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IC Validaton Engineer

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  • 29.09.2024


-Electronics & Telecommunications Engineer with two decades of experience in Wireless Communications Systems, High Data Rate Communications, Electrification, System Integration, and IC Validation.


  • Effizienz-Messung
  • Elektronik12 J.
  • Halbleiter6 J.
  • Instrumnet
  • Nanoelektronik
  • PCB
  • Python
  • Simulink
  • Technische Konzeption
  • Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.)

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

System Validation Engineer - Product Testing
ENGIE Energy Access (Africa), Berlin
7/2023 – 12/2023 (6 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

7/2023 – 12/2023


*System Validation and Integration, Testing & Compliance of a fully independent Solar Home System.

-Performance Testing of a standalone energy system with a solar panel, battery, power electronics, appliances, and pay-as-you-go functionality.
-Implementation of the highest Quality & Safety Standards (e.g. IEC) in order to comply with all the well-established standards, regulations, and certificates of conformity, ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
-Operational testing and performance evaluation of the end-to-end system with a special focus on Battery safety aspects, BMS protection, Microcontroller, MPPT, and software built-in safety features, as well as ESD and ESC protection.
-Simulating Battery profiles and different State-of-Charge (SOC) with Battery emulators (Power-Supply / E-Load, modes).
-Mimicking real-life scenarios of Charging/Discharging Lithium Battery based systems preserving the maximization of the State-of-Health (SOH) and minimizing the failure events.
-Regression testing of new FW releases (sprint based) as well as testing the integration of new features.
-Proof the unification of subsystems into solid system integration, debugging, and product optimization.
-Matching the demand of the modern era for small form-factor packaging, and integrating the state-of-the-art control modules and high-power electronics circuits so as to facilitate the user with the best user experience (as simple as to plug-n-play), demonstrating reliability, robustness, and efficiency.
- Guarantee uninterrupted wireless connectivity of the system with the centralized payment system (cloud-based system).

*ENGIE is a global energy leader that has been supporting communities' energy needs for over 200 years. The Group has extensive experience in Africa, having been active on the continent for more than 50 years, and started researching extending energy access to all in 2018.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Systems Engineering

Research and Innovation (R&I) Technology Standardisation Expert, Brussels
6/2023 – 10/2023 (5 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

6/2023 – 10/2023

Tätigkeitsbeschreibung is a 24-month European Commission initiative that will provide the European Standardisation Booster. The booster provides expert services to European projects to help them to increase and valorize project results by contributing to the creation or revision of standards.

I have been assisting with Consultancy services to R&I projects that successfully apply to the open calls within the area of my expertise.
My involvement with the project includes the following, non-exclusive list of the type of services
provided on a case-by-case basis and in agreement with, for each R&I
project to which I have been assigned as an Expert:

• Coaching in standardisation practices and procedures;
• Orientation in the specific state-of-the-art of standards in the domain of the
beneficiary Project;
• Identifying specific areas worth of new standards / revised standards;
• Advising on possible paths for open standards;
• Providing strategic support for identification of the optimal standardisation path and

* facilitates and streamlines the dialogue between Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Research & Innovation projects with the Standardisation landscape and its main actors, namely corresponding Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) to increase the European impact on (international) Standardisation and strengthen the European competitiveness.

The project comes at the right time to effectively respond to the main priorities (so-called urgencies) outlined in the recently released European Strategy on Standardisation, to speed up the pace of innovation through the development of efficient Standards that might be capable to accelerate the transition towards a more resilient, green and digital economy and to protect democratic values in technology applications.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Management (allg.)

European Commission External Expert
European Commission, Brussels
5/2023 – 8/2023 (4 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

5/2023 – 8/2023


The KDT Joint Undertaking is a public-private partnership that funds Research, Development and
Innovation projects in Electronic Components and Systems, engaging finances from the EU, KDT JU
Participating States and the participants (industry, academia, etc.).
KDT JU contributes to Cluster 4 of Horizon Europe.

I have been assisting the Joint Undertaking with the evaluation of the proposals submitted in response to
the following calls for proposals:

1. HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA, (HORIZON-JU-IA HORIZON JU Innovation Actions)
2. HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-2-RIA, (HORIZON-JU-RIA HORIZON JU Research and Innovation Actions)
3. HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-3-CSA-IA, (HORIZON-JU-CSA HORIZON JU Coordination and Support Actions)

This involves in particular, the following tasks:
- reading and analysing the background information (especially the proposal and the briefing material)
- participating in the expert briefings, meetings or webcast briefings
- participating in evaluation meetings and hearings and
- drafting and submitting the evaluation reports for the evaluated proposals and other deliverables.

*Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085 of 19 November 2021 establishing the KDT Joint
Undertaking referred to as KDT Regulation or Single Basic Act (SBA).

**The joint undertakings have three general objectives, in accordance with Article 4 of the SBA:
• strengthening and integrating the scientific, innovation and technological capacities and
facilitating collaborative links,
• securing sustainability-driven global leadership and resilience of Union value chains in
key technologies and industries and on developing, and
• accelerating the uptake of innovative solutions throughout the Union addressing
climate, environmental, health, digital and other global challenges.

***A KDT Innovation Action (IA) primarily consists of activities aiming at technology or method
introduction, pilot lines, test beds, demonstrators, innovation pilots and zones of full-scale

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


IC Validation Engineer, RF-SoC Integration & Signal Processing
NXP, Hamburg
6/2022 – 12/2022 (7 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

6/2022 – 12/2022


*IC Validation Engineer of Radio Front-End (Analog/Digital) subsystem module of a next-generation Tuner

Business Line Radio Frequency Processing (RFP)

IC Validation Tasks:

-Validation of Radio Front-End (Analog/Digital) subsystem module of a next-generation Tuner.
-Port Test cases from UVM Verification Framework to Validation Framework. Use of ARM processor (M series and A series) / Memories(TCM/SRAM)/Peripherals Validation.
-Creation and Execution of Complex Scenarios of the Digital Part of the Radio Front End to FPGA and Silicon Testbench according to Test Specifications and Test Requirements.
-Use Lauterbach Development Tools (Lauterbach Debugger, Trace 32 for Rd/Wr/Debugging).
-Assess the overall RFEDig Block performance (From ADC to Decimator Filters, Data Packers (PCIe Frame Packer), Write Direct Memory Access (WDMA), AXI to APB Bridge, until the System Memory Subsystem or another ARM-Based Processor Block).
-Test of PCIe Bus Communication between RFdig Subsystem, Memory, and several ARM-Based Processors of the Chip.
-Compile C Code with Visual Studio and prepare Firmware for HW testing.
-Test C code drivers ( .dll,.h, .exe, etc.) for debugging purposes and Create and run Batch Scripts for quick automation and execution.
-Use of Quartus Prime and MAX10 FPGA as a protocol translator between PC and Prototype Boards (e.g. Serial to AXI) and update Verilog code to match the Digital Design of the ASIC.
-Sustain Matlab Framework and Test Scripts.
-Use CMake Structures for Validation SW Build Flow.
-Drive discussions on optimization Topics and Assist Bring-up.
-Utilisation of Git version control Tool and Bitbucket as Git repository management with best-in-class Jira integration for collaboration on source code, and guidance through the development flow.
-Work with Virtual Machine Environment (Exceed TurboX Client by OpenText) and Red hat Enterprise Linux OS.

Product info:
The Device belongs to the BL Automotive of NXP (Analog/Digital Radio and Audio) Portfolio.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


IC Post Silicon Validation Engineer
Infineon, Munich
1/2021 – 5/2022 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

1/2021 – 5/2022


*Post Silicon Verification of System Basis Chips (SBC)

Link: -Hyperlink entfernt-

IC Post Silicon Verification Tasks:

My contribution to this role is majorly based on the three following pillars.
First, to define and conclude the Product requirements (PRQs) among other stakeholders, e.g. IC Designers, Application Engineers, etc. This is performed majorly in a Product Development Process, Optimization tool (JAMA).

Second, to deploy the most effective (and in a time/cost efficient manner) verification strategy. This incorporates a full composition of the Testing Scenarios and Test cases in order to comply with a vast range of specifications (e.g. ISO 26262 - Functional Safety (FuSa), Automotive Electronics Council (AEC), ASIL-B, and the rest of Automotive standards). The concept and verification strategy of the above TCs and PRQs has also been performed in JAMA based environment.

Third, to develop the software needed to verify all of the above. This is done by the composition of Scripts in Matlab-based OVF (Open Verification Framework). These scripts simulate all the above, acquiring top-notch verification practices. A special selection of required Instruments (NI-PXI Systems, Teledyne-LeCroy, etc), Measurement Equipment, and Temperature Control Units is part of this step. Moreover, for different testing phases of the project different PCBs are used as they have been reviewed in the prior development phase.

