a m-Commerce Business process, Mobile consulting and iteration scope definition as support for innovations; defining a roadmap and functional coverage, requirements engineering, used management methods: interviews, gathering of information, develop a concept, getting an approval, negotiations, situation analysis, GAP analysis, negotiations to get formal budget approval, identify needs and necessity as well as identifying risk and changes, presentation of results within the team, support innovation team by defining a roadmap and requirements engineering and supporting with my special mobile knowledge for all known mobile platforms, reviews, organize meetings and defining communication management, coaching of team members and project managers

 program management / project management for existing and planned projects (small part of my activities) (QA) test case Review and coverage level, Test case design, Test support, QA UAT and decision maker for Rollout, identifying if all activities have been concerned and planned, time line and scope control, feasibility results, interfaces of other projects, organizational and environmental influences analyzed (as TÜV requirements), stakeholder needs identified, GAP analysis, corrective measurements defined, bringing project on track or ensure a successful go live

 agile development after SCRUM; development new platform and e-Shop structures/architecture
Agile management Scrum (Definition of Done), Support PO and the entire team in QM and story development, special SCRUM training (customized for the customer otto), marketing negotiations and support in UX design, defining user acceptance criteria and screen design

Zeta Tests, Plexxo time management tool, MS Office,
Basics: Robotium (Android Test automatisation),
Technologies: SSO, JRuler, HP Quality Center, Jira, MS Project, Visio

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Scrum, Change Management

Post, Bonn
3/2011 – 8/2011 (6 Monate)

3/2011 – 8/2011


QA Coaching
QA manager Lotto and Address qualifications (Program management QA: Multi project management several services)

Test case Review and coverage definitions, Test case design and Review, Testing, test results, responsible for „lotto“ service Germany (Hessen), Integration testing, estimation of activity task plan
Project #1 Test manager „Regression“+ 3 Tester (SPOC)
Project #2 Test manger und Tester (SPOC) „Lotto“
Project #3 IKG: Test manager
WinSCP, Quality Center, Bugzilla, Putty, WinMerge, Silenium, TrueCrypt, SOAP, HP QC

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), ISTQB

mobile Innovations
Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, Köln
1/2011 – 5/2011 (5 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

1/2011 – 5/2011


prototyping Mobile App (Android)
Business analyst, requirements engineer and conception
Business analyst, requirements engineer and conception

Developing and creation of mobile solutions (concept and prototype)
Analyzing of existing mobile standards and newest technologies regarding platform independent solutions (limitations and benefits) Design pattern, OS comparing and analyzing, feasibility study, cost analysis, requirements engineering, innovation management to make the app different from the standard, market analyses of need and necessity, interviewing stakeholder, defining a concept and technical possibilities, scheduling of project, scope definition, determine budget, determine reporting and communication structure to stakeholder
WebKit, PhoneGap, Apache, XAMP, JQueryTouch, PHP, MySQL, SSO Integration, RSS Feed, Simulator, Android SDK, chrontab, XML, BS Smartphones, Java Alternatives, creation of platform independent solutions; native app vs. Web app: Blackberry and Android, IPHONE basics

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS, Windows Phone Entwicklung, Android Entwicklung

international Rollout Management
Vodafone Global, Düsseldorf / UK
6/2010 – 12/2010 (7 Monate)

6/2010 – 12/2010


Music Services/ Infotainment
Technical IT Consultant (freelancer) Multi project management Test
Program management Test
coordination Music Service Project lead Test (RIM/Android) (multi-project management)

Resource planning (HR processes), determine reporting structures, international SPOC for all stakeholder, Reporting, Team lead and coordinator of all needed activities, defining a WBS, determine Defect management, control work performance and plan corrective measurement, QM Support and SPOC, definition of milestone packages and scope, Timeline and budget controls, defining project end and acceptance criteria. Determine meeting culture and appointments for status reporting. Scheduling of activities, develop a project and activity plan, top management reporting and presentations, marketing negotiations, requirements management support as technical expert, supporting in UX design and user acceptance criteria, risk and change management, identify risk and measurement activities on occurancy, product management and product life cycle, Nokia, Huawei, Motorola, RIM/Blackberry, Sony Ericson, Samsung …

VF Teamroom, VF Sharepoint, Quality Center Bug Tracking (HP). Testing and Test case definition (UML), Review Documentation, Team
coordination, Test lead Realnetworks client, Regression tests, Smoke, UAT, GAT, Mock, Android SDK, Blackberry Toolkit, MS Project, Visio, MS Office,
Blackberry Developer KIT (Blackberry Theme and Music Play Functionalities), HP QC, Review of source code and Server Communications

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Release-Management, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT)

Process Managemer
Dt Post direkt, Bonn
3/2009 – 6/2010 (1 Jahr, 4 Monate)

