Data Scientist
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 0 Referenzen
- 30€/Stunde
- 44263 Dortmund
- Europa
- ar | en | de
- 16.08.2023
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
9/2022 – 8/2023
TätigkeitsbeschreibungEvaluate gene scores in extensive simulations with a focus on two clinical trial designs and two gene scores (GSVA & Singscore). The aim is to properly characterize the distribution of gene scores to be used as a biomarker-based endpoint in go-no-go early decision-making in clinical development
Eingesetzte QualifikationenData Science, R (Programmiersprache), SAS (Software)
4/2022 – 10/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungConduct help desks and Q&A sessions. Prepare worksheets and mark the submissions and exams
Eingesetzte QualifikationenPython, R (Programmiersprache)
12/2021 – offen
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPrepare materials and conduct Statistical Inference course for Data Science master's degree students. In this course, we investigate sampling distributions, the Central Limit Theorem, parameter estimation as well as confidence intervals. After the course, students should be able to understand the process of drawing conclusions about populations or scientific truths from data, describe variability, distributions, limits, and confidence intervals, use p-values, confidence intervals, and permutation tests, as well as make informed data analysis decisions.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenStatistiken
Boehringer Ingelheim
Technische Universität Dortmund
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Gut)
- Arabisch (Muttersprache)
- Europäische Union
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