Last but not least is to execute the Verification execution campaign and collect results, compose reports, and do Debugging/Software Optimization if/when needed. In the unfortunate event of an error due to HW then the JIRA ticketing system is utilized.

Product info:
An SBC is an integrated component that combines common system features required on Automotive ECUs such as: communication transceivers, voltage regulators, diagnostics and supervision functions, switches and wake inputs.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


IC Post Silicon Validation Engineer
Infineon, Munich
5/2020 – 1/2021 (9 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

5/2020 – 1/2021


*Post Silicon Verification of high-voltage (IGBT and SiC MOSFET) gate drivers, designed for automotive motors. (Project: EiceDRIVER™ Enhanced isolated gate driver IC).

Link: -Hyperlink entfernt-


IC Post Silicon Verification Tasks :

-Utilize the best methods for fast and accurate signal acquisition (Effort, Time, Level of Detail, Trade-offs).
-Simulation of various unwanted phenomena (Error Signal Injection, Delayed and Distorted Signals) to assess the Functional Safety (FUSA) Features of the High Voltage Driver IC.
-Develop Matlab, Scripts of Testing Scenarios that meet the verification criteria and use Matlab Framework and custom-made GUI tools for automatic and manual testing.
-Boards' rework when needed, to comply with the Testing Scenario and Extreme Working Conditions.
-Motherboard and Daughterboard Schematics review.
-Measurements over Temperature with the use of Thermostream "X-STREAM 4300" & "ATS-710-M THERMOSTREAM".
-Reports' generation and documentation classification for later use/study or audits from internal and external Auditors.

For a better comprehension of the Verification Campaign, some core Verification activities are provided:

-Measure the High Voltage Driver IC performance in every Mode according to the Operating Modes Diagram confirming the Data Sheet of the IC Device.
-Verify device features (e.g Over Current Protection (OCP), ShoutTrough Protection (STP), Desaturation protection input pin (DESAT), Gate monitoring input and Clamp output signal, Active short circuit function (ASC), etc.)
-Test the device under Overvoltage and Undervoltage Conditions on both the Primary and Secondary Side of the Device.
-Testing of the output DATA signal (PWM Pulses) indicating Single or Multiple Errors.
-Trigger Single/Multiple Failure Events and test of the Two-Level Turn Off (TLTOff) feature.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


IC Validation Engineer
Kandou, Laussane
11/2019 – 2/2020 (4 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

11/2019 – 2/2020


*IC Validation Engineer of High-Frequency/High Data Rate Digital Circuits.

-Definition of Testing Methodology for Manual and Automated Measurements of DC and High-Frequency/High Data Rate Signals.
-Scripts Development in Python Programming Language for integrated circuit validation,
-Characterization of in-house developed IC to test its performance over different technologies USB3, USB4, Display Port (DP), USB-C Thunderbolt 3.
-Development of test benches (using lab instruments, microcontroller and flashing of FPGA).
-Run silicon validation and characterization Campaign (Test Cases validating several blocks) for SerDes and Retimer products.
-Creation of Engineering Application Notes as well as Data Sheets and Compliance Specification Documents.
-Preparation of Hardware for the Marketing Department and customers, alignment with designers to provide the best IC Validation Methodology and LAB Testing Practices.
-Use of several LAB tools and Instruments such as Digital Signal Analysers, BERT, Pattern Generators, Digital Multimeters that were used for Tx / Rx measurements, Current measurements etc.
-Use and review of Evaluation Modules (EVM) and performing hardware PCB rework (Soldering/Unsoldering circuits and various modifications).

Project Name:
Matterhorn™ KB8001 (USB Type-C™ 40 Gb/s Multi-Protocol Switch and Bi-Directional Bit-Level Retimer).

Product Description:
For host or device applications, the KB8001 enables the system to pass both transceiver compliance and receiver jitter tolerance tests for USB4 Gen 2,3, USB3.2 Gen 1,2 (Gen1x1, Gen1x2, Gen2x1, and Gen2x2), DP version 1.4a [(RBR 1.62 Gb/s, HBR3 8.1 Gb/s, HBR2 5.4 Gb/s, HBR 2.7 Gb/s and RBR 1.62 GBd) x1, x2, x4], Thunderbolt 2, 3 [(10.3125 Gb/s, 20.625 Gb/s) single-lane operation, dual lane unbonded and dual-lane bonded operation].