3/2009 – 6/2010


Address validation
ITIL BSI certification, Product management, Process chain control and optimization, Support, System analyst, Backend manager, application manager (ITIL)
Technical IT Consulting via ITIL (freelancer)

Process optimization and development of an Incident management solution to increase product and process performance, Support IT Backend, Shell Scripting, Log File-Analysis and bug fixing, interface Analysis and Monitoring, DB access control (Oracle), Exchange related coordination and administration, Interface to business analysts as SPOC for technical feasibility and training of product processes, identify and determine changes, approve changes for products, optimization of process and product, determine a report structure
XenServer Virtualization, Putty Manager, Daisy documentation Management system, OTRS ticket system, Oracle Developer, Scheduler Job control (SOS Berlin), CodeGreen for change management, knowledge BSI certification for departments (German standard), ITIL Foundation v2

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Prozessoptimierung, Prozessberatung

DWH Quality Manager
DMT – Deutsche Medien Telekommunikations GmbH, Bonn
11/2008 – 3/2009 (5 Monate)

11/2008 – 3/2009


DWH Test management and campaign analysis
DWH Test manager SAS

Test case design, UML Diagram, Documentation (Review) and Requirement analysis, UAT, definition of end test and acceptance criteria
Oracle (SQL Plus and Toad), Job control via UNIX and Toad, Database Analysis, Document review und test case definition, Cognos cube analysis, SAS Enterprise Guide: Job Control and statement review, Datamart Analysis, IQRep, Putty, WINSCP, HP Quality Center/ Jira

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT)

Aufbau Qualitätsabteilung und Leitung
Vodafone, Düsseldorf / UK / Italien
2/2006 – 11/2008 (2 Jahre, 10 Monate)

2/2006 – 11/2008


PCMP, MMC, Music
Multi-projekt Management
IT Consulting (freelancer) Multi project management / Project Owner / Program management Test

International program management: roadmap definition, project control, budgeting, receiving goods, SPOC for international OpCos, procurement for needed project resources, determine reporting structure, evaluation of SW solutions to meet project goals, determine team size and structure, develop WBS, develop project plan and activities, schedule activities, schedule meeting, determine corrective measurements, risk analysis, change management, escalation structures, develop a team, develop a new test department, define acceptance criteria, resource management for all team members, training and coaching of team member, SPOC for department related tasks, top management support, presentation of progress and project status, reviews, develop concepts, schedule infrastructure and specific resources, documentation management and concept of all technical interfaces to QM department, stakeholder register for project and infrastructure resources
Project Owner: Java download platform, portfolio management of platform content, platform control definitions, platform responsible, shut down manager of process as platform has been replaced; definition of all activities needed to be done to migrate, migrate definition and determine requirements, control work performance, schedule shut down process, determine QA process
General tasks: Device Management and overall responsible for all devices for the music service department: structure a lending db, determine valid lending process to minimize device costs and dis-appearance of devices,
Test management: overall responsible for test as department lead, develop a test catalogue, requirements engineering, reviews of all deliverables, reporting, bug tracking, UAT, CIT, RTM, CRM, SIT defining overall test catalogue for all music related services and platforms, determine definitions of done and acceptance criteria, documentations for mobile configurations,
Tools: Quicktest Pro, Linux, Batch scripts, XML, automatisation of excel sheets into a DB, Java platforms, UML, Cormedia CRM Tools, Borland Delphi, Rhapsody Music Player
Testing -- Vodafone Customization, Symbian and Java Clients testing, Test coordination: Mobile Music Client, PCMP, JDP, Mobile TV, Test Management, Project owner JDP
Unix / Linux / Sun, Network Telco Business, Vodafone Teamroom Software, Office, Windows XP SP 2, Shell scripting, VPN, QTP –vbscript, XML UA Profile creation (JDP), Log File and Request snoop, Test Director / HP QC, Mercury Test Director for defect management,
definition of done Scope Test, UAT, RTM, Customer Care Tool (Core media), Core Stack and Billing System (Prepaid und Contract SIM cards), DRM controlling regarding downloaded content, Platform tests, Content Download (CRM and mobile capabilities),User Agent controlling, Content Test
building an inhouse test department, new team development, ISQTB coaching, identifying all necessary stakeholder, defining a report structure

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Release-Management, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Business Analysis, Change Management

Beratung / Freelancer, Cologne
2/2006 – offen (19 Jahre, 2 Monate)
Automotive, e-Commerce, Internet, SW Development, Analyse, Telko, Marketing, Retail, Post

2/2006 – offen


Professional summary

A results driven, self-motivated and resourceful manager with a proven ability to develop and strengthen management teams in order to maximize company profitability and efficiency. Experienced leading and growing all sectors of a business to make it a dynamic and progressive organization. Possessing excellent communication skills and able to establish sustainable and profitable relationships with customers, suppliers and stakeholders across the world.
Now looking for a new and challenging managerial position, one which will make best use of my existing skills and experience and also further my personal and professional development.

