Lead Java Software developer
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- 20.02.2024
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
11/2022 – 11/2023
Current account webpage
- Bugfixing
- Implementing features
- Writing test (unit, integration, browser automation)
- Database and Process modeling
Technology: Angular, Java, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, Hibernate, Rational Software Architect, Wicket, Xpath
Angular, Apache Wicket, Hibernate (Java), Java (allg.), Oracle Database, Spring Framework, Xpath
3/2022 – 10/2022
Kitchen planning application
- Fixing bugs and unit testing
- Taking part in design and architectural decisions
- Mentoring junior developers
- Developing features
- Presenting results in front of the client (in German)
Technology: Java, Mapstruct, SpringBoot, cxf, PostgreSQL, Hibernate, JasperReports, Feign
Hibernate (Java), Java (allg.), Spring Framework
9/2019 – 2/2022
Project 3:
Integration project for a banking client
- Leading a team of developers
- Refining user stories with product owners
- Taking part in design and architectural decisions
- Mentoring junior developers
- Coordinating work
- Developing features
- Presenting results in front of the client (in German)
Technology: Java17, Mapstruct, SpringBoot, Kubernetes, Linux, Postgres, OpenApi, AsyncAPI, Kafka,
Ports and Adapters architecture, AVRO
Project 2:
Video analytics service platform
- Refactoring, dockerization
- Implementing REST and GraphQL endpoints
- Implementing tracing
- Mentoring junior developers
- Coordinating work
Technology: Python, OpenCV, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Docker, Kafka, GraphQL, MongoDB, redis, zipkin,
Socket.IO, FastAPI, uvicorn
Project 1:
Microservice solution for public service domain
- Taking care of the handover phase
- Writing user stories and documentation
- Designing and implementing features
- Implementing performance and security tests
- Presenting results to the client (German)
Technology: Java, Spring, Kafka, Docker, GitLab, Swagger, Oracle, KeyCloak, Splunk, JMeter,
Apache Kafka, Graphql, Mongodb, Oracle Database, Opencv, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Software Architecture, Docker, Java (allg.), Python, Serviceorientierte Architektur, Kubernetes, Representational State Transfer (REST)
10/2017 – 9/2019
Project 4:
Attendance management and accounting system
- Bugfixing and unit testing
- Implementing new features according to specification
Technology: Java, SVN, Struts, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Project 3:
System for financial predictions and calculations
- Bugfixing, unit testing and refactoring
- Implementing schema validation
- Code reviews and code quality
Technology: Java, JUnit, REST, Spring, Kafka, CXF, Struts, Git
Project 2:
Time and attendance management system
- Webservice implementation
- Implementing authentication, authorization and auditing
- Unit and integration tests, code reviews and code quality
Technology: Java, REST, JUnit, Spring, Spring Boot, MySQL, Flyway, JWT, Gitlab
Project 1:
Electronic identification system (testing and refactoring)
- Unit testing and integration testing
- Building a framework for integration testing
- Code quality improvements and code reviews
Technology: Java, Spring, JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock, WireMock, Checkstyle, H2, Git, Jenkins
Subversion, Jenkins, Junit, Apache Kafka, Mysql, Postgresql, Representational State Transfer (REST), Spring Framework, Apache Struts
12/2015 – 9/2017
Project 1:
REST webservice for searching in patent databases
- webservice design and development
- integration with existing services
- unit and component testing
- setup of build jobs
- design and implementation of query syntax
- implementation of a query translation tool between existing syntaxes
Technology: Java, RESTEasy, ANTLR, XSD, XSLT, JAXB, Swagger, Tomcat, JBoss, Bamboo, Kibana
Project 2:
Password reset service
- webservice design and development
- integration with existing authentication solution
Technology: Java, Spring Boot, Swagger, Tomcat, Bamboo
Apache Tomcat, Wildfly, Java (allg.), Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), Jira, Spring Framework, Representational State Transfer (REST), XSD (XML Schema Definition), XSLT (XSL Transformation)
6/2015 – 11/2015
Fast document store, maintenance phase
- bug fixing
- writing unit tests
- setup and configuration of project tools (Jira, Jenkins, Confluence...)
- minor bugfixes on frontend
- Jira administration
Technology: Java, SOAP and REST, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Jira, JSF, WebSphere, Linux, Checkstyle, Git
Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL), Postgresql, WebSphere, Git, Jira, SOAP, Javaserver Faces, Representational State Transfer (REST)
12/2013 – 5/2015
Project 1:
SOAP webservice for fingerprint image processing
- webservice implementation
- improving test suite throughput by batch processing
- end-to-end testing, load testing
Technology: Java, SOAP, Hibernate, JPOX, Spring AOP, Spring Integration, Spring Data JPA, MySQL,
Apache Axis, Apache CXF, Tomcat, Linux, Bash, RabbitMQ, Grinder, JUnit, Powermock, Eclipse,
FindBugs, Ant, Maven, SVN
Project 2:
Graph database project for a logistics company, maintenance phase
- automation of testing and reporting
- implementing a tool for parsing application logs and generating Emails
Technology: Java, JavaFX, SQL, Windows batch files
Apache Maven, Apache Tomcat, Bash Shell, Hibernate (Java), Java (allg.), Jenkins, Junit, SOAP, Spring Framework
11/2013 – 2/2014
- writing SQL scripts and embedding them into the Grün VEWA software
- designing UI components and print layout
- writing feature documentation
Slovenska Technicka Univerzita
Slovenska Technicka Univerzita
Über mich
Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat dies zu einer erfolgreichen Berufserfahrung in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungsbereichen geführt – vom Bankwesen über den öffentlichen Dienst bis hin zu Küchenplanungssoftware. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich die Möglichkeit hatte, an all diesen interessanten Projekten mitzuarbeiten und ein Teamkollege (in manchen Fällen sogar leitende Entwickeler) zu sein, der sein Bestes gibt, um seine Kollegen zu unterstützen, Hindernisse zu beseitigen und die tägliche Arbeit zu erleichtern.
Ich verliere nie den Blick für das große Ganze und es ist für mich wichtig zu verstehen, wie die einzelnen Teile so zusammenpassen, dass sie am besten funktionieren. Ich bevorzuge Zuverlässigkeit, Wartbarkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bei Projekten und lege großen Wert auf die Auswahl der am besten geeigneten, ausgereiften Komponenten und Werkzeuge für die jeweilige Aufgabe.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Sprachkenntnisse - Fließend in 5 Sprachen
Persönliche Daten
- Slowakisch (Muttersprache)
- Ungarisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Tschechisch (Fließend)
- Portugiesisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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