Mobile PC, desktop PC and tablets Monitors, docking stations, and adapters External hard disk and solid-state drives, Gaming consoles, Active cables.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


RF System Integration and Validation Engineer
Intel, Munich
1/2016 – 7/2019 (3 Jahre, 7 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

1/2016 – 7/2019


*Contribution with respect to the following projects:
-XMM 7480 (SMARTi™ 6T), -XMM 7560 (SMARTi™ 7), -XMM 7660 (SMARTi™ 8), -XMM 8160 (SMARTi™ 9).

*On-Site Support at the client's (Apple) production site (Foxconn) in China Shenzhen.

*System Integration Tasks:

-Testing of Tx path and Rx path (Front End) of prototype transceivers.
-RF Measurements (SNR, De-sense/Sensitivity, ACLR, Blocking Testing, Leakage Path Investigation, Emissions Testing etc.) according to 3GPP Specs, Customer Specs, and Internal Specs.
-RF Setup Calibration and General Preparation of RFIC Test Campaign and Progress Tracking.
-System Debugging for Platform and Customer Issues.
-Evaluation and review of Board Design and proposals for modifications.
-Composition of new Documentation and Reports.
-Use of RF Instruments and Equipment (VNA, CMW500, Signal Generators, Power Supplies, RF Switching Units, Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, Logic Analyzer, Power Meters, and Soldering Station for PCB Rework).

*Silicon Validation Tasks:

-IC Envelope Tracker Validation and performance optimization.
-Testcases definition, creation (in Matlab or/and Intel proprietary Tool), Testcases execution, and result evaluation.
-Post-Silicon RF verification, debugging and optimisation of Transmitter in various Cellular Technologies including LTE, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, GSM, CDMA.
-Measurements both in non-signaling and signaling mode, in manual (In-Situ) and automated test setups.
-Current Measurements of the DCDC Blocs, syncing Tests of the Tracker, switching-state mode testing, and overall performance testing.
-ET Power consumption optimization, targeting Block's Ultra Low Power Consumption with maximization of efficiency as well as keeping Transmitted Power Performance to the optimum Levels.
-Testing of new FW (FBs/EBs) to the silicon.
-Memory Digital Pre-Distortion (mDPD) Feature Optimization.
-New silicon Bring Up.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


IC Post-Silicon Validation (Radio Frequency Front End) / System Validation
NXP, Hamburg
3/2015 – 11/2015 (9 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

3/2015 – 11/2015


*Hardware Validation of Silicon prototype: Saturn TV:
Saturn TV system is aiming to complete the analog Radio & TV offering of Business Line (BL) Car Entertainment. Its main purpose is to provide a monolithic integration of all relevant functions to support digital Radio & TV functionality for terrestrial Reception. Saturn is aiming to be an end to end solution, consisting of all required functions from tuner up to digital A/V outputs.

Validation Tasks :

-IC Blocks validation.
-Sensitivity measurements (Single and Dual Tuner).
-Adjacent Channel measurements (Single and Dual Tuner).
-Harmonics Rejection measurements & further harmonics influence investigation.
-Determining power amplifier quality and -Performance Characteristics, efficiency, and linearity: the third-order intercept (TOI point or IP3) and the 1-dB compression (P1dB) point.
-System performance testing.
-Execution of Testcases in Java Testing Environment with the use of JSON Script files.
-Execution of Testcases in Matlab Framework.
-Execution of Testcases in LabVIEW Framework.
-Integration of new instruments to the setup.
-Debugging and compose of technical reports.
-Analysis of extracted results and problems solving attitude.
-Collaboration with the designing team of the IC for improvements in design.
-Collaboration with software team regarding Testcases/Firmware verification.