Areas of experience

Business Administration and Management
Project and Program management
Financial Management
Delivery Management
Risk Management
Contracts / SLAs
Team leading
Develop Business
Start-up consulting
Interims management




Identifying, developing and directing the implementation of business strategies
Analyzing risk on business image
Stakeholder management and reporting
Involved in planning and target definitions
Responsible for the business
In charge of leading, motivating and developing the management team
Liaising with officials of government departments and regulatory bodies
Managing multi-disciplined teams and resolving any conflicting priorities
Developing business plans and preparing comprehensive business reports
Improving margins and maintaining a high quality service to clients
Building client relationships
Reviewing, refining and developing the strategy and direction of the company
Keeping control of expenditure, ensuring it's within agreed budgets

Key Skills

Strong leaderships skills
Senior Management reporting and consultancy
Business and department development
HR and people development
Technical expertise
A motivated team player who is results driven
Results-oriented with a positive outlook, and a clear focus on high quality and business profit

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektmanagement (IT), Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Unternehmensberatung, Business Development, Change Management, Management (allg.), Prozessberatung, Kommunikation (allg.), Marketing, Markenbildung, Produktmanagement

SW Developer
Kundenname anonymisiert, Düsseldorf
10/2005 – 2/2006 (5 Monate)

10/2005 – 2/2006


found in reference description 15
found in reference description 15
found in reference description 15
found in reference description 15
SW Development
OOP Borland Delphi .NET and Java Applications for credit – and Risk management
SW Development: Java, Borland Delphi
Data wrapper, Internet Risk management Client, CVS

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Finanzen (allg.), Informatik

Vodafone D2, Düsseldorf
8/2005 – 10/2005 (3 Monate)

8/2005 – 10/2005


Vodafone D2 Düsseldorf
Music and mobile Services
Test and validation

testing and verification software, webpages and mobile configuration and capabilities, portal
Test director Mercury, Windows, Office, Java
Handset Testing and portal testing Vodafone D2 Prepaid and contract Cards, Content download and Portal availabilities, Handset-access controls

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


SW Developer
Kundenname anonymisiert, Köln
8/2002 – 6/2005 (2 Jahre, 11 Monate)

8/2002 – 6/2005


Hottgenroth Software
Kamin, Energieberater
Apprenticeship Software Development
Developer: Software desktop and mobile solutions

creation of Email clients (MAPI) server communications, IrDA interfaces handheld, Network creation and implementation, PCAnywhere, PDA Pocket Solutions Embedded C, Testing of solutions and release drops, data bases SW solutions for architects DB development SQL, base, paradox, ER Diagrams
Macromedia (Flash and Dreamweaver), Borland Delphi, Virtual Studios, Office, Windows, InstallShield, Internet technologies, HTML,
Javascript, XML, VBscript, Java, Turbo Pascal, Action Script, CSS, PHP, Embedded C, .NET

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Aus- / Weiterbildung




Lobbying strategies in emergent medtech markets
Executive Master Business Law
Elektrotechnik / Automatisierung
Dipl. Ing FH
Fachinformatikerin Anwendungsentwicklung

Über mich

Interim Management / Consultancy: Multiple interim manager, advisor, and consultant roles on projects across industries. Shows flexibility and ability to come into ambiguous situations and drive change.
Program & Project Management: Various program manager, project manager, scrum master, and team lead roles delivering complex initiatives. Demonstrates strong PM skills.
Restructuring / Turnarounds / M&A: Experience specifically working on restructurings, plant closures, M&As, and turnarounds. Indicates skills in transformation, stakeholder management, and mergers & acquisitions.
Technical Leadership: A few software developer and technical architect roles revealing hands-on technology experience beyond just managing tech projects and teams.
C-Suite Advisory: Advising senior executive roles like Chief Information Officer, Chief Medical Officer etc. Displays expertise guiding strategic decisions.
Some other types shown but to a lesser extent: Quality Assurance, Business Analysis, Software Implementation, Production Engineering etc.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Technical Skills:

Production & Plant Management
Software Development
Mobile Application Development
BI & Data Analytics
Quality Assurance & Testing
Agile Methodologies
Six Sigma
Strategic Skills:

Organizational Change Management
Turnarounds & Restructuring
Program & Project Management
Strategic Planning
Financial Analysis & Planning
Marketing & Growth Strategies
Leadership Skills:

Executive & C-Suite Advisory
Team Leadership & Motivation
Cross-cultural Leadership
Stakeholder Engagement
Collaboration & Influencing

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Türkisch (Fließend)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
24 Jahre und 7 Monate (seit 08/2000)
16 Jahre


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