The Scope of the IC Validation is to confirm the good functionality of the IC or show the areas where the solution is failing the specification or customer defined limits. All the conclusions are based on measured results and justified assumptions. In the main activities of the IC validation is the interaction with External/Internal departments/sectors (Suppliers, Customers, internal departments) and engineers/developers (Design team / Firmware Engineers) in order to assist the ongoing improvement of the product.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Staff Engineer - Hardware Developer / IC Validation Engineer
Ericsson, Lund
4/2014 – 9/2014 (6 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

4/2014 – 9/2014


*Hardware Validation of Silicon prototype DB7500R:

DB7500R is a Modem baseband processor that is part of the M7500 platform. The M7500 platform provides mobile equipment manufacturers with a complete and verified system solution for an LTE-FDD/LTE-TDD/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/GSM modem suitable for Smartphones & Tablets, notebooks, tablets, Mobile Internet Devices (MID), and Consumer Electronic (CE) devices with access to high-speed cellular data services, Machine-2-Machine (M2M)/Internet of Things (IOT), and USB modem.


Modem Sub-System (SoC) PLL blocks validation:

-Frequency & Lock-time measurements
-Current & Power Consumption measurements
-Jitter measurements & Crosstalk investigation
-Glitch-Free Clock Switches Validation
-Random Number Generator (RNG) Block Verification requirements definition and Validation plan.
-Noise sources investigation and signal Integrity at High-Speed Frequencies.
-Testing of the boards with IEEE 1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan (Joint Test Action Group (JTAG)
-Testing of embedded cores within system on chips (SoC) on the boards with IEEE 1500 standard.
-Compliance with Standards regarding EMC, CE vs EMI & ESD.
-Writing / optimizing OO Matlab Code in a way to be as robust and reusable as possible.
-Maintenance of Matlab testing framework used for Automated Testing.
-Source Code Management (SCM) and Distributed Revision Control using GIT software.
-Execution of the testing campaign (over Process/Voltage/Temperature) and evaluation of the results.
-Debugging and compose of technical reports.
-Bring-up preparation of the Chip.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Mixed-Signal and Audio Component Verification Engineer
Intel, Munich
1/2013 – 12/2013 (1 Jahr)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

1/2013 – 12/2013


*Mixed-signal and Audio Component Verification of silicon prototype A-GOLD™ 610 / A-GOLD™ 620:

A-GOLD™ 610 / A-GOLD™ 620 is a SoC (system on chip), designed in a 65nm low power CMOS process technology and is intended for use together with the X-GOLD™ DBB 3G (Digital BaseBand device) to create low cost 3G mobile terminals.
A-GOLD™ 610/620 integrates into one device a dual mode cellular RF transceiver (supporting GSM, GPRS, EDGE, W-CDMA and HSPA), Bluetooth (BT4.0), FM Radio receiver and transmitter, audio front end, analog measurement interface, as well as the power management unit providing all necessary supplies for the complete system.


-Design and Development of Automated Test Environment in Python.
-Creation of several test-cases (according to product specification) for measuring the I/O Audio quality and performance characteristics of the Chip.
-Execution of the testing campaign and evaluation of the results.
-Analyze and solve co-existence issues at silicon, substrate or board level.
-Debugging of the chip and compose of technical reports.
-Assist the bring-up procedure of the Chip.
-Review & Design of PCB's / Prototypes to enable validation of functionality; use them in validation tasks.
-Give feedbacks to the design team of the chip for design optimization purposes.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Test / Hardware Validation & Characterization Engineer
ST-Ericsson, Brussels
10/2011 – 10/2012 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

10/2011 – 10/2012


*Validation & Characterization of silicon prototype CG2910 &CG2905 [CG2910: Monolithic combo integrating NFC, GPS/GLONASS, Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and FM TX/RX. It is manufactured in 40nmCMOS technology and provided in a WLCSP package. The CG2910 is specially optimized for best in class power consumption with a very high level of integration.]

Core Duties:
1.Develop, run and optimize Automated tests for silicon prototypes (in Labview and TestStand).
2.Evaluate the Results.
3.Suggest solutions.


*Validation & Characterization of FM Connectivity chipset according to customer requirements and datasheets and internal test plants.
*Development of scripts for automated testing on various test equipment.
*Building regression test suites for automated testing of all functionality.
*Design of PCB's / Prototypes to enable validation of functionality; use them in validation tasks.
*Study of new features of FM Connectivity chipset.
*Characterization / Validation of antenna Prototypes to be in conjunction with the above Wireless chipset.
*Optimization of A.T.E. in terms of time limits and overall performance.
*Evaluation of tests results and issuing of technical reports.
*Collaboration with the project manager about project’s rescheduling.

General job description:

-Validation & Characterization of Connectivity chipsets (Bluetooth, FM, GPS, NFC, WLAN), according to customer requirements and datasheets and internal test plants.
-Development of scripts for automated testing on various test equipment.
-Building regression test suites for automated testing of all functionality.
-Design of PCB's / Prototypes to enable validation of functionality; use them in validation tasks.
-Study of new features of Connectivity chipsets (Bluetooth, FM, GPS, NFC, WLAN).
-Design and characterization / Validation of antenna Prototypes to be in conjunction with the above Wireless chipsets.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Avioncs Engineer / Maintenance Controller
Olympic AIR, Athens
5/2008 – 12/2009 (1 Jahr, 8 Monate)

5/2008 – 12/2009


Duties as an Avionic Engineer :

- Aircraft Maintenance. Including: Inspection, testing, adjustment, and repairing avionics equipment, such as radar, radio, navigation, auto-pilot, and compass systems, installed in aircrafts and helicopters, using hand tools and test equipment.
- Authorized to: extract Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) system Data & update GPS instrument with new maps.

Duties as a Maintenance Controller:

- Plan, organize, direct, and manage the maintenance and repair of aircraft, aircraft components, and aviation support equipment.
- Direct and manage the scheduling of aircraft, aircraft components, and aviation support equipment inspections.
- Inform the Aircraft Maintenance Officer of work progress and advise them on matters pertaining to maintenance and repair of aircraft, aircraft components, and aviation support equipment.
- Ensure the material condition.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Electronics & Telecommunications Engineer
Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Athens
10/2006 – 3/2007 (6 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

10/2006 – 3/2007


- Registration, Inspection and maintenance of VAR Telecommunication systems, via Automatic Test Equipment (A.T.E.).
- Maintenance of transceivers and major wireless communications systems (between aircrafts and ground segment).
- Design Electronic circuits via ORCAD, Circuit Cam, and Board Master -Software.
- Fabrication of PCBs using the PROTOMAT M300S.
- Laboratory tests to power suppliers and UPSs.
- In-situ test on Radio Detection And Ranging subsystems.
- Calibration of Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Several Clients, Athens
1/1996 – 12/2005 (10 Jahre)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

1/1996 – 12/2005


Maintenance of electronic Instruments and equipment.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen



Networking and Data Communications
Kingston University London
Electronics Engineering
Technological Educational Institute of Lamia

Über mich

-Experienced team player in international and multicultural environments. Worked in Research, Development, and Testing Domains. Proven very strong grasping power, strong responsibility sense, and multitasking capabilities.

-Operated in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Greece, Switzerland, the UK, Cyprus, and China. Living with the values of a "Global Citizen" and never missed a chance to serve as a volunteer for a humanitarian cause.

-Provided mentorship in Standardisation & Certification and assisted, as a member of a team in IP licensing as well as the Patent filing process.

-Having the ownership, custody, and commercial exploitation of the trademark with EUIPO ID:1387623.

-Contracted as an Expert of the European Commission, to assist in the evaluation of grant applications, projects, and tenders, and to provide opinions and advice in specific cases. (HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023)

-Nominated with the title of "Technology Prophet" for successfully predicting the rise of controversial technologies (against all odds) and participated in novel tech concepts inspiration along with a well-recognized Task-Force of Silicon Designers and System-Architects.

-Acted as "Investment Saviour" for many SMEs by effectively analyzing corporate risks and forecasting the market's offsets. Proposed successful business ideas and deployed resilient strategic plans along with a robust flawless execution.

Weitere Kenntnisse

-As a passionate researcher with strong analytical thinking and solid theoretical and practical background in RF, ICs & Data Communications, is genuinely Interested in the fields of:

Indoor Localisation, Ubiquitous Computing, RF Testing, System Integration, IC Validation, Post Silicon Verification, IC Characterisation, High Data Rate Communications, SerDes, Transceivers, Wireless Communications, 3GPP, 4G, 5G, 6G, Measurements, Data Acquisition & Automation, Automotive RADAR, AR/VR, Electrification, Smart Networks, Key Digital Technologies, DSP, Arm-based Architectures, V Model & Process Optimisation.

-Willing to undertake new assignments and lead challenging projects with demanding delivery outcomes and strict deadlines. Provide mentorship to team members and exhibit a winning attitude. Proficient in prioritizing when a moderate Budget and limited amount of resources is concerned, guaranteeing the highest ROI for Investors.

Persönliche Daten

  • Griechisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Gut)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
28 Jahre und 7 Monate (seit 06/1996)
6 Jahre


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